Health Ideas, Tips & Guides

What medicines would we pack for a trip to Mars? -

What medicines would we pack for a trip to Mars?

Header image: Terrae Novae destinations: Mars. Credit: ESA–Olivier Pâques

25 best indoor plants for oxygen and air purifying -

25 best indoor plants for oxygen and air purifying

One of the easiest ways to improve air quality in your home is to introduce plants.  This roundup of the best indoor plants for oxygen and air purification covers lots of fantastic options that will help keep your indoor space healthy.

21 Vastu Plants for Home for Health, Harmony & Wealth - - India

21 Vastu Plants for Home for Health, Harmony & Wealth

Like Feng Shui, which emphasizes on growing plants at home, Vastu also promotes the same approach to bring positivity to life. Vastu Plants for Home attract good vibes, helping in balancing the flow of energies and promote a positive flow of chi.

Pomegranate Growing & Health - - Britain - Iran

Pomegranate Growing & Health

The pomegranate is a native of Iran and Pakistan. The shrub or small tree bears bright red flowers and juicy, if seedy fruit. Even if placed in the sunniest, warmest part of the garden they will suffer in the UK but with global warming who knows.

Revising Your Recipes for Health …. And How to Make Your Spaghetti Extra Nutritious! - - Usa - Italy

Revising Your Recipes for Health …. And How to Make Your Spaghetti Extra Nutritious!

Many of our tried and true recipes and dishes can be ‘modified’ to increase vegetables, fiber, and fruits by making simple adjustments to meals we already eat. Many of us love watching chefs on TV but tend to go back to old favorites, i.e., macaroni and cheese, potato salad, beef stew, soup, fried chicken, broccoli casserole, spaghetti, etc.

Health Extension for Diabetes - - Usa

Health Extension for Diabetes

Even though a diabetes diagnosis might be intimidating, it is possible to live a normal and healthy life with diabetes, but learning proper diabetes management and beneficial lifestyle changes is essential.

National Women’s Health Week - - Usa

National Women’s Health Week

Mother’s Day is the kickoff to National Women’s Health Week each year. The initiative encourages women and girls to make their health a priority. The CDC has found that women make up two out of three caregivers in the United States. This means women who are caregivers provide daily or regular support to children, adults, or those with chronic illnesses or disabilities. Women who have a role as a caregiver are at a greater risk of developing poor physical and mental health. To reduce this risk, women can practice preventive care. Preventive care can minimize the risk of chronic diseases and help detect any issues early so that a treatment plan can be made.

Growing Health -

Growing Health

Gardening and health are intrinsically linked. In order to eat healthy, we must first grow healthy foods. Working in the yard or the garden can provide us with physical activity. And, of course, the foods we grow can provide us with essential vitamins and nutrients to power our bodies.

Why Does Soil Health Matter? Starting with Soil Organisms -

Why Does Soil Health Matter? Starting with Soil Organisms

By now, everyone involved with gardening or growing plants has heard the term “soil health” thrown around. What is soil health, and why is it important?

Doodle by andre: hazardous to your health - - Jordan

Doodle by andre: hazardous to your health

THANK GOODNESS WE HAVE ANDRE JORDAN to warn us of the dangers all around us in this hazardous hobby of ours. I confess that even though I tried to exhibit restraint in this year’s seed orders, a few extra things have found their way into my stash.

Tomato health check: blossom end rot, anyone? - - state Michigan - state Massachusets - county Lake

Tomato health check: blossom end rot, anyone?

Blossom end rot, which (just as it sounds) is a rotting of the fruit that begins as a watery spot on the blossom end, also affects peppers and eggplants. It’s a physiologic disorder—not something caused by a virus or fungus or bacteria, like so many other tomato ailments, but rather by physical stressors that prevent the fruit from taking up enough Calcium to come to ripeness in prime condition.The watery spot transitions to a dry, sunken lesion (it looks as good as it sounds, above, served up on a non-silver spoon).Why the deficiency of Calcium, though? What did I do wrong? Various factors can bring it about, including soil that suddenly goes dry (as in a fierce heatwave), excessive fluctuations in soil moisture, over-application of high-Nitrogen fertilizers (not guilty!), roo

Health Benefits Of Mint: Homegrown Mint Medicinal Uses - - Antarctica

Health Benefits Of Mint: Homegrown Mint Medicinal Uses

Natural herbs have been the cure and prevention for many health issues for centuries. These were often delivered in the form of teas, tinctures, and balms. The medicinal properties of mint have been lauded through the years, with many benefits touted. In the modern age, however, we may wonder, is mint good for you? Mint health benefits encompass aromatherapy, digestive enhancement, and as a decongestant, among others. Mint is readily available as an oil, dried tea, and is very easy to grow in the garden.

15 Amazing Health Benefits of Soursop Leaves -

15 Amazing Health Benefits of Soursop Leaves

The Health Benefits of Soursop Leaves are many and that makes it one of the most important plant you can have in your collection.

11 Houseplants to Improve Your Mental Health (According to Science) -

11 Houseplants to Improve Your Mental Health (According to Science)

Research at the Department of Horticulture Sciences, Korea, reveals that growing Houseplants to Improve your Mental Health is the best way to lower daily stress.

Trees Are a ‘Must-Have’ Medicine When Addressing Mental Health - - Usa - Germany

Trees Are a ‘Must-Have’ Medicine When Addressing Mental Health

A thriving urban forest can plant the seed of wellness in the minds and hearts of people navigating the dense brush of mental illness. 

Natural-source fertilizers help create healthy and health-giving soil -

Natural-source fertilizers help create healthy and health-giving soil

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

Brian Minter: Kiwis are a great investment when it comes to health -

Brian Minter: Kiwis are a great investment when it comes to health

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

Health Benefits of Rose Hips -

Health Benefits of Rose Hips

Roses are a symbol of romance and passion, but did you know this plant can also be a source of nutrition?Rose hips are the edible a

Men’s Health: How to Gain Points for Your Scorecard -

Men’s Health: How to Gain Points for Your Scorecard

June is National Men’s Health Month. We all have different health needs, but when it comes to men and women, biological and social differences require specific focuses on health. Guys, let’s take a look to see if you are “hitting a home run” with your health.

8 Bee Balm Benefits | Health Benefits of Bee Balm -

8 Bee Balm Benefits | Health Benefits of Bee Balm

Native to North America, this plant is popular for its bright, fragrant flowers that attract various pollinators, making it an excellent addition to any garden. In addition to this, there are many Bee Balm Benefits that will surely tempt you into growing it.

15 Healing Houseplants That Can Improve Your Health - - Britain

15 Healing Houseplants That Can Improve Your Health

There are indoor plants that look not only good but also promote healthy living. These Healing Houseplants can Improve your Health in many ways–promoting good mood, lowering stress level, and improving sleep quality are some of the benefits!

70 Great Edible Flowers To Flavor Your Food and Improve Your Health - - Usa

70 Great Edible Flowers To Flavor Your Food and Improve Your Health

Check out our all-inclusive list of Edible Flowers To Flavor Your Food and Improve Your Health.

Why Are Tomatoes Good For You? 10 Health Benefits Of Tomatoes - - Usa

Why Are Tomatoes Good For You? 10 Health Benefits Of Tomatoes

They’re the most popular homegrown garden vegetable in the US, but are tomatoes healthy? The answer is yes. Tomatoes are a low fat, low sugar food which contains several essential vitamins and minerals. Additionally, tomatoes are one of the best dietary sources of lycopene, the antioxidant pigment which gives them their bright red color.

How to Use Dandelions for Food and Health | Gardener's Path -

How to Use Dandelions for Food and Health | Gardener's Path

As cheerful and innocuous as the lowly dandelion is, it ranks among America’s most hated plants. People will resort to almost anything to get rid of them, from prying them up by their seemingly endless taproots to dousing them with toxic chemicals. The things we’ll do for a pure lawn.But as most modern herbalists know,

10 Best Indoor Plants to Improve Your Health and Home -

10 Best Indoor Plants to Improve Your Health and Home

If some of the best indoor houseplants have taken over your interiors, seemingly sprawling across bookshelves, side tables and kitchen countertops, you're not alone. Sales of leafy green flora have soared over the past couple of years as many spend more time indoors; they've been a hit on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where there are more than 9 million posts tagged #HousePlants. While the greenery brightens up your space and certainly looks cute, experts believe your indoor plants may be good for your health, too.

Health Benefits of Caraway Seeds - - Britain - Iran - Germany

Health Benefits of Caraway Seeds

Herbs and spices can add flavor to your meals.But did you know they’re also

Pumpkin Seeds: Nutrition and Health Benefits -

Pumpkin Seeds: Nutrition and Health Benefits

When I think of fall, pumpkins automatically come to mind. Or, to be more specific, pumpkin pie, cake, rolls, and lattes…But what about all of the seeds that are lef

Health Benefits of Parsnips -

Health Benefits of Parsnips

The cooler months just scream root vegetables to me. Maybe it’s because I’m a dietitian, but I look forward to it every year.One root veggie that I ge

Health Benefits of Kohlrabi - - Britain - Germany

Health Benefits of Kohlrabi

It may have a funny name, but the health benefits of kohlrabi are no laughing matter!We link to vendors to hel

Health Benefits of Turnip Greens -

Health Benefits of Turnip Greens

Like their cousins collard and mustard, turnip greens are perhaps best known for appearing alongside some type of fatty pork.While the pork brings the flav

Health Benefits of Beets - - China

Health Benefits of Beets

Long before beets were ever considered a food, they were used as herbal medicine.Surprising, right?

Poisonous Plants: 11 Common Varieties are a Health Risk - -  California

Poisonous Plants: 11 Common Varieties are a Health Risk

Walking outdoors with your new puppy, a growing child, or a curious cat can cause you to panic when they start touching, sniffing, or chewing strange leaves (or one of your precious azaleas).I know I always start to worry when my cat walks through the garden with me.Th

Health Benefits of Collard Greens - - Usa - Italy - Spain - Brazil - Portugal

Health Benefits of Collard Greens

If you’re from the northern US like me, collard greens may not be a regular item on your dinner table.A side dish staple of the South, collard greens can mak

Chicory Health Benefits and Uses - - Greece - Belgium

Chicory Health Benefits and Uses

Herbs and roots have been used in alternative medicine for centuries, and chicory is no exception.What is this mystical plant, and does it really

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