Join Emma

Growing heirloom veg hydroponically: GotG14 - - China - Britain - Ireland - Eu

Growing heirloom veg hydroponically: GotG14

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma explores some exciting interplanetary plant news and talks about two projects growing in the Orbital Garden – heritage hydroponics and space chiles.

Seeds with Space Stories: GotG15 - - Usa - Australia

Seeds with Space Stories: GotG15

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma recaps the latest space plant news and then talks about some of the seeds with space stories.

Growing Drugs in Space: GotG17 - - Usa - China

Growing Drugs in Space: GotG17

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma recaps important spacecraft Arrivals and Departures and learns about growing nutrients and medicines in space. There’s a new plant experiment running on the International Space Station, and exciting news from ESA.

Helen Sharman’s Project Juno Mission: GotG22 - - Britain

Helen Sharman’s Project Juno Mission: GotG22

Thirty years ago, Helen Sharman blasted off on her Project Juno mission, becoming the first British astronaut and the first woman to visit the Mir space station. Join Emma the Space Gardener to discover how Helen was chosen for the mission, the plants she grew on Mir, and what happened to the pansy seeds she took into space.

The Space Plant Experiment You’ll Never Forget! GotG27 -

The Space Plant Experiment You’ll Never Forget! GotG27

Gardeners of the Galaxy has completed its first solar orbit! Join Emma the Space Gardener for a birthday celebration and learn how GotG got started, hear the story of a space plants experiment you’ll never forget, and find out which plant Emma would choose to take into space.

NASA’s Gioia Massa on growing plants on the International Space Station: GotG10 -

NASA’s Gioia Massa on growing plants on the International Space Station: GotG10

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! Emma’s guest on this week’s show is Dr Gioia Massa, a Project Scientist at the NASA Kennedy Space Center, working on the Veggie growing system on the International Space Station. Gioia talks about the challenges of growing plants in space, those blooming space zinnias, and when we might see astronauts eating their first space tomato!

DIY astrobiologist Elliot Roth on growing edible algae in space: GotG8 - - state Hawaii

DIY astrobiologist Elliot Roth on growing edible algae in space: GotG8

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma talks to analog astronaut Elliot Roth, who recently spent two weeks in a simulated Moon mission. Find out why Elliot thinks we should pack algae when we leave Earth, and why we’d be better settling on Venus than Mars.

Mars Summer and Space Peppers: GotG2 - - Germany - New York - Chile - Jordan

Mars Summer and Space Peppers: GotG2

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores cultivating the cosmos, planting planets and sowing seeds in space. The second episode of Gardeners of the Galaxy includes a look at the current state of plant experiments on the International Space Station, a rundown of the missions on their way to Mars and a sneak peek at the future of space chillies. And there’s a seed giveaway too!

Attack of the Killer Space Tomatoes! GotG26 -

Attack of the Killer Space Tomatoes! GotG26

Join Emma the Space Gardener in the Gardeners of the Galaxy time machine to learn about the time that NASA encouraged schoolchildren all over the world to grow killer mutant space tomatoes. That can’t be right, can it?

Rice from Heaven: Chinese Space Plants (GotG28) - - China

Rice from Heaven: Chinese Space Plants (GotG28)

Join Emma the Space Gardener on the Tiangong space station to learn about China’s botanical experiments in space, and why Chinese consumers are eagerly awaiting rice from heaven. Plus – what was the first plant grown in space?

Space plant biologist Javier Medina on growing plants in space: GotG9 - - Spain

Space plant biologist Javier Medina on growing plants in space: GotG9

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! Emma’s guest on the show this week is Dr Javier Medina, a Space Plant Biologist with the Spanish National Research Council. He talks about why it’s essential we grow plants in space, what we’ve learned from his experiments, and when there might be a greenhouse on the Moon!

Astrobiologist Grace Crain on growing plants in astronaut waste: GotG18 - - Netherlands - Japan

Astrobiologist Grace Crain on growing plants in astronaut waste: GotG18

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma talks to Grace Crain, a researcher on the MELiSSA project developing circular life support systems. 

Bees in Space: GotG25 -

Bees in Space: GotG25

How will we pollinate plants in space? Join Emma the Space Gardener to discover why future space crops will need pollination, and how that might be achieved. And learn the history of bees in space, and whether our buzzy friends will be joining us on future space missions.

Plant biologist Karl Hasenstein on growing radishes in space: GotG13 - - Usa

Plant biologist Karl Hasenstein on growing radishes in space: GotG13

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! Emma’s guest on this week’s show is Dr Karl Hasenstein, the Principal Investigator for the Plant Habitat-02 experiment, which is currently growing radishes on the International Space Station.

Christine Escobar on growing water plants in space: GotG11 -

Christine Escobar on growing water plants in space: GotG11

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! Emma’s guest on this week’s show is Christine Escobar, VP of Space Lab Technologies. Christine talks about the wonderful microgravity lilypond, and the company’s plans to put a greenhouse on Mars.

What would houseplant expert Jane Perrone grow in space? GotG7 -

What would houseplant expert Jane Perrone grow in space? GotG7

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma talks to houseplant expert Jane Perrone about which plants she would take into space.

Educator Michael Wilkinson is bringing astrobotany into classrooms: GotG12 -

Educator Michael Wilkinson is bringing astrobotany into classrooms: GotG12

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! Emma’s guest on this week’s show is Michael Wilkinson, a teacher who’s bringing astrobotany into classrooms with Michael talks about the ExoLab series of experiments, which ‘leguminaut’ is blasting off in 2021, and how a Bitmoji teacher will be able to tag along for the ride!

Houseplants in Space: GotG3 - - Canada - India - Taiwan - state Florida

Houseplants in Space: GotG3

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! There’s some great news for space gardeners this week, involving space to grow in, bricks to build with and… hibernating squirrels. And you can discover how many plants it would take to provide your own personal oxygen supply, and what would make a good houseplant in space. Oh, and there’s still time to enter the chilli seed giveaway!

What Were the First Seeds in Space? GotG4 - - Britain - India - Russia - Japan - Australia

What Were the First Seeds in Space? GotG4

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma takes the time machine for a spin to explore the early history of seeds in space. Plus you’ll find out which plants will be best for terraforming Mars, why greenhouses may soon be made from solar panels, what’s included in a Russian space tourist package and more!

Aquaculture in Space: GotG19 - - China - Egypt - Mexico - Antarctica

Aquaculture in Space: GotG19

Aquaculture is farming in water. Can we do that in space? Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond!

Astronematode, predatory worms in space: GotG6 -

Astronematode, predatory worms in space: GotG6

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma finds out which plant experiments are on their way to the International Space Station and talks to the people behind the Astronematode mission that sent predatory worms into space!

Space plant biologist John Z. Kiss on growing plants without gravity: GotG5 -

Space plant biologist John Z. Kiss on growing plants without gravity: GotG5

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma talks to Dr John Z Kiss, space plant biologist. Dr Kiss has worked on eight plant experiments that flew in space and made exciting discoveries about how plants respond to light and gravity.

Food for Mars and Moon with Wieger Wamelink (GotG36) -

Food for Mars and Moon with Wieger Wamelink (GotG36)

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she talks to Dr Wieger Wamelink about how he became a space farmer, his experiments growing plants on Moon and Mars soil simulants, the importance of developing off-world ecosystems, and whether we can bring pet chickens to Mars!

Roses in Space (GotG51) - - state Wisconsin

Roses in Space (GotG51)

It’s Valentine’s Day on Earth, and love is definitely in the recycled air in the Orbital Garden! Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores the history of roses in space, and an art project that imagines a future for roses on Mars.

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