Cucumber Ideas, Tips & Guides

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – September 13, 2021 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – September 13, 2021

Zack Snipes reports, “We had a heavy downpour of rain last week, surpassing 2.5 inches in some spots. I am seeing downy mildew in cucumbers and lots of gummy stem blight in winter squash and pumpkins. The worm pressure has lessened in the past few weeks. I am seeing lots and lots of black rot in transplanted brassicas. Inspect your plants before planting them to make sure the disease is not coming from the nursery. Once a brassica is planted in the field, there is not much we can do to slow the spread except hope that environmental conditions (rain, humidity) are not conducive to spread the disease. I am also seeing lots of early weed pressure in fall planted crops on both bare-ground and plastic. We have some very good herbicide options to apply preplant. However, once you plant the crop, we have very few herbicides that can be used over the top of the crop. Right now is the time to get down strawberry herbicides before the season starts. As the old proverb goes: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – June 6, 2022 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – June 6, 2022

Rob Last reports, “Insect and disease activity is increasing in the area, across a broad range of crops. In cucurbits, we are seeing powdery mildew and gummy stem blight in watermelon. Remember to keep spray intervals tight. Loopers are also being found in the area, and applications to manage rind worms will be beneficial as we rapidly approach harvest. Fusarium wilt of watermelons is showing up in many fields. At this stage, there is no effective treatment; however, soil temperatures are likely to reduce the incidence of new infections. Tomatoes and peppers are developing well with Southern blight and bacterial wilt in evidence. Spider mites are very active right now. Blackberries are just coming to harvest with good flavor and quality. Remember to scout your crops regularly to ensure timely applications can be made.”

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – May 23, 2022 - - Georgia

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – May 23, 2022

Rob Last reports, “As we see temperatures increase, strawberry flowering is reducing. Plants are still heavy with fruit, so managing diseases such as anthracnose and botrytis through fungicides and sanitation are key. Pests and diseases in cucurbits are currently low. With watermelon and cantaloupes, a gap in fungicide protection of 7 days can lead to disease. Given the increased chances of rainfall, we are increasing protection against gummy stem blight. Cucurbit downy mildew is active in South Georgia, so any cucumber growers should be prepared to apply fungicides. Some additional rainfall in the area would be most welcome.”

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report- 6/27/22 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report- 6/27/22

Zack Snipes reports, “It is hot and very, very dry in the Lowcountry. We desperately need some rain on the coast. Many irrigation ponds are at very low levels and may only have a week or so of water left. Peppers and other crops are wilting during the day, leaving fruit exposed which is causing lots of sunburn and sunscald.  Other than it being very dry, our crops look amazing. The tomato and pepper crops are absolutely loaded right now. The markets, however, aren’t very good and lots of produce is being left in the fields.  The heat and constant harvest of many crops have allowed spider mite populations to explode.  We need to get on top of these to squeak out as much yield as possible and lower on-farm populations so that the fall crop doesn’t get inundated with them.

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – September 6, 2022 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – September 6, 2022

Zack Snipes reports, “It rained every day last week, and we ended up with over 8 inches. Field conditions are really soupy right now, and growers have had problems getting into some fields. Beware of plant diseases. With all the moisture we had last week, things could get ugly.”

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report- July 5, 2022 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report- July 5, 2022

Rob Last reports, “Disease pressure is likely to continue to increase given the recent welcome rainfall. Gummy stem blight can be found in cucurbit fields along with downy mildew in cucumbers and watermelons. Maintain vigilance and regular applications to manage these diseases. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant all look good, with evidence of sunscald in most crops. Again, bacterial spot and fungal diseases are likely to increase in these crops too.”

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report- August 22, 2022 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report- August 22, 2022

Justin Ballew reports, “We had a few rain events last week, and temperatures were a little cooler. Fall planted crops are growing really well right now, but due to the recent moisture, we need to pay close attention to our disease management programs. In pecans, I’m not seeing many additional nuts dropping. Hopefully, we won’t lose any more between now and harvest. Scab is still being managed well, but we are seeing some signs of black aphids. The treatment threshold for black aphids from now to harvest is 15% of terminals (check all the leaflets on a terminal bud) have one adult aphid and nymph cluster present.”

What Is It? Wednesday – Squash Beetle Trenching -

What Is It? Wednesday – Squash Beetle Trenching

The light-colored tissue we see here is the result of squash beetle behavior known as “trenching.” Trenching cuts off (at least temporarily) the translocation of cucurbitacin defense compounds to preserve the palatability and quality of the squash foliage feeding site. The beetles in this particular field were sprayed and killed after trenching this section of the leaf, so the yellow tissue remains and was not eaten. Similar behavior occurs with other insects, such as dogbane leaf beetles.

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – March 27, 2023 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – March 27, 2023

Zack Snipes reports, “Things are really moving with the nice weather recently. We are in the period where we are harvesting and planting and getting fields ready. Growers are extremely busy. The late spring or early summer crops that were bitten by the cold a few weeks ago seem to have bounced back and are now in an aggressive growth phase. I received some photos of cucumber beetles and yellow-margined leaf beetles in Asian greens and other mustard-type greens this week. These pests are very persistent and need to be managed with broad-spectrum insecticides on a 5-7 day interval for a few weeks. We need to get on top of the populations before the numbers get out of control. I visited a few strawberry fields this past week and guess what I found???…spider mites and gray mold…shocking right?  We cannot plant strawberries, walk away, and expect good yields and healthy fruit. This grower had botrytis (gray mold) on 99.999999% of his berries.”

Preserving Freshness: The Basics of Food Preservation -

Preserving Freshness: The Basics of Food Preservation

Food preservation is an age-old practice that has allowed us to enjoy fresh food throughout the year. From refrigeration to freezing or pickling to drying, there are countless ways to keep your food from spoiling. Whether you’re a seasoned home cook, an experienced gardener, or a beginner, understanding the basics of food preservation is essential for reducing waste and saving money.

Say “No” to Old Pickle Recipes -

Say “No” to Old Pickle Recipes

“I recently made homemade dill pickles by my grandmother’s recipe; I have made pickles by this recipe for a very long time. This year the pickles were bubbling when I opened them. There is a white film in the jars. They taste just fine, but I am wondering if they are safe to eat. Here is the recipe:

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – April 24, 2023 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – April 24, 2023

Tom Bilbo reports, “Cyclamen mites are another pest mite of [possible] concern for SC growers, and you should know what to look for as I have confirmed their presence on several farms this spring, and several county agents have detected them in previous years. These mites are smaller than spider mites and require a microscope to see them, so you must look for their symptoms—stunted plants (see red circle in picture), crinkled/deformed leaves, small leaves, shrunken fruit with protruding seeds. If you see these symptoms and cannot attribute them to another cause (e.g. stunted plants from transplanting crowns too deep), contact your local county agent to assist with collecting samples and confirming their presence. My lab has ongoing research this spring to collect and confirm the occurrence of cyclamen mites in SC to better determine their pest status.”

Doodle by andre: in a total pickle -

Doodle by andre: in a total pickle

WHO WILL WIN THE RACE TO THE FINISH LINE: the cucumbers, or the frost? Andre the doodler emailed me the other day for a pickle recipe, so I’m thinking he’s busy trying to put his money on the cukes, hoping that they all get into jars before the first wintry blast interferes. (And by the way, his rescued pit bull’s name: Pickle.

Quick & Simple Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Recipe -

Quick & Simple Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Recipe

Sweet pickles are popular in the summer, and this recipe will keep you coming back for more.

How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes -

How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes

To make your gardening a little fun and interesting, here’s all the information on How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes in pots!

13 Most Productive Vegetables for a Balcony and Patio Garden - - Switzerland

13 Most Productive Vegetables for a Balcony and Patio Garden

Transform your home into a flourishing garden with the Most Productive Vegetables for a Balcony and Patio Garden, ensuring a plentiful yield in limited space and enhancing your green thumb experience.

How To Freeze Cucumbers The Right Way - - Britain

How To Freeze Cucumbers The Right Way

Freezing cucumbers doesn’t always come to mind as an option to preserve your abundance, but it’s actually quite easy and useful.

How to Treat Powdery Mildew Using Homemade and Organic Remedies - - state Washington

How to Treat Powdery Mildew Using Homemade and Organic Remedies

If you live in a temperate zone, chances are that you have encountered powdery mildew in your garden.Powdery mildew is a worldwide menace, with hundreds of specie

Invite these 10 Pollinators to Have the Most Productive Garden -

Invite these 10 Pollinators to Have the Most Productive Garden

Invite these Pollinators to Have the Most Productive Garden and maximize your garden’s yield. Discover how attracting these valuable creatures can enhance your gardening experience and ensure bountiful harvests for years to come.

12 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why -

12 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why

If you want to boost the productivity and flavor of your crops in the garden, then check out this list of Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why.

Is Drinking Watermelon Juice as Good for You as Eating the Fruit Itself? -

Is Drinking Watermelon Juice as Good for You as Eating the Fruit Itself?

Summer—aka watermelon season—is officially here. While many typecast this juicy seasonal favorite as a special treat to indulge in after spending the day out in the sun, watermelon is actually full of nutrition. While there are many ways to enjoy the irresistible fruit, the latest trend is juice form—but is this popular juice fad actually good for you or just another sugar-laden health gimmick? Here’s what to know.

How Many Cucumbers Per Plant? Tips to Boost Yield -

How Many Cucumbers Per Plant? Tips to Boost Yield

When you plant cucumbers in your garden do you wonder how many cucumbers per plant you can expect to harvest? I know I do because I want to make sure I’ve got enough to provide months of crunchy fruits, but not so many that we’re overwhelmed. Plus, I like to make a couple of batches of pickles each summer and that means I need a generous supply of pickling cucumbers. Below I look at the different types of cucumbers and how that impacts production as well as easy strategies you can use to maximize cucumber yield. 

4 Ways to Share the Garden Harvest Bounty -

4 Ways to Share the Garden Harvest Bounty

This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Gardeners by nature are very generous

Growing Summer Squash Vertically -

Growing Summer Squash Vertically

This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Summer squash are among the

How to Grow Cucumbers - - India

How to Grow Cucumbers

This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Cucumbers are a s

Natural Bee Repellents for Home and Garden -

Natural Bee Repellents for Home and Garden

Bees are essential for the home garden and the planet. But for people with allergies (or other reasons) who may want to avoid bees, there are natural ways to minimize bees in your home and outdoor areas. From DIY sprays to strategically placed plants, herbs, and spices, here's how to repel these valuable pollinators without harming them and the environment around you.

14 Powerful DIY Cucumber Fertilizers You Should Try Once! -

14 Powerful DIY Cucumber Fertilizers You Should Try Once!

Overfeeding your cucumbers can be an alarming issue inhibiting their growth. It is important to use a balanced feed to help the vines produce a good harvest. Try out these DIY Cucumber Fertilizers for a healthy yield!

Bamboo Plant Supports for Gardens and Raised Beds -

Bamboo Plant Supports for Gardens and Raised Beds

Bamboo plant supports are the perfect supports for tall and vining vegetables like tomatoes, pole beans, and cucumbers. They’re strong and sturdy, so they serve a practical purpose, but they’re also extremely ornamental and add a natural element to the garden. Plus, there are many types of bamboo structures for every sized space, including containers. In this article, we’re going to share some of our favorite bamboo staking and trellising products, offer advice on when and how to use them, and the best plants to pair with these attractive structures.

How to Avoid Bitter Cucumbers and Grow Sweet and Juicy Fruits -

How to Avoid Bitter Cucumbers and Grow Sweet and Juicy Fruits

Extreme differences in temperatures like too cold or too hot, along with a lack of water, can make the fruits taste bitter.

Brian Minter: What you can still plant in June in your Metro Vancouver gardens - - Usa

Brian Minter: What you can still plant in June in your Metro Vancouver gardens

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

Tips and tricks for planting first vegetable garden - - Switzerland

Tips and tricks for planting first vegetable garden

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

Coronavirus: Week Five -

Coronavirus: Week Five

Is it week five? To be honest, I haven’t a clue any more, it’s all merging together.

9 DIY Baby Crib Ideas | Uses For Old Baby Cribs In The Garden - - county Garden

9 DIY Baby Crib Ideas | Uses For Old Baby Cribs In The Garden

Make a unique herb garden using an old baby crib to keep it indoors or outdoors. Check out the step-by-step tutorial here.

What is Tinda Vegetable | Tinda Growing Information - - China - Britain - India - Australia - Indonesia

What is Tinda Vegetable | Tinda Growing Information

If you’re looking to grow Tinda, a popular vegetable in Indian cuisine, you’ve come to the right place. Our guide provides all the essential details on Tinda Growing Information.

Epsom Salt For Peppers To Improve Productivity & Taste -

Epsom Salt For Peppers To Improve Productivity & Taste

Pepper is a warm season vegetable like tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants. The right time to start pepper seeds indoors is during the late winters or early spring. Once spring approaches, the seeds need to be transferred into the garden outdoors or desired pots.

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Welcome to, your ultimate gardening destination! In this section, we'll immerse ourselves in the world of cucumbers - the cool and refreshing fruits that bring a delightful crunch to our salads, pickles, and snacks. They are a popular and refreshing fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable in culinary applications.

Cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and is scientifically known as Cucumis sativus. It is believed to have originated in South Asia and have been cultivated for thousands of years.

Cucumbers are cylindrical in shape, with a smooth green skin and edible seeds inside. They have a high water content, which gives them their characteristic juicy and crisp texture.

They are often enjoyed raw, either sliced as a refreshing snack or added to salads for a cool and crunchy element. Apart from their use in salads, cucumbers are also popular for making pickles, where they are preserved in vinegar or brine for a tangy and flavorful condiment. In some cuisines, cucumbers are used to make refreshing beverages like cucumber water or cucumber lemonade.

Nutritionally, cucumbers are low in calories and are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. They are also known for their hydrating properties due to their high water content. Cucumbers are widely available in grocery stores and farmers' markets and are commonly grown in home gardens due to their ease of cultivation. They are a versatile and healthy addition to various dishes and beverages, making them a beloved ingredient in cuisines around the world.

Our site offers you to spend great time reading Cucumber latest Tips & Guides. Enjoy scrolling Cucumber Tips & Guides to learn more. Stay tuned following daily updates of Cucumber hacks and apply them in your real life. Be sure, you won’t regret entering the site once, because here you will find a lot of useful Cucumber stuff that will help you a lot in your daily life! Check it out yourself!

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