Cucumber Ideas, Tips & Guides

Cucumber Plant Spacing for High Yields in Gardens and Pots - - county Garden

Cucumber Plant Spacing for High Yields in Gardens and Pots

Cucumbers are among the most popular crops for home gardeners. They’re easy to grow and just a handful of vines can provide enough cucumbers for fresh eating from mid-summer through late fall. But proper cucumber plant spacing can mean the difference between healthy, productive plants and disease ridden, low yielding ones. Let’s take a look at how far apart to plant cucumbers based on your growing technique and the method you use to plant them. Why properly spacing cucumber plants matters Before we dive into the details on proper plant spacing for cucumbers, let’s take a

How to Prune Cucumber Plants to Get Bumper Harvest -

How to Prune Cucumber Plants to Get Bumper Harvest

After all that hard work, a bad harvest can spoil your mood. Not anymore, though; with these tips and tricks on pruning cucumbers for a juicy harvest, you’ll have plenty of these veggies, and that too, really good ones!

Crisp, Cool, and Creative: Celebrating National Day with Family Fun -

Crisp, Cool, and Creative: Celebrating National Day with Family Fun

National Cucumber Day is a unique celebration that brings a refreshing twist to our calendars every June 14th. This day is not just about enjoying cucumbers in their natural, crunchy form but also about exploring the creative avenues this versatile vegetable offers. Families can turn this day into a fun, engaging, and delicious adventure, strengthening bonds over the love for cucumbers.

Here's How To Grow Fresh Cucumbers In Your Garden This Summer -

Here's How To Grow Fresh Cucumbers In Your Garden This Summer

There’s nothing like a crisp cucumber freshly harvested from your garden, then chilled to perfection. They’re so much better when you grow them yourself! They’re also one of the easiest vegetables to grow from seed. New compact varieties of cucumbers grow well in containers on a deck, patio or balcony, too.

7 Best Companion Plants For Watermelon (And 3 To Avoid!) -

7 Best Companion Plants For Watermelon (And 3 To Avoid!)

You’ve probably heard about companion planting, or the idea that some crops can “help” each other out. Much of companion planting is based on observation and folklore. But a few studies have shown limited positive effects, such as usingcollards to attract moths away from cabbage or planting African marigolds near your squashto attract beneficials that suppress pests such as aphids.

Question of the Week – Killdeer -

Question of the Week – Killdeer

Which common bird made its nest underneath this cucumber plant?

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – May 13, 2024 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – May 13, 2024

Cucurbit downy mildew was found in the state this past week on cucumbers in Charleston. All commercial cucurbit growers need to be on the lookout and start preventative fungicide applications, if not already started.

Secrets to Growing Cucumbers Like Seasoned Gardeners -

Secrets to Growing Cucumbers Like Seasoned Gardeners

If you want the best cucumbers out there with a crunchy texture and juicy flesh, you need to go them a little differently. How? That’s where I come in with my bag of tips!

Ensure soil has 'staying power' to see plantings through the season -

Ensure soil has 'staying power' to see plantings through the season

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

12 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why -

12 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why

If you want to boost the productivity and flavor of your crops in the garden, then check out this list of Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why.

Cucumber and Squash Growing facts -

Cucumber and Squash Growing facts

Cucumbers and squash are such productive vegetables that only a few plants will provide an abundant harvest.  Experiment with unique selections that are rarely seen in stores. For example, long slender Oriental cucumbers or petite pickling cucumbers are simple to grow, as are brightly colored summer squash and zucchini. These are also fast growing crops that start producing only six weeks after planting seed.

Sunday 22nd May 2022 – An entire weekend in the garden. - - Britain - France

Sunday 22nd May 2022 – An entire weekend in the garden.

Now this hasn’t happened for ages, but nothing was going on this weekend. No cinema, no bell ringing, no seeing family. It was just me in the garden for the entire weekend. Obviously there was the usual shopping and household chores to do, but most of those were done on Saturday morning. It was then just me and my plants….it was beautiful.

Eat Your Flowers | 10 Edible Flowers for Nutritional Benefits -

Eat Your Flowers | 10 Edible Flowers for Nutritional Benefits

Edible flowers are more than just a colorful addition to your garden; they are a powerhouse of nutritional benefits. From vibrant nasturtiums packed with Vitamin C to Marigold for its soothing effects, each one offers a unique blend of nutrients and flavors.

11 Most Common Yellow Bugs on Plants -

11 Most Common Yellow Bugs on Plants

These common yellow bugs on plants may look cute, but they can cause serious damage if you do not get rid of them on time. However, some of these are beneficial, and we have called them out!

Grow all year round with a Vitavia Greenhouse - - Britain

Grow all year round with a Vitavia Greenhouse

Greenhouses have an abundance of benefits that can allow you to make the most of your plants. If you’re considering investing in a greenhouse but are still not sure whether to buy one, read on for our ‘need to know’ advice.

Fencing a Vegetable Garden: Options and Ideas -

Fencing a Vegetable Garden: Options and Ideas

Millions of gardeners around the world enjoy growing their own veggies, but not fencing a vegetable garden means the local wildlife may enjoy the garden even more than you do. Whether it’s deer, rabbits, groundhogs, or any number of other garden interlopers, learning how to fence a vegetable garden properly can be the difference between an ample harvest and a non-existent one. In this article I’ll cover the most popular vegetable garden fence ideas and share some tips for using them successfully.

14 Weeds That Look Like Squash Plant -

14 Weeds That Look Like Squash Plant

Identifying Weeds That Look Like Squash Plants in your garden can be tough due to their striking resemblance to squash in leaf shape, size, and color. Don’t worry! We are here to help you identify them easily!

Sweetest Squash Varieties: 6 Of The Best For Every Edible Garden -

Sweetest Squash Varieties: 6 Of The Best For Every Edible Garden

Choosing the sweetest squash can be a challenge, as there are so many varieties available. You can grow both summer and winter squash, and between them, they encompass over 100 varieties. Many are tasty and satisfying, with flavors ranging from nutty to buttery, but which are the best for sweetness? If your experience of growing squash has only resulted in the occasional slice of zucchini bread or carving of pumpkin, this is your chance to cultivate and harvest some of the most divine varieties available.

How to Grow Cucamelons - - Mexico

How to Grow Cucamelons

Cucamelons (Melothria scabra) are a unique and fascinating fruit also known as ‘Mexican sour gherkins’ or ‘mouse melons’. Despite their name, they’re not a cross between cucumbers and watermelons, but rather a distinct species that belongs in the cucumber family. They are native to Mexico and Central America, where they’ve been cultivated for centuries.

9 Tips on How to Repel Sweat Bees Naturally -

9 Tips on How to Repel Sweat Bees Naturally

Although beneficial for the ecosystem, sweet bees can be a nuisance for gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts, especially during the warmer months. Fortunately, repelling these tiny, buzzing visitors doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals or complex strategies. Here’s How to Repel Sweat Bees Naturally!

How to Grow and Care for Lemon Cucumbers - - India

How to Grow and Care for Lemon Cucumbers

Lemon Cucumbers, as the name suggests, look like citrus, which makes them quite a unique addition to any garden! Here are all the growing details.

What Is It? Wednesday – Virus on Squash -

What Is It? Wednesday – Virus on Squash

This squash is showing symptoms of a virus. There are numerous viruses that affect cucurbit crops, which may be transmitted in various ways, such as by insects (aphids, whiteflies, cucumber beetles), through seed, or mechanical damage.

6 Tasty Hybrid Fruit And Vegetable Varieties To Try -

6 Tasty Hybrid Fruit And Vegetable Varieties To Try

Hybrid fruits and vegetables are the result of crossbreeding between two different cultivars. The goal of hybrid vegetable or fruit hybrids is to create a new cultivar or hybrid with the best traits of the parent plants. This means that hybridized vegetables and plants often have many benefits over open-pollinated crops. The list of hybridized crops is lengthy, so we’ve compiled our own list of the top six hybrid plants to try in your garden.

20 Best Mini Cucumber Varieties | Small Cucumbers -

20 Best Mini Cucumber Varieties | Small Cucumbers

You don’t need much space to grow small cucumbers in your garden, which allows you to savor crispy, fresh cucumbers right from the vine. Check out the Best Mini Cucumber Varieties to grow on a patio or balcony in pots.

15 Fruits That Grow on Vines | List of Climbing Fruits -

15 Fruits That Grow on Vines | List of Climbing Fruits

Is the lack of space stopping you from growing fruits in your garden? We have compiled a List of Fruits That Grow on Vines and will easily thrive around your yard fences, arbors, or pergolas. Some will even thrive in pots and can be trained on trellises.

Everything About Growing Cucumbers On Trellis -

Everything About Growing Cucumbers On Trellis

Training vegetable plants to grow upward instead of sprawling on the ground enables the best use of limited space. Let’s look at some cool tips on Growing Cucumbers on Trellis!

Companion Planting Nasturtiums In The Garden - - county Garden

Companion Planting Nasturtiums In The Garden

Nasturtium flowers are loved for their colorful blooms and unique foliage. A valuable asset in both flower and vegetable gardens, nasturtiums are a tried-and-true companion plant. Though many growers first become interested in nasturtium’s edibility, they’re often delighted to find that it may also help to repel many common garden pests. This is believed to be the result of certain aromatic chemicals that are released from the plant throughout the growing season.

35 Best Green Fruits with Pictures - - Mexico

35 Best Green Fruits with Pictures

Green fruits can have a range of flavors, from sweet and juicy to tart and sour, and are rich in nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Here are the Best Green Fruits with Pictures so you can eat and grow a variety of green delicacies.

A Lazy Gardener Grows -

A Lazy Gardener Grows

Growth is vital for healthy people and plants alike. Writing blogs helps me grow as a writer. Some days, the words pour out onto the page in just the right order. On other days, they come in fits and spurts, here, there, and yonder, and it’s all I can do to wrangle them into some semblance of sense. The latter is likely where I learn the most, with an added dose of patience and persistence, all good skills to have for gardening.

22 Unique Ways to Grow Cucumbers -

22 Unique Ways to Grow Cucumbers

Cucumbers are a refreshing and versatile addition to any garden, offering crisp bites and numerous culinary possibilities. While traditional methods of cucumber cultivation are effective, exploring innovative approaches can elevate your cucumber-growing experience to new heights. Here are some Unique Ways to Grow Cucumbers that go beyond the ordinary.

What Is It? Wednesday – Squash Beetles - - Mexico

What Is It? Wednesday – Squash Beetles

What is this critter that was found? This spiky-looking thing on the underside of a cucumber leaf is a squash beetle larva. This is one of two species in the lady beetle family that feed on vegetable crops.

Muskmelon vs Cantaloupe | Difference Between MuskMelon and Cantaloupe -

Muskmelon vs Cantaloupe | Difference Between MuskMelon and Cantaloupe

Muskmelons and cantaloupes are popular fruits for summer desserts and salads. Both have a refreshing flavor and aroma. You can use them interchangeably, though muskmelons and cantaloupes are not the same. Know the difference and clear the muskmelon vs cantaloupe debate once and for all in the article below!

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Welcome to, your ultimate gardening destination! In this section, we'll immerse ourselves in the world of cucumbers - the cool and refreshing fruits that bring a delightful crunch to our salads, pickles, and snacks. They are a popular and refreshing fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable in culinary applications.

Cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and is scientifically known as Cucumis sativus. It is believed to have originated in South Asia and have been cultivated for thousands of years.

Cucumbers are cylindrical in shape, with a smooth green skin and edible seeds inside. They have a high water content, which gives them their characteristic juicy and crisp texture.

They are often enjoyed raw, either sliced as a refreshing snack or added to salads for a cool and crunchy element. Apart from their use in salads, cucumbers are also popular for making pickles, where they are preserved in vinegar or brine for a tangy and flavorful condiment. In some cuisines, cucumbers are used to make refreshing beverages like cucumber water or cucumber lemonade.

Nutritionally, cucumbers are low in calories and are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. They are also known for their hydrating properties due to their high water content. Cucumbers are widely available in grocery stores and farmers' markets and are commonly grown in home gardens due to their ease of cultivation. They are a versatile and healthy addition to various dishes and beverages, making them a beloved ingredient in cuisines around the world.

Our site offers you to spend great time reading Cucumber latest Tips & Guides. Enjoy scrolling Cucumber Tips & Guides to learn more. Stay tuned following daily updates of Cucumber hacks and apply them in your real life. Be sure, you won’t regret entering the site once, because here you will find a lot of useful Cucumber stuff that will help you a lot in your daily life! Check it out yourself!

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