Cucumber Ideas, Tips & Guides

What Causes Holes in Homegrown Cucumbers? -

What Causes Holes in Homegrown Cucumbers?

There are two main reasons why I don’t like to see holes in the cucumbers I grow in my garden.The first was best stated by a work fri

31 Natural Pest Control Methods -

31 Natural Pest Control Methods

I have had SO many people asking me through email and Facebook lately about how to keep pesky pests at bay this summer….I decided it was time for a full on attack! First of all…..the best way to control pests is to not invite them inside in the first place.

What Are the Different Types of Cucumber Plants? -

What Are the Different Types of Cucumber Plants?

Don’t you just love win-win situations?Choosing which type of cucumber plant

Make Your Own Organic Oil Soap Garden Spray -

Make Your Own Organic Oil Soap Garden Spray

My daughter Britta has definitely emerged as the gardening guru in our family. Today she’s sharing with us her homemade organic fungicide that is just as effective and much cheaper than the commercial alternatives and won’t hurt the environment, our pets, or our families. Way to go Britta!

How to Overwinter Plants in a Cold Frame - -  Alaska

How to Overwinter Plants in a Cold Frame

Greenhouses offer an amazing venue for overwintering plants, but purchasing and constructing one may be outside a gardener’s budget. Or it may be too large to fit on their property. Or perhaps it’s a bit too labor intensive.A cold frame, however, is like a foot

Common Causes of Yellow Leaves on Prayer Plants -

Common Causes of Yellow Leaves on Prayer Plants

Prayer plants are loved for their beautiful, patterned foliage. But if you notice yellow leaves on this houseplant, take it as a sign of distress – a signal to you that something is amiss.In addition to marantas, the houseplants mos

How to Identify Hellebore Black Death - - Usa - Britain - Japan - New Zealand

How to Identify Hellebore Black Death

Contracting a disease called “black death” is almost certainly bad news.Fortunately, in this article

10 Ice Cube Tray Hacks That'll Make You Look Like A Genius -

10 Ice Cube Tray Hacks That'll Make You Look Like A Genius

Looking for new ways to extend the shelf life of the perishables in your kitchen? Freezing is an obvious solution.

33 of the Best Cucumber Varieties to Grow at Home -

33 of the Best Cucumber Varieties to Grow at Home

With so many different varieties of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) available, it can be hard to know which one to pick.Cucumbers are members of the Cucurbitac

How to Plant and Grow Cucumbers - - India

How to Plant and Grow Cucumbers

There are so many common expressions that don’t really hold up to scrutiny.Pretty as a picture? Not some I’ve seen. Sle

How to Store and Preserve Cucumbers - -  California

How to Store and Preserve Cucumbers

Cucumbers are one of these veggies that really is best eaten right off the vine. So what should you do if you have an abundance?Fortunately, there are several easy and delicious ways to store cucumb

11 Excellent Uses for Toothpicks in Everyday Life -

11 Excellent Uses for Toothpicks in Everyday Life

Toothpicks are the oldest instruments used for dental cleaning, long before toothbrushes came into play.

21 of the Best Pickling Cucumbers - - Britain -  Oregon

21 of the Best Pickling Cucumbers

Instead of pondering just how many pecks Peter Piper could pick, here’s a much more enjoyable way to spend your time:Figure out which variety of pickling cucumber would be

How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically on a Fence -

How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically on a Fence

As the Robert Frost poem “Mending Wall” says, “Good fences make good neighbors.”They also make a good support for vining cucumber

How and When to Harvest Cucumbers -

How and When to Harvest Cucumbers

What’s that expression? Quality is more important than quantity? Or is it the other way around?When you grow cucumbers, both aspects are important, parti

How to Grow Armenian Cucumber -

How to Grow Armenian Cucumber

Munching on a crunchy cucumber salad is pretty much a given in the summertime. If you’re fond of cukes, then you’re going to love Armenian cucumbers. Growing Armenian cucumbers in your summer vegetable garden is one of the best ways to celebrate the sun.

17 Unusual Fruits and Vegetables for your Garden -

17 Unusual Fruits and Vegetables for your Garden

When you grow your own fruits and vegetables at home, you have your choice of options. And if you have an adventurous streak, there are a wide ar

How to Identify and Control Cucumber Beetles -

How to Identify and Control Cucumber Beetles

As a gardener, it’s a real bummer when pesky insects come along and munch on the results of all your hard work.And when it comes to bumming out a gardener after going to town on their crops, cucumber beetles are qu

How to Grow Cucamelons (Mexican Sour Gherkins) - - Mexico

How to Grow Cucamelons (Mexican Sour Gherkins)

About 10 to 15 years ago, no one I knew had a clue what a Mexican sour gherkin was.If you had asked how to grow mouse melon, cucamelon, or sour

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Welcome to, your ultimate gardening destination! In this section, we'll immerse ourselves in the world of cucumbers - the cool and refreshing fruits that bring a delightful crunch to our salads, pickles, and snacks. They are a popular and refreshing fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable in culinary applications.

Cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and is scientifically known as Cucumis sativus. It is believed to have originated in South Asia and have been cultivated for thousands of years.

Cucumbers are cylindrical in shape, with a smooth green skin and edible seeds inside. They have a high water content, which gives them their characteristic juicy and crisp texture.

They are often enjoyed raw, either sliced as a refreshing snack or added to salads for a cool and crunchy element. Apart from their use in salads, cucumbers are also popular for making pickles, where they are preserved in vinegar or brine for a tangy and flavorful condiment. In some cuisines, cucumbers are used to make refreshing beverages like cucumber water or cucumber lemonade.

Nutritionally, cucumbers are low in calories and are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. They are also known for their hydrating properties due to their high water content. Cucumbers are widely available in grocery stores and farmers' markets and are commonly grown in home gardens due to their ease of cultivation. They are a versatile and healthy addition to various dishes and beverages, making them a beloved ingredient in cuisines around the world.

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