Fall Ideas, Tips & Guides

When and How to Harvest Broccoli - gardenerspath.com

When and How to Harvest Broccoli

I grew up eating broccoli at almost every meal.My mother loves broccoli, almo

When Do I Plant Spring Flowering Bulbs? - gardenerspath.com

When Do I Plant Spring Flowering Bulbs?

Most of our favorite flowers that grow from bulbs bloom in the spring. But when is the best time to plant them?Bulb flowers such as allium, crocus,

How to Plant and Grow Turnips for Roots and Greens | Gardener's Path - gardenerspath.com - Germany

How to Plant and Grow Turnips for Roots and Greens | Gardener's Path

I like to think of planning my garden as a balancing act.While it takes a bit of self-restraint each year to

How to Grow and Care for Japanese Maple Trees - gardenerspath.com - China - Japan

How to Grow and Care for Japanese Maple Trees

If you’re looking for a focal point to really set off your home’s curb appeal, don’t overlook Japanese maple trees.Japanese maple most commonly refers to

How to Grow Autumn Crocus (Colchicum) - gardenerspath.com

How to Grow Autumn Crocus (Colchicum)

Autumn crocuses, Colchicum spp. are not crocuses at all.While they may resemble those familia

How to Harvest Turnips - gardenerspath.com

How to Harvest Turnips

So, you planted a bed of turnips in your garden this season. You cared for your plants, thinning, mulching, watering, managing pests, and watching them grow.Now what?You

How to Plant a Southern Fall Vegetable Garden - gardenerspath.com - Switzerland - Belgium

How to Plant a Southern Fall Vegetable Garden

If you live in the right growing zone, you may be lucky enough to grow not only a traditional spring vegetable garden, but also a fall vegetable garden. This applies to gardeners in the South, who are blessed with a long growing period.If this is the year you’re going to finally

29 of the Best Lettuce Varieties For Your Garden | Gardener's Path - gardenerspath.com

29 of the Best Lettuce Varieties For Your Garden | Gardener's Path

Lettuce comes in a range of varieties – with flavors from buttery and mild to nutty and even slightly bitter; textures from delicate to crunchy; and colors from pale to dark green and burgundy.With all these choices, even the most ardent v

When to Plant Bok Choy in the Garden - gardenerspath.com

When to Plant Bok Choy in the Garden

It’s so convenient to have a fresh supply of homegrown bok choy available to harvest from your garden at a moment’s notice. You can put stir fries, fresh salads, or smoothies on the table just minutes past picking.But to reach that harvest-ready st

Broccoli Buttoning: What Causes Multiple Tiny Heads? - gardenerspath.com

Broccoli Buttoning: What Causes Multiple Tiny Heads?

Broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica, is a cruciferous vegetable in the Brassicaceae, or cabbage family. It is a cool-weather crop that can be quite challenging to grow.In this article, we discuss why plants may produce

Fall Garden Decor Tips and Ideas - gardenerspath.com

Fall Garden Decor Tips and Ideas

Fall is a celebration. It’s the celebration of a successful summer growing season with a much anticipated reward – a bountiful harvest. So it’s no surprise that our autumn-themed outdoor decorations reflect this.We link to vendors to help you find relevant products. If you b

Why Your Broccoli May Form Loose, Bitter Heads | Gardener's Path - gardenerspath.com

Why Your Broccoli May Form Loose, Bitter Heads | Gardener's Path

Broccoli, Brassica oleracea var. italica, is a cruciferous crop, and a member of the Brassicaceae, or cabbage family. It grow best in cool weather, and can be quite a challenge to cultivate successfully.If you are new to growing this crop, you’ll

Tips for Growing Basil in Fall and Winter - gardenerspath.com -  Alaska

Tips for Growing Basil in Fall and Winter

The first spring I spent in Alaska, I got a strong hankering for fresh basil. I craved sandwiches on ciabatta bread with mozzarella cheese, fresh tomato slices, and aromatic basil leaves.Nothing could taste more like summer, and when you live in Al

Make Soothing Herbal Tea for Colds and the Flu - gardenerspath.com

Make Soothing Herbal Tea for Colds and the Flu

Even if you’re ultra-vigilant with handwashing during cold and flu season, it’s still difficult to avoid exposure to nasty germs and viruses – they’re in the air, and on practically every surface in public places.But should you catch any of the season’s unfriendly b

How to Grow Lacinato (Dinosaur) Kale - gardenerspath.com - Italy

How to Grow Lacinato (Dinosaur) Kale

Dinosaur kale, also known as Tuscan or Lacinato kale, is without a doubt my favorite type.Its long, narrow leaves make it such a breeze to cook with. And in my opinio

9 of the Best Companion Plants for Broccoli - gardenerspath.com

9 of the Best Companion Plants for Broccoli

Here’s one of the most important lessons I learned this summer:Broccoli and rhubarb are not good companion plants

How to Care for Agapanthus Plants in Winter - gardenerspath.com

How to Care for Agapanthus Plants in Winter

Whenever I see a bright cluster of agapanthus, I think of sunshine, warmth, and tropical locales.But these members of the amaryllis family

How to Identify and Treat Swiss Chard Diseases - gardenerspath.com - Switzerland

How to Identify and Treat Swiss Chard Diseases

There are few veggies that stand out in the garden quite like Swiss chard can. Those neon stems are so striking that it’s merely a bonus that they also happen to be fabulously tasty as well.When disease strikes, not only can it depr

How to Grow Kohlrabi in Your Home Garden - gardenerspath.com - Germany

How to Grow Kohlrabi in Your Home Garden

I have so many fond memories of my summers as a youth. Perhaps the most delicious is the memory of watching my Danish grandmother strip away the tough outside layers of a freshly-pulled kohlrabi.She would then slice the inside flesh into circular “chips,” which she would

Tips for Planting Roses in the Fall - gardenerspath.com

Tips for Planting Roses in the Fall

Planting perennials like roses in the fall is my secret weapon.Okay, so it’s not exactly a secr

How to Plant and Grow Swiss Chard | Gardener's Path - gardenerspath.com - Switzerland

How to Plant and Grow Swiss Chard | Gardener's Path

Swiss chard,B. vulgaris, is a type of beet. But instead of featuring a well-developed and flavorful root, its claim to fame is glossy puckered leaves veined with bright white, orange, magenta, red, or yellow, with firm stalks to match.We link to vendors to help you find relevant products. If you buy from one of our links, w

How to Use a Cold Frame for Fall Gardening - gardenerspath.com - Usa

How to Use a Cold Frame for Fall Gardening

When the Persephone Period approaches, most of us are tucking our gardens to sleep and hunkering down for the long winter.Unless we have a cold frame, that is. Th

When to Plant Crops In Fall (Autumn Planting Guide) - gardenerspath.com - Usa

When to Plant Crops In Fall (Autumn Planting Guide)

After a long summer growing season, when autumn rolls around, planting a fall garden might be the last thing you want to do.But autumn can be the per

How to Overwinter Gardenias Indoors - gardenerspath.com

How to Overwinter Gardenias Indoors

It’s no coincidence we typically associate the intoxicating scent of gardenias with summer.The flowering shrub Gardenia jasminoide

The 13 Best Cauliflower Varieties for the Home Garden | Gardener's Path - gardenerspath.com - India

The 13 Best Cauliflower Varieties for the Home Garden | Gardener's Path

Growing cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis. comes with many challenges. But with close attention to temperature, moisture, drainage, and air circulation, there’s every reason to expect success with this cool-weather crop.Cauliflower may be traced back to fifteenth-century C

How to Harvest and Store Rutabaga - gardenerspath.com

How to Harvest and Store Rutabaga

So you planted a rutabaga patch this year.If you’re anything like me, you

How to Store Homegrown Pumpkins After Harvest - gardenerspath.com - Australia

How to Store Homegrown Pumpkins After Harvest

Most people who are worried about “storing pumpkin” are looking only for ways to store the portion of puree that’s left in a can of pie filling after doing their baking for Thanksgiving.But when you grow your own Cucurbita pepo, C. moschata,

Understanding and Managing Cabbage Black Rot - gardenerspath.com

Understanding and Managing Cabbage Black Rot

Black rot of cabbage is a bacterial infection that causes extensive damage to brassicas, aka cruciferous vegetables, including bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and turnip greens.Caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campe

When to Plant Swiss Chard for Autumn Harvests - gardenerspath.com - Switzerland

When to Plant Swiss Chard for Autumn Harvests

As midsummer hits its stride with long, hot days, the production of leafy greens often slows or stops as plants bolt and prepare to set seed.But you can extend the season for fresh

Does Lettuce Need Protection from Frost? - gardenerspath.com -  Oregon - Russia

Does Lettuce Need Protection from Frost?

Growing lettuce is a lot like getting along with people. You want to be careful not to expect too much, without expecting too little, either.Some gardeners want this cool-season vegetable to keep

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