SUN Ideas, Tips & Guides

Summersweet - - state Connecticut


Summer heat and humidity cause folks to think about escaping to swimming pools, lakes, mountain retreats, and beaches. If your home is your sanctuary, then find refuge in your garden with our native summersweet (Clethra alnifolia). This month, summersweet produces spikes of spicy, fragrant flowers atop a 4 to 8 ft. high multistemmed shrub with attractive lustrous green leaves. The flowers mature into clusters of woody capsules that look like dried peppercorns. In the fall, summersweet leaves turn pale yellow to rich golden yellow.

The Lovely Loquat -

The Lovely Loquat

I have always been enamored with shrubs and trees that bloom during the fall months. Partly for the pollinators in search of sustenance during this season, but mostly for me who can’t accept the impending arrival of winter.

September 6 Week 1 Garden Photos -

September 6 Week 1 Garden Photos

“Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures.” ~Henry David Thoreau~

The World of Hellebores -

The World of Hellebores

There are approximately 15 species of hellebores that are perennial, and the majority are native to southern and eastern Europe. Other common names for this plant are Christmas rose, and Lenten rose. Most of the hellebores readily available today are hybrid crosses of nine species giving us a wide variety of flowers in both their form and color. In addition, the variation of the leaf color and texture will add year-round interest in the garden.

This New Year, Try Horticulture! -

This New Year, Try Horticulture!

Here, at the beginning of 2022, some of us may resolve to make meaningful life changes. At midnight on December 31st, marketing campaigns switch from ‘indulge in holiday cheer’ to ‘new year, new you.’ For me, after the past two years, the wellness industry can keep their diets and gyms, and the self-help industry can sell their ‘ten-step program to be the best version of me’ to someone else. These days, I’m over here just trying to be.

A Native Groundcover for Areas with Part Shade -

A Native Groundcover for Areas with Part Shade

Green and Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum) is sometimes referred to as Goldenstar. It is a native groundcover that grows to four inches tall and does well in dappled shade or morning sun and afternoon shade. It is related to asters and sunflowers. The plant grows like a strawberry with a rosette of leaves and creeping stolons that root at each node and give rise to new rosettes of leaves and flowers.

Boxwood Bronzing Blues -

Boxwood Bronzing Blues

Even boxwoods get the winter blues, bronzing blues, that is.

Meadow Rue - - Japan - Spain

Meadow Rue

As I’ve transitioned my garden into a more age-friendly space, I am always on the search for interesting perennials to add to my planting beds. Gone are the days of planting large swaths of annuals each season. These days, I grow annuals in containers for easier maintenance and relief for my aching back and knees. Plus, I can move them around for a pop of seasonal color.

Burgundy Spice Sweetshrub - - state New Jersey - state South Carolina - county Hardy

Burgundy Spice Sweetshrub

This year, the newest shrub addition to my garden is a Burgundy Spice sweetshrub (Calycanthus floridus var purpureus ‘Burgundy Spice’). When I spotted it across the nursery, it was as if a big neon arrow was pointing at it with a sign saying “Buy Me.”

Water Conservation at Home -

Water Conservation at Home

Earlier this summer, the lack of rain, sweltering summer sun, and our thirsty gardens were a reminder to all of us that water is a vital part of our day-to-day life. Hot, dry conditions can stress not only our gardens but also farmland, drinking water supply, recreation opportunities, environment, and community. We can all help reduce our collective water footprint by incorporating a few smart water management practices into our day. Pick a few of the actions below to help save more than just a drop in the bucket:

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – June 20, 2022 -

SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report – June 20, 2022

Rob Last reports, “Pest and diseases are beginning to increase in the area. Powdery mildew is apparent in cucurbit crops. Downy mildew is around in cucumber and cantaloupe crops, and given the recent rainfall, the conditions are improving for developing the disease in watermelons. Finally, on cucurbits, don’t forget the watermelon field day on July 14, starting at 8 am at Edisto REC in Blackville. Tomatoes and peppers look great, although bacterial spot is present at a low level. Fruit development looks good, but we are seeing some issues with sun scalding to peppers. Tomato fruit worms are also becoming very active in the area. If you are thinking about growing strawberries, I know the season has just ended; however, now is the time to order plants for next year to ensure you get the cultivars you like.”

K.I.S.S. the Lawn: The Lazy Gardener’s Lawn -

K.I.S.S. the Lawn: The Lazy Gardener’s Lawn

Turfgrass… Blah. Amiright!? Kidding, but I have a confession to make. Once upon a time, I got a degree in Horticulture… Turfgrass. A golf course summer internship quickly determined that maintaining the same 18 holes of turfgrass and dodging golf balls was not for me!

Weed of the Month – Prostrate Spurge - - state South Carolina

Weed of the Month – Prostrate Spurge

Prostrate spurge (Chameasyce maculatais) a low-growing, mat-forming, annual summer weed. It grows from a taproot that can grow to a depth of 18 inches and can spread as much as three feet across. It has milky, white sap, and the stems can be smooth or hairy. The leaves have a toothed margin; some can contain a reddish spot, earning it the pseudonym spotted spurge.

Pansies, Violas, and Panolas—Oh My! -

Pansies, Violas, and Panolas—Oh My!

One of my favorite fall gardening joys (I call them joys instead of chores) is planting pansies and violas. This is a yearly rite of passage for me that I have been enjoying since childhood. One of my first memories was helping plant pansies in my parent’s garden when I was about three years old.

A Lazy Gardener Wishes You Peace and Healthy Soil -

A Lazy Gardener Wishes You Peace and Healthy Soil

The holidays are a sacred time to spend with family and friends and manifest peace on Earth, good will toward men. I wish you all peace and meaningful celebrations. May you extend grace to yourselves and those you encounter this holiday season.

A Grateful Lazy Gardener - - state California

A Grateful Lazy Gardener

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. —Thornton Wilder

WANTED: Elaeagnus – Dead, Not Alive - - China - Britain - state South Carolina - county Garden

WANTED: Elaeagnus – Dead, Not Alive

While walking in the South Carolina Botanical Garden, I came across a substantial pile of Elaeagnus recently cut from our woods. My eye was caught by the silvery underside of the leaves flashing in the sun. Elaeagnus have a distinctive form: multiple stems at the base, which shade out other plants, and whip-like, elongated stems above. Battling Elaeagnus, along with English ivy, Chinese privet, and Kudzu, is ongoing in many places, including the SCBG. These plants were all introduced with good intent in the 1800s but rapidly got out of control and became invasive.

3 Evergreen Vines for Screening -

3 Evergreen Vines for Screening

Do you have a chain link fence you’d like to hide? Cover it with evergreen vines. Evergreen vines are not only a great way to cover an eyesore, but they can also add vertical interest to your garden and even serve as a living privacy screen. Many of them have showy flowers, some even fragrant.

Preserving Freshness: The Basics of Food Preservation -

Preserving Freshness: The Basics of Food Preservation

Food preservation is an age-old practice that has allowed us to enjoy fresh food throughout the year. From refrigeration to freezing or pickling to drying, there are countless ways to keep your food from spoiling. Whether you’re a seasoned home cook, an experienced gardener, or a beginner, understanding the basics of food preservation is essential for reducing waste and saving money.

Cupheas - - Mexico - state South Carolina


Are you tired of planting the same summer annuals over and over? Want to spice up your containers with something different that will attract hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, and other pollinating insects? Then look no further. Cupheas (Cuphea species) love our hot South Carolina summers and will bloom continuously from spring until the first frost. They are native to Central America. Another bonus is the flowers don’t need deadheading as they are self-cleaning. However, you may need to pinch back the stems if the plant gets too leggy. Also, they are insect, disease, and deer resistant.

Sweet on Virginia Sweetspire - - state Florida - state Virginia - state New Jersey - county Garden

Sweet on Virginia Sweetspire

I must be selective in the kinds of shrubs and trees I add to my landscape. Very simply: I don’t have the room. Like the village matchmaker, Yente, in Fiddler on the Roof, I match the plant with my landscape, paying particular attention to sun exposure, drainage, and room to grow. I also consider its maintenance requirements, particularly water, fertilizer, pruning, and pests. As a tough-love gardener, I have no tolerance for needy, wimpy plants.

Lizard’s Tail - - Greece

Lizard’s Tail

Lizard’s tail (Saururus cernuus) is a perennial native to Eastern and Southeastern North America. Don’t you just love that common name, lizard’s tail? The scientific name, Saurus cernnus, is derived from the Greek word sauros, meaning lizard, and oura, meaning a tail, thus the common name.

Hummingbird Favorite: Salvia - - Usa - Mexico - state South Carolina

Hummingbird Favorite: Salvia

Like most South Carolina nature lovers, I look forward to the return of Ruby-throated hummingbirds every spring. I enjoy seeing them in my garden, visiting flower after flower chirping along the way. Salvias are one genus of flowers I have noticed they love to visit.

Hydrangea Hysteria -

Hydrangea Hysteria

Many believe that “hydrangea hysteria” erupted in 2004 with the debut of the reblooming bigleaf hydrangea, ‘Bailmer,’ now known by its trade name of Endless Summer® The Original. Since this mophead hydrangea cultivar entered the marketplace, the interest in bigleaf hydrangeas skyrocketed, especially remontant or reblooming types. This frenzy to produce bigger-flowered, smaller-statured, more floriferous hydrangeas led to the introduction of hundreds of Hydrangea macrophylla cultivars.

7 Great Snake Plant Benefits Proven In Research & Studies - - Thailand - city Sansevieria - state Kentucky

7 Great Snake Plant Benefits Proven In Research & Studies

Common Name: Mother-in-law’s tongue, Viper’s bowstring hemp

How to Grow Flame Tree Bonsai | Growing Royal Poinciana -

How to Grow Flame Tree Bonsai | Growing Royal Poinciana

A fiery and stunning tree, Growing Royal Poinciana is no minor task since it can take years to bloom. However, the Flame Tree Bonsai is worth the wait as its fiery red and golden foliage will enrich any home and catch everyone’s attention. Let’s see How to Grow Flame Tree Bonsai.

From the forum: garden losses, sun groundcovers - - county Garden

From the forum: garden losses, sun groundcovers

LOST ANYTHING IN THE GARDEN LATELY (besides your mind)? That’s the question Forum member Boodely poses in the Urgent Garden Question Forum this week, and I’m confessing to eyeglasses, every manner of tool and more. (Usually my MIA items turn up when I turn the compost heap.) Lost anything in your garden? On the very practical side comes a twist on the groundcover question, which usually includes the words “for shade.” Not this time.

Do Rex Begonias Like Sun or Shade? -

Do Rex Begonias Like Sun or Shade?

When it comes to growing rex begonias, the amount of sunlight plants get in the spot they're growing can make a big difference in how great they look. Indoor light for rex begoniaIf you're growing rex begonias indoors plants will thrive near a bright, north- or east-facing window or under artificial lights. Be sure you grow them in a pot with a drainage hole

Protecting your peppers from the summer sun -

Protecting your peppers from the summer sun

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

14 Heat Tolerant Herbs | Herbs that Like Full Sun and Heat - - Mexico

14 Heat Tolerant Herbs | Herbs that Like Full Sun and Heat

In this article, we’ll take a look at some Heat-Tolerant Herbs that you can grow without any worries, especially if you live in a warm climate!

Philodendron Red Sun vs. Prince of Orange -

Philodendron Red Sun vs. Prince of Orange

Let’s clear the debate between Philodendron Red Sun vs. Prince of Orange once and for all! Both are beautiful cultivars and you would be happy if you choose either one of them!

Full sun plants: Plants that love direct sun and heat | House & Garden -

Full sun plants: Plants that love direct sun and heat | House & Garden

We’re approaching the hottest few days of the year, and some of the flora in our gardens are beginning to show it – after all, growing plants in an area fully exposed to the hot sun can be challenging unless you choose perennials that simply prefer the heat. Luckily, in this respect you have all sorts of options: “There are plenty of hardy varieties that thrive during the intensity of July and August and into September,” says Kate Karam, editorial director at Monrovia, a national grower of ornamental plants. Once spring gardens fizzle out, low-maintenance perennials planted at the start of summer give a huge burst of colour that won’t fade in the relentless heat. Many have adapted to grow in harsh conditions and are drought-tolerant – and we’re not talking about succulents. Whether the climate is hot and dry or hot and rainy, these plants need just minimal attention and care within reason.

1 canal boat, 8 bellringers, lots of sun, some thunder, some hail, 4 bell towers and quite a bit of booze…… -

1 canal boat, 8 bellringers, lots of sun, some thunder, some hail, 4 bell towers and quite a bit of booze……

I’ve just come back from a wonderful canal boat holiday with seven other bell ringers. This is my third trip with them and I have so much fun. Looking at the weather forecast for the week it didn’t look brilliant, but most of the time the sun shone and it was dry. We did have a little thunderstorm overhead and opening a lock when it was pissing with rain and then hailing was not my idea of fun, but we all counted ourselves lucky for the weather that we had.

When the Sun Shines…….. -

When the Sun Shines……..

When winter seems reluctant to leave, we gardeners love to get outside and get on with things, but even though the temperatures are low, the strength of the sun is increasing daily.  This is something I’m very aware of as I have a tiny area of skin damage on my nose which could turn to to a basal cell carcinoma if I ignored it.  I’ve had it checked and its fine as long as I wear a hat whenever practical and use sunblock on my face.  I now use Boots Factor 50 sunblock every day – even in winter – and wear a hat whenever the sun shines. If you are interested I use the Soltan Dry Touch Face Cream for everyday and their BB Face Suncare Cream if I want a touch of make up. Better safe than sorry. I was prompted to wr

Trailfinders Australian Garden Kissed by the Sun - - Australia

Trailfinders Australian Garden Kissed by the Sun

I paid a return visit to Chelsea on Wednesday evening and I was transfixed by the transformation to this garden. On the chill of press day it was impressive with it’s billabong, its metal studio, the tree ferns and grasses, but nearly all the flowers in the foreground were in tight bud. In Wednesday’s evening sun they all burst into

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