SUN Ideas, Tips & Guides

Trailfinders Australian Garden Kissed by the Sun - - Australia

Trailfinders Australian Garden Kissed by the Sun

I paid a return visit to Chelsea on Wednesday evening and I was transfixed by the transformation to this garden. On the chill of press day it was impressive with it’s billabong, its metal studio, the tree ferns and grasses, but nearly all the flowers in the foreground were in tight bud. In Wednesday’s evening sun they all burst into

6 Best Low Light Pothos that Need No Sun -

6 Best Low Light Pothos that Need No Sun

While all Epipremnum species thrive in indirect light, some low light pothos varieties do better than others, and you can prefer them if your house doesn’t get much sun.

47 Best Flowers for Full Sun | Heat Tolerant Flowers for Containers -

47 Best Flowers for Full Sun | Heat Tolerant Flowers for Containers

Looking for flowers that flourish in the heat waves and can even tolerate the temperature range of 100 F (38 C)? Well, here they are—the Best Flowers for Full Sun, and some of these flowers are very drought tolerant as well.

12 Best Full Sun Bromeliads - - Brazil

12 Best Full Sun Bromeliads

Bromeliads are popular for their exotic foliage and excellent heat-tolerant abilities. They thrive in tropical and sub-tropical climates, which comprise USDA Zones 9-11, and can be an alluring addition to your backyard! Check out these Best Full Sun Bromeliads that can add a pop of colors to your garden!

Sun Recommendations for Planting Kale -

Sun Recommendations for Planting Kale

Kale is really a must for the backyard vegetable garden. Growing this veggie at home makes it easy to have a nutrient-dense green on hand, right outside your back door.To make sure you have a steady supp

How to Define Full Sun for Gardening - - Usa -  Oregon -  Texas

How to Define Full Sun for Gardening

In the plant world, when does “full sun” not really mean full sun?When you live in a place that gets

Sun Protection: A Gardening Survival Guide -

Sun Protection: A Gardening Survival Guide

Time spent in the garden is often time in the sun. And if you aren’t prepared for the heat, it’ll kick your booty!The seasoned gardeners out there are probably nodding along with me

4 Summer Hobbies Perfect for Anyone Under the Sun - -  California

4 Summer Hobbies Perfect for Anyone Under the Sun

Summer is the perfect time of year for so many things—dining outdoors, hosting events, and reconnecting with nature. Thanks to longer days and warmer weather, the coming months are also ideal for finding a new activity or rekindling your love for something you haven’t had a chance to do in a while. 

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