Salad Ideas, Tips & Guides

Are Violets Edible? How to Choose and Use These Sweet Treats -

Are Violets Edible? How to Choose and Use These Sweet Treats

Are Violets Edible? How to Choose and Use These Sweet Treats

Growing Mustard Greens - - Usa - Japan

Growing Mustard Greens

It is so satisfying snipping fresh greens from a garden for a salad. And it’s fun to add flavors to different salads beyond your standard lettuce varieties. Certain greens, like mustard and arugula, can add a spicy kick to salads, sandwiches, pizzas, stir fries, and other recipes. In this article, I’m going to share some tips on growing mustard greens from seed.

How to Grow Potatoes -

How to Grow Potatoes

From earthy new potatoes and bite-sized salad varieties, to floury bakers and roasters, the humble potato remains the nation’s favourite vegetable. If you’re a potato aficionado, there’s a huge number of exciting potato varieties you can grow that you’ll never see in the shops. You don’t even need a garden to grow them – many grow very happily in large bags or pots on a balcony or patio.

Tips for Harvesting and Eating Kohlrabi Greens -

Tips for Harvesting and Eating Kohlrabi Greens

Eating Kohlrabi Greens: Tips for Harvesting and Cooking the Leaves

11 Delicious Vegetables You Can Grow in Water -

11 Delicious Vegetables You Can Grow in Water

If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to get a fresh veggie fix, then here are delicious Vegetables You Can Grow in Water! It is a fun activity, and you don’t need much space to get started!

10 Edible Ferns that You Must Add to Your Dishes - - Japan - North Korea

10 Edible Ferns that You Must Add to Your Dishes

What if you have the best of both worlds – a classy foliage plant that you can also add to your platter! Sounds delicious? Keep reading!

10 Best Tips to Grow Bigger Basil Leaves - - Italy

10 Best Tips to Grow Bigger Basil Leaves

Whether sprinkled on top of a fresh tomato salad or infused in a homemade pesto, bigger basil leaves are a true delicacy for any food lover!

Vegetable gardening: Indoor hydroponic systems allow for year-round salad growing -

Vegetable gardening: Indoor hydroponic systems allow for year-round salad growing

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

Monty's gardening jobs for March -

Monty's gardening jobs for March

Now March has arrived, it’s tempting to rush into the garden with the seed packets, but the weather can still be freezing cold, so it’s not a good idea to sow crops outside just yet. Instead, focus on sowing seeds inside and taking care of overwintering plants, while the weather warms and the days lengthen.

All the Winners from Our First-Ever Food Awards -

All the Winners from Our First-Ever Food Awards

Canned beans, pasta sauces, various spices—we all have our must-haves for the pantry. Since new products are always lining up on grocery shelves, our editors cooked and tested our way through more than 200 products. It was a delicious task, and we determined what deserves a spot in the pantry.

18 Fantastic Beetroot Tattoo Ideas -

18 Fantastic Beetroot Tattoo Ideas

Beetroot is a lovely, colorful vegetable. People use it in salads and for cooking. But did you know you can also use it for tattoos? Yes, you heard it right. And they hold beautiful meanings, too.

Are Grapes Related to Lychee | Grapes Vs. Lychee - - China

Are Grapes Related to Lychee | Grapes Vs. Lychee

What do you think – Are Grapes and Lychees related? Are they distant cousins or mere strangers in the fruit world? Let’s find out!

What is Beetroot -

What is Beetroot

This sweet salad vegetable has a high food value. It needs deep soil and is best suited to a place where a previous non-root crop has been grown. Do not add fresh manure, as this is inclined to cause root forking. If instead of growing vegetables in the kitchen garden, they are grown in the old-fashioned cottager’s way interspersed with flowering plants, the beetroot is a most suitable plant since the round or turnip-shaped beet has generally fine decorative crimson leaves. In addition to the round beet, two other forms are obtainable: a long-rooted and an intermediate type, called tankard or canister-shaped. Good named kinds are: ‘Crimson Globe’, ‘Veitch’s Intermediate’, ‘Cheltenham Green Top’ and ‘Nutting’s Red Globe’. All are forms of Beta vulgaris.

11 Fast Growing Microgreens that are Ready for Harvest within Weeks -

11 Fast Growing Microgreens that are Ready for Harvest within Weeks

Try these fast-growing microgreens that are ready in just a few days: Radish (5-7 days), Cress (5-8 days), Arugula (7-10 days), Sunflower (8-10 days), Pea Shoots (7-10 days), Mizuna (8-10 days), Mustard (7-10 days), Beet (7-10 days), Kale (8-10 days), and Broccoli (10-12 days). Just plant them in shallow containers, mist regularly, and harvest when true leaves appear. More tips below!

An expert’s guide to the best places to buy seeds and bulbs - - Britain - Japan - Ireland

An expert’s guide to the best places to buy seeds and bulbs

Some people get their kicks from designer labels, others from rummaging through flea shops, or collecting obscure Japanese comics, vintage tractors, handbags, dolls, beer-mats, Star Wars merchandise or whatever else. Me, I get mine from ordering seeds.

Saturday 24th April 2021 – Gardening to try and ease the brain. -

Saturday 24th April 2021 – Gardening to try and ease the brain.

My brain decided to be very, very angry on Friday. So angry in fact that I had to go and see a doctor and get some very strong tablets. But even those didn’t make it go. I’m sure like many of you who suffer from migraines you’ll understand what I felt like. Not wanting to go into too much detail, this one was particularly bad and I kept having to chat with the loo. This one even stopped me going to work, so I had to email the client I was supposed to be going to that day, they were very understanding. I tend to get them regularly if I’m unlucky 3-4 times a month, but if I’m lucky just twice a month. I put it down to that time in a woman’s life, but I started to get them just before I turned 40, and now 7 years on they’ve still not improved. They usually last an entire day, but sometimes they last a couple of days as this one seems to be, but they have lasted 4 days before and that gets really tedious.

What I Made for Dinner as a Mother Who Cooks By the Season -

What I Made for Dinner as a Mother Who Cooks By the Season

As winter approaches and we’re faced with another year of determining what's for dinner, we're sharing a glimpse at how BHG readers gather for a meal. Welcome to our new series, Dinner Diaries, where we're asking readers to anonymously share how they get dinner on the table including grocery shopping, budgeting, cooking, and their favorite family recipes. Here, a family of four in the Midwest enjoys eating seasonally. Right now, the menu includes hearty casseroles, soups, and homemade bread.

Plants for a purpose: veg everyone should grow - - France

Plants for a purpose: veg everyone should grow

Harvesting and eating homegrown veg is one of life’s joys. Whether it’s picking leaves for a winter salad or harvesting sweetcorn for a summer barbecue, there’s something special about eating veg that you have grown yourself. Not only does it taste so much better than shop-bought, it also couldn’t be fresher or more healthy – or better for the environment, with no packaging or food miles involved. And of course being out in the fresh air and getting your hands in the soil growing your own veg is great for the soul. You don’t need a lot of space either as a container on a sunny doorstep will make a great spot for growing your own tomatoes or chard. Here we share some of our favourite veg to grow. Our choices include recommendations from the Gardeners’ World team and familiar faces from across the gardening industry.

Eat Your Flowers | 10 Edible Flowers for Nutritional Benefits -

Eat Your Flowers | 10 Edible Flowers for Nutritional Benefits

Edible flowers are more than just a colorful addition to your garden; they are a powerhouse of nutritional benefits. From vibrant nasturtiums packed with Vitamin C to Marigold for its soothing effects, each one offers a unique blend of nutrients and flavors.

14 Vegetables that Start With V - - China

14 Vegetables that Start With V

Ranging from versatile and vitamin-rich vegetables like vibrant ‘Velvet Bean’ to the unique Violet Artichoke, each of these Vegetables that Start With V adds a unique flavor to your plate and a color to your garden!

Grow Herbs Year Round Without Soil With this Method -

Grow Herbs Year Round Without Soil With this Method

Hydroponics is a fascinating way to maintain indoor specimens and you can use the smae method to Grow Herbs Year Round Without Soil!

How To Grow Beetroot -

How To Grow Beetroot

Growing beetroot is easy, giving you delicious, round, red roots that can be boiled, roasted and pickled – and even grated into salads. The colourful young leaves can be picked fresh and used in salads, and mature leaves can be wilted and used as spinach. There’s a wide variety of beetroot to grow, with orange, yellow and pink cultivars to choose from.

5 Creative Ways To Use Leftover Seed – Don't Throw It Away! -

5 Creative Ways To Use Leftover Seed – Don't Throw It Away!

Every gardener knows the frustration of having too much seed left over at the end of the growing season. All that wasted potential sitting in half-empty packets, that you have neither the time nor space to use.

9 Herbs with Shallow Roots for Small Pots and Limited Space Garden - - Greece - Italy - Mexico

9 Herbs with Shallow Roots for Small Pots and Limited Space Garden

Herbs with Shallow Roots are perfect for seasoned greenthumbs and budding enthusiasts. Discover how these easily cultivated plants can transform your gardening experience and elevate your home-cooked meals while thriving in an astonishingly compact space!

Sarah Raven’s November Notes from Perch Hill - - Usa - county Sussex

Sarah Raven’s November Notes from Perch Hill

I can’t deny that some of the winter-hardy plants are far more abundant grown under glass, so if you have a coldframe, greenhouse, polytunnel or even a series of glass or plastic cloches, do use them. We grow a mix of salads and hardy annual herbs in our glasshouse here, but certainly in Sussex this protection is not essential. The most cold-resistant of these greens, such as parsley, mizuna, mustard ‘Red Giant’ and American land cress, may falter under snow or after several successive days of frost, but even without a cover, they won’t die. They seem to hibernate, and then as soon as there’s a bit of sun or a general thaw they come back to life. 

Sarah Raven’s November Notes from Perch Hill - - Usa - county Sussex

Sarah Raven’s November Notes from Perch Hill

I can’t deny that some of the winter-hardy plants are far more abundant grown under glass, so if you have a coldframe, greenhouse, polytunnel or even a series of glass or plastic cloches, do use them. We grow a mix of salads and hardy annual herbs in our glasshouse here, but certainly in Sussex this protection is not essential. The most cold-resistant of these greens, such as parsley, mizuna, mustard ‘Red Giant’ and American land cress, may falter under snow or after several successive days of frost, but even without a cover, they won’t die. They seem to hibernate, and then as soon as there’s a bit of sun or a general thaw they come back to life. 

30 Small Garden Design Ideas -

30 Small Garden Design Ideas

In a small garden, following a few key principles when planning and planting will help make your garden look bigger and feel less cluttered.

7 Different Types of Parsley Varieties - - Japan - Italy

7 Different Types of Parsley Varieties

From the classic curly and flat-leaf types to unique options like Hamburg and Japanese, explore how these Different Types of Parsley Varieties can elevate your culinary creations!

Epic Tarragon Roast Chicken -

Epic Tarragon Roast Chicken

Extracted from The Farm Table by Julius Roberts (Ebury Press, £27). Photography by Elena Heatherwick. Read our interview with Julius here.

11 Fragrant Mint Varieties for Herb Garden -

11 Fragrant Mint Varieties for Herb Garden

Explore the aromatic world of mint with these 11 Fragrant Mint Varieties for Herb Garden. Each mint type boasts a unique scent, from refreshing peppermint to chocolatey notes and citrusy hints. Learn how to cultivate these delightful herbs and elevate your culinary creations.

27 Types of Mint Varieties to Grow in Garden and Pots - - county Garden

27 Types of Mint Varieties to Grow in Garden and Pots

There are many mint varieties famous for their refreshing taste. These different Types of Mint offer a diverse range of flavors and scents, making them a fascinating subject of exploration. In this article, you will delve into the captivating world of many forms of this amazing herb.

This Potato Chip Salad Is Taking Over New York City—Here’s How to Recreate It at Home - - city New York - New York

This Potato Chip Salad Is Taking Over New York City—Here’s How to Recreate It at Home

When you dine in or order delivery from a pizza parlor, you’re likely doing so for the pies. Whether it'sDetroit-style, grandma, deep-dish, New York-style, Neapolitan, or pan, chances are that the pizzas themselves are luring you in.

38 Best Seeds for Gardening that Grow Quickly in Just 5 Days -

38 Best Seeds for Gardening that Grow Quickly in Just 5 Days

Here are the Best Seeds for Gardening that Grow Quickly in Just 5 Days! From herbs to vegetables and fruits – we have picked the most quick ones to sprout!

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