Potatoes Ideas, Tips & Guides

How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent Late Blight in Tomatoes - epicgardening.com

How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent Late Blight in Tomatoes

We’ve all heard about “the blight,” and some confusing and conflicting information exists. Does it live in the soil? Can you get it from your neighbor’s garden? Some say it moves up the coast during rainy periods and can travel miles in the wind. Is it a bacteria, a disease, or virus?

Is Tomato a Nightshade Vegetable? - balconygardenweb.com

Is Tomato a Nightshade Vegetable?

Tomatoes are grown and relished around the world for their sweet taste. With tons of varieties and colors of yellow, pink, black, purple, and white, everyone wants to know more about tomatoes. So, if you have a question –  Is Tomato a Nightshade Vegetable, then we have the answer for you!

WWOOF – 45 Years On - blog.theenduringgardener.com - city London

WWOOF – 45 Years On

In 1971 I was in my early twenties and working for a design company in London when I picked up a copy of Time Out and saw an advert offering weekends volunteering on organic farms.  It was just what I was after, I needed to get out of the city and breathe some country air, so I rang the number. That phone call changed my life in many ways. Working Weekends

17 Genius Hacks to Keep your Vegetables Fresh for Longer - balconygardenweb.com

17 Genius Hacks to Keep your Vegetables Fresh for Longer

It could be frustrating to buy fresh vegetables in bulk only to find them stale in a day or two. So, is there any way? Yes, there is! Check out these Genius Hacks to Keep your Vegetables Fresh for Longer!

It’s in the Bag - blog.theenduringgardener.com

It’s in the Bag

Thompson & Morgan have been doing some research on growing potatoes in containers and have discovered that the deep bags that have been the standard method in recent years (and in my experience rather unsatisfactory) are far less productive than growing a single potato in an 8 litre bag. The confined quarters seem to stimulate many more tubers and save a lot of unnecessary compost. Their vegetab

Back to Normal - blog.theenduringgardener.com

Back to Normal

Other than a brief trip to Amsterdam next week for work and to visit the Canal Gardens of Amsterdam, I’ll be posting about the home garden for a few weeks, so you can look forward to lots of  pictures of peas, beans, sweet peas and potatoes – bet you can’t wait!  In the mean time why not take a look at what was happening in the garden last year. ..

Coronavirus: Weeks Eight, Nine, Ten AND Eleven - rockcottageyear.wordpress.com - Britain

Coronavirus: Weeks Eight, Nine, Ten AND Eleven

So I clearly got bored of logging our weekly activity…or inactivity, due to the restrictions. I am still super busy but our house routines are now very set and it does seem to suit the boys (or one of them, anyway).

5 Thoughtful Ways to Celebrate Juneteenth This Year - thespruce.com - Usa - state Texas

5 Thoughtful Ways to Celebrate Juneteenth This Year

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, Jubilee Day, and America’s Second Independence Day, is a holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States that is celebrated on June 19th. It marks the date that Union troops freed enslaved people in Galveston, Texas on June 19th, 1865, over two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. 

12 DIY Potato Pots to Grow Potatoes Without Digging - balconygardenweb.com

12 DIY Potato Pots to Grow Potatoes Without Digging

Are you a potato lover but don’t have the outdoor space or inclination to dig up a garden bed? Fear not, because DIY potato pots are here to save the day! Get ready to ditch the shovel and start growing your own potatoes with these simple DIY Potato Pots to Grow Potatoes Without Digging.

Put These 10 Things in Your Potato Planting Hole for Best Harvest - balconygardenweb.com - Indonesia

Put These 10 Things in Your Potato Planting Hole for Best Harvest

Potatoes can make any meal taste so much better! Baked, fried, mashed, boiled, or roasted hardly matters! If you want a bumper yield, Put These 10 Things in Your Potato Planting Hole for Best Harvest!

9 DIY Homemade Rooting Hormone Ideas - balconygardenweb.com

9 DIY Homemade Rooting Hormone Ideas

These 9 homemade rooting hormones are as good as commercial ones and make the propagation of plants from stem cuttings faster and easier.

How to Make and Use Garlic Water Pesticide for Plants - balconygardenweb.com - state Colorado

How to Make and Use Garlic Water Pesticide for Plants

Garlic, with its active sulfur compounds, is an effective organic way to get rid of pests naturally. It is easy to use and keeps the soil free from harmful chemicals. Keep reading to know in detail about How to Make and Use Garlic Water Pesticide for Plants.

12 Best 5-Minutes Clever Planting Hacks - balconygardenweb.com

12 Best 5-Minutes Clever Planting Hacks

Here are some handy hints that will help you a lot while growing the plants of your choice! Have a look at these Best 5 Minutes Planting Hacks and make your work easy!

Growing Potatoes from Store Brought Potatoes | Grow Potatoes from Buds - balconygardenweb.com

Growing Potatoes from Store Brought Potatoes | Grow Potatoes from Buds

Homegrown, freshly dug potatoes taste remarkably better than the ones you buy from the market. If you too want to experience that, check out this step-by-step guide on Growing Potatoes from Store Brought Potatoes.

Growing Potatoes Indoors | Best Potatoes to Grow in Pot | - balconygardenweb.com - Usa - state Idaho

Growing Potatoes Indoors | Best Potatoes to Grow in Pot |

Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum) might be the only vegetable that tastes great with any cuisine. Baked or cooked, they offer a plethora of health benefits in many ways, with essential nutrients that help in combating many diseases. Above all, Growing Potatoes Indoors is easy, and this way, you can have them fresh anytime in your kitchen!

13 Ideas on How to Start a Budget Vegetable Garden in Less than $10 - balconygardenweb.com

13 Ideas on How to Start a Budget Vegetable Garden in Less than $10

If you are on a limited budget, then read about everything onHow to Start a Budget Vegetable Garden for Less than $10?

If You Have a Few Buckets You Can Use Them These 20 Ways In The Garden | Bucket Uses - balconygardenweb.com

If You Have a Few Buckets You Can Use Them These 20 Ways In The Garden | Bucket Uses

Uncover amazing Bucket Uses for your garden and witness their remarkable versatility in action with these garden in a bucket ideas. From planters to compost bins, these simpleBucket Uses ideas will transform your gardening experience and spruce up your home.

25 Absolutely Amazing DIY Chicken Wire Projects For The Garden - balconygardenweb.com

25 Absolutely Amazing DIY Chicken Wire Projects For The Garden

This is a 2 purpose DIY bin that you can use either as a yard waste bin or as a compost bin. You can create this project using wires and a few more basic supplies with this easy tutorial from the Empress of Dirt.

Should you remove potato flowers and/or their fruits? - growlikegrandad.co.uk

Should you remove potato flowers and/or their fruits?

Over the years I’ve heard a number of allotment folk say that they remove the flowers from their potato plants because it increases the number of potatoes. The theory is that by preventing a potato plant from putting its energies into flowering and fruiting, it goes on to produce larger tubers below ground instead. But is there truth in this crop yield boost idea or is it yet another gardening myth?

Why ‘Dig For Victory’ is vital in 2020… #GrowYourOwnaForCorona - growlikegrandad.co.uk - Britain - Eu

Why ‘Dig For Victory’ is vital in 2020… #GrowYourOwnaForCorona

In 1939 at the advent of World War Two there were only 46 million people in Britain and the majority of vegetables were not imported from overseas. Indeed there wasn’t any large scale vegetable rationing during the entire war, only on foods like butter, meat and eggs. Supplies of other food ingredients such as bananas and oranges were hugely disrupted. The government of the day launched the well-known ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign to encourage us to dig up our lawns and village greens and turn them over to fruit and vegetable growing. This was largely to try and increase the amount of available food, to compensate for other things and not because of widespread vegetable shortages.

Agricultural weedkiller in my manure… again - growlikegrandad.co.uk

Agricultural weedkiller in my manure… again

I like to apply manure to my beds where I can because it’s a good mulch for moisture retention and helps add organic matter to the soil. Regular horse manure is actually pretty poor in terms of NPK benefit (0.5, 0.35, 0.43) instead my favourite manure has always been zoo poo. Elephant dung has an NPK value of 3, 1, 5 – try getting hold of it now though, my last zoo supplier stopped two years ago. Thus I’ve been forced to use whatever gets delivered free to the plots from local stables or purchase the bagged stuff. A few years ago I had some problems with what I suspected was weedkiller contamination from local stables and my runner beans. This year I have definite contamination of beans from bags of Country Natural organic manure.

9 Possible Ways to Use Shredded Paper in the Garden - balconygardenweb.com

9 Possible Ways to Use Shredded Paper in the Garden

When grown in a barrel or grow bag, potatoes have to be hilled up by the addition of loose organic material, such as soil or compost. This is essential as potatoes form the underground part of the plant, so when you hill them, you elongate the underground portion effectively and stimulate productivity. Additionally, hilling triggers potato tubers to grow broad and far down and encourages nascent potatoes to grow over maturing ones. Increased depth causes an improvement in flavor. One way to hill them up is by scooping up the soil and pressing it along the underground stems. Alternatively, you can use heaps of shredded paper as compost to sprinkle over the tubers.

30 Best Trailing Foliage Plants for Hanging Baskets and Windowboxes - balconygardenweb.com

30 Best Trailing Foliage Plants for Hanging Baskets and Windowboxes

Spiller plants add a visual drama to any space when you include them in hanging baskets or containers where they flow a green delight of awesomeness to the surroundings. These Best Trailing Foliage Plants can be a great addition to your workplace or home!

18 Best Flowers for Attracting Pollinators to a Vegetable Garden - balconygardenweb.com - city Brussels

18 Best Flowers for Attracting Pollinators to a Vegetable Garden

Companion planting with flowers is the easiest technique to have a healthy harvest with the least effort. So, if you are planning one, check out the handpicked list of the Best Flowers for Attracting Pollinators to a Vegetable Garden!

How to Make A Delicious Soup Garden in Containers - balconygardenweb.com

How to Make A Delicious Soup Garden in Containers

If you love nutritious and heartwarming soups, why not next time prepare them from homegrown vegetables picked from your very own Container Soup Garden? This rewarding activity needs just a pinch of your time, small space to keep containers, and some tending.

How to Prevent Bacterial Soft Rot on Fruits and Veggies - gardenerspath.com

How to Prevent Bacterial Soft Rot on Fruits and Veggies

No doubt you are familiar with pervasive bacterial soft rots of produce in storage – some of the most damaging diseases throughout the world.While potatoes are the most high-profile victims of

The Mantis 2-Cycle Tiller Reviewed | Gardeners Path - gardenerspath.com

The Mantis 2-Cycle Tiller Reviewed | Gardeners Path

We link to vendors to help you find relevant products. If you buy from one of our links, we may earn a commission.I’ve Tested Many Tillers, and I Al

21 of the Best Sweet Potato Cultivars to Grow at Home - gardenerspath.com

21 of the Best Sweet Potato Cultivars to Grow at Home

A certain family member of mine insists that only the tuberous root veggies with cream-colored flesh are real sweet potatoes. The orange things, she says, are yams.Friends, my dear family member is wrong. Just about

How to Heat Your Greenhouse | Gardener's Path - gardenerspath.com

How to Heat Your Greenhouse | Gardener's Path

A greenhouse serves as a fantastic option to grow plants in locations or seasons where they wouldn’t fare well by themselves due to the local weather conditions and climate.Plus, they can be a styli

Homegrown Vegetables High in B Vitamins - gardenerspath.com

Homegrown Vegetables High in B Vitamins

Since I’ve sadly outgrown the Flintstones Chewables stage of life, ensuring that I’m getting all of my essential vitamins can sometimes feel like a guessing game.As a dietitian, patients often ask me about taking vitamin supp

Economic Benefits Of Community Gardens And Green Spaces - gardeningknowhow.com

Economic Benefits Of Community Gardens And Green Spaces

Community gardening is becoming a familiar sight. Some of the benefits of community gardening are aesthetic — utilizing an otherwise unused and unkempt space and beautifying it. Some are social endeavors that bring a community together with a common goal.

16 Stunning Heat-Loving Plant Combos for Containers - balconygardenweb.com

16 Stunning Heat-Loving Plant Combos for Containers

If your region has a sunny vibe and waves then use it to your advantage! How? By getting inspired by these Heat-Loving Plant Combos for Containers!

10 Cheap DIY Dustbin Planters That Look Great - balconygardenweb.com

10 Cheap DIY Dustbin Planters That Look Great

Attach casters to regular metal trash cans so that they can move and use plastic bottles as fillers to complete this recycling project. Get the tutorial at HGTV. Also, check out 21 other mobile garden ideas here.

How to Kill Plant Fungus with Baking Soda - balconygardenweb.com

How to Kill Plant Fungus with Baking Soda

Here’s all you need to know about How to Kill Plant Fungus with Baking Soda to make sure your green friends are safe from the issues of clubroot, black spot, blight, rust, downy and powdery mildew.

50 Genius Space Saving Hacks for Small Kitchens - balconygardenweb.com

50 Genius Space Saving Hacks for Small Kitchens

These Genius Space Saving Hacks for Small Kitchens will help you to make the best of the limited space, especially if you live in a small apartment or studio!

Is Elephant Ear Sap Poisonous? Find Out! - balconygardenweb.com

Is Elephant Ear Sap Poisonous? Find Out!

Elephant Ear plants are popular for their striking, large heart-like leaves that make them a popular choice for indoor and outdoor gardening. However, many people are unaware of its toxicity. So, Is Elephant Ear Sap Poisonous? Let’s find out!

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