Peas Ideas, Tips & Guides

In a Vase on Monday: Self-Care -

In a Vase on Monday: Self-Care

You may or may not have noted that it has been very quiet on Rambling in the Garden this week, with a focus instead on the provision of a considerable degree of self-care. I try to keep personal disclosure on the blog to a  minimum, but sometimes things make such an impact that it seems the right thing to do to share it with my blogging friends. I contracted Covid over a week ago which gradually developed into full-blown fatigue and brain fog, and still lingers; the only thing I have had the energy to do is ‘rest, rest and more rest’ (the best medicine, I am assured), with everything else in life put on hold. For someone as active as me this has been hard to accept, but I have had no choice, and even thinking has been an effort.

In a Vase on Monday: Sheer Pinks -

In a Vase on Monday: Sheer Pinks

I picked all the Winter Sunshine sweet peas that were blooming in the working greenhouse today, but decided against using them as the main focus of today’s vase, partly because I was so enamoured by Pimpinella major ‘Rosea’ which was flowering for the first time. Using the latter as my starting point, the flowers were quickly joined by a lost-or-buried-label astrantia, a similarly unknown heuchera and fluffy bunny tails Lagurus ovatus, all picked from the main borders, They were then joined in a simple. slim, deep purple vase by the lightest pink of the sweet peas to create a gently pleasing offering for IAVOM. The sheer pinks of the contents demanded something equally pink and sheer, and hence the inclusion of my dressmaker’s pinking shears…

26 Easy and Cool DIY Bean Trellis Ideas -

26 Easy and Cool DIY Bean Trellis Ideas

If you’re growing beans in your garden, providing adequate support is essential for healthy plant growth and a bountiful harvest. With these DIY Bean Trellis Ideas, you can create cost-effective and unique support structures using a variety of materials and designs to suit your gardening needs.

24 Spectacular DIY Bamboo Projects & Uses In Garden -

24 Spectacular DIY Bamboo Projects & Uses In Garden

Want to create a garden fence? How about this bamboo fence idea? The steps are here.

How Soaking Seeds in Hydrogen Peroxide Improves Germination -

How Soaking Seeds in Hydrogen Peroxide Improves Germination

If you are propagating plants from seeds, it is necessary that the seeds must germinate successfully. For improving the chances of germination, soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide helps a lot. How? Let’s find out!

50 Amazing DIY Garden Walkway Ideas -

50 Amazing DIY Garden Walkway Ideas

Garden walkways can change the look of your entire yard if done tastefully. To help you out, we bring you some excellent DIY Garden Walkway Ideas, which you can use to create a similar one without spending a lot in the process!

18 Best Vines and Climbers for Balcony and Patio -

18 Best Vines and Climbers for Balcony and Patio

If you want to utilize the vertical space in your home and small, then here are the Best Vines and Climbers for the Balcony and Patio you must grow in pots.

49 Functional DIY Cucumber Trellis Ideas -

49 Functional DIY Cucumber Trellis Ideas

Cucumbers are easy and fun to grow vegetables. But do cucumbers need a trellis? Can cucumbers grow up a trellis? Yes! As they are climbing vines, you have to choose a spot that provides them the right support to grow. You can use trellises to hold them up, and this is where these DIY Cucumber Trellis Ideas will help you!

12 Functional DIY Pea Trellis Ideas -

12 Functional DIY Pea Trellis Ideas

Whether you plant peas on the ground or in containers, they need support to grow productively. You can use stakes and trellises or repurpose spare tomato cages for this purpose.

80 Fantastic Pea Gravel Driveway Ideas -

80 Fantastic Pea Gravel Driveway Ideas

Are you tired of the boring and unappealing look of your driveway? Do you want to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your home’s exterior? Look no further than these Pea Gravel Driveway Ideas that will leave your guests in awe and make your neighbors jealous.

Plants for West and East Facing Balcony Garden -

Plants for West and East Facing Balcony Garden

East facing balcony receives 6 to 8 hours of sun, often between 8 am. to 1 pm., the benefit of such balcony is that you can save your plants from the harsh afternoon sun.

Agricultural weedkiller in my manure… again -

Agricultural weedkiller in my manure… again

I like to apply manure to my beds where I can because it’s a good mulch for moisture retention and helps add organic matter to the soil. Regular horse manure is actually pretty poor in terms of NPK benefit (0.5, 0.35, 0.43) instead my favourite manure has always been zoo poo. Elephant dung has an NPK value of 3, 1, 5 – try getting hold of it now though, my last zoo supplier stopped two years ago. Thus I’ve been forced to use whatever gets delivered free to the plots from local stables or purchase the bagged stuff. A few years ago I had some problems with what I suspected was weedkiller contamination from local stables and my runner beans. This year I have definite contamination of beans from bags of Country Natural organic manure.

15 Free Seeds That You Can Find in Your Fridge or Pantry | -

15 Free Seeds That You Can Find in Your Fridge or Pantry |

You will be surprised to know about the seeds of fruits and veggies in your fridge that you can grow easily! Growing them is fun and this will allow you to enjoy the taste of homegrown fruits and vegetables! So, from now on, don’t throw the unused seeds that you can find in your fridge or pantry for free as waste and utilize them by planting in your garden.

14 Really Cute Tabletop Garden DIYs for 2021 -

14 Really Cute Tabletop Garden DIYs for 2021

If your love for indoor gardening is ever-growing, then have a look at these Really Cute Tabletop Garden DIYs for 2021 and make one for yourself!

11 Aquaponics Fish Tank DIY Ideas -

11 Aquaponics Fish Tank DIY Ideas

How great it would be if you could grow plants with the help of a fish tank! Aquaculture and hydroponics can be used in a clever way to grow plants of your choice without taking too much space inside homes. It is simple and easy and there are many ways you could do it! Here are some of the clever Aquaponics Fish Tank DIY ideas you can use.

4 Gorgeous April Birth Month Flowers -

4 Gorgeous April Birth Month Flowers

April is a beautiful month to celebrate a birthday with the flowers that bloom during this time. From daisies to sweet peas, let’s take a closer look at the April Birth Month Flowers.

35 Best Vines for Containers | Climbing Plants for Pots - - Britain

35 Best Vines for Containers | Climbing Plants for Pots

Here’s an exclusive list of the Best Vines for Containers that you can grow in the smallest of spaces. Adorn your patio, balcony, rooftop or backyard garden with these today! Growing these climbing plants in pots will also save you from controlling their invasiveness.

7 of the Best Types of Fava Beans -

7 of the Best Types of Fava Beans

Favas are a cool-season crop that produces a harvest of tasty, meaty beans – and they make excellent companion plants!Since there are different kinds

How to Plant and Grow Fava Beans -

How to Plant and Grow Fava Beans

Fava beans are a cool-weather crop that will provide a bountiful harvest of plant-based protein – while also fixing nitrogen in your garden!As a legume grown long enough that it’s

How to Cultivate Croton Plants Indoors - - Australia

How to Cultivate Croton Plants Indoors

Tropical garden croton, Codiaeum variegatum, makes a spectacular houseplant.A member of the genus Codiaeum in the Euphorbiaceae, or spurge, family, it

How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Sweet Pea Flowers | Gardener's Path -

How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Sweet Pea Flowers | Gardener's Path

A child in a beloved cartoon strip. A mother’s tender nickname for a tiny baby. A character on a TV show popular with young adults.Sweet peas one and all. All named for the lovely vining an

What’s the Difference Between Butter Beans and Limas? -

What’s the Difference Between Butter Beans and Limas?

Trivia buffs and riddle lovers can take a break today, because the answer to the question, “What’s the difference between a lima bean and a butter bean?” is… nothing.Both are just different names for the tasty legume

Homegrown Vegetables High in B Vitamins -

Homegrown Vegetables High in B Vitamins

Since I’ve sadly outgrown the Flintstones Chewables stage of life, ensuring that I’m getting all of my essential vitamins can sometimes feel like a guessing game.As a dietitian, patients often ask me about taking vitamin supp

How to Identify and Control Pea Weevils - - Usa - Canada - Australia

How to Identify and Control Pea Weevils

They may not be actual weevils, but there is no question that these pests are sneaky. Hiding inside the pea seeds within the pods, they can ruin an otherwise beautiful, bountiful crop.We link to vendors to help you find relevant product

17 of the Best Shelling Pea Varieties to Grow in Your Garden - - Britain -  Alaska

17 of the Best Shelling Pea Varieties to Grow in Your Garden

We’re here to look at the best varieties of shelling peas, Pisum sativum, to grow in your garden. But first I have a confession to make.I love to make very strong recommendations about what peop

21 Fast Growing Creepers and Vines -

21 Fast Growing Creepers and Vines

Vines have the unique ability to add color, texture, and height to your garden in ways that shrubs and trees cannot. Their climbing and creeping nature make them a special addition to any landscape–If you agree, here are some Fast Growing Creepers and Vines that can enhance the beauty of your garden instantly.

Peas -


I am loving these sweet peas from seeds saved from last year. They were sown in Winter and planted out in early March and three weeks ago I sowed more and planted them out today.

How to Plant and Grow Black-Eyed Peas - - Usa

How to Plant and Grow Black-Eyed Peas

I have a bridge-playing friend whose favorite expression is, “I’d rather be lucky than good.” Black-eyed peas, though, they’re both.These Southern US favorites are a New Year’s Day good luck tr

How to Plant and Grow Pigeon Peas - - India - Australia

How to Plant and Grow Pigeon Peas

When you live somewhere warm enough to grow them as annuals or perennials, pigeon peas sure do come in handy.These legumes, Cajanus cajan, are one of the

How to Grow Peas in Your Own Garden -

How to Grow Peas in Your Own Garden

If a girl finds 9 peas in a pod, the next bachelor she meets will become her husband.

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Welcome to, your ultimate resource for all things gardening! In this section, we'll explore the wonderful world of peas - those versatile, green gems that delight our taste buds and offer a rewarding experience for gardeners of all levels. 

Peas are a type of edible legume, commonly known as a vegetable. They belong to the family Fabaceae and are scientifically known as Pisum sativum. They are cultivated and consumed worldwide, and they come in various varieties, including green peas, snow peas, and sugar snap peas.

Green peas are the most commonly consumed variety and are usually round and green in color. They are typically harvested when the seeds inside the pod are still young and tender. They are often sold fresh, frozen, or canned and can be used in a variety of dishes such as soups, salads, stews, and as a side vegetable.

Snow peas, also known as Chinese pea pods, have flat and edible pods with small, undeveloped peas inside. They are commonly used in stir-fries and other Asian dishes.

Sugar snap peas are a hybrid variety that combines the characteristics of green peas and snow peas. They have plump pods with sweet, edible peas inside and are often eaten whole, including the pod. It is a good source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein, making them a nutritious addition to a balanced diet. They are also a popular garden vegetable due to their ease of cultivation and relatively short growing season.


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