LEAF Ideas, Tips & Guides

17 Ginkgo Leaf Tattoo Ideas - balconygardenweb.com

17 Ginkgo Leaf Tattoo Ideas

Each ginkgo leaf has its own special meaning, so find the perfect design to express yourself. From detailed to simple, there’s something for everyone!

20 Fantastic Maple Leaf Tattoo Ideas - balconygardenweb.com - Usa - Canada - Japan

20 Fantastic Maple Leaf Tattoo Ideas

Look at these amazing Maple Leaf Tattoo Ideas and blend your love for the natural world with the artistry. Keep reading!

16 Indoor Plants that Grow From Just One Leaf - balconygardenweb.com

16 Indoor Plants that Grow From Just One Leaf

You just need a pot (of soil or water) and a single leaf with a bit of petiole or cutting to propagate most of the plants on this list. Isn’t it easy?

Dischidia hirsuta 'Red Leaf' Care Tips and Growing Information - balconygardenweb.com

Dischidia hirsuta 'Red Leaf' Care Tips and Growing Information

Dischidias are unusual, unique, easy-to-care-for houseplants, and most types love to trail and cascade from hanging baskets. If you want a non-fussy companion for your desk or window, learn How to Grow Dischidia hirsuta Red Leaf, and you may fall in love with the plant.

115 Plant puns and plant jokes to leaf you chuckling - growingfamily.co.uk

115 Plant puns and plant jokes to leaf you chuckling

If you’re searching for plant puns and plant jokes to raise a giggle, you’re in the right place.

13 Big Leaf Succulents - balconygardenweb.com - Madagascar

13 Big Leaf Succulents

Big Leaf Succulents are awesome for any garden, big or small. They're easy to take care of and come in cool varieties like Snake Plant, Giant Blue Echeveria, and Sunburst Aeonium. There's also Felt Bush, Whale's Tongue Agave, Madagascar Palm, Black Rose, Paddle Plant, Dinner Plate Aeonium, Tree Stonecrop, Foxtail Agave, Donkey Ears, Flapjack, and Tree Houseleek. Check them out for some leafy goodness!

Rose Leaf – Black Spot - backyardgardener.com

Rose Leaf – Black Spot

A term which can be used to describe certain plant diseases which reveal themselves as black spots on the leaves. Some are quite startling in the color contrast with the green of the leaf, for example, black or tar spot on sycamore leaves. But the best known of all ornamental plant black spot diseases is that which affects roses, called rose black spot. In this, the spots are usually circular and well-defined but sometimes they are very diffuse and roughly follow the veins in a branched fashion. In the disease of delphiniums called black spot or black blotch, the black spots are of all sizes and very irregular shapes. In black spot disease of elm leaves the spots are shiny, coal black, and slightly raised.

Peach Leaf Curl – and how to avoid it - theenglishgarden.co.uk - Britain

Peach Leaf Curl – and how to avoid it

Peach leaf curl is a fungal disease that distorts the leaves of peaches and nectarines, and sometimes also apricots. The leaves crumple and thicken, and often have red blistery patches. Ultimately they fall off, and if your peach tree only has a handful of leaves left, it’s obvious that it won’t perform well.

8 Leaf House Plants | Indoor Plants with 8 Leaves - balconygardenweb.com

8 Leaf House Plants | Indoor Plants with 8 Leaves

8 leaves house plants can be a quirky addition to indoor space, where you can use them for decoration, while adding a different numbered pallet to your foliage collection!

What Does It Mean When You Find a Four Leaf Clover - balconygardenweb.com

What Does It Mean When You Find a Four Leaf Clover

Often regarded as the flag bearer of good luck, not many know what actual meaning this plant carries. Read on to find out what it means when you find a four leaf clover.

How to Grow and Care for Banana Leaf Figs - gardenerspath.com - China - India - county Hardy

How to Grow and Care for Banana Leaf Figs

How to Grow and Care for Banana Leaf Figs Ficus maclellandii

How to Make Leaf Mold from Fallen Leaves - balconygardenweb.com

How to Make Leaf Mold from Fallen Leaves

Don’t let the fallen foliage in your garden go to waste, and use it to improve the plants’ health. How? Here’s all the information on How to Make Leaf Mold from Fallen Leaves!

14 'Lovely' Heart Leaf Philodendron Varieties - balconygardenweb.com

14 'Lovely' Heart Leaf Philodendron Varieties

If you are looking for trailing plants that are also really easy to look after, these Heart Leaf Philodendron Varieties will win your ❤️!

29 Four Leaf Clover Tattoo Meaning and Ideas - balconygardenweb.com

29 Four Leaf Clover Tattoo Meaning and Ideas

The Four Leaf Clover Tattoo is more than just a design; it is a symbol of good fortune and optimism that has captivated hearts for generations. In this exciting article, we’ll share the deeper meanings behind these tattoos, explore creative ideas that reflect your unique style, and inspire you to get one on your body.

Best Leaf Blowers and Leaf Blower Vacuums 2023 - gardenersworld.com

Best Leaf Blowers and Leaf Blower Vacuums 2023

In the autumn months it’s glorious to see the leaves turn from green through to golden brown but once they start to fall and cover our gardens, it’s a different matter. While those that settle on bare ground in the veg patch and in beds can be left to rot down to act as a mulch, piles of leaves on lawns, borders, paths and patios are best cleared away to prevent them becoming a hotbed for pests and diseases or creating a dangerously slippery surface once the wet weather arrives.

133 best fall puns and fall jokes to leaf you smiling - growingfamily.co.uk

133 best fall puns and fall jokes to leaf you smiling

Are you excited for autumn season? This list of kid-friendly, hilarious fall puns and fall jokes is perfect for helping the whole family celebrate this gorgeous time of the year.

16 Best Large Leaf Philodendron Varieties - balconygardenweb.com - Peru

16 Best Large Leaf Philodendron Varieties

If you’re seeking plant varieties that make a bold and captivating statement, you’re in for a treat! Join us as we explore the bestLarge Leaf Philodendron Varieties – these aren’t your average houseplants; they’re living sculptures that transform spaces into verdant sanctuaries!

How I Use Homemade Leaf Mold in My Garden - treehugger.com

How I Use Homemade Leaf Mold in My Garden

I have written before about how I make leaf mold in my garden. But today, I thought it would be useful to share how I use the leaf mold that I make since I have been asked about this a few times recently. I know that many are interested in making leaf mold but don't fully understand how it can be used.

12 Tall Houseplants that Look-Like Fiddle Leaf Fig - balconygardenweb.com

12 Tall Houseplants that Look-Like Fiddle Leaf Fig

Here are some great Houseplants that Look-Like Fiddle Leaf Fig and are going to be an eye-catching alternative with their large foliage!

How to Propagate Bay Leaf | Bay Tree Propagation - balconygardenweb.com

How to Propagate Bay Leaf | Bay Tree Propagation

The bay leaves plant is usually sold in pot but if you don’t find one, propagate it from seeds or cutting.

Learn to love leaf mould - theunconventionalgardener.com

Learn to love leaf mould

There might be a new chill in the air, but autumn is a beautiful time of year, when the leaves change color on the trees and the sun shines through a million little stained-glass windows. But once the leaves fall to the floor then it’s a different story. If they fall into ponds they can foul the water, on the lawn they can cause bleached patches and they make paths slippery in the winter. Gardeners everywhere spend the autumn raking up leaves to prevent these problems, but did you know that you can turn them into free soil improver for your garden, rather then sending them off with the rubbish?

What Do Leaf Bugs Eat? Find Out! - balconygardenweb.com - Australia - Philippines

What Do Leaf Bugs Eat? Find Out!

What Do Leaf Bugs Eat? Curious about the diet of leaf bugs? Let’s find out the interesting foods that keep these special insects going!

Coloured Leaf and Leaves - gardenerstips.co.uk

Coloured Leaf and Leaves

Before the Autumn leaf colours start to invade our senses I am just recapping on the leaves that have made an impact for me this summer.

Leaf Miners Indoor & Outdoor Pests - gardenerstips.co.uk - Britain

Leaf Miners Indoor & Outdoor Pests

Leaf miners are the larvae of moths, beetles, maggots, flies or caterpillars that have hatched between the upper and lower epidermis of a leaf. They then burrow there way out eating part of the leaf and leaving a trail.

14 Most Beautiful Types of Big Leaf Caladium Varieties You Can Grow - balconygardenweb.com

14 Most Beautiful Types of Big Leaf Caladium Varieties You Can Grow

Here are the Most Beautiful Types of Big Leaf Caladium Varieties that will surely turn a lot of heads with their big, bold, and fantastic foliage!

Problem Solving: Peach Leaf Curl - gardenersworld.com

Problem Solving: Peach Leaf Curl

Airborne fungal spores land on buds to infest newly-emerging leaves in spring. The fungus feeds on the young leaves and affects their development so that they become distorted. The smaller leaf size makes them less efficient at making food for the plant and in its weakened state, the flowers and fruit fall off. Trees may recover sufficiently to make a second flush of growth and these leaves are usually unaffected by the fungus. Fungus survives on fallen leaves and branches to re-infect next season’s buds.

Winter Leaf Marcescence - hgic.clemson.edu - Usa

Winter Leaf Marcescence

Have you noticed the persistent brown leaves still hanging on some deciduous trees long after their foliar companions have fallen? This usually becomes very apparent after normal leaf drop in early winter. These brown leaves may remain attached until spring bud growth pushes them free.

Destroying the Indestructible – Vinca leaf-folder - hgic.clemson.edu - state Texas - county Garden

Destroying the Indestructible – Vinca leaf-folder

Perennial vines in the genus Vinca have proved to be sturdy and seemingly indestructible groundcovers for the Southeastern Unites States. However, over the past few years, vinca leaf-folder caterpillars have been ravaging landscape plantings of perennial vincas (Vinca major andVinca minor). Both can be infested, but V. major seems to sustain more damage. According to Dr. Matt Bertone, Entomologist at NC State University, this pest is likely Diaphania costata.

Leaf Drop in Evergreens - hgic.clemson.edu

Leaf Drop in Evergreens

You may have noticed your evergreen shrubs and trees shedding yellow and brown leaves this spring. It seems unusual, but it could be a normal leaf and needle drop. While some may believe that evergreen leaves last forever, the truth is that their leaves may only last for a short time, often between one to a few years. Sometimes normal leaf drop goes unnoticed in the fall, for example, with pines and azaleas, because it coincides with the normal shedding of leaves in deciduous plants. As the dormant deciduous plants leaf out in the spring, it seems unnatural for hollies, live oaks, and magnolias to lose their leaves. Is this a distress call for help? Not necessarily.

A Lazy Gardener Contemplates the Death of a Leaf - hgic.clemson.edu

A Lazy Gardener Contemplates the Death of a Leaf

Soon, ghosts and goblins will take to the streets to celebrate this season for the macabre. Today, Halloween is an occasion for dressing up in costumes and trick-or-treating. Its origins include pagan and Christian observances commemorating seasonal harvests and the memories of loved ones who have passed away.

Color Change and Leaf Drop in Deciduous Fruit Trees - hgic.clemson.edu

Color Change and Leaf Drop in Deciduous Fruit Trees

Leaf color change is one of the most iconic events that define the fall season. In a matter of days, the green color gives way to bright yellow, orange, and red hues. The appearance of these colors not only increases the beauty of our forests but also helps the growth of our orchards and backyard trees. These fall colors are created by pigments such as ß-carotene, anthocyanin, or lutein. Some may wonder, “why would trees spend energy in creating these pigments right when they are about to drop their leaves?” The answer is that the strategy is not about spending but saving for the next season.

What Is It? Wednesday – Large Leaf Spot - hgic.clemson.edu - state South Carolina

What Is It? Wednesday – Large Leaf Spot

This leaf is showing symptoms of a fungal disease called large leaf spot (Monochaetia sp.) that affects oaks and chestnuts. The appropriately named spots may reach 2 inches wide and stretch across the entire leaf, killing large amounts of tissue.

What is It? Wednesday – Yellowmargin Leaf Beetle and Vegetable Weevil damage - hgic.clemson.edu

What is It? Wednesday – Yellowmargin Leaf Beetle and Vegetable Weevil damage

This Napa cabbage is being fed on by larvae of both the yellow margined leaf beetle (YMLB, Microtheca ochroloma) and vegetable weevil (Listroderes difficilis). YMLB can be a significant pest for organic production, especially turnips and Napa cabbage, which they prefer.

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