Dill Ideas, Tips & Guides

12 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why - balconygardenweb.com

12 Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why

If you want to boost the productivity and flavor of your crops in the garden, then check out this list of Vegetables You Should Never Plant Together and Why.

How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Dill Weed and Seed - gardenerspath.com - Usa - state California - region Mediterranean

How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Dill Weed and Seed

How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Dill Weed and Seed Anethum graveolens

Caterpillar On Dill In Your Garden? What To Do If You Spot One - savvygardening.com

Caterpillar On Dill In Your Garden? What To Do If You Spot One

When you see a caterpillar on dill in your garden—or other plants—you may be startled, grossed out, or annoyed that your plant is being systematically decimated. I get excited. Because I know it’s a black swallowtail caterpillar (Papilio polyxenes) that’s going to turn into a beautiful butterfly. And that butterfly is going to become one of many valuable pollinators in my garden. I see a few types of swallowtail butterflies fluttering about my property, landing on various annuals and perennials. They are am

1000 Pound Pumpkin or a Pie - backyardgardener.com - New York

1000 Pound Pumpkin or a Pie

In their quest for the world’s heavyweight champion, some pumpkin growers will do almost anything.

The World Pumpkin Confederation – History - backyardgardener.com - Usa - Canada - state Washington - state Pennsylvania - state New Jersey - state New York

The World Pumpkin Confederation – History

The record existed until 1976 when Bob Ford of Coatesville, Pennsylvania, USA exhibited a 451 pound specimen at the U.S. Pumpkin Contest in Churchville, PA. Yearly International Competition was revived again in 1979 when Canadian Howard Dill of Windsor, Nova Scotia won his first of four consecutive international pumpkinship titles at the Cornell Contest in Pennsylvania. Mr. Dill’s first world record of 459 pounds came in 1980 which he supassed in 1981 by harvesting a 493.5 pound pumpkin.

5 Herbs You Should Never Keep in Fridge and Why? - balconygardenweb.com

5 Herbs You Should Never Keep in Fridge and Why?

Storing herbs is the best way to ensure they keep fresh for a long time to come. However, there are a few ones that you should avoid refrigerating. If you want to know about the Herbs You Should Never Keep in Fridge and Why, then read ahead!

Okra, Pickles, and Cornbread - hgic.clemson.edu - Georgia

Okra, Pickles, and Cornbread

There are many foods and ingredients that illicit strong opinions among eaters, often based on one unpleasant sensory experience due to poor preparation and not the food itself. Okra, a mucilaginous member of the Mallow family, is no stranger.

Eyes bigger than our bucket - theunconventionalgardener.com

Eyes bigger than our bucket

Clearly we didn’t learn our lesson from our first slightly overambitious bbq meal, because last weekend we found ourselves with another 3-course meal to book on the little bucket bbq.

Dill in space - theunconventionalgardener.com - Russia

Dill in space

It has been a month since we set up the AeroGarden and started our journey into space gardening. It came with three herbs – basil, dill and parsley. The basil was the first to burst into life and has been the fastest growing. I trimmed the top of one of the young plants at the end of July, and it’s probably ready for another trim now. The parsley was the slowest to germinate and isn’t remotely close to catching up, but it is growing well now.

What Were the First Seeds in Space? GotG4 - theunconventionalgardener.com - Britain - India - Russia - Japan - Australia

What Were the First Seeds in Space? GotG4

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma takes the time machine for a spin to explore the early history of seeds in space. Plus you’ll find out which plants will be best for terraforming Mars, why greenhouses may soon be made from solar panels, what’s included in a Russian space tourist package and more!

How To Grow And Care For Dill In Your Garden - southernliving.com

How To Grow And Care For Dill In Your Garden

Native to the Mediterranean and Asia, dill has delicate, feathery foliage and lovely golden-yellow flowers in mid-summer. It’s one of the easiest herbs to grow and readily self-sows by dropping seeds in the garden which will pop up again next year. It’s pretty enough to plant among your flowers, and pollinators love it.

14 Beneficial Insects for Your Garden - Fantastic Gardeners UK - blog.fantasticgardeners.co.uk - Britain - state Colorado

14 Beneficial Insects for Your Garden - Fantastic Gardeners UK

Regardless of whether you are just starting your gardening journey or are already a gardening pro, the question of how to stop detrimental pests from destroying your hard work will inevitably arise.

23 Different Types of Cilantro and Coriander - balconygardenweb.com - Thailand

23 Different Types of Cilantro and Coriander

Read about the Different Types of Cilantro and Coriander that you can plant in pots to enhance the flavors of various dishes!

Waste not, want not: dill and other volunteers - awaytogarden.com

Waste not, want not: dill and other volunteers

There’s a spot beside my patio where Nicotiana and annual poppies like to propagate–don’t ask me why–and I’ve learned to let them do so, above, until they’re just big enough to move around where I want them. (This means we each get our way half the time, I guess you could say.) In the driveway gravel, wonderful sedums like ‘Matrona’ sow all the time, and I’m happy to have the freebies to add to the garden.If the colony of volunteers is in the right place but just too thickly sown, I edit (with repeated pinches of my fingers, removing enough to allow the survivors good spacing). If the colony isn’t where I want it at all, I scoop up trowelfuls (above, with Nicotiana) and move them, above, or sometimes even individual young plants.This is my system with not just the poppies and flowering tobacco, but with tall verbena (Verbena bonariensis), and would be with Nigella and larkspur and other things I no longer grow (though who knows why?).I know, I should neaten up my act–how messy to let the dill grow 6 inches high before weedi

Dan koshansky’s refrigerator dill pickles - awaytogarden.com

Dan koshansky’s refrigerator dill pickles

THESE PICKLES were a hand-me-down recipe from Dan’s mother. And they couldn’t be simpler. Those are from a batch I made many years ago (photo by Kit Latham).the recipe:Wash jars: Run gallon or half-gallon canning jars through the dishwasher or otherwise wash thoroughly.Prepare your brine: To each quart of water that has been boiled and brought to room temperature, add ¾ cup of distilled white vinegar and 4 Tablespoons Kosher salt (Dan would say “heaping tablespoons”). See the link in the box at the bottom of this story on brands of salt and their relative saltiness. Estimate how many quarts to mak

9 Plants That Look Like Dill - balconygardenweb.com

9 Plants That Look Like Dill

While there aren’t many plants that closely resemble dill in terms of appearance, there are a few plants that share some visual similarities or have comparable features. Check the list of Plants That Look Like Dill in this interesting post.

How to Grow Dill - growagoodlife.com - India

How to Grow Dill

This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Looking for

How to Plant and Grow Dill | Gardener's Path - gardenerspath.com - Usa -  California

How to Plant and Grow Dill | Gardener's Path

The smell of dill takes me straight to my happy place: Mediterranean-style meals, warm spring days, and soft feathery plants.Life doesn’t get much better than that doe

The Best Companion Plants for Dill - gardenerspath.com

The Best Companion Plants for Dill

The distinctive flavor of dill, Anethum graveolens, is said to resemble a combination of fennel, anise, and celery.The feathery leaves of this delicate and

13 of the Best Dill Varieties - gardenerspath.com

13 of the Best Dill Varieties

Dill, Anethum graveolens, is a biennial herb, usually grown as an annual. It has delicate, aromatic foliage, and large umbels with bright yellow flowers.Suitable for gardeners in USDA Hardiness

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