Cucumbers Ideas, Tips & Guides

How to Plant and Grow Cucumbers - - India

How to Plant and Grow Cucumbers

There are so many common expressions that don’t really hold up to scrutiny.Pretty as a picture? Not some I’ve seen. Sle

The Best and Worst Cucumber Companion Plants -

The Best and Worst Cucumber Companion Plants

BFFs and Enemies: The Best and Worst Cucumber Companion Plants

13 best cucumber companion plants (and 8 to avoid) -

13 best cucumber companion plants (and 8 to avoid)

This guide covers everything you need to know about cucumber companion plants, including which plants to use, which ones to avoid, and how to give your plants the best chance of producing a good cucumber crop.

Misshapen, bitter cucumbers, or no fruit on zucchini? some timely answers why -

Misshapen, bitter cucumbers, or no fruit on zucchini? some timely answers why

AROUND THIS TIME OF SUMMER everyone wants to know why their cucumbers are misshapen or bitter (or absent!), or their zucchini has lots of flowers, but no courgettes…yet. This story provides the answers.

But i thought they were cucumbers (tee hee) -

But i thought they were cucumbers (tee hee)

I WAS PICKING UP PODS under yellow-flowered Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’ the other day before mowing, and just couldn’t resist faking a jar of “pickles” for this photo. Aren’t they–and nature’s intricate geometry in all pods and cones–fascinating? I’m enjoying the pod-and-water-stuffed jar as the centerpiece on my dining table this week.

How to grow squash, cucumbers and other cucurbits, with tom stearns - - state Vermont

How to grow squash, cucumbers and other cucurbits, with tom stearns

Squash pests and diseases—from squash bugs, vine borers and cucumber beetles, to powdery and downy mildews and bacterial wilts—can make it all sound like just too much. But as a seed farmer, High Mowing Organic Seeds founder Stearns has to harvest lots of extra-ripe fruit to get his hidden-inside crop. He gets to the finish line by working to avoid any preventable setbacks, first and foremost, always keeping in mind the three key things about being a cucurbit:You love heat. You’re thirsty (but your shallow root system means you depend on the immediate area for water resources). You love to eat. Oh, and the aforementioned “issues” love you—some more or less depending on species and varie

A world of crazy heirloom cucumbers, with jay tracy of the cucumber shop - - state California

A world of crazy heirloom cucumbers, with jay tracy of the cucumber shop

California-based Jay Tracy is a teacher and a father of four teens, and also the person behind the collection of exceptional and unusual cucumbers called The Cucumber Shop, a mail-order seed catalog he created about 10 years ago, and that evolved into cucumbershop dot com in 2019.Read along as you listen to the January 23, 2023 edition of my public-radio show and podcast using the player below. You can subscribe to all future editions on Apple Podcasts (iTunes) or Spotify or Stitcher (and browse my archive of podcasts here).crazy cucumbers, with jay tracy

How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes -

How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes

To make your gardening a little fun and interesting, here’s all the information on How to Grow Cucumbers in Unique Shapes in pots!

How To Freeze Cucumbers The Right Way - - Britain

How To Freeze Cucumbers The Right Way

Freezing cucumbers doesn’t always come to mind as an option to preserve your abundance, but it’s actually quite easy and useful.

How Many Cucumbers Per Plant? Tips to Boost Yield -

How Many Cucumbers Per Plant? Tips to Boost Yield

When you plant cucumbers in your garden do you wonder how many cucumbers per plant you can expect to harvest? I know I do because I want to make sure I’ve got enough to provide months of crunchy fruits, but not so many that we’re overwhelmed. Plus, I like to make a couple of batches of pickles each summer and that means I need a generous supply of pickling cucumbers. Below I look at the different types of cucumbers and how that impacts production as well as easy strategies you can use to maximize cucumber yield. 

How to Grow Cucumbers - - India

How to Grow Cucumbers

This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Cucumbers are a s

How to Avoid Bitter Cucumbers and Grow Sweet and Juicy Fruits -

How to Avoid Bitter Cucumbers and Grow Sweet and Juicy Fruits

Extreme differences in temperatures like too cold or too hot, along with a lack of water, can make the fruits taste bitter.

10 Vegetables That Look Like Cucumbers - - India

10 Vegetables That Look Like Cucumbers

Experimenting with these cucumber look-alikes in your kitchen can add variety and excitement to your meals while expanding your gardening stock. Here are some delicious Vegetables That Look Like Cucumbers.

20 Best Pickling Cucumber Varieties | Best Cucumbers for Crunchy Pickles -

20 Best Pickling Cucumber Varieties | Best Cucumbers for Crunchy Pickles

The difference between the regular cucumbers and the pickling variety is that the latter has thinner skins, are extremely crisp, and have smaller seeds, making them the best option for pickles. The pickling varieties are smaller in size and even this matters, as the smaller they are, the easier it is to prep and pickle! Have a look at the best Pickling Cucumber Varieties!

How To Use Epsom Salt For Cucumbers -

How To Use Epsom Salt For Cucumbers

The compound name of Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate. You already get a general idea from this name that this salt is rich in magnesium and sulfur. Absence or scarcity of these compounds from the soil makes the plant lose its vigor, affect its growth, and harvest.

Cool Cucumbers -

Cool Cucumbers

Cool Cucumbers I was sent some grafted cucumbers by Suttons Seeds and they are looking in fine fettle with tiny cucumbers already in evidence. As cucumbers are always at their most delicious picked small and used straight away they are in a large pot in the courtyard just outside the kitchen door where I’m more likely to spot them and where they are convenient to pick.

How to Store and Preserve Cucumbers - -  California

How to Store and Preserve Cucumbers

Cucumbers are one of these veggies that really is best eaten right off the vine. So what should you do if you have an abundance?Fortunately, there are several easy and delicious ways to store cucumb

21 of the Best Pickling Cucumbers - - Britain -  Oregon

21 of the Best Pickling Cucumbers

Instead of pondering just how many pecks Peter Piper could pick, here’s a much more enjoyable way to spend your time:Figure out which variety of pickling cucumber would be

How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically on a Fence -

How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically on a Fence

As the Robert Frost poem “Mending Wall” says, “Good fences make good neighbors.”They also make a good support for vining cucumber

How and When to Harvest Cucumbers -

How and When to Harvest Cucumbers

What’s that expression? Quality is more important than quantity? Or is it the other way around?When you grow cucumbers, both aspects are important, parti

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