Emma Doughty
Emma Doughty
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5 Movies With Unbelievable Scenes About Space Plants - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 12:05

5 Movies With Unbelievable Scenes About Space Plants

It’s Sunday morning, and Ryan is still asleep, and I got a bit bored and started playing around with one of those “blog title generators”. (For those of you for whom this is a new concept, they generate click-bait style headlines for a topic you give them.)

How to Develop a Lasting Relationship… With Your Tools - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 12:05

How to Develop a Lasting Relationship… With Your Tools

As its Valentine’s Day today, and the whole world is in the mood for love, I thought I would talk about one of the most enduring and productive relationships a gardener can have. Although plants (and even gardens) may come and go, if you invest in good tools and look after them properly they will be with you throughout your gardening life.

Don’t struggle with spinach – grow chard - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 12:05

Don’t struggle with spinach – grow chard

Even the most experienced vegetable growers sometimes struggle with spinach. It’s a very fussy plant, demanding the best possible conditions and even then running to seed at the drop of a hat. Forget about transplanting your spinach, or nursing it through a dry season, or just forget spinach entirely and try one of the other leafy plants that are just as good to eat and easier to grow.

How to deal with fungus gnats - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 12:04

How to deal with fungus gnats

Fungus gnats are tiny little black flies that love living in damp organic matter (i.e. compost). They thrive in warmer weather, so at this time of year – with all the seedlings indoors – the house is full of them.

How to deal with mould - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 12:04

How to deal with mould

Mould (mold) spores are everywhere, they’re inescapable, and moulds love growing in the warm, damp and humid conditions that seedlings need to thrive. If you have biodegradable pots then moulds can rapidly colonize those; but they will happily grow on the surface of compost as well. A lot of the moulds we see won’t do much damage to the seedlings, but some of them will and having mould on the windowsill isn’t much good for us either.

Eco Garden: Dealing with pests - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 12:04

Eco Garden: Dealing with pests

If there’s one thing that makes gardeners gnash their teeth with frustration, it’s watching their favourite plants being eaten by pests. We’ve moved on from the ‘any bug is a bad bug’ mentality, and many chemical controls are being removed from sale amid safety fears, but this doesn’t mean that we have to abandon hope of an attractive and productive garden.

Make garden-altering decisions with the HSL - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 12:03

Make garden-altering decisions with the HSL

Remember those heady days at school, when you were faced with choosing your subject options, or which courses – at which higher education establishments – to apply for? There were a lot of things to consider, lots of differing advice on hand, and the prospect of making decisions that would affect (you were told) the rest of your life.

Seeds with Space Stories: GotG15 - theunconventionalgardener.com - Usa - Australia
21.08.2023 / 12:02

Seeds with Space Stories: GotG15

Join Emma the Space Gardener as she explores gardening on Earth… and beyond! In this episode, Emma recaps the latest space plant news and then talks about some of the seeds with space stories.

How to repel pests with plants - theunconventionalgardener.com - France
21.08.2023 / 12:00

How to repel pests with plants

Now that the arbor is up, I need to think about surrounding it with plants. I have climbing achocha and mashua which might (hopefully) provide some shade. Once you’ve eliminated the possibility of heat stroke, you’re left with that other perennial summer problem – pests. How do you stop bugs great and small from bugging you, or committing suicide in the jug of Pimms?

Coping with pests: two-legged rats - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 11:59

Coping with pests: two-legged rats

What happened to my allotment is a reminder that it’s not just animal and insect pests we have to worry about in our gardens – humans can be a problem as well. Bob Flowerdew refers to such anti-social individuals as ‘two-legged rats’.

How well would we cope with rationing? - theunconventionalgardener.com - Britain - Germany
21.08.2023 / 11:58

How well would we cope with rationing?

I’ve always been fascinated by the Home Front, the enlistment of every man, woman and child in the British Isles in an effort to beat Hitler through food rationing, making do and mending, salvage, growing your own and basically making the most of scarce resources with elbow grease and endless ingenuity. I’ve just read Eggs or Anarchy by William Sitwell, a biography of Lord Woolton who was the Minister of Food for much of the Second World War. He was in charge of ensuring everyone got fed, and improving nutritional standards was one of his aims. It’s unusual to get the ‘behind-the-scenes’ view, and the political situation wasn’t as united as may appear from our rose-tinted histories.

Cooking with lager? - theunconventionalgardener.com
21.08.2023 / 11:57

Cooking with lager?

I have been given the opportunity to review Celia – an organic, gluten-free premium Czech lager. There’s just one problem – no one in this house likes drinking beer

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