Yellow Ideas, Tips & Guides

52 Beautiful Trees with White Flowers - - Usa - city Chicago

52 Beautiful Trees with White Flowers

Here’s an exclusive list of the most Beautiful Trees with White Flowers you must grow in your yard!

Six on Saturday: Velvet Petticoats, Eyeliner, Sprouts and Stately Stems - - Britain

Six on Saturday: Velvet Petticoats, Eyeliner, Sprouts and Stately Stems

I must be honest and say that the petticoats are not velvet, but two pots of hooped petticoat narcissi in the Coop, Narcissus bulbocodium ‘Arctic Bells’ and ‘Casual Elegance’ (above); what is velvet, however, is a plant recommended for a cool greenhouse by well-known UK nurseryman Bob Brown. I was trying to find suitable contenders for the Coop and bit my tongue as I tried to ignore that it has yellow flowers – I am glad I did as the foliage is not only delightful but tactile too, and as a plant it has sailed through two winters with negligible attention and without batting an eyelid, looking every bit as smart as it did when I first bought it. Let me introduce you to Oxalis spiralis ‘Sunset Velvet’ (below):

How to Grow and Care for Areca Palm - - Madagascar

How to Grow and Care for Areca Palm

How to Grow and Care for Areca Palm Dypsis​ ​lutescens​

A Guide to the Different Types of Zinnias - - Mexico

A Guide to the Different Types of Zinnias

What Are the Different Types of Zinnia Flowers?

How to Plant and Grow Feverfew - - Australia

How to Plant and Grow Feverfew

How to Grow Feverfew: A Medicinal and Visual Delight Tanacetum parthenium

23 Fruit Trees that Grow in NC - - China - state North Carolina

23 Fruit Trees that Grow in NC

North Carolina’s diverse climate makes it great for growing many types of fruit trees, ranging from apples to pears. If you want to try growing more varieties, keep reading to know your options!

7 Stunning Purple Sunflowers -

7 Stunning Purple Sunflowers

Picture a sunflower that comes in a shade no would would ever imagine! That’s what the blossoms in this list are all about!

Seven of the Best Dahlias - - Mexico

Seven of the Best Dahlias

Big, bold and brassy – dahlias dazzle in the border and and in a vase. Originating in Mexico, dahlias were first introduced to Europe to be grown for food. However, the unpalatable tubers lead to them instead being grown and bred for their flowers.

Floral Sunshine From Barb - - state Pennsylvania

Floral Sunshine From Barb

This is Barb Mrgich, Master Gardener from Adams County, Pennsylvania. I have sent in several entries in the past. (Butterflies in Barb’s Garden and Barb’s Favorite Photos ) I love lots of color in my gardens. In January, Joseph did an entry on yellow in the garden, and it inspired me to submit these photos. I really like his description that yellow flowers are “floral sunshine.” A little floral sunshine is never more appreciated than in the very early spring when things are looking rather dull and dreary! Although I like to consider myself a wildlife and native-plant gardener, I still rely on select nonnatives for beauty and color in the early season since I have found that most of my native plants shine better in midsummer and fall. All of these pictures were taken in mid-April in my Zone 6B garden.

How to Grow and Care for Calanthe Orchids - - Greece

How to Grow and Care for Calanthe Orchids

How to Grow and Care for Calanthe Orchids Calanthe spp.

Magnificent Magnolias for Mid-Atlantic Gardens -

Magnificent Magnolias for Mid-Atlantic Gardens

Millions of years of evolution and hybridization efforts by generations of enthusiasts have produced hundreds of magnolia species and cultivars. Our mild Mid-Atlantic climate is conducive for growing a significant majority of them, which makes it quite daunting to select just one perfect specimen. From my long list of favorites, here are a few stellar selections with some of the best traits that this ancient genus has to offer.

In a Vase on Monday: Keen as Mustard - - Britain

In a Vase on Monday: Keen as Mustard

Many people think of daffodils as the harbingers of spring, but we gardeners know there can be many other early spring treasures delighting us before most of the daffodils begin to emerge. Whatever we think of yellow blooms, however, there is still something pleasingly cheery about daffodils and narcissi of various types although personally, I prefer the smaller varieties and those that are – yes, I have to admit it – less yellow.

15 Stunning Variegated Jade Plant Varieties -

15 Stunning Variegated Jade Plant Varieties

From tricolor to ripple, these Variegated Jade Plant Varieties pack a right punch of colors and ease of maintenance!

Tips for Growing Greig’s (Greigii) Tulips -

Tips for Growing Greig’s (Greigii) Tulips

Tips for Growing Greig’s (Greigii) Tulips Tulipa greigii

24 Best Cone Shaped Flowers - - Usa

24 Best Cone Shaped Flowers

Flowers stand out more when they have a unique shape to them! These cone-like blooms will surely turn heads in your garden!

Growing and planting African and French Marigolds - - France - Mexico

Growing and planting African and French Marigolds

Marigolds (Tagetes ) are annuals of great decorative value during the summer and autumn months. They are natives of Mexico and South America and belong to the Daisy family, Compositae. The name is said to have been derived from a mythological deity, Tages. These Marigolds are quite distinct from the Pot Marigold or Calendula.

Growers Guide for Bleeding Heart Plant - - Greece

Growers Guide for Bleeding Heart Plant

From the Greek di, two, kentron, a spur, referring to the two spurs on the petals (Fumariaceae). Hardy herbaceous perennials formerly known as Dielytra. Fibrous and tuberous rooted, they generally transplant badly because the roots are as brittle as glass. The flowers are pendant from arching stems, like lanterns hung along a cord.

18 Best Artistic Plants | Plants that Look like a Work of Art - - state Florida

18 Best Artistic Plants | Plants that Look like a Work of Art

Whether it’s the intricate patterns on the foliage, or the vivid colors on the leaves – these artistic plants are a sight to behold!

Growers Guide for Pot Marigold -

Growers Guide for Pot Marigold

Showy annual plants from southern Europe belonging to the Daisy family, Compositive. They have simple alternate leaves and branching stems 1 1/2-2 1/2 ft. high, bearing large heads of yellow, yellowish or orange-colored flowers which are in full beauty during the summer. Calendula is derived from calendae, the calends, the first day of the ancient Roman month-an allusion to the almost continuous flowering character of this plant. Calendulas do best in full sunshine and in rather dry soil. They are raised, from seeds sown out of doors in the spring or early autumn where the plants are to bloom the following year and are very easy to cultivate.

Coreopsis Flower Meaning and Symbolism - - Usa - Greece - state Florida

Coreopsis Flower Meaning and Symbolism

Coming in different patterns and colors, Coreopsis flowers also signiy the deeper aspects of life. Let’s have a look at them in detail!

9 Gorgeous Pleiospilos nelii Varieties - - South Africa

9 Gorgeous Pleiospilos nelii Varieties

Pleiospilos nelii is a stubby and small specimen that stands tall and colorful in the succulent world! It will be a worthy addition to your collection!

10 Most Beautiful Korean Succulents - - North Korea

10 Most Beautiful Korean Succulents

What sets Korean succulents apart are their stunning blooms and versatile nature to thrive in any environment, making them perfect for anyone looking for a plant that’s easy to look after.

8 Variegated Hydrangea Varieties -

8 Variegated Hydrangea Varieties

Though, mostly famous for flowers, hydrangeas also showcase some stunning leaves patterns and colors that can make them compete with the best variegated plants out there!

16 Beautiful 4 Petal Flowers -

16 Beautiful 4 Petal Flowers

How many 4 Petal Flowers can you name? One? Two? Perhaps five? Well, we have more than the fingers on your hand!

Iris From Bulbs - - Britain - Netherlands

Iris From Bulbs

For that ‘light bulb moment’ consider the two main species of Iris that will grow from bulbs. Bulbs are generally cheap and easy to grow. The bulbs are often packed in 10’s or 50’s so you can grow a group of Iris together or grow extra for cutting. The main sorts are Iris reticulata and Dutch Iris but there are also some other bulb species to look out for.

10 Rare British Garden Birds To Look Out For - - Britain

10 Rare British Garden Birds To Look Out For

The bird species that visit your garden will vary depending on your location, the size of your plot, what type of plants you grow and what supplementary bird food you offer. In some areas of the UK, birds such as tree sparrows and nuthatches might be relatively common in gardens, whereas in other places they are unlikely to be seen. The birds on the list below can be seen in gardens, but none is included in the top 20 species in the last two years of the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch.

Growing corn and Sweet corn – what are the facts -

Growing corn and Sweet corn – what are the facts

No other vegetable captures the succulence of summer like sweet corn. Whether you like your kernels white, yellow, or with both colors on the same ear, new hybrids offer incredibly delicious flavor with very little effort.

Growing and planting Marigolds: African and French Marigolds - - France - Mexico

Growing and planting Marigolds: African and French Marigolds

Tagetes (Tage’tes) are annuals of great decorative value during the summer and autumn months. They are natives of Mexico and South America and belong to the Daisy family, Compositae. The name is said to have been derived from a mythological deity, Tages. These Marigolds are quite distinct from the Pot Marigold or Calendula. See Calendula

Gardening Buyer’s Guide 2024 - - state Minnesota

Gardening Buyer’s Guide 2024

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get outside and get my hands into the warm dirt. Gardening season can’t come soon enough this year. In the meantime, I will have to scratch that itch in other ways (starting seeds) and, of course, dream about what I am going to do to improve my garden this year. The list below features products and plants that would be wonderful additions to any garden. Find inspiration and items that will take your garden to the next level, make your work easier, and add the color or interest you want.

6 Designer-Approved Ways to Update Old Kitchen Appliances -

6 Designer-Approved Ways to Update Old Kitchen Appliances

When it comes to a kitchen’s design, one dingy appliance can distract from the coolest of cabinets and most eye-catching countertops. A yellowed refrigerator or scratched dishwasher can create a serious sore spot in your kitchen.

How to grow Shallots -

How to grow Shallots

Some people prefer the milder flavor of shallot, Allium ascalonicum, which they grow in place of onions. However, shallots are grown for pickling. When stocks of non-bolting onion sets were not available, many gardeners found shallot growing far easier than onion growing. The soil in which they are to be grown must be well-drained and, unless very large bulbs are required, without manure or fertilizers. A very poor soil is greatly improved by being mulched with garden compost just prior to planting time.

How to get fungus gnats under control -

How to get fungus gnats under control

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

How to Use Epsom Salt for Any Houseplant -

How to Use Epsom Salt for Any Houseplant

Do you know about a miracle agent that works better than most of the fertilizers in the market and is also quite cheap? Well, that’s Epsom Salt, and it can significantly improve your houseplant’s health!

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