Yellow Ideas, Tips & Guides

Beneficial Yellow Garden Spiders -

Beneficial Yellow Garden Spiders

The yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia) is also known as a writing spider. Legend has it that if you disturb or damage the web, then the spider will write your name when it reweaves the web. One myth is that if this happens, you will die soon. Another story is that if the spider hears you speak someone’s name or counts someone’s teeth, it will write that person’s name when weaving the web. It is always interesting to me how these garden myths get started.

Weed of the Month – Yellow Woodsorrel -

Weed of the Month – Yellow Woodsorrel

Yellow woodsorrel, also commonly called oxalis, is a perennial weed that grows throughout the year. It is often confused with clover; both have trifoliate leaves. Oxalis flowers have five petals, and the leaves are divided into three partly-folded, heart-shaped lobes.

Baby, take a look at me now: yellow clivia -

Baby, take a look at me now: yellow clivia

NOT CONTENT WITH ITS FIRST CLOSEUP, the yellow Clivia offered this by week’s end last week, a full-on flowerhead of massive proportion. A great plant, as I have already mentioned.Categorieshouseplants

Hello, pretty baby: my yellow clivia blooms - - state California

Hello, pretty baby: my yellow clivia blooms

(First, a plug for the weekly email newsletter, though, a new A Way to Garden feature that’s delivered every Monday to your inbox if you subscribe. Be sure to get on the list if you want to see such goodies as the yellow Clivia first.)The plot resumes: The yellow Clivia came to me years ago as a gift when it was little, originally from the wholesaler San Marcos Growers in California, breeders and growers of several yellow varieties. Nurserymen friends of mine had visited San Marcos, and b

Golden days: is yellow spring’s favorite color? -

Golden days: is yellow spring’s favorite color?

I KEEP WONDERING WHY (SCIENTIFICALLY SPEAKING) the first weeks of spring seem to be so inclined to glow in solid gold. Is it something about co-evolution and early season pollinators liking the color, or just a side effect of how we’ve selected what plants we make our gardens from over the history of the nursery industry? (These are the kinds of things I think about, you see.) Whatever the “why,” the “what” is pretty great, and so an homage to spring’s favorite color: yellow.I love the way gold makes things seem to advance; the way it grabs my attention, screaming (never whispering).

A botanical whodunit: r.i.p., yellow magnolia -

A botanical whodunit: r.i.p., yellow magnolia

I’ve always thought of this particular magnolia as perhaps a bit too energetic, and somewhat unrefined. It shot up fast a decade or so ago when I planted it, and never seemed to stop, assuming an ever-widening domain for itself. One of its parents is the very-fast-growing cucumber tree magnolia, Magnolia acuminata, so probably no surprise; the other parent, M. denudata, is no slowpoke, either.At the time of its death, the tree was more than 20 feet tall and about 15 feet wide, with no signs of stopping. Or so I thought.About three weeks ago, the flowers on one lower and one upper branch opened on schedule—but not the rest. The tree had positively covered itself in flower buds last year, holding countless furry silver beauties all winter long. (Maybe I should have been suspicious: It had produced many more buds than

When inner conifer needles turn yellow or brown - - state Michigan

When inner conifer needles turn yellow or brown

This phenomenon should not be confused with browning at the tips or overall yellowing or browning that can happen at other times—such as from winter desiccation; from the effects of roadside salts; from pests and diseases (including diplodia tip blight in some pines, or phomopsis tip blight in spruce and non-resistant junipers, or similar looking kabatina in junipers); or from drought. (See what road-salt damage and winterburn look like by comparison inthese photos.)The browning I noticed in late July on my Eastern red cedar in the front yard (Juniperus virginiana) is suddenly showing up as gold or rusty-brown or a progression from one to the other on many other conifer species. The Eastern white pines (Pinus strobus), above, with their long needles, are always the most dramatic, turning what looks

33 Weeds with Yellow Flowers | Common Yellow Weeds - - Usa - Canada

33 Weeds with Yellow Flowers | Common Yellow Weeds

Have you been fascinated with canary blooms growing around in your garden and unsure what the plants are? Have a look at some of the best Weeds with Yellow Flowers that can help you learn more!

Why Are My Calla Lily Leaves Turning Yellow | 8 Reasons and Solutions -

Why Are My Calla Lily Leaves Turning Yellow | 8 Reasons and Solutions

If you’re looking for the answer to “Why Are My Calla Lily Leaves Turning Yellow,” you’ve come to the right place. Let us explore the possible reasons behind yellowing Calla Lily leaves and effective solutions for getting them healthy and green again.

Money Tree Leaves Turning Yellow | 10 Reasons and Solutions -

Money Tree Leaves Turning Yellow | 10 Reasons and Solutions

Confused about why your Money Tree Leaves Turning Yellow again and again? Do not worry. We are going to give you all the reasons behind it along with their solutions!

Reasons for Houseplants Leaves Getting Yellow and How to Save Them -

Reasons for Houseplants Leaves Getting Yellow and How to Save Them

Shriveling and yellowing of indoor plants’ leaves can result from several growing conditions gone wrong. It may take you some time to understand the issue and then take actions to fix it. Instead of that, you can read this guide carefully to find out why theHouseplants’ Leaves are Getting Yellow and How to Save Them.

8 PRO Tips and Tricks on How to Fix Yellow Leaves on Seedlings -

8 PRO Tips and Tricks on How to Fix Yellow Leaves on Seedlings

Seedlings can be quite delicate and vulnerable to changes in their environment. Just like toddlers, they need to be carefully tended to in order to grow up strong and healthy. So, if you are worried about – How to Fix Yellow Leaves on Seedlings, then don’t be! We have the solutions for you!

Why is My Cactus Turning Yellow? 11 Reasons and Solutions -

Why is My Cactus Turning Yellow? 11 Reasons and Solutions

Why is My Cactus Turning Yellow – you may have asked this to yourself if you have them in your plant collection. Cacti are known for their resilience, but sometimes they can turn pale, indicating that something is wrong. In this article, we will explore the various reasons why your cactus may be turning yellow and provide solutions to help your plant recover.

Calathea Leaves Turning Brown and Yellow | Calathea Brown Edges -

Calathea Leaves Turning Brown and Yellow | Calathea Brown Edges

Calatheas can make it challenging to keep their pretty foliage in incredible condition all the time. Most gardeners worry about Calathea Leaves Turning Brown and Yellow, and some even call it finicky due to Calathea Brown Edges, if you too have this problem, this post is useful for you.

16 Stunning White Flowers with Yellow Center -

16 Stunning White Flowers with Yellow Center

White Flowers with Yellow Center are epitome of beauty that showcase a delicate color combination of the pastel shades,  creating a striking contrast! We have the best ones for you!

Lucky Bamboo Tips Turning Yellow | How to Save a Dying Lucky Bamboo -

Lucky Bamboo Tips Turning Yellow | How to Save a Dying Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo is a famous indoor plant that brings abundance and good luck to households. The plant is noted for its striking appearance and low-care nature. Still, some growers complain about theirLucky Bamboo Tips Turning Yellow, so we’ve brought you the best solutions for what to do in such a situation!

34 Best Yellow Tulip Varieties | Stunning Yellow Tulips to Grow -

34 Best Yellow Tulip Varieties | Stunning Yellow Tulips to Grow

Take a look at the Best Yellow Tulip Varieties and bring a touch of sweetness to your garden. These long-lasting tulips are perfect for revamping any garden or centerpiece and adding a touch of brightness to any setting.

16 Best Purple and Yellow Flowers -

16 Best Purple and Yellow Flowers

Get inspired and create a garden that blooms with beauty and joy all season long with Best Purple and Yellow Flowers.

How To Get Rid Of Yellow Jackets - - state Maryland - state North Carolina

How To Get Rid Of Yellow Jackets

Wasps do plenty of good in our gardens,pollinating plants and preying on hungry garden pests, such as caterpillars. But then there are yellow jackets (Vespula spp), which become aggressive as their populations soar in mid- to late-summer and fall. They can become a big problem if their nests are situated near your living areas.

Tips for Growing Perfect Yellow Pear Tomatoes - - state Virginia - state Tennessee

Tips for Growing Perfect Yellow Pear Tomatoes

You never forget your first. Homegrown heirloom tomato plant, that is.Well, I haven’t, at least. It was a ‘Yellow Pear,’ purchased during one of th

12 Beautiful Vines & Climbers with Yellow Flowers -

12 Beautiful Vines & Climbers with Yellow Flowers

Want a climbing plant that gets laden with stunning blooms? We have the most beautiful Vines with Yellow Flowers for you!

Common Reasons why Rose Leaves Turn Yellow -

Common Reasons why Rose Leaves Turn Yellow

If only plants could talk, they could tell us that they aren’t feeling well.Your grapevines could warn you that

Why Peace Lily Leaves Turn Yellow or Brown - - Usa - Mexico - state Florida - state Hawaii

Why Peace Lily Leaves Turn Yellow or Brown

People love peace lilies for their attractive, white, blossom-like spathes, but the foliage is also spectacular. And you definitely do not want yours to be marred by discoloration.Plants in the Spathiphyllum genus that grow wild in tropical par

35 Best Yellow Peony Varieties -

35 Best Yellow Peony Varieties

Hello there, flower enthusiasts! Are you in search of the perfect canary blooms to add some sunshine to your garden? Look no further because we’ll be exploring the Best Yellow Peony Varieties that will have your garden blooming with beauty and radiance.

Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow? Reasons and Solutions -

Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow? Reasons and Solutions

If your question is Why My Monstera is Turning Yellow, read this all-inclusive article to discover all the possible reasons for monster leaves turning yellow and solutions to revive your plant.

36 Best Yellow Fruits You Must Grow in the Garden -

36 Best Yellow Fruits You Must Grow in the Garden

Get a taste of sunshine with the juicy and delicious bounty of these Best Yellow Fruits! From sweet to tangy, these vibrant delights are packed with nutrition and flavor. Let’s discover the top picks for a colorful and healthy snack or meal.

69 Types of Yellow Flowers for Garden | Plants with Yellow Flowers - - Australia

69 Types of Yellow Flowers for Garden | Plants with Yellow Flowers

Have a look at all Types of Yellow Flowers in this list, and pick your favorite one to grow to add that pop of bright color!

Kirengeshoma palmata yellow waxbells - - Japan - city Aberdeen

Kirengeshoma palmata yellow waxbells

Kirengeshoma palmata, also known as yellow waxbells is a rather unusual woodland plant.

Yellow Rose Meaning | 22 Best Varieties of Yellow Roses - - Britain

Yellow Rose Meaning | 22 Best Varieties of Yellow Roses

Yellow roses, in particular, are a popular choice for gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike, and it’s no wonder why. In this article, we’ll explore the Yellow Rose Meaning and introduce you to some of the Best Varieties of Yellow Roses out there.

19 Beautiful Trees with Yellow Foliage | Trees With Yellow Fall Leaves - - Usa - state Utah

19 Beautiful Trees with Yellow Foliage | Trees With Yellow Fall Leaves

Here are some magnificent Trees with Yellow Foliage that can add a depth of color to your garden!

50 Most Beautiful Yellow Perennial Flowers -

50 Most Beautiful Yellow Perennial Flowers

 Bright flowers are a great choice for adding a cheerful touch to any garden. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the Best Yellow Perennial Flowers that will bring sunshine to your garden year after year.

Mellow Yellow -

Mellow Yellow

Erythronium ‘Pagoda’ is aptly named with its delicate recurved petals.  Just wish the flowering period wasn’t so short – still no time to get bored with them! Regular re

Why is My Peace Lily Drooping, Turning Yellow, Not Flowering and Dying? -

Why is My Peace Lily Drooping, Turning Yellow, Not Flowering and Dying?

Peace Lily is a beautiful indoor specimen with lush, glossy leaves and a modified bract that emerges hooded on the tiny white flower spike. But, are you wondering, Why is My Peace Lily Drooping, Turning Yellow, Not Flowering & Dying? Here are all the reasons and solutions to help you out!

10 Best Types of Yellow Orchid Varieties -

10 Best Types of Yellow Orchid Varieties

Discover the vibrant Types of Yellow Orchid Varieties, where elegance and beauty blend seamlessly. From striking golden hues to delicate lemon shades, explore the ones that radiate warmth and grace.

16 Best Yellow Apple Varieties in the World - - Britain

16 Best Yellow Apple Varieties in the World

Elevate your experience of tasting flavorful fruits with these exceptional picks of the best Yellow Apple Varieties in this article.

9 Reasons Why Tulip Leaves Turn Yellow Prematurely -

9 Reasons Why Tulip Leaves Turn Yellow Prematurely

The tulip, Tulipa spp., is a spring-blooming bulb flower in the Liliaceae, or lily family. It has a waxy, cup-like flower available in every color except blue, a bare vertical stem, and fleshy green foliage that is sometimes variegated with red or white.After blooming, the foliage feeds the bulb so it can

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