Rock Ideas, Tips & Guides

Rock Garden Ideas - - county Garden

Rock Garden Ideas

Rock gardens are an attractive way of displaying a variety of small plants including alpines, dwarf shrubs and low-growing perennials. They can be adapted to suit any space – an alpine trough, old stone wall or sunny border can all be used to create a form of rock garden. One of the first rock gardens was built at the Chelsea Physic Garden in London in the late 1770s, and they became a popular feature in Victorian and Edwardian gardens, providing a way to display alpine plants from around the world.

How to Grow Beardtongue (Penstemon) - - Usa - Canada - Guatemala - state Hawaii - county Hardy

How to Grow Beardtongue (Penstemon)

How to Grow Beardtongue (Penstemon) Penstemon spp.

Question of the Week – Rocky Shoals Spider Lily - - city Columbia - state Alabama - state South Carolina - county Park

Question of the Week – Rocky Shoals Spider Lily

What is this flower that was found growing on a rock in the middle of a river?

12 Zen Garden Ideas for a Relaxing Outdoor Space - - Japan

12 Zen Garden Ideas for a Relaxing Outdoor Space

Zen gardens provide places for contemplation and relaxation in the whirl of busy modern life. They emerged as spaces for meditation around the fourteenth century in Japan. In Zen Buddhist temples of the time, a new style of garden was developed based on ancient traditions and intended to represent the Japanese landscape. These representations weren’t meant to be realistic – instead they included abstract forms, such as rocks and waves raked in gravel, to symbolise natural features. The purpose of a Zen garden was to inspire profound thoughts and meditation.

How To Get Rid Of Geese, According To An Expert - - state Missouri

How To Get Rid Of Geese, According To An Expert

Geese are beautiful in their natural setting. But they’re not so great when congregating on your lawn, damaging your turf, honking loudly, and leaving behind droppings. “Geese can be destructive,” says Robert Pierce, PhD, state extension fisheries and wildlife specialist at theUniversity of Missouri. “Once they have a nest, it’s difficult to get them to leave. It’s easier to move them off your property in the winter before they start breeding.”

Recycled garden ideas from RHS Chelsea 2024 – plus tips on how to find the bargains! -

Recycled garden ideas from RHS Chelsea 2024 – plus tips on how to find the bargains!

If you’re looking for recycled garden ideas, then this year’s RHS Chelsea Flower Show had them on almost every garden.

Guidelines for Building a Rock Garden -

Guidelines for Building a Rock Garden

Last fall, this column featured Showy Native Plants for Rocky Soils. Not included in that plant palette were rock gardens. While similar in that the plants for such spaces require exquisite (or as one might hear across the pond, “sharp”) drainage, the spaces are worth distinguishing. Rocky soils occur naturally across the globe. Regionally, we have a preponderance of them. Rock gardens, however, are man-made. Here are some guidelines for building your own rock garden.

Is the Farm Stop Revolution Upon Us? - - state Ohio

Is the Farm Stop Revolution Upon Us?

In 2008, Jessica Eikleberry was 29 years old and had just read Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma. She wanted to start eating locally and, with the help of her mom, she made a goal for the coming Thanksgiving: an all-local meal.

No Green Thumb? How to Make a Plant-Free Rock Garden -

No Green Thumb? How to Make a Plant-Free Rock Garden

If you don't have a green thumb, are in an environment that’s hard on plants, or are just tired of gardening, you might want to look into a garden that isn’t alive at all. Rock gardens are trending (especially in hot, desert planting zones) as a way to design your garden with little or no greenery required. 

Which Vegetables to Grow in Rocky Soil and Which to Avoid - - Switzerland - Ireland

Which Vegetables to Grow in Rocky Soil and Which to Avoid

Here in the Northeast, rocks are just a part of gardening life, and even if you are raising vegetables in an old garden (one that’s been well tended for decades), there will still be some rocks in the soil. You (as well as the tines on your pitchfork) can’t help but encounter them. However, there are still plenty of vegetables that you can grow well in these conditions. Here are some of them.

19 Orchid Arrangement Ideas -

19 Orchid Arrangement Ideas

If you love to adorn your home and garden with large and showy flowers that don’t need heavy maintenance and come in tons of colors and patterns, there’s nothing better than these Orchid Arrangement Ideas!

4 Gardening "Hacks" Pros Actually Want You to Avoid This Season -

4 Gardening "Hacks" Pros Actually Want You to Avoid This Season

In the age of the internet and social media, gardening “hacks” that promise to benefit your plants and save you time and money are plentiful. However, according to gardening pros, these hacks aren’t always all they are cracked up to be. 

How to Grow Beardtongue (Penstemon) - - Usa - Canada - Guatemala - state Hawaii - county Hardy

How to Grow Beardtongue (Penstemon)

How to Grow Beardtongue (Penstemon) Penstemon spp.

10 Best Swing Sets of 2024, Tested & Reviewed by Experts -

10 Best Swing Sets of 2024, Tested & Reviewed by Experts

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

12 Super Important Palm Tree Growing Tips -

12 Super Important Palm Tree Growing Tips

Though palm trees are not that fussy, but they do suffer from slow growth and issues if you ignore certain maintenance pointers. Here are some tips to keep them at the best of their tropical beauty!

Growers Guide for Geum Plants - - Britain - Greece

Growers Guide for Geum Plants

A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, some of which are useful border plants, the dwarf species are good rock garden plants. Several are natives of the British Isles but those valued for gardens are from Europe, South America, and the Near East.

Growers Guide for Veronica – Speedwell -

Growers Guide for Veronica – Speedwell

Origin doubtful, possibly named after St Veronica (Scrophulariaceae). Speedwell. A genus of some 300 species ‘ of hardy perennials, annuals and sub-shrubs, mainly from northern temperate regions. Those described are hardy perennials, their flowers often borne in spikes. Dwarf kinds are suitable for the rock garden.

Growers Guide for Bleeding Heart Plant - - Greece

Growers Guide for Bleeding Heart Plant

From the Greek di, two, kentron, a spur, referring to the two spurs on the petals (Fumariaceae). Hardy herbaceous perennials formerly known as Dielytra. Fibrous and tuberous rooted, they generally transplant badly because the roots are as brittle as glass. The flowers are pendant from arching stems, like lanterns hung along a cord.



Hardy, perennial, more or less evergreen, low-growing plants which bear a profusion of bloom in early spring. They are invaluable in the rock garden and wall garden, as edging to flower borders, and as groundwork for taller plants in spring flower beds. Unfortunately, they are apt to be rather short-lived where hot summers prevail. Young plants seem better able to withstand adverse conditions than older ones; hence it is a good plan to raise some new plants each year. They may, in fact, be successfully treated as biennials. They are widely distributed in mountainous regions along the coast of southern Europe and Persia and belong to the Mustard family, Cruciferae. Aubrieta (previously spelled Aubrietia) is named after Claude Aubriet, a French painter of natural history subjects.

Growers Guide for Yarrow – Achillea -

Growers Guide for Yarrow – Achillea

Named after Achilles, who is said to have used it as a treatment for his wounds (Compositae). Yarrow, milfoil. Hardy perennials, for the border or border rock garden.

9 Gorgeous Pleiospilos nelii Varieties - - South Africa

9 Gorgeous Pleiospilos nelii Varieties

Pleiospilos nelii is a stubby and small specimen that stands tall and colorful in the succulent world! It will be a worthy addition to your collection!

How to grow Anaphalis - - Greece

How to grow Anaphalis

Said to be an old Greek name for a similar plant (Compositae). Hardy perennials with white wooly foliage and flowers which can be cut before maturity and dried for use as `everlastings’, sometimes being dyed.

How to grow Aquilegia -

How to grow Aquilegia

The flower form resembles an eagle’s claw, hence the probable origin of this name from aquila the Latin for eagle (Ranunculaceae). Columbine. Hardy herbaceous perennials for the herbaceous border and rock garden. The flowers and leaves are very dainty. Unfortunately, they are inclined to be short lived in heavy wet soils, but they are easily increased by seed. The flowers appear in May and June in a wide range of colors from yellows and creams to blues and reds and purples. The garden hybrids have been raised from various species, e.g. the long-spurred hybrids from Aquilegia longissima. ‘Mrs. Scott Elliott’s’ is a well-known strain, and more recently, there are the McKana Giant hybrids, with larger flowers and long spurs.

Mulching – Protect plants from the hot weather -

Mulching – Protect plants from the hot weather

An even temperature around the roots and a steady supply of moisture in the soil are all important to growing plants. A mulch, applied in early summer after hot weather begins, tends to maintain these conditions as well as to control harmful weeds.

Growing Guide for Delphiniums - - Greece

Growing Guide for Delphiniums

From the Greek dolphin, a dolphin, the flowerbuds having some resemblance to that sea creature (Ranunculaceae). Larkspur. The genus consists of annual, biennial and herbaceous perennial plants, mostly hardy and showy plants for border cultivation, with some dwarf species suitable for the rock garden.

In a Vase on Monday: Sticks of Pink -

In a Vase on Monday: Sticks of Pink

Inspired by the lovely pink pussies of Salix gracilistyla ‘Mount Aso’ featured in my last Six on Saturday and a sudden glut of blooms on Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’, creating today’s vase began easily. Selecting stems of the former that wouldn’t detract from the shrub and reaching flowering stems of the latter proved a little challenging, but it was easy enough to choose additional material to complete the contents, with witch hazel H vernalis ‘Amethyst’ and foliage of Pittosporum ‘Tom Thumb’ providing different degrees of pinkness.

How to Make a Mini Ecosystem, PlantTok's Longest-Running Trend -

How to Make a Mini Ecosystem, PlantTok's Longest-Running Trend

Whether or not you’re a fan of the plant side of TikTok, you may still have heard of the art of mini ecosystems.

Erodium – Perennial Plant, How to grow - - Greece

Erodium – Perennial Plant, How to grow

From the Greek erodios, a heron; the style and ovaries resemble the head and beak of a heron (Geraniaceae). Heron’s bill. Hardy perennials, closely related to the hardy geraniums, or crane’s bills. There are dwarf species suitable for the rock garden and taller border plants.

Pricking out plant seedlings -

Pricking out plant seedlings

This is an important stage in the cultivation of plants which have been raised from seed. As soon as the young seedlings can be handled easily, they must be moved on into deeper boxes which will provide their roots with more room to develop. If the seedlings are left in their original boxes or seed-pans too long, they will become badly drawn or straggly and they will not grow into sturdy specimens.

Canals, Chickens and Courgettes! -

Canals, Chickens and Courgettes!

Well the title says it all really, but I’ll go into a little more detail for you because I know you’ll want to hear it.

A Study of Plant Names - - Spain - Sweden

A Study of Plant Names

To the novice it is a mystery why a simple little blossom should be burdened with an unpronounceable Latin name-and not only with one, but two and often even more. She forgets that her own name is not only Brown, that to distinguish her from all the other Browns she has been called Kathy and because of the many Kathy Browns she bears the additional name of Ann. It is just so with plants; each has a family or genus name, a given or specific name and often one or more descriptive names. Thus we have Myosotis palustris semperflorens, a plant belonging to the Myosotis or Dill family. This particular one is a marsh-lover and a more or less continual bloomer, as the last two parts of its name indicate. We prefer to call this flower Forget-me-not, its pet or familiar name, just as Kathy Ann Brown’s friends may wish to call him Kathleen or Kate.It is very interesting to investigate why the botanical names were chosen. We have all known a man named Small who was anything but small, or a girl named Grace who was not at all graceful. In the plant world, such entirely inappropriate names occur very seldom; each name is chosen to describe a particular plant and plants do not change sufficiently to belie the terms descriptive of their family. The original Small was, no doubt, small of stature, but through the ages his children have outgrown the name.

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