Growing peas in your home garden is an easy way to enjoy fresh produce earlier than most other vegetables.
09.02.2024 - 17:12 / / Frederick Leeth
Said to be an old Greek name for a similar plant (Compositae). Hardy perennials with white wooly foliage and flowers which can be cut before maturity and dried for use as `everlastings’, sometimes being dyed.
Species cultivated
Anaphalis are suitable for the rock garden or for borders, according to size. An ordinary garden soil and a sunny position suits them. They do well on chalky soils. Plant out in autumn or spring. Established plants may be increased by division at the same seasons. New plants may also be raised from seed sown outside in April.
Growing peas in your home garden is an easy way to enjoy fresh produce earlier than most other vegetables.
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A genus of hardy herbaceous perennials, some of which are useful border plants, the dwarf species are good rock garden plants. Several are natives of the British Isles but those valued for gardens are from Europe, South America, and the Near East.
Mostly evergreen shrubs, chiefly from tropical America, belonging to the Pea family, Leguminosae. They grow from 6-50 ft. in height, have pinnate, dark green, glossy leaves, and bear golden-yellow flowers in terminal clusters in summer. Cassia is from the original Greek name Kasia.
From the Greek di, two, kentron, a spur, referring to the two spurs on the petals (Fumariaceae). Hardy herbaceous perennials formerly known as Dielytra. Fibrous and tuberous rooted, they generally transplant badly because the roots are as brittle as glass. The flowers are pendant from arching stems, like lanterns hung along a cord.
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