Prevention Ideas, Tips & Guides

10 Things Cleaning Pros Say You Should Never Wash With Soap - - state Kentucky

10 Things Cleaning Pros Say You Should Never Wash With Soap

When you’re in a deep-cleaning frenzy, it can be tempting to tackle everything with soap. But soap isn’t the best fit for every item in your home, and it can even cause further damage in some cases. Here are some common household objects that shouldn’t be cleaned with soap (and how you can wash them instead).

How To Care For Fishbone Cactus (Selenicereus anthonyanus) - - Mexico

How To Care For Fishbone Cactus (Selenicereus anthonyanus)

A fishbone cactus is easy to care for, durable, and fast-growing which makes it ideal for beginners.

How To Grow And Care For Rhipsalis -

How To Grow And Care For Rhipsalis

Rhipsalis is a low-maintenance, hanging house plant that’s perfect for beginners. Although it has no prickles, it’s a cactus and known as the mistletoe cactus. This may be because the tiny, white flowers that appear along its stems through winter into spring are followed by small, white or pale-pink berries or because its spineless foliage looks a little like mistletoe.

Food Was a Focus at COP28. Here’s What You Need to Know -

Food Was a Focus at COP28. Here’s What You Need to Know

Every fall, the United Nations holds a global meeting to discuss the state of climate change and necessary actions. This two-week gathering is for the signees of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and is called the Conference of the Parties, or COP, for short. Also in attendance are policymakers, NGOs, lobbyists, scientists and more.

How to Grow Beautiful Purple Heart Plant in Water -

How to Grow Beautiful Purple Heart Plant in Water

Purple Heart Plant thrives easily in water, displaying striking purple foliage! An ideal setup for windowsills or tabletops!

How to Grow and Care for Bamboo Palms - - Usa - Mexico - Guatemala - county Hardy

How to Grow and Care for Bamboo Palms

How to Grow and Care for Bamboo Palms Chamaedorea seifrizii

Root Rot in House Plants -

Root Rot in House Plants

This article has been checked for horticultural accuracy by Oliver Parsons.

Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over: 10 Reasons and Solutions -

Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over: 10 Reasons and Solutions

Here are some of the most common reasons behind Snake Plant Leaves Falling Over and how to prevent it to keep it in its health and shape!

What Does it Mean When a Cat Purrs - - Egypt

What Does it Mean When a Cat Purrs

Have you ever wondered What Does It Mean When a Cat Purrs? This gentle, rhythmic sound, often heard as we tend to our plants, is not just a signal of contentment, but a complex form of communication that reveals much about our beloved cats’ emotional and physical well-being.

2024 Is Going To Be All About Dark-Colored Kitchens -

2024 Is Going To Be All About Dark-Colored Kitchens

Bright, white kitchens have long been a classic design choice, but a new contender for kitchen trends is entering the scene in 2024. The dark and moody design trend isn’t stopping at powder rooms: we predict that dark-toned kitchens are going to be a hit next year.

Encourage robins to your garden this Christmas - - Britain

Encourage robins to your garden this Christmas

Robins can lose up to 10% of their body weight keeping warm over a single winter’s night. With reports that the La Nina weather system may bring harsh cold spells in winter 2022-23, added to the problem of disappearing food sources and habitats over the UK, robins – and other garden birds – could do with some support this season.

The English Garden advent calendar: Day 5 - - Britain

The English Garden advent calendar: Day 5

Our fifth advent prize draw comes with your chance to win a Deluxe Hedgehog House XXL, worth £124.99 from CJ Wildlife.

Illuminate Your Festivities: A Guide to Outdoor Christmas Lights -

Illuminate Your Festivities: A Guide to Outdoor Christmas Lights

The festive season is upon us, and what better way to spread joy and warmth than by adorning your outdoor spaces with dazzling Christmas lights? Outdoor Christmas lights have become an integral part of the holiday tradition, transforming ordinary surroundings into enchanting winter wonderlands. In this guide, we'll explore the magic of outdoor Christmas lights and share tips on creating a stunning display that will leave your neighbours in awe.

Common Parlor Palm Problems And How To Solve Them -

Common Parlor Palm Problems And How To Solve Them

Chances are it will take a while for you to notice any parlor palm problems, because these plants are so relaxed and easygoing. Capable of thriving in low light and sometimes crowded conditions, Neanthe Bella palms (as they are also known) are relatively unfussy and well adapted to indoor culture. If you give them a little care now and then, they won’t cause you much trouble.

Winter Shrub Covers: Protect Shrubs From Weather and Wildlife -

Winter Shrub Covers: Protect Shrubs From Weather and Wildlife

While there are lots of shrubs that will do perfectly fine over the winter, sometimes they need a little help to make it through. And that may not be just as a result of cold temperatures. Hungry wildlife could be after some of those tender branches, too. My cedar hedges in the backyard are consistently turned into lollipops because the deer enjoy nibbling the lower branches if they pass through our yard. Winter shrub covers are a great way to protect vulnerable bushes. In this article, I’m going to share tips on choosing winter covers, and how to safely wrap your shrubs.

How to Keep Your Poinsettia Plant Red for a Long Time -

How to Keep Your Poinsettia Plant Red for a Long Time

With their vibrant red leaves, these plants are more than just a festive holiday decoration – they can be a gardening project where you can experiment with their leaves (bracts)!

Everything About Rubber Tree Plant Care Indoors - - India

Everything About Rubber Tree Plant Care Indoors

Welcome to the world of Rubber Tree Plant Care! Whether you’re a beginner or an avid plant grower, this guide will give you masterful advice on nurturing and growing the best Ficus elastica in your home. Botanical Name: Ficus elastica

String of Stars Plant Care and Growing Information - - Mexico

String of Stars Plant Care and Growing Information

This exotic succulent offers a spectacular display with its constellation of tiny, star-shaped flowers. Let’s have a look at how to grow String of Stars Plant easily!

Lemon Meringue Pothos Care and Growing Guide -

Lemon Meringue Pothos Care and Growing Guide

Here’s Lemon Meringue Pothos – a new addition to the Pothos family, this beautiful houseplant promises to transform your indoor garden with its bright color combination!

12 Best Ideas to Provide Warmth to Plants in Winter -

12 Best Ideas to Provide Warmth to Plants in Winter

Keeping indoor plants safe as the year approaches its end is essential to ensure they thrive in the colder months. Here are some creative and cost-effective Ideas to Provide Warmth to Plants in Winter!

8 Household Projects You Should Never DIY, According to the Pros - - Ireland

8 Household Projects You Should Never DIY, According to the Pros

There are lots of ways you can flex your DIY muscles around your home. But while painting furniture, building a kitchen backsplash, or grouting tile can be tackled on your own, there are some home projects that are better left to the professionals due to their complexity—and because of safety concerns.

Minimalists Share Home Eyesores They Can't Stand in Any Space -

Minimalists Share Home Eyesores They Can't Stand in Any Space

If you're craving more of a minimalist look at home, be sure to avoid these common eyesores that will prevent your space from feeling cluttered and overwhelming, according to designers. They weigh in on specific furniture pieces, hues, and style choices that you will want to be sure to stay away from in the process of creating a soothing, sparse respite.

Five expert tips for orchids that last for longer -

Five expert tips for orchids that last for longer

With the right care and growing conditions, it’s possible to get your moth orchid to flower multiple times in a year. In this video guide, house plant expert, Jane Perrone explains how to get the basics right when looking after orchids.

How To Grow Bee Balm - - Usa

How To Grow Bee Balm

Bee balm (Monarda didyma) is an herbaceous perennial plant in the mint family that’s easy to grow and care for. Its vibrant summer flowers and medicinal properties make it a valuable plant for humans and wildlife. It’s also commonly known as ‘bergamot plant’, not to be confused with the completely unrelated citrus fruit whose peel is used to flavour Earl Grey tea.

How Can Exposure to Air Pollution Be Reduced Indoors? -

How Can Exposure to Air Pollution Be Reduced Indoors?

Gardening enthusiasts who cherish clean, fresh air and the nurturing environment of their green spaces may be surprised to learn how indoor air can be contaminated with pollutants from various sources. This article unveils effective strategies on How Can Exposure to Air Pollution Be Reduced Indoors?

9 Ingenious Aluminum Foil Uses in the Garden - - county Garden

9 Ingenious Aluminum Foil Uses in the Garden

These ingenious Aluminum Foil Uses in the Garden make it a superhero! It’s not just for wrapping sandwiches; it’s like a multitasking wizard for your plants. Here is how you can use aluminum foil in your garden to grow seeds, ward off pests, and so much more.

4 Early Signs of Spider Mites on Plants + Prevention Tips -

4 Early Signs of Spider Mites on Plants + Prevention Tips

Keeping your eyes open for the Early Signs of Spider Mites is important as these minute pests, barely visible to the naked eye, can cause discoloration, speckled leaves, and, ultimately, the demise of your favorite plants.

How To Grow Common Privet For Very Special Shrubs And Hedges -

How To Grow Common Privet For Very Special Shrubs And Hedges

Deciding to grow common privet (Ligustrum vulgare) is an easy choice if you need an easygoing standalone shrub or plant for hedging. Indeed, the common privet (also called European privet or wild privet) has long been a popular hedge plant. If you’re looking for the fastest growing shrubs, this one is really fast. It grows as wide as it is tall, and it is also fairly cold-hardy.

Secrets Of The Medieval Nosegay – And How To Make Your Own -

Secrets Of The Medieval Nosegay – And How To Make Your Own

We are all switching on to the healing power of plants and flowers. Many of the plants we grow have the potential to act as sources of healing, as well as being profound mood-boosters. Some of the simplest floral arrangements of posies (or nosegays) have transformative powers. And while these small fragrant arrangements seem innocent enough, they have hidden depths which date back centuries.

Why You Should Leave Your Fallen Leaves Alone and Not Rake -

Why You Should Leave Your Fallen Leaves Alone and Not Rake

If you hate raking your yard during the fall, you might be in luck. The appropriately named «Leave the Leaves» initiative says it’s better to avoid touching the leaves in your yard, instead leaving them to decompose naturally over the winter.

An Interior Designer's Guide to Revamping Your Thanksgiving Decor -

An Interior Designer's Guide to Revamping Your Thanksgiving Decor

It’s always fun to dress up your home for the holidays, but sometimes the options can feel limited or cookie-cutter.

Grubs in Lawn: Identification, Treatment & More - Fantastic Gardeners - - Britain

Grubs in Lawn: Identification, Treatment & More - Fantastic Gardeners

Lawn grubs, also called larvae, are the immature stage of insects found in your lawn. These tiny creatures can wreck your garden as they tunnel through the soil, feeding on vital soil nutrients. Typically, the summer months are when lawn grubs are most prevalent, as adult insects emerge to mate and lay eggs in the soil. Within a few weeks, the eggs hatch, and the hungry grubs begin their destructive feeding frenzy on your precious lawn.

Spider Plant Brown Tips: 13 Reasons and Solutions -

Spider Plant Brown Tips: 13 Reasons and Solutions

Spider Plant Brown Tips – This common problem, while usually a cosmetic concern, can indicate underlying issues that need immediate attention. Our insights will help you restore your spider plant to its lush, vibrant self!

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