Herbs Ideas, Tips & Guides

What & How to Plant in Window Boxes? - Fantastic Gardeners UK - blog.fantasticgardeners.co.uk - Britain

What & How to Plant in Window Boxes? - Fantastic Gardeners UK

Window boxes are a fast and easy way to update your exterior and add a pop of colour to your walls. You can plant various types of plants and flowers and impress your guests and neighbours. If you were wondering what to put in a window box and what types of window boxes you can have, then continue reading our article.

How to Preserve Herbs from Your Garden - Fantastic Gardeners - blog.fantasticgardeners.co.uk

How to Preserve Herbs from Your Garden - Fantastic Gardeners

Powerhouse of medicine and flavour, herbs can easily give pizzazz to the simplest of dishes.

How to Grow a Herb Garden: The Insider's Guide - blog.fantasticgardeners.co.uk

How to Grow a Herb Garden: The Insider's Guide

Growing herbs makes your garden look nice and gives you the advantage of spicing up your meals with fresh greens. Creating a herb garden requires only a small chunk of effort and, after investing a little bit of time as well, you will bear the fruits of your hard work soon enough. Even if growing herbs outdoors or indoors doesn’t require plenty of gardening knowledge on your side, you might still want to check our extensive guide on how to grow a herb garden.

What is Chervil | Everything About Growing Chervil - balconygardenweb.com - France

What is Chervil | Everything About Growing Chervil

The Chervil or Anthriscus cerefolium is a delicious annual herb that never fails to create a solid impression in kitchen gardens and outdoors with its lush green look. With a unique, sweet, peppery flavor that loves to grow in cool, shady spots, it can be a superstar plant to grow at home.

11 Pro Tips to Grow Bigger Basil Leaves - balconygardenweb.com - Italy

11 Pro Tips to Grow Bigger Basil Leaves

With its soft, green leaves and a gentle yet unmistakable scent, basil is a herb that simply begs to be used in the kitchen. Whether sprinkled on top of a fresh tomato salad or infused in a homemade pesto, basil leaves are a true delicacy for any food lover. Read on to learn all the Tips to Grow Bigger Basil Leaves.

Horny Goat Weed Plant Care and Growing Information - balconygardenweb.com - region Mediterranean

Horny Goat Weed Plant Care and Growing Information

Native to woodlands in Asia and the Mediterranean region, the Epimedium genus is a group of plants explained as carpeting perennials. Here’s all the information on Horny Goat Weed Plant Care to help you cultivate it easily.

Tomato Companion Plants | Companion Plants for Tomatoes - balconygardenweb.com

Tomato Companion Plants | Companion Plants for Tomatoes

The key to getting the most productive tomato plants is to plant the right companions with them. Read this article to find out which are the best Tomato Companion Plants!

Herbs to grow & sow this summer - theenglishgarden.co.uk - France

Herbs to grow & sow this summer

At The Pig near Bath gardeners Ollie Hutson and Fran Chilet-Olmos aim to have a steady supply of leafy herbs all summer. Crops such as tarragon are picked in fat bunches, then hung upside down in one of the polytunnels to dry, before the crisp leaves are stored in preserving jars so they can be used in winter. Annual herbs to grow such as basil, coriander, caraway and chervil are sown two or three times during the growing season, so there is a constant supply of fresh leaves.

Seven Japanese Flowers of Autumn - gardenerstips.co.uk - Japan

Seven Japanese Flowers of Autumn

The Japanese poetic work, ‘Manyoshu’ published in 759 AD but written 300-400 years prior  selected 7 flowers for Autumn. This corresponds to the 7 Herbs of spring reported on an earlier post.

Do We Pay Too Much for Seeds - gardenerstips.co.uk - Japan

Do We Pay Too Much for Seeds

The seed catalogue season is in full swing and I paused to consider their value to gardeners.

Plants for Dry Gardens - gardenerstips.co.uk

Plants for Dry Gardens

Hosepipe bans and talk of drought conditions turns gardeners minds to plants that can still thrive in those circumstances. I have suggested several types of plant to consider in the lists below.

Monastic and Medieval Christian Gardens - gardenerstips.co.uk

Monastic and Medieval Christian Gardens

Romans were were enthusiastic gardeners (not just for the grapes) but when the empire fell gardening collapsed. Then in around the 9th century AD the gardening skills were revived and every town was encouraged to grow herbs, fruit and nut trees. The formal gardens of the middle ages had an atmosphere of tranquillity rarely equaled and were thought of as  ‘Heaven on Earth’.

Camassia Flowers and Food - gardenerstips.co.uk - Usa

Camassia Flowers and Food

Some Camassia species were an important food staple for Native Americans and settlers in parts of North American

Scilla or Squill Should Look Like This? - gardenerstips.co.uk

Scilla or Squill Should Look Like This?

After the ‘Lord Mayors Parade’ gardeners get the manure. After the snow and sometimes during the snow gardeners get the Glory of the Snow or at least the glory of Scilla. To have a display that looks like a professional start 3 years ago.

Peace Gardens as Memorials - gardenerstips.co.uk - Usa - Britain - Canada - state Utah

Peace Gardens as Memorials

There are many gardens and monuments dedicated to Peace and they are worth seeking out when you are on your travels.

Banana Republic and Musa Review - gardenerstips.co.uk - Britain

Banana Republic and Musa Review

I have just finished eating a Fyffes banana grown in Costa Rica. They were certified by the Rainforest Alliance and were sold as ‘Ripe, snack size bananas’ and a very appropriate  name it was. In our fruit bowl we also have ‘organic Fairtrade bananas fro the Dominican Republic cutesy of the EEC at least until brexit by which time they will be well overripe.

Herbs for a Vegetarian Christmas - gardenerstips.co.uk

Herbs for a Vegetarian Christmas

Our son is a staunch vegetarian and his Christmas present this year will have a herb theme. He has the space for many pots and some new raised beds as he develops his garden 200 miles south of our Yorkshire home. It is  bound to be warmer down there if not Mediterranean.

23 Different Types of Cilantro and Coriander - balconygardenweb.com - Thailand

23 Different Types of Cilantro and Coriander

Read about the Different Types of Cilantro and Coriander that you can plant in pots to enhance the flavors of various dishes!

9 PRO Tips on How to Grow Fragrant Rosemary - balconygardenweb.com

9 PRO Tips on How to Grow Fragrant Rosemary

The intensity of any plant’s scent can vary dramatically. Rosemary, being a popular herb for ingredients, must carry a powerful aroma to ensure it adds a delight to the dishes you add it to. Here are the top tips on How to Grow Fragrant Rosemary!

15 of the Best Gardening Books - gardenersworld.com

15 of the Best Gardening Books

With National Book Lovers Day approaching on Wednesday, 9 August, what better time for avid gardeners to dip their noses into a gardening book for all the inspiration and practical advice for their green spaces?

How to Grow Mimosa Pudica | Care and Growing Sensitive Plant - balconygardenweb.com

How to Grow Mimosa Pudica | Care and Growing Sensitive Plant

Also popular as the Sensitive Plant and Shameplant Plant, this specimen is popular for its ability to fold its leaves when they are touched, which is a plant’s safety mechanism to defend itself from harm. Let’s have a look at How to Grow Touch Me Not Plant!

17 Homemade Hydroponic Systems | DIY Hydroponic Gardens - balconygardenweb.com

17 Homemade Hydroponic Systems | DIY Hydroponic Gardens

A straightforward and cost-effective net pot from recycled bottles can be an excellent option for your hydroponic plants. Check out the instructions here.

How to Create a Black Magic Garden - balconygardenweb.com

How to Create a Black Magic Garden

You must be wondering, “How to Create a Black Magic Garden?” Step into the shadows and discover how to create a magical garden that’s as dark as it is, with a touch of gothic flair and an irresistible aura of mystique.

How Often to Water Mint | Mint Watering Tips - balconygardenweb.com

How Often to Water Mint | Mint Watering Tips

Are you confused about How Often to Water Mint? Well, don’t worry! This guide will help you to keep it thriving!

Burning Rosemary for 9 Amazing Benefits in Home & Garden - balconygardenweb.com - Greece - Egypt

Burning Rosemary for 9 Amazing Benefits in Home & Garden

Don’t know about Burning Rosemary Benefits? Well, then, don’t miss a captivating read, especially if you’re growing this aromatic culinary herb in your garden.

How to Dry Chives for Your Spice Rack - savvygardening.com

How to Dry Chives for Your Spice Rack

Chives are one of those perennials herbs that you can enjoy in several ways—you can infuse the blossoms in spring to make chive blossom vinegar, chop the tender stalks to use fresh in salads or as garnishes in place of green onions, and dry the leaves to grab from the spice rack and enjoy later. In this article, I’m going to focus on how to dry chives.

Growing Rosemary In Pots | Rosemary Plant Care - balconygardenweb.com

Growing Rosemary In Pots | Rosemary Plant Care

You don’t need a lot of space to grow herbs and vegetables. A few pots, a small balcony or patio, and several hours of good sunlight are the most basic requirements. Planting rosemary is not much different, and you can even grow it indoors if you know these essential Rosemary Plant Care Tips in this article.

What to Know About the Many Benefits of Maca Root - bhg.com - Peru

What to Know About the Many Benefits of Maca Root

If you’re keen on health trends, you might be hearing the buzz around maca root. If you haven’t, though, don’t fret: You won’t be seeing maca next to the other root vegetables in your local produce section, despite its many benefits. So, what is maca root, and how does it impact us? Where can you find it, and is it worth seeking out? Read on for everything you need to know.

10 Best Herb Planters and Boxes - gardenersworld.com

10 Best Herb Planters and Boxes

Culinary herbs are both easy and inexpensive to grow. A fresh, home-grown supply of basil, parsley or thyme will cost much less than shrink-wrapped packs from the supermarket and when harvested just before use will likely have a higher nutritional value, too.

Cardamom vs Coriander | Is Coriander The Same As Cardamom - balconygardenweb.com - China - India

Cardamom vs Coriander | Is Coriander The Same As Cardamom

Cardamom vs Coriander – well, there might be a lot to talk about, especially when you want to clear the air of – Is Coriander The Same As Cardamom. Let’s find out!

10 easy to grow vegetables for garden beginners - growingfamily.co.uk

10 easy to grow vegetables for garden beginners

Are you keen on the idea of growing your own vegetables, but not really sure where to start? This list of ten easy to grow vegetables is a great first step on your grow your own journey.

Weed of the Month – Red Sorrel - hgic.clemson.edu

Weed of the Month – Red Sorrel

Red sorrel (Rumex acetosella) is a perennial weed that is easily identified by its red flowers and spade-shaped leaves. It is a member of the buckwheat family and native to Europe. The plant produces large quantities of pollen that can contribute to hay fever. The weed is edible, and some people grow it as a green or an herb. The tart flavor is often compared to lemons or sour apples. While the plant is safe for humans, it is toxic to livestock.

Popular Topics

The "Herbs" section on diygarden.cc offers an immersive journey into the world of aromatic and medicinal plants. Here, you will find helpful tips, information about various types of herbs and their uses, as well as guides on growing and caring for them.

Herbs refer to plants or plant parts that are used for their aromatic, culinary, medicinal, or therapeutic properties. They are typically used to add flavor, aroma, or other beneficial qualities to food, beverages, or other products.

Herbs are known for their distinctive tastes and scents and are often used in cooking, herbal medicine, cosmetics, and various cultural and traditional practices. Common culinary herbs include basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano, parsley, cilantro, and mint, among others.

These herbs are used to enhance the flavor of various dishes and can be used fresh, dried, or in the form of extracts or essential oils. In addition to their culinary uses, many herbs have been traditionally used for their medicinal properties. For example, chamomile is known for its calming effects, ginger for its digestive benefits, and Echinacea for its potential immune-boosting properties.

Herbal remedies and preparations have been used for centuries in different cultures around the world. It's important to note that while herbs can have various health benefits, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any specific health concerns, it is always best to consult with a healthcare professional.

The "Herbs" section on diygarden.cc will be your reliable source of information and inspiration. 

Our site greengrove.cc offers you to spend great time reading Herbs latest Tips & Guides. Enjoy scrolling Herbs Tips & Guides to learn more. Stay tuned following daily updates of Herbs hacks and apply them in your real life. Be sure, you won’t regret entering the site once, because here you will find a lot of useful Herbs stuff that will help you a lot in your daily life! Check it out yourself!

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