radio podcasts
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Poppy Companion Planting with Vegetables -
01.08.2023 / 15:03

Poppy Companion Planting with Vegetables

Think before you allow poppies to proliferate. Poppies rob a lot of goodness from your soil.

Radio podcast: cornucopia of recent topics - - Usa
21.07.2023 / 23:10

Radio podcast: cornucopia of recent topics

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE WRITTEN to say you enjoy the radio podcasts I create with Robin Hood Radio (NPRs newest and smallest affiliate, and just down the road from me in Ruralville, USA here). Marshall, Jill and I do have fun with our Monday-morning conversations–but you can listen anytime.

The skunks vs. margaret, round 1 -
21.07.2023 / 23:07

The skunks vs. margaret, round 1

GARDENING WITH SKUNKS isn’t a phrase that rolls off the tongue, the way “…with deer,” or “…with rabbits” might. But here at A Way to Garden, outsmarting awakening skunks is one of spring’s first challenges.

Radio podcast: mulch, mulch and more mulch - - state Connecticut
21.07.2023 / 23:06

Radio podcast: mulch, mulch and more mulch

WOO-HOO! MY FRIENDS AT WHDD in Sharon, Connecticut, aka Robin Hood Radio, just called to say our A Way to Garden podcasts are not just on iTunes but also on an RSS feed. Easy, peasy, to tune in to.

Radio podcast: getting ready to shop for seeds -
21.07.2023 / 23:04

Radio podcast: getting ready to shop for seeds

ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR I GET FED UP with holiday to-do’s, and need a solid dose of horticulture instead. What better task to treat myself to than getting ready for seed-catalog shopping season: making an inventory of leftover things, testing for germination, writing a wishlist—and ordering a few new catalogs to widen my winter world.

Radio podcast: talking tomatoes - - state Connecticut
21.07.2023 / 23:01

Radio podcast: talking tomatoes

IT FEELS LIKE TOMATO-HARVEST SEASON here, what with 85 degrees dipping to a chilly 60 at night, but in fact we’re just coming up on tomato-sowing season (I do it April 15 here). Tricks for tomato sowing and growing, including what to do to prevent diseases this year, formed the topic for this week’s A Way to Garden radio podcast on Robin Hood Radio (WHDD-Sharon, Connecticut).

Frogboy mama (aka margaret) on radio -
21.07.2023 / 22:59

Frogboy mama (aka margaret) on radio

THE FROGBOYS REPORT THAT THEIR MOTHER, who does not say “Urp,” or “Glug,” or “Rivet” or anything else very interesting or endearing like they do, was nevertheless the subject of a 3-part interview with Alan Chartock on Northeast Public Radio network last week.

Radio podcast: let’s go shrub shopping -
21.07.2023 / 22:56

Radio podcast: let’s go shrub shopping

WE WENT SHRUB SHOPPING–VIRTUALLY, AT LEAST–on this week’s Robin Hood Radio A Way to Garden podcast, with the topic ranging from where to start in the shrub section of your local nursery (under “V,” of course, for Viburnum) to what else to look for besides (the obvious) spring blooms. Click over to hear the latest edition, or browse through our growing podcast archive.

Radio podcast: the 365-day garden -
21.07.2023 / 22:52

Radio podcast: the 365-day garden

I know it can feel about now as if someone sucked the life out of things…but maybe a few of the thoughts we discussed in these two recent podcasts will help make you a believer, too?Part 1: The 365-Day Garden (beginning at the 9:10 minute mark, after a discussion of night-blooming cereus, which radio host Jill Goodman was wondering how to overwinter) Part 2: Don’t Forget the Conifers (podcast about some of

Radio podcasts: tough love–and shopping time -
21.07.2023 / 22:50

Radio podcasts: tough love–and shopping time

A PAIR OF NEW PODCASTS HAVE PILED UP in the queue, last week’s on taking a tough-love approach to the gone-by spring garden, and Monday’s on quite the opposite thought: going out to shop for more. You can make your way to the goodies over at my podcast archive page at Robin Hood Radio/WHDD, the nearby NPR affiliate where the show is created, and stream at will, or click the yellow “Subscribe in iTunes” button there instead if that’s your delivery vehicle of choice.

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