radio podcasts
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6 Surprising Mother's Day Facts No One Ever Told You - - Usa - Britain
07.08.2023 / 11:44

6 Surprising Mother's Day Facts No One Ever Told You

With over 30% of Brits admitting their mother is the most important person in their life and half coming to realise they are indeed turning into their mums, it’s no surprise we don’t scrimp around Mother’s Sunday.

Diane’s Daylily Garden - - Canada
07.08.2023 / 07:51

Diane’s Daylily Garden

My name is Diane Porter, and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. We are a Zone 5 area here, so I like pretty hardy plants. Daylilies (Hemerocallis, Zones 4–9 for most cultivars) fit my garden perfectly. I have always enjoyed gardening and  actually worked at a local garden center for a few seasons. The gardening bug hit hard!

Flowers for Mother’s Day - - Britain
01.08.2023 / 15:03

Flowers for Mother’s Day

Mother’s day in the UK is fast approaching. If you have a habit of forgetting until the last minute, you can always rely on a bunch of flowers to save the day. But, rather than just a standard bunch of daffodils from the petrol station, what else would make your mother really happy and inspired to bake you more cakes?

Create the ultimate urban garden -
28.07.2023 / 12:21

Create the ultimate urban garden

“A very common issue with urban gardens is the lack of space. We suggest that people approach this as an opportunity rather than an issue. Like The Shifting Garden that we presented at Chelsea Flower Show, containers can be the allies to create a lush and inviting outdoor space. We can play with different textures, sizes and colours to fit any space. The downsize of using containers is that they drain fairly quicky and the plants need more attention, but an irrigation system is the best solution. If the floorspace is small, consider the vertical elements of the space: walls, trellises, staggered pots.”

“Carolina Gold” Rice Growing in the Hanover House Garden - - state South Carolina - county Garden
24.07.2023 / 11:55

“Carolina Gold” Rice Growing in the Hanover House Garden

This heirloom grain, together with the skilled knowledge and forced labor of West Africans and their descendants, made South Carolina very, very rich. From 1720 to the outbreak of the Civil War, rice was the most economically valuable crop for this state. White landowners, who thought rice would do well in the low country, themselves lacked practical knowledge of rice cultivation. Instead, they paid a premium to slave traders to capture and transport laborers from the well-established rice region of West Africa to Carolina. During the 18th century, many enslaved people brought into Charleston came from this rice-growing area. These people and their descendants created the Gullah-Geechee culture in the low country.

Holiday Garden Gnome - - Greece - Spain
24.07.2023 / 11:54

Holiday Garden Gnome

Want to spice up your holiday decorations this year? Creating a holiday garden gnome from a tomato cage is an activity that can include all ages and become a family tradition. All you need is a tomato cage or cages, zip ties or floral stem wire, greenery, a stocking hat and mittens, a nose, and yarn or Spanish moss for a beard.

Radio podcast: cornucopia of recent topics - - Usa
21.07.2023 / 23:10

Radio podcast: cornucopia of recent topics

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE WRITTEN to say you enjoy the radio podcasts I create with Robin Hood Radio (NPRs newest and smallest affiliate, and just down the road from me in Ruralville, USA here). Marshall, Jill and I do have fun with our Monday-morning conversations–but you can listen anytime.

Botanical blessings: conifers for the coldest days - - state Alaska
21.07.2023 / 23:09

Botanical blessings: conifers for the coldest days

THEY ARE GARDEN STALWARTS, FEARING NOTHING–not even low single digits and multiple feet of snow. In this old-fashioned Northeastern winter of 2010-11, I’m counting my blessings, and tops on that list: the conifers who live here with me (including the weeping Alaska cedar, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‘Pendula,’ above).

Radio podcast: mulch, mulch and more mulch - - state Connecticut
21.07.2023 / 23:06

Radio podcast: mulch, mulch and more mulch

WOO-HOO! MY FRIENDS AT WHDD in Sharon, Connecticut, aka Robin Hood Radio, just called to say our A Way to Garden podcasts are not just on iTunes but also on an RSS feed. Easy, peasy, to tune in to.

Margaret on 'we dig plants' radio podcast -
21.07.2023 / 23:06

Margaret on 'we dig plants' radio podcast

CO-HOST AND GARDEN DESIGNER CARMEN DEVITO really got me going on the popular weekly “We Dig Plants” show on Heritage Radio Network the other day, when she asked me to think back–now four-plus years–about my journey from the city life of my past to the here-and-now of living in the garden. Apparently I shared such wisdoms as: “With things that you treasure, whether it’s a person, a thing or plant, sometimes you can hold it a little too close and suffocate it.

In bloom now: the first march garden arrivals -
21.07.2023 / 23:04

In bloom now: the first march garden arrivals

GARDEN CLEANUP HAS ITS REWARDS. There you are poking around with a pruning shears or a rake, cutting some things back and uncovering others, and suddenly you find them: the first brave souls to bloom.  From snowdrops (above) to the bravest shrub of all, a quick rundown of the first heat out of the gate:Helleborus niger, the so-called Christmas rose, is always extra-early.

Radio podcast: getting ready to shop for seeds -
21.07.2023 / 23:04

Radio podcast: getting ready to shop for seeds

ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR I GET FED UP with holiday to-do’s, and need a solid dose of horticulture instead. What better task to treat myself to than getting ready for seed-catalog shopping season: making an inventory of leftover things, testing for germination, writing a wishlist—and ordering a few new catalogs to widen my winter world.

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