Virus Ideas, Tips & Guides

Question of the Week – TSWV -

Question of the Week – TSWV

What is going on with this Roma tomato?

Why Pros Think You Shouldn't Boil Your Laundry - - Usa

Why Pros Think You Shouldn't Boil Your Laundry

Sometimes, we want to refresh our clothes and linens beyond just setting a normal washing machine cycle.

Can Plants Get Cancer? How to Save Them -

Can Plants Get Cancer? How to Save Them

The word “cancer” really puts the darkest thoughts in our minds! Amongst humans and animals, it is a truly devastating condition marked by invasive cell growth and quite a grim prognosis. But can plants get cancer, and do they suffer alike? Let’s investigate.

What’s Wrong With My Hydrangea? Recognize and Treat Common Diseases -

What’s Wrong With My Hydrangea? Recognize and Treat Common Diseases

Hydrangeas (Hydrangea spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) are timeless favorites of gardeners everywhere, but these beloved shrubs are also favored by a wide variety of pathogens. Fortunately, there are many ­preventive measures we can take to keep our plants safe, and knowing the signs and symptoms of common diseases can help us make a prompt and accurate diagnosis when disease does strike. With a little planning, research, and appropriate action when needed, you can keep your hydrangeas healthy and flowering for many years to come. Here are some of the most common hydrangea ailments, their signs and symptoms, and recommended management strategies.

Bird Flu is Rapidly Spreading Through US Poultry Flocks - - Usa - state Kentucky - state Missouri - state Connecticut - state Indiana - state Iowa - state Delaware

Bird Flu is Rapidly Spreading Through US Poultry Flocks

A strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza, or bird flu, is spreading across wild and commercial bird flocks in the US. 

How Much Do You Really Need to Worry About Bird Flu? - - Usa

How Much Do You Really Need to Worry About Bird Flu?

This current strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI, more commonly known as bird flu) is causing problems. It’s been detected in nearly 97 million birds in commercial or backyard flocks, with another 9,500 wild birds confirmed infected. In birds, it can cause coughing and breathing trouble, swelling and, ultimately, death. 

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Mow Your Lawn? An Expert Weighs In - - Georgia

When Is The Best Time Of Day To Mow Your Lawn? An Expert Weighs In

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What Causes Begonia Leaves to Curl (and What to Do About It) -

What Causes Begonia Leaves to Curl (and What to Do About It)

What Causes Begonia Leaves to Curl (and What to Do About It)

How to Identify and Manage Dahlia Mosaic Virus -

How to Identify and Manage Dahlia Mosaic Virus

How to Identify and Manage Dahlia Mosaic Virus Caulimovirus dahliae

Your gardening questions answered: What’s wrong with my raspberries? -

Your gardening questions answered: What’s wrong with my raspberries?

I planted bare-root raspberries “Autumn Bliss” a few years ago. The first year all but one plant died. Thinking I had neglected them, I bought more bare-root plants and planted them in the same bed and these all lived. In their first year, they only produced a few raspberries, but last year they fruited well.

Disease Resistant Tomatoes: 16 Delicious and Resilient Varieties -

Disease Resistant Tomatoes: 16 Delicious and Resilient Varieties

Planting disease resistant tomatoes is an important step in promoting healthy plant growth and a large harvest of delicious fruits. Tomato plants can be affected by many plant diseases including early blight, late blight, and verticillium wilt. Tomato breeders work hard to develop disease-resistant tomato varieties to help prevent or reduce the impact of common tomato diseases. When reading seed catalogs or seed packets, read the description carefully to discover if that variety is a disease resistant tomato. Below you’ll discover sixteen delicious, productive, and resilient disease resistant tomatoes like Galahad, Defiant PhR, Purple Zebra, and Sun Gold. Keep reading to learn more.

How To Keep Opossums Out Of Your Yard, According To Experts - - Georgia - state Virginia

How To Keep Opossums Out Of Your Yard, According To Experts

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Bird Flu is Spiking Again. Here’s What Producers and Industry Are Doing About It - - China

Bird Flu is Spiking Again. Here’s What Producers and Industry Are Doing About It

Mandy Melnyk has made some changes to her egg and poultry business in the last few months. The owner of Meadow Creek Farms in northern Alberta serves about 200 families a month with her egg subscriptions and broiler chickens—but now, instead of customers coming to pick up their orders from Melnyk directly, she’s spending a lot of time in the car, delivering them herself. 

What Is It? Wednesday – Virus on Squash -

What Is It? Wednesday – Virus on Squash

This squash is showing symptoms of a virus. There are numerous viruses that affect cucurbit crops, which may be transmitted in various ways, such as by insects (aphids, whiteflies, cucumber beetles), through seed, or mechanical damage.

A Raspberry to Virus -

A Raspberry to Virus

A virus has struck my favourite raspberries and the leaves have gone mottled. The light lemon green could have been a sign of magnesium deficiency but that turns out to be wishful thinking on my part. One variety partially effected last year is now in full denial and full of virus (its not just raspberry flu either.) As can be seen below full symptoms of my raspberry virus are obvious.

13 Plants for Corona Virus To Have Better Immunity! | - - China - state Indiana

13 Plants for Corona Virus To Have Better Immunity! |

Coronaviruses (CoV) causes an infection, that ranges from the common cold to more serious diseases. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new type of strain, first discovered in Wuhan, China, in 2019. It’s zoonotic, which means they first develop in animals and then transmitted in humans. Although, it is advisable to seek immediate medical attention if you develop symptoms of the same, here are some Plants for Corona Virus that can help you boost the immunity!

How to Identify Rose Mosaic Virus (and What to Do About It) -

How to Identify Rose Mosaic Virus (and What to Do About It)

The term “rose mosaic” may sound like a good thing. Maybe you imagine it denoting an artistic way to display particularly pretty blossoms, for example. But boy are you in for a surprise if this sounds like you.Rose mosaic sucks. It does cause some interesting pattern

Tips to Deal with Mosaic Virus in Cabbages -

Tips to Deal with Mosaic Virus in Cabbages

Most of us are familiar with the usual garden foes. Aphids are a common sight, and who hasn’t come across a fungal problem now and then?But you don’t hear as much about mosaic

How to Control Turnip Mosaic Virus | Gardener's Path - - China

How to Control Turnip Mosaic Virus | Gardener's Path

Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) can be a severe disease on cabbages and other types of brassicas.Many weeds are hosts to this vir

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