Sunflowers Ideas, Tips & Guides

6 Best White Sunflower Varieties - - Italy

6 Best White Sunflower Varieties

In this article, we will take a closer look at the Best White Sunflower Varieties and explore their characteristics and uses.

18 Best Yellow Hummingbird Plants You Can Grow to Attract Them -

18 Best Yellow Hummingbird Plants You Can Grow to Attract Them

Saddle up for a wild ride, Hummingbird enthusiasts! Get ready to attract the winged wonders to your garden with the Best Yellow Hummingbird Plants. With our help, you’ll have a garden full of buzzing birds, stunning blooms, and a smile. So, let’s get started and find the perfect plants to bring the sunshine to your yard!

24 Stunning Flowers for First Date -

24 Stunning Flowers for First Date

When it comes to first dates, choosing the right flowers can be the perfect way to set the tone and show your interest. But with so many options out there, it can be hard to know where to start. Do you go for classic red roses or something more unique? Fear not, because we’ve got you covered with a list of the Best Flowers for First Date that are sure to make a lasting impression.

Solutions for SunflowersThat Droop -

Solutions for SunflowersThat Droop

One of the coolest things about growing sunflowers is watching the way the flower heads pivot to follow the sun as it moves across the sky, from dawn to dusk.Known as “heliotropism,” this trait makes t

How to Grow Sunflowers as a Cover Crop -

How to Grow Sunflowers as a Cover Crop

Growing cover crops is a sustainable way to add organic matter to your soil and prevent erosion.When you choose to plant sunflowers

Is My Sunflower Annual or Perennial? - - Mexico

Is My Sunflower Annual or Perennial?

Can I expect you back next year? Sunflowers can’t announce their intentions, but the perennial varieties will indeed return to your garden next season without involved effort from you.Other cultivars, of course, must be reseeded, but that doe

How to Harvest Sunflower Seeds | Gardener's Path -

How to Harvest Sunflower Seeds | Gardener's Path

Here’s a confession for you: even though I love them, I used to be too lazy to eat sunflower seeds. Unshelled ones, anyway.All that work cracking them

Tips for Growing Black Oil Sunflowers in the Home Garden - - Russia

Tips for Growing Black Oil Sunflowers in the Home Garden

You take the amber waves of grain. I think the most beautiful farm view in America is a glorious field of blooming black oil sunflowers.This variety of Helianthus annuus, the common sunflowe

Beach Sunflower Care | Growing Helianthus debilis - -  Florida

Beach Sunflower Care | Growing Helianthus debilis

Beach sunflowers can be a stunning addition to any garden or landscape. These vibrant, yellow flowers are popular for their hardiness and ability to thrive in hot and dry conditions. In this guide, we will explore the essential tips and techniques for proper Helianthus debilis care.

How To Grow Sunflowers On The Balcony -

How To Grow Sunflowers On The Balcony

Sunflowers are gorgeous plants that can brighten up any space. Here’s all you need to know about How To Grow Sunflowers On The Balcony to attract attention from people and bees alike!

42 Best Sunflower Companion Plants -

42 Best Sunflower Companion Plants

Sunflowers are a cheerful and iconic addition to any garden, with their bright yellow petals and towering stalks. Whether you’re looking to attract pollinators or repel pests, choosing the right sunflower companion plants can make all the difference. Here are the Best Sunflower Companion Plants that can help your garden thrive and create a stunning display that will turn heads all summer long!

5 Beautiful Black and White Sunflower Varieties - - Russia

5 Beautiful Black and White Sunflower Varieties

While Black and White Sunflower Varieties are not as common as the traditional yellow sunflowers, these unique colors offer a striking contrast in any garden or floral arrangement! Let’s have a look at the best ones!

What Do Sunflower Represent | Sunflower Meaning and Symbolism - - China

What Do Sunflower Represent | Sunflower Meaning and Symbolism

Sunflowers, with their vibrant yellow petals and towering presence, have captivated human hearts for centuries. Beyond their undeniable beauty, these magnificent flowers hold deep symbolism and cultural significance in various societies around the world. Want to know What Do Sunflowers Represent? Keep on reading!

15 of the Best Sunflower Varieties to Grow at Home -

15 of the Best Sunflower Varieties to Grow at Home

Are you choosing sunflower cultivars to grow in your garden or in containers? I hope some of my favorites might become your favorites, too.I must warn you, though. When it comes to sunflo

Winter Bird Feeders Entertain as Well as Nourish | Gardener's Path - -  California

Winter Bird Feeders Entertain as Well as Nourish | Gardener's Path

One of my favorite things to do during the winter is to put food out for the birds.Not only does this activity nourish the birds

9 of the Best Pollenless Sunflowers -

9 of the Best Pollenless Sunflowers

Sometimes a business need drives the home garden market. That’s how it was with pollen-free sunflowers, certain varieties of Helianthus annuus.These varieties first became popular with florists a

13 of the Best Bird Feeders | A Gardener’s Path Product Guide -

13 of the Best Bird Feeders | A Gardener’s Path Product Guide

The most inviting gardens teem with life, and a great way to liven things up is to add bird feeders to your outdoor landscape.One of my favorites is a tubular unit that I fill with thist

How to Plant, Grow and Care for Mums (Chrysanthemums) -

How to Plant, Grow and Care for Mums (Chrysanthemums)

It's never too early to plan ahead when it comes to your garden. And as fall approaches, you may find yourself wondering what blooms will enhance your collection. While there are an array of eye-catching florals for the autumn season, including balloon flowers, dahlias, sunflowers and cosmos, you can't overlook the beauty that comes with chrysanthemums. These fall-blooming beauties come in multiple colors — from red, white and orange to yellow, pink and burgundy — so you're sure to find a shade that matches your personal style. Whether you're interested in a casual environment or more extravagent look, we're sharing how to grow mums (and how to care for them).

‘There Is No Safety At All.’ Living and Farming in a War Zone - - Russia - Poland

‘There Is No Safety At All.’ Living and Farming in a War Zone

When Ihor Mistiuk learned of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb 23, 2022, he didn’t panic. He was concerned, of course. But he tried to stay calm. 

How to Grow Sunflowers in Containers -

How to Grow Sunflowers in Containers

If sunflowers have always seemed out of reach for you, how about growing them in containers?You may have assumed that only those with big gar

How to Grow Teddy Bear Sunflowers -

How to Grow Teddy Bear Sunflowers

Even though they look more like miniature mops than a stuffed animal, it’s still quite easy to understand how ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers got their name.They’re fluffy, bright yellow, and a comforting small size –

How To Make Your Own Customized Bird Seed Blend! -

How To Make Your Own Customized Bird Seed Blend!

I love that my son Erik and daughter-in-law Kaitlyn live in the basement apartment of our house! Especially because I get to benefit from his obsessions/hobbies! Today Erik is sharing his latest with us. :-)  Erik writes……..   This year, I have taken great interest in feeding the wild birds in my neighborhood. I love animals, and was eager to put out some bird seed to see what kind of nature I could attract to my doorstep. It started with a standard, inexpensive, seed blend from the grocery store and slowly but surely the birds made their way to our backyard feeder. But it didn’t take an expert to see that some ingredients in the mix were MUCH more preferred than others.

How To Make Homemade Suet Cakes To Attract Birds -

How To Make Homemade Suet Cakes To Attract Birds

My son Erik installed some bird feeders for us a few years ago, and every summer we’ve really enjoyed seeing all the feathered visitors that the feeders attract to the yard! We’ve been able to see several species of finches, hummingbirds, and doves that live in the northern Utah area.

How to Identify and Control Common Sunflower Pests -

How to Identify and Control Common Sunflower Pests

Bold, cheerful, summery, and even delicious, sunflowers are a plant that just about everyone recognizes and seems to love.Unfortunately, pests love them too!Not to

30 Best Fall Flowers to Plant in Your Autumn Garden 2022 -

30 Best Fall Flowers to Plant in Your Autumn Garden 2022

Although springtime is known for fields of colorful tulips and daffodil flowers, that doesn’t mean that autumn can’t be full of activity in the garden with planting and blooming fall flowers. In fact, fall is a great time for annuals, perennials and evergreen shrubs to shine. Some popular fall flowers include colorful mums, dahlias, purple pansies and yes, even bright yellow sunflowers!

How to Plant and Grow Sensational Sunflowers | Gardener's Path - - Spain

How to Plant and Grow Sensational Sunflowers | Gardener's Path

One of my favorite summer memories comes from the summer of 2012, when I spent six weeks studying Spanish in Spain with my sister. The school regularly took us on trips to popular and historically significant towns and regions in the country.On one trip to Barcelona from Valencia, we drove past field

How to Protect Sunflowers from Birds and Squirrels -

How to Protect Sunflowers from Birds and Squirrels

Are you struggling to protect your sunflower blooms from squirrels and birds?This is one of those ironies that confronts gard

Grow Your Own Cut Flower Garden | Gardener's Path -

Grow Your Own Cut Flower Garden | Gardener's Path

A friend of mine, Mary, loves gardening and cut flowers. It only makes sense that she has her own cut flower garden, which has actually inspired me.Mary not only keeps fresh flo

How to Help Sunflowers That Won’t Bloom | Gardener's Path -

How to Help Sunflowers That Won’t Bloom | Gardener's Path

“You are my sunflower, my only sunflower, you make me happy, when skies are gray…”Those aren’t the actual words to the

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