SUN Ideas, Tips & Guides

Maidenhair Fern - - Greece

Maidenhair Fern

Ferns are one of the most versatile plants to add texture and softness to a shade garden. Northern (Adiantum pedatum) and Southern (Adiantum capillus-veneris) maidenhair ferns are native to the Southeast. When planted in the right conditions, they add an airy and ethereal touch to a shady area.

Phytonutrients: Why We Should Eat the Rainbow - - city Brussels

Phytonutrients: Why We Should Eat the Rainbow

Have you ever wondered where plants, including fruits and vegetables, get their vibrant colors? Well, the answer is from phytonutrients! Phytonutrients (also known as phytochemicals) are compounds produced by plants that provide health benefits to our bodies and are displayed through a plant’s pigment. Phytonutrients contribute to not only a plant’s appearance, but also their taste, smell, and immune system. These compounds strengthen the plant’s immune system by protecting it from dangers such as sun damage and disease. While phytonutrients are beneficial to keeping plants healthy, when consumed by humans through a varied diet, these compounds may also aid in keeping us healthy too. Let’s explore the potential health benefits that each phytonutrient has to offer through their distinct hues.

15 Beautiful White Flowers For Your Garden -

15 Beautiful White Flowers For Your Garden

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How To Grow Broccoli At Home -

How To Grow Broccoli At Home

Growing broccoli in your home garden is a wonderful way to enjoy this fresh, cool-weather vegetable.

Shade gardening – how to choose perfect shady garden plants -

Shade gardening – how to choose perfect shady garden plants

Before you plant anything in a shady garden, you need to know what kind of shade you have.

The 6 Best Vegetables For Container Gardening -

The 6 Best Vegetables For Container Gardening

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17 Coral Bells Companion Plants | Plants to Grow with Heuchera -

17 Coral Bells Companion Plants | Plants to Grow with Heuchera

If you are searching for Plants to Grow with Heuchera – we have plenty for you! These will compliment its leaves and make it thrive, too!

16 Tropical Plants You Can Grow in Just Water -

16 Tropical Plants You Can Grow in Just Water

If you are a fan of tropical vibes but don’t want to go into potting mixes – well, these plants will be more than happy to thrive in water indefinitely!

Eight classic ornamental trees and shrubs to plant now for long-lasting bursts of colour -

Eight classic ornamental trees and shrubs to plant now for long-lasting bursts of colour

When it comes to botanical longevity, it’s fair to say that annual and biennial species of plants are the “here today, gone tomorrow” ephemerals of our gardens and allotments. No sooner have they made our acquaintance, then they up and disappear like thistledown. Perennials, by comparison give far more bang for their buck, but even they can’t compare to ornamental trees and shrubs, many of which are easily capable of outliving their owners by decades, sometimes centuries.

16 Pretty Pink Flowers For Your Garden -

16 Pretty Pink Flowers For Your Garden

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Coleus Varieties: Favorite picks for gardens, borders, and pots - - Australia

Coleus Varieties: Favorite picks for gardens, borders, and pots

When we talk about foliage superstars, coleus has to be at the top of the list. The breadth of options is vast and colorful. Depending on the garden center you’re at, you can choose from a rainbow of leaf patterns, colors, and shapes, as well as plant sizes.

How to Grow Dischidia Nummularia Easily - - India - Australia

How to Grow Dischidia Nummularia Easily

Dischidia Nummularia, also known as the string of nickels, is a beautiful trailing plant that is easy to care for and propagate. In this guide, we will cover all the essential steps you need to know to grow and maintain it.

Compact Shrubs with Colorful Foliage for the Southeast - - Japan

Compact Shrubs with Colorful Foliage for the Southeast

Winter is a great time to look outside and evaluate the structure of your landscape. It can be easier during this time of year to tell if you need a few more woodies to add structural support. Small shrubs in particular have a lot of utility in gardens. They fit perfectly in beds and borders and can be used in tight spaces where more presence than a perennial is warranted. Here are a few smaller shrubs with impressive foliage that have worked well for us in the Southeast.

Magnificent Magnolias for Mid-Atlantic Gardens -

Magnificent Magnolias for Mid-Atlantic Gardens

Millions of years of evolution and hybridization efforts by generations of enthusiasts have produced hundreds of magnolia species and cultivars. Our mild Mid-Atlantic climate is conducive for growing a significant majority of them, which makes it quite daunting to select just one perfect specimen. From my long list of favorites, here are a few stellar selections with some of the best traits that this ancient genus has to offer.

6 Beautiful Holiday Cactus Types To Grow Indoors -

6 Beautiful Holiday Cactus Types To Grow Indoors

Holiday cactus got their name because they bloom near the famous holiday season–Around the time of Thanksgiving and Christmas! Thanks to their blooming attribute, they got their name accordingly.

15 Stunning Variegated Jade Plant Varieties -

15 Stunning Variegated Jade Plant Varieties

From tricolor to ripple, these Variegated Jade Plant Varieties pack a right punch of colors and ease of maintenance!

How To Start Plants From Seeds, According To An Expert -

How To Start Plants From Seeds, According To An Expert

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An All-Year Plan for Fragrance in Southwestern Gardens - - South Africa - North Korea - state Oklahoma

An All-Year Plan for Fragrance in Southwestern Gardens

I grew up in the north, where my mother’s garden teemed with the intoxicating aromas of lilacs, sweet peas, and lily of the valley. When I moved to Oklahoma, I left these fragrant favorites behind and began the search for new plants to delight the senses. After trying southern classics like gardenia (Gardenia spp. and cvs., Zones 8–11) and summersweet (Clethera spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) which don’t much care for the Oklahoma heat, I landed on several plants that fair well across many climates.

Sarah P. Duke Gardens - - Japan - state North Carolina - county Garden

Sarah P. Duke Gardens

Sarah P. Duke Gardens Stroll through the Sarah P. Duke Gardens to discover colorful seasonal plantings, a prairie garden and fruits and vegetables that grow well in the South. Sarah P. Duke Gardens Durham, North Carolina

5 Frustrating Aglaonema Problems and Solutions - - China

5 Frustrating Aglaonema Problems and Solutions

Though aglaonemas are not that fussy, they do have their fair share of problems. Here are the tips and tricks to keep Chinese Evergreens trouble-free.

Growers Guide for Monkeyflowers - - Greece

Growers Guide for Monkeyflowers

From the Greek mimo, ape; the flowers were thought to look like a mask or monkey’s face (Scrophulariaceae). Monkeyflower, monkey musk, musk. A genus of hardy annual, half-hardy perennial, and hardy perennial plants grown for their showy flowers. They are found in many temperate parts of the world, particularly North America.

Growers Guide for Aucuba Japonica - - China - Japan - city New York

Growers Guide for Aucuba Japonica

Evergreen shrubs, 5-6 ft. high, with large, glossy, laurel-like green or variegated leaves and clusters of red fruits, each containing a single seed. The flowers are small and not showy, and male and female flowers are borne on different plants. They grow wild in Japan, China, and the Himalayas, and belong to the Dogwood family, Cornaceae. The word Aucuba is derived from the Japanese name of the shrub, aokiba. Aucubas will live outdoors in very sheltered locations near New York City but are generally hardy only where milder winters are the rule.

10 Most Beautiful Korean Succulents - - North Korea

10 Most Beautiful Korean Succulents

What sets Korean succulents apart are their stunning blooms and versatile nature to thrive in any environment, making them perfect for anyone looking for a plant that’s easy to look after.

17 Best Boxwoods for Containers -

17 Best Boxwoods for Containers

These Boxwoods for Containers can be pruned to to be manageable and look lush all year round. You can also pair a few of them together to create a privacy screen.

The Best Ground-Cover Plants for Attracting Pollinators -

The Best Ground-Cover Plants for Attracting Pollinators

Although pollinator populations are diminishing worldwide due to habitat loss, climate change, pesticides, and disease, gardeners can slow this decline through cultivating and maintaining safe environments where winged garden visitors can find sustenance and take shelter. Combining well-chosen trees, shrubs, perennials, and vines to create a varied habitat will attract and support a broad range of bird, mammal, and insect species. Incorporating a strategic array of ground covers into this mix is a great way to maximize the wildlife benefits your garden offers.

Master Gardener shares experts tips for stunning container gardens -

Master Gardener shares experts tips for stunning container gardens

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

How to grow Aquilegia -

How to grow Aquilegia

The flower form resembles an eagle’s claw, hence the probable origin of this name from aquila the Latin for eagle (Ranunculaceae). Columbine. Hardy herbaceous perennials for the herbaceous border and rock garden. The flowers and leaves are very dainty. Unfortunately, they are inclined to be short lived in heavy wet soils, but they are easily increased by seed. The flowers appear in May and June in a wide range of colors from yellows and creams to blues and reds and purples. The garden hybrids have been raised from various species, e.g. the long-spurred hybrids from Aquilegia longissima. ‘Mrs. Scott Elliott’s’ is a well-known strain, and more recently, there are the McKana Giant hybrids, with larger flowers and long spurs.

9 Foliage Plants You Can’t Live Without - - Usa - China

9 Foliage Plants You Can’t Live Without

When you rely on foliage over flowers, a plant rarely experiences a “down period.” The following are all plants that play an important role in my garden’s composition.

Disease Resistant Tomatoes: 16 Delicious and Resilient Varieties -

Disease Resistant Tomatoes: 16 Delicious and Resilient Varieties

Planting disease resistant tomatoes is an important step in promoting healthy plant growth and a large harvest of delicious fruits. Tomato plants can be affected by many plant diseases including early blight, late blight, and verticillium wilt. Tomato breeders work hard to develop disease-resistant tomato varieties to help prevent or reduce the impact of common tomato diseases. When reading seed catalogs or seed packets, read the description carefully to discover if that variety is a disease resistant tomato. Below you’ll discover sixteen delicious, productive, and resilient disease resistant tomatoes like Galahad, Defiant PhR, Purple Zebra, and Sun Gold. Keep reading to learn more.

Sue’s Favorite Foliage Plants -

Sue’s Favorite Foliage Plants

Hi from Sue Webel in North Canton, Conneticut (Zone 6a).

Creeping Lilyturf: A Flowering Perennial Groundcover -

Creeping Lilyturf: A Flowering Perennial Groundcover

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance groundcover that also flowers, look no further than creeping lilyturf. This tough perennial has thick, blade-like foliage and forms attractive clumps. In this article, I’ll share more details about creeping lilyturf, along with how easy it is to grow and care for.

How to Grow Big Calathea Orbifolia -

How to Grow Big Calathea Orbifolia

To grow big Calathea Orbifolia plants, start with a piece from a big plant. Keep them in a humid place and give them bright, indirect sunlight. You can also try using small amounts of plant growth products like Miracle-Gro.

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