Orchids Ideas, Tips & Guides

Hoya Wayetti Care and Growing Guide - balconygardenweb.com - Usa - Philippines

Hoya Wayetti Care and Growing Guide

Hoya Wayetii adds charm to any space with its striking variegated leaves and unique star-shaped flowers. Let’s have a look at how to maintain it at the best of its health!

How to Grow Dischidia nummularia | Growing Button Orchid - balconygardenweb.com - China - India - Australia - Indonesia

How to Grow Dischidia nummularia | Growing Button Orchid

If you are looking for an easy-to-maintain plant, then Button Orchid can be a good choice. Here are all the details on How to Grow Dischidia nummularia.

How to Grow Dischidia Major Easily - balconygardenweb.com

How to Grow Dischidia Major Easily

Dischidia Major is a fascinating tropical species. However, growing and caring for it can be tricky. In this guide, we’ll provide you with essential tips and tricks to help you successfully grow and maintain this plant.

9 DIY Vertical Pegboard Garden Ideas to Grow More Plants - balconygardenweb.com

9 DIY Vertical Pegboard Garden Ideas to Grow More Plants

Perfect for small spaces, theseVertical Pegboard Garden Ideas to Grow More Plants combine creativity and functionality, allowing you to nurture a flourishing array of plants while adding a touch of artistic charm to your surroundings.

How to Revive a Dying Orchid - balconygardenweb.com

How to Revive a Dying Orchid

If you want to keep orchids healthy, you need to create a natural environment where they thrive while keeping the other important factors in mind. If your plant is not in good condition then have a look at How to Revive a Dying Orchid!

Most Beautiful Orchids with Decorative Foliage - balconygardenweb.com

Most Beautiful Orchids with Decorative Foliage

Orchids are famous for their flowers but there are also some beautiful Orchids with Decorative Foliage that add more to the look of the plant! Find the best ones below!

Hardy orchids - theunconventionalgardener.com

Hardy orchids

I don’t normally say much about plants that you can’t eat, but this week I was escorting some visitors* from the Hardy Orchid Society around the site at work so I took some photos

Flaming June - theunconventionalgardener.com

Flaming June

I am behind on the gardening. I am typing this in the middle of a thunderstorm, complete with torrential rain, so I don’t need to feel guilty today. Or tomorrow, looking at the forecast. But with June arriving tomorrow there are some jobs I really ought to be doing. The overwintered chard is going to seed, and needs pulling out. I left the purple sprouting broccoli to flower and feed the bees and that needs to come out now, too. They’ll be making way for the summer crops – sweetcorn and courgettes, and there are leek seedlings to plant out as well. And I am behind on my seed sowing. There’s a list somewhere. I should find it.

The sad history of orchids in space - theunconventionalgardener.com

The sad history of orchids in space

If I was in charge of a space botany program and had to choose which plants to grow in space, I don’t think orchids would make it onto the list. For one thing, they’re not that simple to grow – orchid seeds only germinate in the presence of their chosen fungal partner. And although they’re beautiful, orchids are hardly an essential crop (even though some of them produce an edible starch that is used to make a drink called salep and ice cream and is one of my ethnobotanical fascinations). The Soviet Union, however, made a different choice, sending tropical orchid plants and seeds to the Salyut 6 space station.

How to grow native orchids - theunconventionalgardener.com - Usa - Britain - France

How to grow native orchids

When someone says orchid, what springs to mind? Probably the beautiful and showy hybrid orchids you can buy in the garden centre, or possibly the tropical orchids Kew does such magnificent displays with during its annual orchid festival. The cultivation of tropical orchids became popular in Britain in the seventeenth century. At the time, no one knew how to propagate orchids from seed, and wild plants were dug up and imported en masse, devastating their native habitats. By the nineteenth century, people had realised that the common British wildflowers they had been overlooking were also orchids. They too became popular with collectors, with some species being driven to the brink of extinction by over-collection and the intensification of agriculture.

Midsummer flowers - theunconventionalgardener.com

Midsummer flowers

Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. People turned up to celebrate at Stonehenge despite the ongoing lockdown restrictions. For the past few years, the open spaces in our local area have been managed more for wildlife value, as well as their amenity value. This means that large areas are left unmowed during the summer months. The grasses are quite lovely at the moment, swaying in the breeze, and we see tiny colourful butterflies flitting around to quickly to identify.

23 Beautiful Flowers that Start with Q - balconygardenweb.com

23 Beautiful Flowers that Start with Q

Welcome to a mesmerizing collection of Flowers that Start with Q! From the exquisite Queen Lily Ginger to the enchanting Queen of the Night, these flowers boast a variety of amazing beauties.

22 Cute Bugs that Will Make You Fall in Love With Them - balconygardenweb.com

22 Cute Bugs that Will Make You Fall in Love With Them

Discover the world of Cute Bugs in our collection of the most eye catching ones that bring charm to nature’s wonders.

Orchid Leaves Turning Yellow? Follow these Tips to Save Them - balconygardenweb.com

Orchid Leaves Turning Yellow? Follow these Tips to Save Them

While growing indoors, Orchid Leaves Turning Yellow is one of the most common problems growers face. In this article, we will address all the possible issues and solutions to get rid of them.

21 Flowers that Start with O - balconygardenweb.com

21 Flowers that Start with O

Flowers that Start with O — are they the ‘ooh la la’ of the floral world? Let’s dive into this captivating collection of blooms, where we’ll discover orchids, oriental poppies, and other delightful ‘o’-named blooms!

How to Keep Kids’ Clutter Concealed Without a Mudroom - thespruce.com

How to Keep Kids’ Clutter Concealed Without a Mudroom

If you don't have a mudroom in your home, you may be wondering how exactly to store away all of the items that are associated with having children: shoes, school supplies, sports equipment, and much more.

Best Plants for a Bathroom - gardenersworld.com

Best Plants for a Bathroom

Bathrooms are a popular choice for house plants as they typically provide high levels of humidity, similar to a jungle environment, in which many indoor plants thrive. By adding some greenery, your bathroom can become a lush and inviting oasis, giving your home a ‘spa-like’ atmosphere.

8 Best Black Magic Plants for Garden - balconygardenweb.com

8 Best Black Magic Plants for Garden

Don’t let the name mislead you; these plants do not possess the ability to spell magic. It is just their dark, amazing appearance and the name of these varieties “black magic.”

Butterflies Prove Complex Learning May Be More Common in Insects Than We Thought - treehugger.com

Butterflies Prove Complex Learning May Be More Common in Insects Than We Thought

It's easy not to think much about the intelligence of insects. Tiny creatures with even tinier brains—how smart can they be?

How to Take Care of Orchids - Fantastic Gardeners Guide - blog.fantasticgardeners.co.uk

How to Take Care of Orchids - Fantastic Gardeners Guide

Are you interested in growing orchids but feel a bit intimidated? Don’t worry! Orchids are beautiful, exotic flowers that can add a touch of luxury to any home. Although they have a reputation for being difficult to care for, many varieties of orchids are easy to grow with just a little knowledge.

10 Plants That Bring Good Energy to Your Home - Fantastic Gardeners - blog.fantasticgardeners.co.uk

10 Plants That Bring Good Energy to Your Home - Fantastic Gardeners

Introducing plants into your home or office can create a more positive energy flow. Certain plants have the ability to purify the air, while others provide a sense of well-being, peace, and even stress relief. Eliminating negative energy is an important step in regaining health and happiness. These plants will promote positive energy that will benefit you and those around you!

19 Fantastic Tips on How to Grow a Big Anthurium Plant - balconygardenweb.com

19 Fantastic Tips on How to Grow a Big Anthurium Plant

Red Anthuriums, with their heart-shaped, bold red spathes and dark green foliage, are the epitome of tropical charm. However, coaxing these plants to grow larger and more vibrant isn’t always straightforward. This guide lifts the curtain on some of the lesser-known, specialist techniques used by master gardeners on How to Grow a Big Anthurium Plant!

Anthurium Besseae Quick Care Guide - balconygardenweb.com

Anthurium Besseae Quick Care Guide

If you want an easy-to-care-for houseplant that rewards you with a bold look then Anthurium Besseae is the perfect contender!Learn how to keep this plant happy and healthy.

You've Never Seen Hawaiian Leis as Stunning as These - Sunset Magazine - sunset.com

You've Never Seen Hawaiian Leis as Stunning as These - Sunset Magazine

Growing up in Hawai‘i, Meleana Estes was immersed in the traditions of lei making, thanks to her tūtū, or grandmother, a seamstress and costume designer who took up lei making in the 1960s, when traditional Hawai‘ian skills were re-emerging throughout the islands. Her tutu became an expert over the years and passed this knowledge to her family and to Meleana, who, after a career in fashion, went on to become an expert lei maker and teacher of the craft, running workshops first in Honolulu and eventually abroad. 

Bird's Nest Fern Care Guide | Growing Asplenium nidus - balconygardenweb.com - Australia - state Hawaii

Bird's Nest Fern Care Guide | Growing Asplenium nidus

If you want an indoor plant that is known for its tropical looks, then what else then Bird’s Nest Fern Care. While it’s not super easy to grow it, you can still keep healthy and happy if you know these care instructions below.

Orchid Tips and Photos - gardenerstips.co.uk - Britain

Orchid Tips and Photos

I am going to Madeira for a sunny break before the gardening gets tougher. I hope to sample the orchids that grow on the islands and even bring home the occasional example.

Flowers for Mother’s Day - gardenerstips.co.uk - Britain

Flowers for Mother’s Day

Mother’s day in the UK is fast approaching. If you have a habit of forgetting until the last minute, you can always rely on a bunch of flowers to save the day. But, rather than just a standard bunch of daffodils from the petrol station, what else would make your mother really happy and inspired to bake you more cakes?

Winter Flowering Plants - gardenerstips.co.uk - state Oregon

Winter Flowering Plants

Winter can start in December and continue through March (we even worry about snow in May up north) but do not let that put you off flowering plants.

The Pansy Orchid! Miltoniopsis - gardenerstips.co.uk

The Pansy Orchid! Miltoniopsis

Orchid flowers are available in so many different colours and forms.

Pleiones Easy Orchids from Bulbs - gardenerstips.co.uk

Pleiones Easy Orchids from Bulbs

Pleiones are charming orchids grown in pots from a pseudobulb that splits into two or more after flowering which helps to increase your stock. The flowers arrive first on 6-8 inch stems in spring followed by 6 inch long 2 inch wide leaves.

Orchid Compost a Treat for Orchids - gardenerstips.co.uk

Orchid Compost a Treat for Orchids

If you want to make your Orchids feel at home then use good Orchid compost and mimic natural conditions as best you can. There are many proprietary brands available but you could do a lot worse than talk to an expert at a local Orchid show.

Magnesian Limestone Gardening - gardenerstips.co.uk - Britain

Magnesian Limestone Gardening

Magnesian limestone grassland is uncommon in the UK but supports a wide range of plants and invertebrates. The dolomite or limestone has weathered to form thin lime-rich soils on which unique wildflower meadows have developed.

Botanical Gardens and Botanics - gardenerstips.co.uk - Britain

Botanical Gardens and Botanics

Botany is the science of plant life. In other descriptions it is the study of plant science or plant biology. A botanist is one who studies botany.

Growing Dactylorrhiza Madeira & Marsh Orchids - gardenerstips.co.uk

Growing Dactylorrhiza Madeira & Marsh Orchids

Dactylorrhiza foliosa sometimes named the Madeiran Orchid or Dactylorhiza foliosa

Easy Phalaenopsis Orchids - gardenerstips.co.uk

Easy Phalaenopsis Orchids

Some orchids are temperamental but this Phalaelenopsis has give unstinting blooms for eight months on the trot without any trouble. Growing on one stem which branched into three side shoots there were upto 20 flowers on the Orchid at anyone time. The variety must be resilient as we gave it no special treatment but these Phalaelenopsis or Moth Orchids are one of the easier Orchids to grow.

Popular Topics

Welcome to diygarden.cc website in the orchids section, where you can find a wealth of information about these flowers.

Orchids are a diverse and widespread family of flowering plants that belong to the Orchidaceae family. They are known for their unique and intricate flowers, which come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes.

Flowers are found in almost every habitat on Earth, except for the extreme polar regions. They can be terrestrial (growing on the ground), epiphytic (growing on trees or rocks), or lithophytic (growing on bare rocks).

Orchids have become popular as both ornamental plants and subjects of horticultural interest due to their stunning beauty and exotic appearance. They are widely cultivated for their captivating flowers and are often used as houseplants or in floral arrangements. They have a complex pollination process, and some species have developed fascinating adaptations to attract specific pollinators. With over 25,000 recognized species and counting, orchids are one of the largest and most diverse plant families in the world.

Our site greengrove.cc offers you to spend great time reading Orchids latest Tips & Guides. Enjoy scrolling Orchids Tips & Guides to learn more. Stay tuned following daily updates of Orchids hacks and apply them in your real life. Be sure, you won’t regret entering the site once, because here you will find a lot of useful Orchids stuff that will help you a lot in your daily life! Check it out yourself!

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