Inside Ideas, Tips & Guides

What Is It? Wednesday – Parasitic Wasp Pupae - - state Virginia

What Is It? Wednesday – Parasitic Wasp Pupae

This is a cluster of parasitic wasp pupae. The adult wasp would have laid eggs into a caterpillar to provide food for the developing larvae.

In a Vase on Monday: There’s an Art… -

In a Vase on Monday: There’s an Art…

…to displaying flowers and foliage in a vase, but that art could be anything from utilising learned floristry techniques to basically plonking them in a receptacle. Perhaps after plonking we might then rearrange them slightly to achieve something we see as more satisfactory, without necessarily recognising why we want to tweak things, or perhaps we might place them a stem at a time to achieve some perceived kind of balance, without having any formal or even informal training in floristry.

Baby birds: an intimate look inside the nest, with julie zickefoose -

Baby birds: an intimate look inside the nest, with julie zickefoose

You’ll hear me say “wow” and “oh!” and “that’s crazy” and “amazing” a lot in the audio version of this interview—because it all is.I see a lot of birds in my garden, but my experience their offspring is limited, frankly. This year’s phoebe is incubating her clutch on the back porch, atop a stereo speaker as every spring, and when pruning a white pin

Grow Herbs Indoors: Herbs that Thrive Inside -

Grow Herbs Indoors: Herbs that Thrive Inside

This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You don’t need a garden to grow fresh he

Inside a Post and Beam House in the Topanga Mountains - - Los Angeles

Inside a Post and Beam House in the Topanga Mountains

Post and Beam homes are known for their exposed wooden beams, vaulted ceilings, and spacious, open rooms. With those features, the style already speaks for itself, design-wise, so when you’re decorating the home, it can be a balancing act—showcasing the beautiful ceilings and wood, while also giving the space personality through furniture and accessories. That’s what celebrity interior designer and home stager Francesca Grace was tasked with for this home staging project in the Topanga mountains of Los Angeles.

How to Overwinter Passionflower Vines Inside or Outdoors -

How to Overwinter Passionflower Vines Inside or Outdoors

It’s always a smart idea to grow plants that are suited to your climate. You’re working with Mother Nature rather than against her.But there are some cases where I just don’t care what’

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