Roses Ideas, Tips & Guides

15 of the Best Smelling and Fragrant flowers -

15 of the Best Smelling and Fragrant flowers

Fragrance in flowers is such a desirable attribute that it’s a perennial complaint of many gardeners that modern varieties of various plants, particularly roses, lack all or most of the fragrance of the older varieties. This is demonstrably untrue of many varieties, of course, yet there is a good deal of truth in the generalization. Some varieties are certainly much less fragrant than the ‘old-fashioned’ roses and a few seem to lack detectable fragrance, but, on the whole, a good modern variety will number fragrance among its qualities. Much depends, of course, upon the individual sense of smell, coupled with the ‘scent memory’ which all of us possess to some degree. It is, in fact, usually well developed and most of us are readily and instantaneously reminded by present scents of past incidents, places, and persons, and although the actual vocabulary of scent is limited, it is usually possible for us to describe a scent fairly accurately by comparing it with another. Thus it is quite usual for us to say that a flower has a lily-like fragrance, or that it smells like new-mown hay.

Plumbago Passion - - Usa - state New Jersey

Plumbago Passion

I am very prone to love at first sight. In fact, it happened just last week. I saw a tall southerner “across a crowded room”, as the song says. My heart stood still (as another song says). I was enraptured.

Controlling Powdery Mildew on Plants -

Controlling Powdery Mildew on Plants

Powdery mildew is a common disease on many types of plants. In fact, it is one of the oldest plant diseases on record – Theophrastis wrote of powdery mildew on roses in 300 B.C. Although different species of fungi cause the disease on different plants (Erysiphe infects vegetable crops and flowers; Podosphaera species infects apples and stone fruits; Sphaerotheca species infects berries, roses, some vegetable crops, and stone fruits; and Uncinula necator infects grapes), the infections are all characterized by a powdery white to gray fungal growth on leaves, stems and heads.

Foliar Feeding Plants -

Foliar Feeding Plants

This is the application of nutrients to the aerial parts of plants. It can be used for the treatment of all deficiencies for all types of growing plants. But you can only spray very small amounts of nutrients onto the leaves at a time, otherwise, leaf scorch or even defoliation may follow. If foliar spraying is to be successful there must be sufficient foliage to hold the applied nutrients, and plants cannot develop to a stage of growth when foliar treatment, would be effective unless the soil has been prepared properly before sowing or planting. So, although foliar feeding cannot take the place of the traditional method of applying fertilizers and manures to the soil, it is a useful supplement, for the following purposes:

Growing Guide for Helianthemum - - Greece

Growing Guide for Helianthemum

From the Greek helios, the sun, and anthemon. a flower (Cistaceae). Sun Rose. A genus of evergreen and semi-evergreen shrubs, sub-shrubs, perennial plants and annuals, very free flowering. Numerous named varieties and hybrids are grown and four species are native plants.

SHOE FLIES AND CHINESE LANTERNS – Gardening - - China - Peru


This year, when gardeners look at plant and seed catalogs, I think they will be inclined to go for the safe and familiar. After all,  even optimists need a sense of security. It will probably be a banner year for roses of all kinds, with reds selling well. The ongoing vogue for cottage flowers will probably continue to be strong. In fact, the wildest thing many people will invest in come spring will be a few of the more bizarre coleus cultivars.

July in Tingshu’s Front Garden - - state Massachusets

July in Tingshu’s Front Garden

We’re in Massachusetts today, visiting Tingshu Hu’s garden. Tingshu has been sharing scenes from her garden at different times of the year. Today we’ve moved into July and are looking at the summer scenes from her front garden.

Rose Leaf – Black Spot -

Rose Leaf – Black Spot

A term which can be used to describe certain plant diseases which reveal themselves as black spots on the leaves. Some are quite startling in the color contrast with the green of the leaf, for example, black or tar spot on sycamore leaves. But the best known of all ornamental plant black spot diseases is that which affects roses, called rose black spot. In this, the spots are usually circular and well-defined but sometimes they are very diffuse and roughly follow the veins in a branched fashion. In the disease of delphiniums called black spot or black blotch, the black spots are of all sizes and very irregular shapes. In black spot disease of elm leaves the spots are shiny, coal black, and slightly raised.



Whether you are planning a birthday party or a formal dinner for business associates, flowers can play an important role in the decorations. But you don’t have to settle for run-of-the-mill, one-color arrangements of carnations and daisies. Why not key the floral decor to the season or holidays and special events in the month?

Six on Saturday, Including Some Lessons -

Six on Saturday, Including Some Lessons

If there is a lesson to be learned about the rose above, ‘Phyllis Bide’, it is not to overlook what is in front of your face. Planted outside the front door a few years ago to replace, on a whim, the bright pink ‘Pink Perpetue’, the bud that this bloom opened from must have been in evidence before I noticed the fully open flower on Thursday, but I hadn’t seen it. Not that I was expecting to see any roses in bloom halfway through January, although it does sometimes happen – and admittedly it tells me that this is a rose I had forgotten to prune when I did my climbers back in the late autumn! The front of the house is in full sun for most of the morning, so the sunshine that accompanied some bitterly cold days this last week has clearly given Phyllis a boost. Overall, however, she has still been outperformed by her predecessor, and needs to pull her socks up to justify her front-of-house position.

Planting a Yellow Rose - - Usa - state New York

Planting a Yellow Rose

This is not to say that I have no other roses in my garden. Life would not be complete without a few good reds, a generous handful of peach-tinted varieties and a sprinkling of whites. This year we may acquire one or two striped roses, and I have a feeling that they may prove addictive. However, for the moment, the yellow roses hold sway in my heart.

Potted Shrub Roses for Instant Color - - Usa

Potted Shrub Roses for Instant Color

Do you have small space to plant or little time to garden? Then look no further than a shrub rose. A potted Star® Landscape Shrub Rose blooms from spring well into fall frost with little care for year-round color and non-stop blooming

Trends in Bulb Gardening - - Usa - Netherlands

Trends in Bulb Gardening

As with fashion, floriculture also has its trends. Dutch botanist Jacqueline van der Kloet signals two color trends.

Pegging Down Roses -

Pegging Down Roses

There are exceptions, as may well be imagined, among the wonderful variety that is found in roses at the present day. The first exception is found in those varieties that make vigorous growth even when hard pruned; this would seem to indicate that the orthodox method is not for them. Neither, in fact, is it suitable.



A friend called not long ago, and she sounded desperate.

Growing Calanthe Orchid - - Greece

Growing Calanthe Orchid

Autumn and winter flowering evergreen and leaf-losing Orchids natives of Asia, Africa and Australasia. The name Calanthe is derived from the Greek kalos, beautiful, and anthos, a flower. Calanthe belongs to the family Orchidaceae.

Autumn Dilemma -

Autumn Dilemma

It used to be so easy in my father’s day. In mid-winter, gardeners received mail-order catalogs from many far-flung nurseries and plant purveyors. Mailboxes groaned under the weight of all the catalogs, but no one minded because there is nothing like looking at pages and pages of perfect annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees on a gray, uninspiring day at the end of January. With the holidays over and spring yet to happen, catalogs satisfied the universal hunger for color, light, and rebirth. Besides, unless there is a flu epidemic, nothing else happens between New Year’s and Valentine’s Day.

15 Flowers that Look like Peonies | Flowers Similar to Peonies - - Japan

15 Flowers that Look like Peonies | Flowers Similar to Peonies

Are you looking for Flowers that Look like Peonies? Then, this list is for you; these beautiful alternatives can bring a touch of elegance to bouquets and gardens. They mimic the charm of peonies, adding a pleasing feel to any setting.

Gardens to visit in Italy - - France - Italy

Gardens to visit in Italy

French writer Stendhal was profoundly struck by the beauty of Florence: ‘I had palpitations of the heart… Life was drained from me. I walked with the fear of falling.’ As a self-confessed history nerd, I’ve always been fascinated by the city, having visited several times. With so much to see, though, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of ornate churches and great works of art, by the bustle of city life, and by the heaving tide of tourists. Where better to seek solace then, than in one of the city’s many idyllic gardens?

23 Flower Tattoos on the Thigh Ideas -

23 Flower Tattoos on the Thigh Ideas

Thinking about getting a cool thigh tattoo? Roses symbolize beauty and strength, while hibiscus adds a touch of femininity. Mix it up with mandalas for balance or go for a simple floral branch. Each tattoo tells a unique story, making your thigh a canvas of beauty and meaning!

The finest florists in the UK - - Britain - city London

The finest florists in the UK

From the traditional bunch of classic red roses, to a theatrical spectacle of fern fronds and striking blooms, a bouquet of flowers can be a timeless or show stopping gesture of friendship, celebration, or romance. Yet, not all bouquets are created equal. Sustainability credentials, community impact, artistic craft and founder vision may be paramount considerations when choosing where to source your flowers, but we’ve taken the thorn out of the task by rounding up a list of pioneering florists around the country who are creatively inventive, sustainability-minded and will deliver a bouquet worthy of any special occasion. 

11 Beautiful Emerald Flowers - - India - Ireland - state Hawaii

11 Beautiful Emerald Flowers

From the Green Tulip to the endangered Green Flower Indian Mallow native to Hawaii, each one has an emerald like shine. Wait, there are more! The hooded Green Jack-in-the-Pulpit, the frilly Emerald Dianthus, the 'Feeling Green' Chrysanthemum, Bells of Ireland with bell-shaped blooms, and the unique Viridiflora rose.

Double Hollyhocks for Your Perennial Border -

Double Hollyhocks for Your Perennial Border

All gardeners are familiar with tall single hollyhocks, which can be used so effectively to screen an ugly view or soften the harsh lines of a bare wall. But few realize that the single variety has an even richer, more stately relative—the double hollyhock.

Gardening Guide for January. - - Georgia - state Florida - state Massachusets

Gardening Guide for January.

Nature reflects the color of the spirit. Beauty is not confined to a season nor to region. The gardens of Georgia or Florida are perpetually in bloom, but are they more beautiful than northern gardens in winter, where imagination sorts the beautiful tracery of tree branches into designs that few artists have approached in their delineation of nature? Are the Alps grander than the Rockies? Who can judge?

Frances Tophill's guide to February pruning - - Iran - France

Frances Tophill's guide to February pruning

The garden in February is a place of hope and promise of things to come, though it can still be bitterly cold. This is a month of tidying up in earnest and pruning the last of your deciduous shrubs or trees before their new leaves start to emerge.

Terry’s California Garden - - state California

Terry’s California Garden

We’re in Northridge, California today, visiting with Terry Sanders:

10 Best Succulents for Bonsai - - South Africa

10 Best Succulents for Bonsai

If you are in the mood to try something different for your next gardening project, then try succulents for Bonsai! They are easy to train and look amazing!

Top 10 Plants for Pots and Containers - - Britain

Top 10 Plants for Pots and Containers

Pots and containers offer the gardener great versatility and are a fantastic way to experiment with planting and design. From short-term bedding displays to permanent features of small trees and topiary, planting in pots adds another dimension to the garden, softening corners, brightening dull spots and providing instant, yet easily changeable, results.

Your gardening questions answered: What’s wrong with my climbing roses? -

Your gardening questions answered: What’s wrong with my climbing roses?

I planted some climbing roses into pots at either side of our garden gazebo and have trained them to grow up over it. I’ve been careful to feed and water them, and they did brilliantly for a couple of years, but last summer they looked miserable. Any suggestions as to what I’m doing wrong? TJ, Co Kilkenny

Bare-root roses: Growing tips and variety recommendations - - Britain

Bare-root roses: Growing tips and variety recommendations

Bare-root roses (those that are dug up from the nursery’s fields during dormancy and come without soil around their roots) are delivered from November onwards and can be planted throughout the winter. Now is the time to order for the widest choice of varieties and, come summer, the reward will be the most colourful, fragrant and quintessentially English garden flowers there are.

12 Elegant Peach Flowers for the Garden - - Peru - Bolivia

12 Elegant Peach Flowers for the Garden

Try Inca 'Husky' Peruvian Lily, Amaryllis, 'Sweet Peach' Bouvardia, Carnation, Zinnia 'Zinderella Peach', 'Peach Finesse' Rose, 'Bolivian Peach' Gladiolus, 'Double Peach' Hibiscus, 'Peach Melba' Tulip, and 'David Austin Juliet' Rose for a peachy garden palette. And don't miss the Coral Charm Peony and Dahlia 'Peach Cobbler'.

43 Black Widow Spider Tattoo Ideas -

43 Black Widow Spider Tattoo Ideas

Read on for Black Widow Spider Tattoo Ideas – If you’re looking for a cool and meaningful tattoo, they carry stories of patience, hidden strength, and survival, making the perfect special body inks.

9 Cute Plants that Literally Look Like Tiny Legos -

9 Cute Plants that Literally Look Like Tiny Legos

Here is everything about plants that look like tiny Legos, such as Living Stones resembling colorful pebbles, Haworthia Cooperi with glossy Lego-like blocks, and Marble Buttons resembling Lego balls. Learn about the unique charm of Split Rock and Karoo Rose, both mimicking tiny Lego constructions. These are not all! Find out more such plants below!

Brian Minter: Vibrant, versatile poinsettias are the showstoppers of the season -

Brian Minter: Vibrant, versatile poinsettias are the showstoppers of the season

Reviews and recommendations are unbiased and products are independently selected. Postmedia may earn an affiliate commission from purchases made through links on this page.

18 Roses With Money Tattoo Designs -

18 Roses With Money Tattoo Designs

Roses and money are two things that catch your eye, right? Now, imagine them together in cool tattoos! Wanna see the awesome designs? Keep scrolling – it’s gonna be epic!

Popular Topics

The "Roses" section on is your go-to source for inspiration and valuable information on growing and caring for roses. Roses are beautiful flowers that bring beauty and fragrance to any garden or backyard. Our section offers a wide range of tips, instructions, and guides to help you create the perfect rose plants.

Roses are flowering plants that belong to the genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae. They are known for their beautiful and fragrant flowers, which come in a wide range of colors and forms.

Roses have been cultivated for centuries and are one of the most popular and widely grown ornamental plants worldwide. They have a rich symbolic and cultural significance. They are often associated with love, beauty, and romance, and are commonly used in weddings, Valentine's Day celebrations, and other special occasions.

Different colors of roses can also convey different meanings. For example, red roses traditionally symbolize love and passion, while yellow roses represent friendship and joy. In addition to their aesthetic value, roses have practical uses as well. They are used in the production of perfumes, cosmetics, and essential oils.

Certain species of roses, such as Rosa canina, produce rose hips, which are high in vitamin C and can be used to make herbal teas, jams, and other food products. Roses require proper care and maintenance to thrive. They generally prefer well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and regular watering. Pruning is also important for maintaining the health and shape of the plants.

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