Roses Ideas, Tips & Guides

All About Brambles: The Many Marvelous Plants in the Rubus Genus -

All About Brambles: The Many Marvelous Plants in the Rubus Genus

I was on a nature walk near my home and my pant leg was grabbed by a tenacious Himalayan blackberry. I cursed the evil cane as I unhooked it from my pants and plucked an errant thorn free.A few minutes later, I found a native blackberry, so I snapped a few pic

10 Celebrities That Love Gardening & Growing Plants - - Usa

10 Celebrities That Love Gardening & Growing Plants

“I don’t think of flowers as something material, Flowers come, and then they go back to where they came from. You can’t hold them for long.”

13 Best Scented Flowers That Smell Like Lemon & Orange - - South Africa

13 Best Scented Flowers That Smell Like Lemon & Orange

Citrus scents are known to uplift mood and spirit. Also, they stimulate the nervous system, making you more alert, attentive, and happy. A study that supports this claim is here. So having plants that bear lemon scented flowers or orange scented flowers in your garden or home is a great way to enhance your mood.

23 Eco-Friendly Roses for Chemical-Free Growing -

23 Eco-Friendly Roses for Chemical-Free Growing

I think a lot more gardeners are learning the importance of gardening without the use of chemicals.While there is certainly a time and a place t

12 Fantastic Tips to Make Roses Bloom -

12 Fantastic Tips to Make Roses Bloom

Roses are valued not only for their exotic fragrance but also for the showy appearance. Symbolizing love and care, there are many cultivars and hybrid varieties of roses. But most of them have the same basic requirements when it comes to caring. So if your rose is not blooming or if the blooms are not to their full potential, then these Tips to Make Roses Bloom will come in handy!

31 Super Cute DIY Teacup Garden Ideas | Creative Teacup Planters -

31 Super Cute DIY Teacup Garden Ideas | Creative Teacup Planters

Here are some easy-to-make DIY Teacup Garden Ideas that you can use to re-purpose the old ones you have in your home!

22 Homemade DIY Hand Scrub Recipes For Gardeners -

22 Homemade DIY Hand Scrub Recipes For Gardeners

Natural hand scrubs are excellent as they are cost-effective and gentle hand scrubs that exfoliate and moisturize your skin. These Homemade DIY Hand Scrub Recipes For Gardeners are exactly what you need to make the perfect customizable hand scrub.

Gardening for biodiversity – why changing the rules is good news for garden lovers! - - Usa - Britain

Gardening for biodiversity – why changing the rules is good news for garden lovers!

Gardening for biodiversity means gardening with nature rather than trying to control it.

38 Beautiful Flowers that Attract Butterflies - - Russia

38 Beautiful Flowers that Attract Butterflies

If you love butterflies, there are some wonderful blooming plants that can invite them into your garden. Here’s a list of such pretty Flowers that Attract Butterflies for you to start with!

32 Best Fall Flowers | Flowers that Bloom in Autumn -

32 Best Fall Flowers | Flowers that Bloom in Autumn

Fall has a certain charm that never seems to fade away. If you want to welcome it in your garden with fabulous shades of color every year, then here are the best Best Fall Flowers you can grow!

18 Really Eye-Catching Balcony Rose Garden Pictures -

18 Really Eye-Catching Balcony Rose Garden Pictures

If you are planning to grow plants on your balcony, then how about growing flowers? Check out these Balcony Rose Garden Pictures for a cool and colorful makeover!

13 Ways to Create a Secret Garden in Small Space - - France

13 Ways to Create a Secret Garden in Small Space

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

21 Colorful Outdoor Plants for Patio and Porch -

21 Colorful Outdoor Plants for Patio and Porch

The best way to increase the curb appeal of your home with vivid hues is to add greenery. Here are some fantastic Colorful Outdoor Plants for Patio & Porch that’ll do the job just right!

29 Best Ground Cover Rose Pictures from Instagram -

29 Best Ground Cover Rose Pictures from Instagram

Have a look at this exclusive article to treat your eyes to the Best Groundcover Rose Pictures! Get inspired and pick one of these ideas for your yard.

How to Prune Roses Like Master Gardeners -

How to Prune Roses Like Master Gardeners

Maintaining roses involves much effort, and if you want to learn How to Prune Roses Like Master Gardeners, here are all the secrets!

About flying things -

About flying things

For the last month or so I have had to resort to earplugs from around 4.30am as the dawn chorus shouts at me through my open bedroom windows and the sparrows squabble noisily in the rose bushes around the bird feeders. The countryside is supposed to be peaceful but, what with the songbirds singing, the starlings and jackdaws squawking on the feeders, plus the constant “beep-beeping” of the farm’s vehicles (they seem to drive all of them in reverse the whole time), trying to sleep beyond 4.30am now requires ear defenders.

A scented garden - at last! - - city London

A scented garden - at last!

I had imagined this blog was going to be about the race to flower in May – a catalogue of the first of everything suddenly appearing and the amazing wonders that have been unfolding in the garden every day and sometimes hour by hour. But the most astounding, different and wonderful thing that happened in my garden in early Summer was been the scent.

Why dead heading is important - The Blog -

Why dead heading is important - The Blog

Dead heading is important to get the maximum number of flowers and flowering time from a plant.

What plants and shrubs can I cut back in February a quick guide what to cut back now -

What plants and shrubs can I cut back in February a quick guide what to cut back now

Even in February, on mild days, you can make as start in the garden and cut back perennials. In fact, it’s an ideal time because the garden is waking up, and as the new growth comes through it can be hard to cut back all the old growth, without damaging the new.

Which plants suffered most damage in the drought? -

Which plants suffered most damage in the drought?

The drought of 2022 had quite an impact on our gardens. We may not have such severe drought in 2023, but we are dealing with climate change, and this often means warmer and drier summers. The RHS did a survey to find out which plants had suffered the most damage in the drought. Good to know what not to plant.

Azalea Bloom Times and Flowering Groups - - Usa - Belgium

Azalea Bloom Times and Flowering Groups

Few shrubs can match the fantastic flower power that azaleas are loved for.Reliable, vivid colors, masses of blo

Tips for Growing Rembrandt Tulips - - Netherlands

Tips for Growing Rembrandt Tulips

Rembrandt tulips are literally the stuff of legend.They represent some of the most expensi

Growing a Cottage Garden to Fit Today's Busy Lifestyle | Gardener's Path - - Russia

Growing a Cottage Garden to Fit Today's Busy Lifestyle | Gardener's Path

Are you one of today’s harried urban gardeners, with less time to putter but more need to relax? Feel married to your lawn most of the year, but not particularly happy with the high-maintenance ol’ gal?Time-consuming demands on today’s busy homeowners don’t le

How and When to Prune Roses | Gardener's Path -

How and When to Prune Roses | Gardener's Path

Roses, Rosaspp., are perennial flowering plants suited to cultivation in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 11. They thrive in organically-rich loam with a slightly acidic pH of 6.0 to 6.5 in a full sun to part shade location.If you’re standing, shear

85 Flowers With Surprising Meanings - Meanings of Flowers -

85 Flowers With Surprising Meanings - Meanings of Flowers

Flowers are thoughtful gifts for just about anyone in your life — family, friends, coworkers and, of course, your significant other. But just as various rose colors have different meanings, so do many other blooms. That's why it's important to know the wide range offlower meanings so you pick the right one for any occasion.

How to Identify and Manage Black Spot on Roses - - Britain

How to Identify and Manage Black Spot on Roses

If you want to see a rose gardener cry, all you have to do is say these two words: black spot.Sooner or later, it seems like everyone who raises roses will

11 of the Best Garden Benches for 2023 -

11 of the Best Garden Benches for 2023

In this modern day of decks and patios, many of us have gotten away from sitting in, or even near, our gardens, close to the flowers and the birds and butterflies that make their homes here.We link to vendors to help you find

We Made A Garden, Part 2 -

We Made A Garden, Part 2

Here’s more on the house and garden we bought in 2005 (and – spoiler alert – left in 2010).

13 of the Best Yellow Rose Varieties to Add Sunshine to Your Garden - - Britain -  Texas

13 of the Best Yellow Rose Varieties to Add Sunshine to Your Garden

There’s something special about yellow roses. After all, the famous folk song isn’t called “The Cream Rose of Texas.”With their sunny coloring, yellow roses somehow manage to be dram

Arranging Foliage From Your Garden | Gardener's Path - - Britain - Japan

Arranging Foliage From Your Garden | Gardener's Path

If you have a garden (especially a cut flower garden), you have the makings of beautiful foliage arrangements at your fingertips. When you combine the seasonal leaves, flowers, and branches available to you, the creative possibilities are awesome!With a few tips, you’ll be on your way to crafting centerpieces fo

How to Identify and Treat Downy Mildew on Roses - - Ireland

How to Identify and Treat Downy Mildew on Roses

Roses are some of the most popular ornamentals for a good reason: They’re stunning. When they’re healthy, that is.But if you grow roses long enough, you’ll ine

How to Grow and Care for Rugosa Roses - -  Oregon - Japan

How to Grow and Care for Rugosa Roses

I love roses, I really do.But every so often, as I’m battling a stupid b

5 Tips for Creating an Outdoor Space You Won’t Want to Leave -

5 Tips for Creating an Outdoor Space You Won’t Want to Leave

Here at The Spruce, we have taken the springtime to overhaul our surroundings, ensuring every nook and cranny of our home reaches its full potential. While home offices, kitchens, baths, and even mudrooms are focus areas for many, we feel like outdoor spaces shouldn't go unchecked any longer.

How to Train Climbing Roses -

How to Train Climbing Roses

A healthy, well-trained climbing rose in full bloom is one of the most magnificent things to behold in the garden.Not only can these plants

How to Plant Rose Bushes -

How to Plant Rose Bushes

Any plant is going to do better in the long term if it has the ideal setup to begin with, and this is particularly true for roses.Given that a rose plant will likely be with y

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The "Roses" section on is your go-to source for inspiration and valuable information on growing and caring for roses. Roses are beautiful flowers that bring beauty and fragrance to any garden or backyard. Our section offers a wide range of tips, instructions, and guides to help you create the perfect rose plants.

Roses are flowering plants that belong to the genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae. They are known for their beautiful and fragrant flowers, which come in a wide range of colors and forms.

Roses have been cultivated for centuries and are one of the most popular and widely grown ornamental plants worldwide. They have a rich symbolic and cultural significance. They are often associated with love, beauty, and romance, and are commonly used in weddings, Valentine's Day celebrations, and other special occasions.

Different colors of roses can also convey different meanings. For example, red roses traditionally symbolize love and passion, while yellow roses represent friendship and joy. In addition to their aesthetic value, roses have practical uses as well. They are used in the production of perfumes, cosmetics, and essential oils.

Certain species of roses, such as Rosa canina, produce rose hips, which are high in vitamin C and can be used to make herbal teas, jams, and other food products. Roses require proper care and maintenance to thrive. They generally prefer well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and regular watering. Pruning is also important for maintaining the health and shape of the plants.

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