Roses Ideas, Tips & Guides

Rose Classification and the Best Types for Your Garden - - Usa - China

Rose Classification and the Best Types for Your Garden

If you’ve ever checked out the roses at your local nursery, I’m sure you’ve noticed that some appear to grow small and have petite blossoms, while others are big and bushy, with blossoms that look like they must have a thousand petals. Maybe you’ve heard of wild or tea roses, but you’re wondering w

5 Ways to Encourage Wildlife into your Garden -

5 Ways to Encourage Wildlife into your Garden

By <a target="_blank" rel=«nofollow' href=» https:>Will Armstrong

It’s Roses all the Way at Chedigny - - Britain

It’s Roses all the Way at Chedigny

I stayed at – a very comfortable restaurant with rooms in the heart of the village. The food was delicious. I was much relieved to be assured that the bells on the nearby church stop ringing at 11pm and don’t start again until 8am the next morning. This is a place to relax, there’s little in the way of shops other than a boulangerie, a book shop and a few discreet art  and craft galleries – the highlights are the plants and the traditional lavoir. I did discover a plant I now have a serious yen for – Campsis grandiflora ‘Morning Calm’. It isn’t available in the UK, but I am on the search for a source.  Ok, it can grow to 10metres, but I have a perfect spot where I can let it rampage away and reward me with its glorious flowers.

Autumn Colour at Perch Hill -

Autumn Colour at Perch Hill

My own garden seems somewhat lacking in colour at the moment and what colour there is, is fairly low key as I wait for the asters to add some vibrancy. The same cannot be said at Perch Hill, Sarah Raven’s garden near Brightling in East Sussex where it is positively kaleidoscopic at the moment. Sarah’s vegetable beds a

Garden supplies from Sam Turner -

Garden supplies from Sam Turner

It’s the time of year when a gardener is in need of a new pair (or two) of sturdy gloves to deal with pruning, cutting back and generally sorting out the garden before winter comes. North Yorkshire based is a company that stocks a range of over forty pairs of gloves -from those suitable for agricultural use, to thornproof pairs for rose pruning and lightweight fitted gloves for fine work like seed-sowing. There are Hunter wellies too

Loseley Park Gardens -

Loseley Park Gardens

Loseley Park Gardens I’ve never previously visited Loseley Park near Guildford and now know how remiss it is of me not to have been before. The gardens are laid out within a walled enclosure to one side of the house and as you pass through arches in yew hedges you walk progressively through a rose garden, followed by a richly planted garden of herbaceous perennials in hot colours on one side of a crab apple walk and a large herb garden on the other.

Honeysuckle at its Heavenly Best -

Honeysuckle at its Heavenly Best

Honeysuckle at its Heavenly Best Have you noticed how much honeysuckles are loving this cool summer?  We may be shivering, the roses are only just coming into flower, but the honeysuckles are smothered in flowers.  There are always compensations.

Great Gardening Weather - - Usa

Great Gardening Weather

The crisp bright days over the holidays have ensured that I have been in the garden whenever possible and it feels good to be on top of tasks such as tying in climbing roses, removing old leaves from the hellebores and cutting back collapsed perennials.  Most of the time I’m happy to just listen to the sounds around me, but like many podcast enthusiasts I’m currently absorbed in ‘Serial’ from This American Life, so it has been my companion for the past few days. I don’t have ears of the right shape for earphones and headphones get in the way, but a pouch hung round my neck and tucked it inside my jumper proved a good alternative. It was perfectly audi

11 Homemade Rose Fertilizer Recipes for Best Flowers -

11 Homemade Rose Fertilizer Recipes for Best Flowers

If you want the best blossoms from your plants, then here are some of the most fantastic Homemade Rose Fertilizer Recipes for you!

28 Birthday Flower Cake Ideas You Must Copy! -

28 Birthday Flower Cake Ideas You Must Copy!

Explore unique Birthday Flower Cake Ideas to make your loved ones’ special day even more memorable. Celebrate birthdays with delightful flower-themed cakes that are both visually stunning and deliciously sweet.

40 Beautiful Types of Petunias | Best Petunia Varieties -

40 Beautiful Types of Petunias | Best Petunia Varieties

Coming in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, petunias are the best way to fill your garden with splashes of mesmerizing colors. Many petunias that gardeners are growing these days are a hybrid variety with distinct features of heat tolerance, mounding, and low growing characteristics. Continue reading to learn more about the best Types of Petunias!

All About David Austin English Roses - - Britain - state Oregon

All About David Austin English Roses

Most people have heard the term “English rose.” No, not the outdated epithet that refers to a fair-skinned, “classic” beauty from the British Isles.We’re talking about the classicall

Clematis Supporting Act -

Clematis Supporting Act

It’s the perfect time to give the newly-emerging clematis some twiggy supports, allowing them to climb and scramble, rather the sprawl and collapse. I love the decorative nature of my various metal plant supports (they add structure to the winter garden) but I find that they are not sufficient on their own, even with companion roses, to support clematis so I add very twiggy silver birch branches to the central area and find this works a treat.

Life Beyond Gardener’s World -

Life Beyond Gardener’s World

Toby Buckland is opening a plant centre at Powderham Castle in Devon, following the launch of his online nursery last autumn. Like the online nursery, the plant centre will sell perennials, climbers, roses, herbs and vegetables.

Artfully Done at Hampton Court -

Artfully Done at Hampton Court

Artfully Done at Hampton Court So averse am I to much mainstream floristry (I prefer naturalistic arrangements) that I generally tend to avoid floral displays at flower shows. So when I was bowled over by the Floristry Vintage Festival in the Rose Marquee at Hampton Court, I did wonder if the heat had got to me.

How to Buy Rose Bushes for the Garden - - Usa

How to Buy Rose Bushes for the Garden

Believe it or not, there’s a right way and a wrong way to buy a rose to plant in the garden.I know. It seems like you just go to the store, ch

Begone Leatherjackets and Chafer Grubs! -

Begone Leatherjackets and Chafer Grubs!

An email reminder from Nematodes Direct and the purchase of a discounted hose-end nematode applicator at the local garden centre reminded me that now is the time to apply these biological controls to avoid foxes digging up the lawn in search of juicy morsels. My lawn is about as far from a perfect green sward as you can get – there are as many daisies and dandelions as there is grass and in the shady areas it is mainly mind-your-own-business (Soleirolia soleirolii). But it is green and flat and is scattered with daisies, which is all I really require from a lawn. However, last autumn the fox dug numerous holes in it leaving it looking more like an archaeological dig than a lawn and I’m determined to stop this happening this year. My ‘To Do’ List

11 Best Flowers That Can Make You More Beautiful | Flowers For Skin Care -

11 Best Flowers That Can Make You More Beautiful | Flowers For Skin Care

There are many useful Flowers For Skin Care but it is essential to know what they have on offer. Let’s have a look at the bestFlowers That Can Make You More Beautiful!

6 Best Plants To Grow For Relaxing Bath -

6 Best Plants To Grow For Relaxing Bath

For centuries, plants are known to better air quality, alleviate moods, and reduce stress! In this article, you will learn about the Best Plants To Grow For Relaxing Bath or shower!

The Art of the Flower -

The Art of the Flower

Whenever we visit an art gallery, one of my favourite pastimes is to check the floral content of the paintings. I love spotting familiar flowers at the foot of the Virgin, or examining the landscape for familiar trees – it is a way of engaging with the artist who must have lived amongst and enjoyed the same plants as I do. On our recent visit to Seville we visited the Museo de Bellas Artes where Spring was painted wearing a most extravagant headdress that included roses, narcissi, irises, dianthus, marigolds and tulips. Equally charming w

Springtime Boom and Bust - - Japan

Springtime Boom and Bust

It was a nice enough day. There were pockets of sun. The pathways were dry and it was warm enough to work without gloves.

My Garden School -

My Garden School

Is the first online gardening school. It offers high quality gardening education at home.  John Brookes

Filling the Colour Gap - - Japan

Filling the Colour Gap

It’s that time in the garden when the late spring and early summer flowers are gone, or fading fast, and the late performers are only just starting to kick in. And thanks to the very welcome, but exceptionally heavy rain that has fallen recently, the roses have taken a real battering, so even the repeat flowering varieties are looking pretty sorry for themselves. I know that in a coup

Using Honey As Rooting Hormone Works! Proven in Studies - - state Hawaii

Using Honey As Rooting Hormone Works! Proven in Studies

Using Honey as Rooting Hormone is a great way to help cuttings propagate properly. As it has antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal properties that will save the plant from rot and infection. Let’s have a look at in it detail!

Pruning Rose of Sharon | How to Prune Rose of Sharon -

Pruning Rose of Sharon | How to Prune Rose of Sharon

Mature Rose of sharon bush can grow up to 12 feet tall and if you want to maintain its natural form you don’t need to prune it much. Basically rose of sharon flower buds appear from new growth and it needs to be pruned in late winter or early spring.

Rosebie Morton knows her Roses -

Rosebie Morton knows her Roses

I recently had a wonderful day at one of Rosebie Morton’s Rose Days at her farm in a deeply rural part of Hampshire. She is best known as the founder of The Real Flower Company – the company that sends out the loveliest and most indulgent of handmade bouquets of fragrant roses and flowers – all grown on their own farms. Behind that public face is the wholesale business she has evolved to supply the roses, other flowers and foliage for her own company and the wholesale floristry market. The courses are run from her own house and garden next door to the flower farm. Her story is very inspirin

Six on Saturday: March of the Roses -

Six on Saturday: March of the Roses

Roses have been budding up since early this month, but resolutely refusing to open; sunshine and warmer days over this last week seemed to be the trigger they needed and one or two are now showing off their rosy glory, starting with R ‘Strawberry Hill’, above, increasingly one my favourites. More than likely, ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’ was the first, her blooms appearing way above my head and easily missed. There may be a hint of colour on buds of a handful of roses, but mostly they seem content to wait until they feel the time is right, like ‘Gertrude Jekyll, below, demonstrating the benefit of training stems horizontally to encourage more side shoots and therefore more blooms:

26 Functional DIY Rose Trellis Ideas -

26 Functional DIY Rose Trellis Ideas

Are you looking for creative options to train the pretty rose shrubs in your yard? These DIY Rose Trellis Ideas will help you out!

19 Best Calathea Types | Calathea Varieties List -

19 Best Calathea Types | Calathea Varieties List

Calathea is a popular houseplant famous for its beautiful leaves. It comes in many varieties to choose from, each one of them distinct on its own! Regardless of which you’re going to pick from these Best Calathea Types, their eye-catching foliage is sure to turn many heads in your home!

30 Beautiful DIY Succulents Centerpiece and Arrangement Ideas - - state California

30 Beautiful DIY Succulents Centerpiece and Arrangement Ideas

We have handpicked some amazing  DIY Succulents Centerpiece and Arrangement Ideas  to brighten your home without spending too much!

18 Tips to Start a Balcony Flower Garden | Balcony Garden Design -

18 Tips to Start a Balcony Flower Garden | Balcony Garden Design

If you live in an apartment and don’t have a usual backyard space to create flower beds, do not let it stop you from growing your favorite blossoms. Have a look at some Essential Tips to Start a Balcony Flower Garden to make one for yourself!

25 Bushes with White Flowers | White Flowering Shrubs | - - Japan

25 Bushes with White Flowers | White Flowering Shrubs |

Having shrubs with elegant, white flowers is an ideal choice to brighten up your garden area! As the color symbolizes purity, light, and goodness, it brings a certain touch of tranquility to space. If you are searching for bushes with white flowers, then take a look at the article below!

Epsom Salt For Roses for More Flowers -

Epsom Salt For Roses for More Flowers

Roses are the most beautiful flowers to have in your garden. With a huge variety of colors, you can grow many rose plants and bring various shades to your garden. For healthier plants, you need to take some extra measures for their disease-free growth. Using Epsom Salt for Roses is one of them: Its use can make this shrub healthy and productive. How? Find below in detail.

26 Awesome Indoor Windowsill Flower Garden Ideas - - Britain

26 Awesome Indoor Windowsill Flower Garden Ideas

Windowsills are the best indoor spots if you wish to start a flower garden, as they receive ample sunlight and can provide your plants with good air circulation. Here are some stunning Windowsill Flower Garden Ideas for your inspiration!

Popular Topics

The "Roses" section on is your go-to source for inspiration and valuable information on growing and caring for roses. Roses are beautiful flowers that bring beauty and fragrance to any garden or backyard. Our section offers a wide range of tips, instructions, and guides to help you create the perfect rose plants.

Roses are flowering plants that belong to the genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae. They are known for their beautiful and fragrant flowers, which come in a wide range of colors and forms.

Roses have been cultivated for centuries and are one of the most popular and widely grown ornamental plants worldwide. They have a rich symbolic and cultural significance. They are often associated with love, beauty, and romance, and are commonly used in weddings, Valentine's Day celebrations, and other special occasions.

Different colors of roses can also convey different meanings. For example, red roses traditionally symbolize love and passion, while yellow roses represent friendship and joy. In addition to their aesthetic value, roses have practical uses as well. They are used in the production of perfumes, cosmetics, and essential oils.

Certain species of roses, such as Rosa canina, produce rose hips, which are high in vitamin C and can be used to make herbal teas, jams, and other food products. Roses require proper care and maintenance to thrive. They generally prefer well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and regular watering. Pruning is also important for maintaining the health and shape of the plants.

Learn, be inspired, and share your own stories and tips with the gardening community. Welcome to the world of roses on!

Our site offers you to spend great time reading Roses latest Tips & Guides. Enjoy scrolling Roses Tips & Guides to learn more. Stay tuned following daily updates of Roses hacks and apply them in your real life. Be sure, you won’t regret entering the site once, because here you will find a lot of useful Roses stuff that will help you a lot in your daily life! Check it out yourself!

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