Infection Ideas, Tips & Guides

Your gardening questions answered: What’s wrong with my raspberries? -

Your gardening questions answered: What’s wrong with my raspberries?

I planted bare-root raspberries “Autumn Bliss” a few years ago. The first year all but one plant died. Thinking I had neglected them, I bought more bare-root plants and planted them in the same bed and these all lived. In their first year, they only produced a few raspberries, but last year they fruited well.

How to Plant and Grow Cabbage | Gardener's Path - - China - city Rome

How to Plant and Grow Cabbage | Gardener's Path

How to Plant and Grow Cabbage: A Fall and Spring Staple Crop Brassica oleracea var.capitata

How to Grow Chinese Broccoli - - Usa - China - Portugal

How to Grow Chinese Broccoli

How to Grow and Use Chinese Broccoli Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra

Controlling Powdery Mildew on Plants -

Controlling Powdery Mildew on Plants

Powdery mildew is a common disease on many types of plants. In fact, it is one of the oldest plant diseases on record – Theophrastis wrote of powdery mildew on roses in 300 B.C. Although different species of fungi cause the disease on different plants (Erysiphe infects vegetable crops and flowers; Podosphaera species infects apples and stone fruits; Sphaerotheca species infects berries, roses, some vegetable crops, and stone fruits; and Uncinula necator infects grapes), the infections are all characterized by a powdery white to gray fungal growth on leaves, stems and heads.

Peach Leaf Curl – and how to avoid it - - Britain

Peach Leaf Curl – and how to avoid it

Peach leaf curl is a fungal disease that distorts the leaves of peaches and nectarines, and sometimes also apricots. The leaves crumple and thicken, and often have red blistery patches. Ultimately they fall off, and if your peach tree only has a handful of leaves left, it’s obvious that it won’t perform well.

How to Grow Philodendron Micans -

How to Grow Philodendron Micans

How to Grow and Care for Philodendron Micans Philodendron hederaceum var. hederaceum

How Often Can I Apply Sulfur to My Lawn | Sulfur Application in Garden - - county Garden

How Often Can I Apply Sulfur to My Lawn | Sulfur Application in Garden

Want to know the secret to a lush, green, and thriving lawn and the right tools? Keep reading to find out How Often Can I Apply Sulfur to My Lawn and transform your garden into an envy-inducing show-stopper!

Do You Have Rotting Plant Cuttings? Here Are Four Hacks to Help -

Do You Have Rotting Plant Cuttings? Here Are Four Hacks to Help

Are you busy propagating plants or trying to make your plant-cutting arrangements last a little longer? Plant cuttings involve taking a leafy plant—think pothos or philodendrons—and cutting it below a section of leaf, where you might already be seeing small aerial roots forming.

Bird Flu is Spiking Again. Here’s What Producers and Industry Are Doing About It - - China

Bird Flu is Spiking Again. Here’s What Producers and Industry Are Doing About It

Mandy Melnyk has made some changes to her egg and poultry business in the last few months. The owner of Meadow Creek Farms in northern Alberta serves about 200 families a month with her egg subscriptions and broiler chickens—but now, instead of customers coming to pick up their orders from Melnyk directly, she’s spending a lot of time in the car, delivering them herself. 

6 Trees that Look Like Penises -

6 Trees that Look Like Penises

Nature often presents us with some unexpected surprises, and Trees that Look Like Penises are one of them! So, buckle up! This list will make you laugh for sure!

What Does it Mean When a Dog Winks at You -

What Does it Mean When a Dog Winks at You

 As a canine lover, you might wonder – What Does it Mean When a Dog Winks at You? Continue reading this article to gain valuable insights into the charming world of their communication!

4 Early Signs of Spider Mites on Plants + Prevention Tips -

4 Early Signs of Spider Mites on Plants + Prevention Tips

Keeping your eyes open for the Early Signs of Spider Mites is important as these minute pests, barely visible to the naked eye, can cause discoloration, speckled leaves, and, ultimately, the demise of your favorite plants.

How to Prune: Seven Mistakes to Avoid -

How to Prune: Seven Mistakes to Avoid

Regular pruning of certain trees and shrubs can increase vigour, improve fruit or flower production, and ward off disease. But it can be difficult to remember the techniques required to do a good job, and it’s hard to know if you’re doing it right.

How To Keep Gnats Away, According To Experts - - state Florida

How To Keep Gnats Away, According To Experts

You expect pests outdoors, but it’s exasperating when gnats flit around your face or end up in your beverage when you’re indoors. “’Gnat’ is a general term for a type of small fly,” says Matt Bertone, PhD, director of theNC State University Plant Disease and Insect Clinic. “They’re a diverse group, but people refer to a lot of the little flies as ‘gnats.’”

Dealing with Honey Fungus -

Dealing with Honey Fungus

Honey fungus can wreak havoc in gardens. Named after its honey-coloured mushrooms, which sometimes appear in late summer and autumn, it comprises several species in the Armillaria genus, which spread underground and attack and kill the roots of woody and perennial plants.

Wildlife watch: Red fox -

Wildlife watch: Red fox

A regular visitor to our gardens, especially in urban areas, red foxes are orange-red in colour with a white throat, belly and chin, and a white-tipped tail known as a brush. Exceptional scavengers, they eat a huge variety of food, from carrion to earthworms and even berries, which is how they have become so successful at living among us. However, they’re known for taking pet rabbits and chickens and their eggs, as well as for raiding bins. This, along with digging holes, nesting under sheds and flattening plants and toppling garden ornaments when playing, can cause conflict with the people they live among.

Gardening Q&A: How to avoid tulip fire -

Gardening Q&A: How to avoid tulip fire

Q: I’ve always loved growing tulips in my garden but this year they flowered really badly, with stunted-looking yellow leaves and blotchy, distorted flowers. Any advice as to what I’m doing wrong? I don’t want to spend time and money planting them this autumn only for it to happen again. SL, Co Meath

Grow Wheatgrass for 7 Days and Harvest It for Months With This Trick -

Grow Wheatgrass for 7 Days and Harvest It for Months With This Trick

Want to learn the secret trick to Grow Wheatgrass in just a week and harvest it for months? Well, we have a detailed guide on how to do it right!

Nebraska State Flower and Its Growing Tips -

Nebraska State Flower and Its Growing Tips

Discover the vibrant allure of Nebraska state flower—Goldenrod, a symbol of resilience and natural beauty that captivates everyone from garden enthusiasts to environmentalists. As this sun-kissed perennial bursts into brilliant yellow plumes, it not only transforms the landscape into a golden paradise but also invites a myriad of pollinators, enriching biodiversity. Let’s unravel the fascinating story of Goldenrod, a flower that’s so much more than meets the eye!

How To Get Rid Of And Prevent Ticks, According To An Expert - - Usa

How To Get Rid Of And Prevent Ticks, According To An Expert

Whether you’re hiking, picnicking, or working in your garden, ticks are a year-round risk in the South. These blood suckersfind a host by sensing odors, heat, vibrations, and shadows or by “questing” on the tips of grasses with their front legs extended—waiting for a person or animal to brush by them.

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