Blues Ideas, Tips & Guides

29 Types of Red Aquarium Plants - - India

29 Types of Red Aquarium Plants

Looking forred plants for aquarium? While people think that these bright Red Aquarium Plants are only reserved for experienced growers, there are plenty of options out there for beginners as well! Here are some of the best red aquarium plants!

Blue Tulip Meaning | 4 Best Blue Tulips Varieties -

Blue Tulip Meaning | 4 Best Blue Tulips Varieties

The rarity of true blue tulips has led to fascination and a quest for their unique charm, which leads to the question – what is Blue Tulip Meaning? Let’s answer that and find out about Best Blue Tulips Varieties!

Agapanthus: How to plant, grow and care for the flowers in the UK | House & Garden - - Britain - South Africa

Agapanthus: How to plant, grow and care for the flowers in the UK | House & Garden

Hailing from South Africa, agapanthus can be evergreen or deciduous; the deciduous varieties are the most hardy in this country. The evergreen varieties grow in the southern Cape in milder areas, so will need frost protection in the UK – or they can be grown in pots and brought inside.

Passion flower: How to plant, grow and care for passion flowers in the UK | House & Garden - - Britain - Spain

Passion flower: How to plant, grow and care for passion flowers in the UK | House & Garden

As far removed from an English cottage garden as you can travel, the passion flower (Passiflora) is one of the most theatrical and exotic of plants. The weird and wonderful blooms are embellished with many showy parts that together remind you of peering into a kaleidoscope as a child: in the centre, the anthers, stigmas, and ovary protrude over the filament rays, which are marked with circles of incredible colour.

Blue Point Juniper: Perfect Screening Plant for Pots and Small Gardens -

Blue Point Juniper: Perfect Screening Plant for Pots and Small Gardens

Discover the ultimate solution for privacy and beauty with the Blue Point Juniper! Its versatility and lush growth make it the ideal screening plant. Enjoy both aesthetics and seclusion with this remarkable choice.

Baltic Blue Pothos Care and Growing Information - - China - Japan - Australia - Malaysia - Taiwan

Baltic Blue Pothos Care and Growing Information

Here are all the details you need about Baltic Blue Pothos Care!Make this stunning plant a part of your houseplant collection.

Passiflora Caerulea Care and Growing Information -

Passiflora Caerulea Care and Growing Information

Passiflora Caerulea is a beautiful vining plant with ornamental flowers that add color and charm to any garden or, sometimes, in an open indoor space like a shaded balcony or patio. To help it flourish and stay healthy, find what it needs in this informative article.

25 Best Pink Succulents That Are Most Beautiful -

25 Best Pink Succulents That Are Most Beautiful

How about adding Beautiful Pink Succulents that offer the perfect blend of pastel shade and low maintenance, adding a charming soft color spectrum to your plant collection!

Pumpkin Pasta Pie -

Pumpkin Pasta Pie

Sometime towards the end of last year, my friend Chris gave us a homegrown, blue pumpkin. I’m amazed to find that I don’t have a photo of it, but it was large, a fairly traditional pumpkin shape, and rather spiffingly blue. It sat on the dining room table for months, waiting for me to pluck up the courage to do something with it, which eventually happened last week.

We are not stewards. We’re stakeholders. -

We are not stewards. We’re stakeholders.

Ryan and I watched the first episode of Blue Planet 2 yesterday. David Attenborough is at the helm for another series showing the awe and wonder of the natural world, using clever camera work, an intrepid crew and the occasional parlour trick to show us things we would never normally see, and – for the most part – could never imagine. Dolphins and false killer whales meeting up as old friends. A fish that carries a clam from the edge of the reef to its own personal anvil to crack it open. Fish that change sex. Marine plants (seaweed and phytoplankton) that produce at least as much oxygen as land plants, and probably much more.

Where do you get your garden ideas? -

Where do you get your garden ideas?

Interviewers always seem to ask fiction authors “Where do you get your ideas?” and I suspect they then have to come up with an answer than doesn’t make them look like a loon. Because the truth is that, although inspiration can come out of the blue, once you start writing on a regular basis ideas come thick and fast – there just isn’t enough time or energy to turn them all into stories. Or that’s my experience anyway, writing non-fiction.

Forget-me-nots -


My morning walk has reminded me that it’s time to sow forget-me-nots (Myosotis sp.). I want to add them to the garden for their edible petals, which are the floral equivalent of confetti, although I don’t think they have any flavour to speak of. I bought my seeds last year…

Keep Calm and Sow Seeds - - France - Eu

Keep Calm and Sow Seeds

If you’re keeping track of the news to see how Brexit is progressing, then the only possible answer (whatever your political persuasion) is… not well. MPs have vetoed the PM’s deal (again), the Speaker has vetoed her plan to make them vote on it again, the PM has been forced to ask the EU for an extension, and the French PM has said he won’t agree to one. With 9 days to go, we still don’t know what’s happening, and whether we will crash out of the EU without a deal (even though Parliament voted that wasn’t what they wanted).

Noodles on Mars - - Usa - China - Britain

Noodles on Mars

I read an anecdote (and it bothers me now that I can’t remember where) about a crew on the ISS who looked at the food supplies on board. They called down to Mission Control and said, “We have lots of packets of Grits in stock, but no one likes them. Can we just toss them out?”

12 Best Salvias for Hummingbirds - - Argentina

12 Best Salvias for Hummingbirds

Attracting hummingbirds to your garden is a joy many gardeners seek. Salvias, with their tubular flowers and vivid colors, are a favorite among these beautiful birds. Let’s have a look at the Best Salvias for Hummingbirds!

20 Best Annuals with Blue Flowers -

20 Best Annuals with Blue Flowers

Check out this curated list of Annuals with Blue Flowers and experience nature’s true charm with these vibrant and enchanting blooms.

Every 2024 Color of the Year We Know So Far - - Netherlands

Every 2024 Color of the Year We Know So Far

A new year is just around the corner and paint brands have already started announcing their colors of the year. Color, whether through paint or decor, is the simplest way to evoke a feeling in a room. These colors range from traditional to truly unexpected, setting the bar for just how creative we can be in our homes. Whether you're looking for tones that evoke tranquility and calm, or just want to spice things up with something unexpected, The Spruce has got you covered.

Episode 141: Summer Color - - Mexico - state Virginia

Episode 141: Summer Color

Around here we’re not fans of the f-word. No, not that f-word. We’re talking about FALL. In our minds that cooler weather is still a long way off, so we’ve decided to celebrate the dog days of summer by talking about plants that really put on a show in August. When much of the garden is looking tired and bedraggled, these plants add a colorful punch to the scene. Some unexpected perennials and shrubs dominate our lists and for those who have been demanding it—Peter is back with his take on the end of summer. In true Peter fashion though, he’ll be discussing ice cream and…the solar system? Well, his segment will be entertaining, that’s for sure.

45 Best Plants from Jamaica -

45 Best Plants from Jamaica

Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, Jamaica is not only renowned for its breathtaking beaches and reggae beats but also for its rich botanical heritage. The island’s tropical climate and fertile soil provide an ideal environment for a diverse array of plant species to thrive. From exotic flowers to beautiful foliage specimens, here are the Best Plants from Jamaica!

Illinois State Flower and How to Grow It - - state Illinois

Illinois State Flower and How to Grow It

Illinois State Flower is known for its unpretentious yet captivating nature, making it a symbol of Illinois’ natural splendor and historical legacy. Through this article, we delve into the intricate facets of this charming flower, uncovering its botanical attributes, historical significance, and propagation methods.

Italian Stone Pine Likes My Stingy Approach to Watering - - Italy - state Florida - state Colorado

Italian Stone Pine Likes My Stingy Approach to Watering

Because I value potable water, I prioritize its use. Edibles and newly planted shrubs and trees, which are highly vulnerable to drought stress, earn the right to receive water from my spigot. When plants become established, meaning that they’ve regenerated enough roots to sustain themselves without supplemental irrigation, they’re only watered when the need arises.

50 Dragonfly Tattoo Meaning and Designs -

50 Dragonfly Tattoo Meaning and Designs

Introducing Dragonfly Tattoo Meaning and Designs! Delve into the captivating symbolism and intricate allure of dragonfly tattoos, exploring their significance as powerful representations of transformation and adaptability in the realm of body art.

Native Birds Of New England And The Northeast Region -

Native Birds Of New England And The Northeast Region

Many gardeners find working outdoors is made more enjoyable by the array of bird songs that fill the air. Yet, did you know that some native birds of Northeast America are beneficial to the garden, while others can be detrimental? Being able to identify which birds are visiting the garden, helps gardeners determine whether or not they should be attracting or deterring these creatures.

33 Birds with Red Chest | Red Breasted Birds - - Usa

33 Birds with Red Chest | Red Breasted Birds

Red Breasted Birds do not only catch our attention with their bold red plumage, but also offer fascinating insights into the diverse avian life. Let’s explore a few of these remarkable Birds with Red Chest.

Blue Dragonfly Meaning and Symbolism - - Usa

Blue Dragonfly Meaning and Symbolism

Blue dragonflies are insects with a specific significance. They are commonly seen fluttering around ponds, lakes, and gardens. Despite their small size and simple appearance, Blue Dragonfly Meaning goes beyond their physical form.

Planning Healthy School Lunches -

Planning Healthy School Lunches

School is just around the corner! Families are out gathering school supplies, clothes, and food to pack for lunches. Looking up healthy lunches can be fun and inspiring, but it can be overwhelming to come up with nutritious meals for an entire school year. If you’re feeling the back-to-school blues with all the planning and prepping, here are some tips to keep your school lunches healthy and on budget.

15 Best Eryngium Varieties | Types of Sea Holly -

15 Best Eryngium Varieties | Types of Sea Holly

Discover the beauty and diversity of Eryngium, also known as Sea Holly, with our guide to the Best Eryngium Varieties. From their spiky, vibrant blooms to their unique textures, explore the different Types of Sea Holly that will add charm and interest to your garden.

Planting Plan for a Landscape with Challenging Conditions - - Britain - Iran - Japan - state Oregon - state Arkansas

Planting Plan for a Landscape with Challenging Conditions

Living and working in northwestern Oregon, garden designer Wesley Younie is no stranger to dealing with challenging environments. When presented with this garden’s elevation changes, drainage management, and extreme climate conditions, he devised a plan that addresses it all—along with a specific functional wish list from the homeowners. Want to know which plants he used? Here are the plant IDs for this beautiful, sustainable landscape.

Quick & Easy Ladybug Mosaic -

Quick & Easy Ladybug Mosaic

With so many of us stuck at home and not being able to get to the craft stores, I thought I'd share a quick tutorial for making a ladybug mosaic using a sponge ball and left over mosaics. If you don't have a sponge ball,a roundish rock or polystyrene ball will work to.

5 Tips for Back-to-School Shopping on a Budget -

5 Tips for Back-to-School Shopping on a Budget

Somehow, back-to-school season is upon us, and you know what that means: shopping and shopping some more. Between school supplies, dorm must-haves, and fresh outfits, getting your kids back in the classroom can put serious pressure on your budget.  That’s why we turned to Dina Sweeney, director of merchandising for Kidpik, who knows everything about school shopping season and how to save. Luckily for us, Sweeney has been around the back-to-school block many times with her two college-age kids and is full of wallet-friendly advice. Read on for Sweeney’s top five tips for sticking to a back-to-school budget without sacrificing style.

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