Gardening Know How Ideas, Tips & Guides

Electroculture: Learn About This Shocking Gardening Method - - Japan

Electroculture: Learn About This Shocking Gardening Method

There are so many gardening techniques out there. Some are new techniques, some are old techniques, and some a blend of old and new. Electroculture gardening is an example of the latter. Electroculture gardening techniques have been studied since the late 1800’s to early 1900’s, but many of us have never heard of them. That’s because until recently electro gardening was deemed to have little to no benefit, often because those initially interested went chasing after another possible more profitable enterprise. New studies are proving that electroculture does influence plant growth as well as having other beneficial effects. Intrigued? Keep reading the following information on electroculture for beginners.

Best Vegetables for Elderly Gardeners To Grow -

Best Vegetables for Elderly Gardeners To Grow

Studies have shown that gardening is good for physical as well as mental health. This is as true for senior gardeners as for those who are younger. In addition to the health benefits, growing one’s own veggies can help spread out the typical fixed income enjoyed by most elders. Fruits and vegetables for older adults are also an important part of a balanced diet that can mitigate health issues and keep seniors feeling fit.

How To Use Feng Shui In Garden Design For A Serene Space - - China - county Garden

How To Use Feng Shui In Garden Design For A Serene Space

Do harmony and balance in an environment design bring the occupants peace and prosperity? The answer is yes according to the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. Using Feng Shui principles means arranging objects and space in your living space in a way that will accomplish these goals.

Read The Complete Guide To Vegetable Gardening -

Read The Complete Guide To Vegetable Gardening

We at Gardening Know How are so happy to announce the upcoming release of our new book,The Complete Guide to Vegetable Gardening: Create, Cultivate, and Care for Your Perfect Edible Garden.

Whimsical Garden Ideas: How To Grow A Whimsical Garden -

Whimsical Garden Ideas: How To Grow A Whimsical Garden

When something is whimsical, it is playful, fun, fanciful, and not too serious. Your style or your home décor can be whimsical, but what about your garden? If you enjoy the world of whimsy, take it to the outdoors and design a quirky and imaginative space.

Choosing And Using Liquid Fertilizer For Vegetables -

Choosing And Using Liquid Fertilizer For Vegetables

Even when your soil is fertile, there may be times during the growing period when your crops need a little boost with the addition of a water soluble fertilizer for vegetables. There are many options of liquid fertilizer, even organic and DIY liquid fertilizer for vegetables.

How To Grow Fragrant Sumac Or Rhus Aromatica -

How To Grow Fragrant Sumac Or Rhus Aromatica

If you haven’t been exposed to fragrant sumac, prepare for a delightful surprise. This native plant is a low-growing deciduous shrub. It forms thickets in nature via underground rhizomes, grows from a compact crown, and spreads wide thanks to its sprawling branches.

Plant The 8 Easiest Veggies Ever -

Plant The 8 Easiest Veggies Ever

Given the proper care and conditions, most vegetables are not difficult to grow. However, some are easier than others. If you’re new to gardening or want to get the kids involved, you’ll want to start with the easiest vegetables to grow. Not sure what qualifies as an easy vegetable to grow? The following contains information on the 8 easiest veggies to grow!

Caribbean Pine Characteristics - - Usa - Mexico

Caribbean Pine Characteristics

If you’ve never heard of Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea), you probably don’t live in the tropics off the coast of Mexico or the American Southeast. In these locations, the Caribbean pine is known as an important timber tree and a useful tree to combat erosion. If you are interested in learning something about this tall, fast-growing conifer, read on.

What Animals Eat Squash? How To Protect Squash Plants -

What Animals Eat Squash? How To Protect Squash Plants

As humans, we are omnivorous and eat a host of foods. And our furry and feathered friends seem to enjoy a similar diverse diet. It is not unusual to check the vegetable patch and find some gnaw marks in our food, especially squash. What animals eat squash? The answer is as varied as our wildlife.

Best Container Plants For California And Nevada - - state California

Best Container Plants For California And Nevada

Not everyone has a backyard appropriate for a large garden, but almost everyone can keep a container plant. Size is only one of the many advantages of growing plants in containers rather than in the ground. This only works well, however, if you select plants that are happy living in a pot. Gardeners in the West have many choices. Read on for some top options for California or Nevada container gardening.

Is Ammonium Soap An Alternative Herbicide For Gardeners -

Is Ammonium Soap An Alternative Herbicide For Gardeners

Ammonium soap of fatty acids has been touted since 2006 as a safe, non-toxic herbicide. An ammonium nonanoate herbicide will control some weeds, brush, and even moss if used properly, and will not contaminate aquatic environments.

Croton Propagation Tips And Techniques -

Croton Propagation Tips And Techniques

Crotons are popular tropical houseplants that are most noted for their striking, colorful foliage. They can also be grown outdoors in subtropical and tropical climates. Because they’re so beautiful, you might want more. Propagating croton plants is easy. There are two options: cuttings and air layering.

Best Redbud Varieties And Cultivars For Native Plant Gardens - - Usa - Mexico

Best Redbud Varieties And Cultivars For Native Plant Gardens

Eastern redbud is a popular landscaping tree for many reasons. It grows in a variety of conditions. It doesn’t grow too large. It’s a native species in many states. But, most importantly for many homeowners, redbuds produce a stunning display of early spring flowers. The popularity of the tree has led to the development of many eastern redbud cultivars with varied colors and forms.

Companion Planting With Sage In The Garden - - city Brussels - county Garden

Companion Planting With Sage In The Garden

Sage is a hardy perennial grown for centuries for use medicinally and as a culinary herb. Over the course of those centuries, organic gardens have found that companion plants for sage encourage the vigor of the herb as well as the sage companion plants. What grows well with sage? There are a number of companion plants for sage. Continue reading to learn about companion planting with sage.

Can You Reuse Mulch? -

Can You Reuse Mulch?

Mulch doesn’t last forever unless you use an inorganic, durable mulch, like stones or rubber. Natural mulches break down. They blow away in the wind and disperse in other ways. Deciding what to do with old mulch in spring means evaluating its current state and assessing the needs of your beds.

Common Ornamental Invasive Grass Types To Avoid - - Mexico - state California

Common Ornamental Invasive Grass Types To Avoid

Ornamental grasses have become exceedingly popular with home gardeners and landscapers, and for good reason. There are over 10,000 species that add movement and drama, all while giving a naturalized look to the landscape. Most grasses will stay self contained, but there are some species that are quite invasive. While ornamental grasses are highly sought after, you do want to avoid invasive ornamental grass varieties. So which ornamental grasses are invasive?

How Soil Nutrients Impact Plants -

How Soil Nutrients Impact Plants

Soil nutrients are what plants absorb to make their own food. What nutrients are in soil is similar to the vitamins and nutrients we need in our food for our bodies to thrive. All living things need nutritional chemical substances.

6 Ways To Save On A Small Garden -

6 Ways To Save On A Small Garden

Gardening is a healthy, rewarding hobby. It can also be practical for growing your own food. On the other hand, it’s not always cheap. Gardening costs money, but doing it on a budget is possible. If money is tight for your family, consider these small garden ideas on a budget to grow in less space and at a lower cost.

Harvesting Buckwheat In The Home Garden -

Harvesting Buckwheat In The Home Garden

Want to know how to harvest buckwheat? We’ll tell you everything you need to know, from timing to threshing to storing.

Native Birds Of New England And The Northeast Region -

Native Birds Of New England And The Northeast Region

Many gardeners find working outdoors is made more enjoyable by the array of bird songs that fill the air. Yet, did you know that some native birds of Northeast America are beneficial to the garden, while others can be detrimental? Being able to identify which birds are visiting the garden, helps gardeners determine whether or not they should be attracting or deterring these creatures.

How To Grow A Baby Corn Plant - - China

How To Grow A Baby Corn Plant

If you’ve eaten Chinese food, you’ve probably come across baby corn before. You’ve probably also thought: “is baby corn real corn?” How is baby corn made? Many people take a look at baby corn and assume it comes from a dwarf corn variety, but it’s actually exactly what it sounds like: immature corn cobs. So how do you grow baby corn? Keep reading to learn about growing baby corn in your own garden.

Meanings Behind Tree Markings – What Paint On Trees Means -

Meanings Behind Tree Markings – What Paint On Trees Means

Paint marks on trees are a form of communication used by landowners to designate instructions to loggers or the public, for example. It is more permanent than printed signs and can prevent timber theft. Learn more about this unusual system.

Tips For Watering Zinnias – How Often To Water Zinnias -

Tips For Watering Zinnias – How Often To Water Zinnias

Annual zinnias are a timeless favorite in the home garden. In addition to their beauty, these vibrant plants have long been celebrated for their ability to attract a wide array of pollinators and beneficial insects. Gardeners praise zinnias for their ease of growth and adaptability to a wide range of growing conditions.

Bloomcore: Gardening Inspiration From The TikTok Trend - - Britain

Bloomcore: Gardening Inspiration From The TikTok Trend

Bloomcore, also known as flowercore, is an aesthetic trend that is just right for gardeners. It embraces the natural world, and most importantly, flowers. Putting nature first, it creates a pretty, flowery look both indoors and outside in the garden.

Can I Grow Acai Berry Trees: Acai Berry Growing Zones - - Usa

Can I Grow Acai Berry Trees: Acai Berry Growing Zones

Can I grow acai berry trees? Often compared to the blueberry for its similar nutritional benefits, acai products made from this trendy superfood have been finding their way onto grocery store shelves. But due to their short shelf life, fresh berries are difficult to purchase outside acai berry growing zones. Learn all about how to grow acai berries at home.

Soil Conservation: How To Protect The Soil For Better Plants - - Usa

Soil Conservation: How To Protect The Soil For Better Plants

Soil provides nutrients for plants as well as millions of microorganisms. However, this only applies if the soil is healthy. Soil conservation is the movement to keep soil healthy, fertile and productive, as well as protecting it from erosion and deterioration. Learn about different methods of soil conservation here.

Plants That Don’t Like Mushroom Compost And Plants That Do -

Plants That Don’t Like Mushroom Compost And Plants That Do

Mushroom compost for the garden has been promoted as beneficial for some time now, but it’s important to note that not every plant reaps the benefits of mushroom compost. What plants don’t like mushroom compost? Acid loving plants, for one. Is mushroom compost good for a vegetable garden? The following contains information on plants that do and don’t like mushroom compost and how to use it in your garden.

Ants on Peonies: Are Ants On Peonies Good Or Bad? -

Ants on Peonies: Are Ants On Peonies Good Or Bad?

Many gardeners consider peonies to be a classic addition to the home landscape. Long-lived, these stunning plants are sure to impress visitors with their immense bloom and stunning color. Despite flowering only once per season, peony flowers are treasured among ornamental growers and flower farmers alike.

Subsurface Drip Irrigation For Lawns & Home Landscapes -

Subsurface Drip Irrigation For Lawns & Home Landscapes

In these days of drought, heat spells, and water wise gardens, many gardeners are interested in efficiency when it comes to irrigation. Drip irrigation is commonly considered to be the most efficient way to water plants. But there’s something even better now: subsurface drip irrigation. It’s one step up – or, rather, one step down, providing low pressure water directly to each plant’s roots beneath the soil.

10 Flowering Bushes With The Most Beautiful Blooms - - Usa

10 Flowering Bushes With The Most Beautiful Blooms

Flowering shrubs can grace your garden, adding color, interest and sometimes fragrance to the home landscape. For the biggest, showiest flowers, you’ll also need to take into account the sun exposure of the garden site. But never fear, there are flowering shrubs for landscaping that like sun and others that like shade.

Top 5 Drought Tolerant Flowering Trees For Low-Water Landscapes - - Japan

Top 5 Drought Tolerant Flowering Trees For Low-Water Landscapes

While flowering trees are what you want, drought tolerant trees are what you need. Fortunately, there are a number of drought resistant flowering trees that will adorn your garden while requiring minimal water. These types of plants can form the bones of a water wise landscape.

All About Mason Bees – What Gardeners Need To Know - - Usa

All About Mason Bees – What Gardeners Need To Know

The solitary mason bee is a North American native pollinator that deserves more attention and respect. Honeybees do a lot of pollinating, but they are not native, their populations are in decline, and they are not as efficient at pollinating as some other species, including mason bees. Learn more about this humble bee and how to support it in your garden.

Rare Types Of Squash To Grow In Your Garden -

Rare Types Of Squash To Grow In Your Garden

All varieties of squash will cross pollinate with each other, resulting in some unusual squash varieties. They are also intentionally bred in an effort to produce squash with unique traits. Some of the weird squash varieties that result may be found on the dinner table or may simply end up as interesting yard art.

Ways To Find Free Plants For Your Garden - - state California

Ways To Find Free Plants For Your Garden

A stroll through a boutique garden store might lead you to believe that filling a garden with happy, healthy plants is only for the well-heeled. But those very plants that have soaring price tags in the store might be yours for free if you are willing to be a little creative. If you are wondering how to get free plants, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for five tried-and-true paths that lead you to free garden plants.

How Caterpillar “Screaming” Can Scare Away Birds -

How Caterpillar “Screaming” Can Scare Away Birds

There are many unique sounds in the world. Our ears are finely attuned to noises of many levels, and some can pick up the faintest sounds. But have you ever heard a screaming caterpillar? We tend to think of butterflies, moths, and other insects as mostly soundless. Some insects like cicadas and crickets are rather noisy, but most are silent. Caterpillar sounds are faint and hard to discern without certain electronic equipment, but recent studies have shown they are there.

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Gardening Know How is committed to providing comprehensive and reliable information on all aspects of gardening. Whether you're a novice gardener or a seasoned green thumb, our team of gardening experts and enthusiasts is here to support you every step of the way. Explore our extensive library of articles, guides, and tips that cover a wide range of gardening topics. From basic gardening techniques and plant care tips to troubleshooting common problems and exploring new trends, Gardening Know How is your go-to source for expanding your gardening knowledge.

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