Eco Garden
Eco Garden
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Salad with a Side of Slug -
13.07.2024 / 01:18

Salad with a Side of Slug

Salad with a Side of Slug Growing lettuce is rewarding but sometimes it comes with more than you bargained for! The joy of growing your own greens

12 Ways to Get Rid of Slugs Naturally -
08.06.2024 / 22:49

12 Ways to Get Rid of Slugs Naturally

Are you curious about how to get rid of slugs naturally? Slugs and snails might be lovable for their cute storybook-character looks and because they’re just cool creatures. But slugs and snails in the garden that are eating away at your plants are not so lovable: Along with those adorable optic tentacles comes a voracious mouth that files through leaves and fruit, ruining it for the rest of us.

Natural Slug Control with Nematodes -
20.05.2024 / 15:33

Natural Slug Control with Nematodes

Slugs are a common garden pest, notorious for wreaking havoc on plants and crops. They leave unsightly trails of slime and damage leaves, stems, and roots, which can significantly reduce garden yields. Traditional chemical pesticides can be harmful to the environment, beneficial insects, and even pets. However, a natural and effective alternative exists in the form of nematodes, specifically Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, which offer an eco-friendly solution to slug control. Understanding Nematodes

Your gardening questions answered: Are there any slug-proof plants? -
18.05.2024 / 05:09

Your gardening questions answered: Are there any slug-proof plants?

Q: We have a small back garden that includes an old wall covered in ivy. I love the ivy, but it has become home to an army of slugs that have eaten many of my plants over the years. I have tried many different things to combat the slugs (ground eggshells, coffee grinds, various different pellets), none of which have really made that much difference. I am also concerned about using products that may harm the birds that visit the garden and our dog. At this stage, I think I have to accept that the slugs are part of the garden and learn to live with them. So, I would like to look at planting some small shrubs and flowers that are not appealing to slugs. I would be grateful for some suggestions. JM

How can I stop slugs damaging my plants? -
03.05.2024 / 14:21

How can I stop slugs damaging my plants?

Q: My garden is suffering very badly from snail and slug damage this spring after all the wet weather. Are there any plants that they don’t like to eat that you could recommend?

20 Slug-Proof Plants -
24.08.2023 / 14:59

20 Slug-Proof Plants

Slugs and snails can wreak havoc in the garden, demolishing seedlings and decimating the leaves of larger plants such as hostas. While slug pellets are an effective deterrent, those containing metaldehyde can harm hedgehogs and other wildlife, while other forms of slug control can be time consuming and aren’t guaranteed to work.

Non-Toxic Slug Control for your Garden -
21.08.2023 / 12:04

Non-Toxic Slug Control for your Garden

There are many ways you can keep your slug population under control without resorting to toxic slug pellets:

Upgrading the cat defences -
21.08.2023 / 11:57

Upgrading the cat defences

For two glorious years, this garden was cat-free. And then just at the point where the garden was mostly ‘finished’ and all I needed to think about was playing with plants, a feral cat moved into the neighbourhood. And started leaving ‘gifts’ in the raised beds.

How To Keep Slugs Away From A Vegetable Garden -
07.08.2023 / 11:43

How To Keep Slugs Away From A Vegetable Garden

Slugs are acclaimed agricultural pests, but it’s a little known fact that there exists another, more controversial theory. It claims that the sluggish unwanted dwellers attack plants with rotting spots, caused by pathogen sponges, whereas the snails happen to be the surgical doctors, removing the sick matter. A revolution in the traditional concept?

Hostas as Slug and Snail Food -
01.08.2023 / 14:43

Hostas as Slug and Snail Food

Not so long ago my Hostas were in fine flowering fettle. Now as Autumn approaches the slugs and snails are making a meal of the soft juicy leaves that are starting to give up the ghost.

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