Eco Garden

Eco Garden: Companion Planting -

Eco Garden: Companion Planting

Companion planting is the catch-all term for exploiting the many ways in which plants interact with each other. Companion planting is often portrayed as a simple matter of which plants grow well together, but the small amount of scientific research that has been done suggests that this is not the case.

In defence of slugs - - Britain - Norway

In defence of slugs

Header image: Slug Advancing by Maxime THIBAULT from Pixabay

Tortilla Chips, Fresh Salsa, and a Greener Planet: How Recycled Glass Can Boost Your Garden - - Usa - state Texas - county Valley

Tortilla Chips, Fresh Salsa, and a Greener Planet: How Recycled Glass Can Boost Your Garden

Header image: Cilantro seedlings grown in 100% recycled glass material. Image credit: Andrea Quezada

How to Build a Willdlife Stack -

How to Build a Willdlife Stack

If you’re one of those people who loves scavenging for useful things, or has a pile of interesting odds and ends stashed away for future projects, then you could think about recycling them into a 5 star wildlife hotel.

Eco Garden: Creating a new vegetable bed -

Eco Garden: Creating a new vegetable bed

Whether you made a New Year’s resolution to cut your carbon footprint, or the credit crunch is putting pressure on your food budget, now is the perfect time to try growing some of your own vegetables. You don’t need a lot of space, or expensive kit, to get started – and it doesn’t need to take up a lot of your time.

Eco Garden: Dealing with pests -

Eco Garden: Dealing with pests

If there’s one thing that makes gardeners gnash their teeth with frustration, it’s watching their favourite plants being eaten by pests. We’ve moved on from the ‘any bug is a bad bug’ mentality, and many chemical controls are being removed from sale amid safety fears, but this doesn’t mean that we have to abandon hope of an attractive and productive garden.

Eco Garden: Recycling Plastic Bottles - - Britain

Eco Garden: Recycling Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles are everywhere these days, even floating around in the oceans. Fortunately for the environment, recycling facilities are improving (here in the UK at least) but a lot of plastic bottles still end up in landfill, where they just don’t break down. If you would like to give your plastic bottles a new lease of life once they’re empty, and save money too, then try recycling them into something useful for the garden.

Eco Garden: Seed Saving - - Norway

Eco Garden: Seed Saving

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (also called the Doomsday vault) in Norway was officially opened in February 2008. During the 3 months prior to the grand opening, engineers pumped refrigerated air into the vault to bring its temperature down from a chilly -5°C to an arctic -18°C.

Eco Garden: Build a Wildlife Haven -

Eco Garden: Build a Wildlife Haven

Now that the days are longer and the first flush of spring is over, gardeners all over the country have a chance to step back from frantic seed sowing, transplanting, digging and weeding and carry on gardening at a slower pace over the summer.

Eco Garden: Green lawns -

Eco Garden: Green lawns

It is one of the big ironies of gardening that the pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers we use to keep our lawns green make them one of the least ‘green’ areas of the garden. Many gardeners put a lot of effort into maintaining their lawns, and this diligence can be a real asset if you want to go green, because it requires a fair amount of work to keep your lawn in top-notch condition using organic methods. The good news is that a more relaxed approach rewards you with a beautiful, wildlife-friendly lawn.

Eco Garden: Wildlife gardening -

Eco Garden: Wildlife gardening

One of the hottest gardening topics is how to turn your garden into a wildlife haven. Gardens are seen as a habitat of last resort for many hard-pressed species. Wildlife friendly products abound and you can buy homes suitable for any creature.

Eco Garden: Organic Fertilizers -

Eco Garden: Organic Fertilizers

Organic gardeners aim to feed the soil, and let a healthy soil take care of the plants. The best way to add fertility to your garden is to make compost, but in most gardens there is never enough compost to go around and there will be times when supplementary feeding is needed.

Eco Garden: The RISC roof garden, Reading - - Chile

Eco Garden: The RISC roof garden, Reading

Climb the cast-iron steps to the roof garden at the Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC) and you can almost forget that you’re in the heart of the city. Just 30 by 6 metres, the garden manages to fill every vista and the breeze through the trees drowns out all but the loudest city noises.

Eco Garden: Grow Your Own Tea Pot - - Britain - Morocco

Eco Garden: Grow Your Own Tea Pot

There’s nothing quite as British as a nice cup of tea, and sitting down for a good cuppa can certainly brighten up your day. A tea bush is unlikely to thrive in most UK gardens (although there are a couple of tea plantations) because of the climate, but there are plenty of herbs that are easy to grow and make a refreshing brew. They’ll even grow well in containers – so they make ideal plants for a windowbox or a patio. Having them close at hand means you can harvest leaves as and when you need them.

Eco Garden: Composting -

Eco Garden: Composting

Gardeners are privileged to witness miracles on a daily basis – seeds germinating, buds unfurling and bees pollinating flowers. No less miraculous are the quiet miracles that take place in the compost heap, where tiny organisms turn waste products into compost, allowing the cycle of life to begin again.

Eco Garden: Allotment Chic - - Britain

Eco Garden: Allotment Chic

Allotments are going to be all the rage this year. The National Trust recently announced that they’re making available enough spare land for up to 1000 allotments, via the Landshare scheme. British Waterways and British Rail are in on the act, too, looking for land along canals and railway lines that could be used to grow vegetables.

Eco Garden: Worm Composting - - Britain

Eco Garden: Worm Composting

If you’ve got a small garden then you might find it difficult to find space for a conventional compost heap. A possible solution is a worm compost bin, which takes up far less space because an army of worms does most of the composting work.

Eco Garden: No Dig Gardening -

Eco Garden: No Dig Gardening

Every spring there’s an outbreak of bad backs across the country as gardeners, who have mostly been tucked up in the warm all winter, go out to dig their vegetable gardens. No doubt there are many more who stay inside, believing that they should be digging their plots but unable to muster up any enthusiasm. And what about the non-gardeners, who would love to grow some of their own food but are put off by the hard work they believe it entails?

Eco Garden: Water-wise gardening - - Eu

Eco Garden: Water-wise gardening

Apparently a No Deal Brexit could threaten our water supplies, as the chemicals used for water treatment are imported from the EU and can’t be stockpiled in any quantity. Even if we dodge that bullet, climate change and population increases mean England could run out of water in the next 25 years. The chief executive of the Environment Agency wants wasting water to become socially unacceptable, and it’s a good bet that garden sprinklers – which in one hour use as much water as the average person does in a week – will become as frowned upon as smoking indoors.

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