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All About Mason Bees – What Gardeners Need To Know - - Usa
01.08.2023 / 22:53

All About Mason Bees – What Gardeners Need To Know

The solitary mason bee is a North American native pollinator that deserves more attention and respect. Honeybees do a lot of pollinating, but they are not native, their populations are in decline, and they are not as efficient at pollinating as some other species, including mason bees. Learn more about this humble bee and how to support it in your garden.

In the garden and etc. with margaret - - state New York
21.07.2023 / 23:04

In the garden and etc. with margaret

M AY IS MADNESS. I have already said that in the monthly chores column. But it’s madness otherwise, too: garden tours to prep for; workshops I’m giving with friends; a garden contest I’m judging (as in, free prizes!); a sister in the news to brag about…and oh, I need your help with the Urgent Garden Question Forums here, too.

Garden cleanup: targeting mice and voles - - Jordan
21.07.2023 / 22:59

Garden cleanup: targeting mice and voles

As with any animal or insect pests, the work starts with reducing habitat—especially places they can overwinter. Close-cutting the entire lawn here is one of the final things I do in late fall, lowering the deck to 3 inches to reduce places to hide in general.For mice and voles, it’s essential to install fine-gauge hardware-cloth collars (or heavy plastic ones) around young trees, in particular, though these and other rodents will chew wood young or old if hungry. It’s especially to make sure that the immediate area at the base of trees is clear. Friends with orchards do not allow turf to

‘pollinators of native plants,’ with heather holm - - state Minnesota
21.07.2023 / 22:52

‘pollinators of native plants,’ with heather holm

Native bees species (like the mining bee above on the wildflower boneset) don’t get as much attention, and other insect pollinators even less, but without our wild pollinators we’d enjoy far less biodiversity, both in plants and animals—because they’re key to the food web, which would otherwise break down. To get to know some of these unsung heroes and the critical roles they play, I spoke with Heather Holm, author of the book “Pollinators of Native Plants,” which teaches us how to identify and attract and appreciate them in our gardens and beyond. (Enter to wi

What a mess! the realities of spring garden cleanup -
21.07.2023 / 22:50

What a mess! the realities of spring garden cleanup

I work like a triage nurse: first identifying damaged woody plants and hauling off the heaviest debris from them, so I can get around with carts and wheelbarrows and start on finer work.Next up, the urgent perennials: hellebores, ornamental grasses and epimediums (I haven’t gotten to the last one yet).The vegetable garden gets a fast cleanup right away, too, and also a rough turn of the soil where cover crops are growing…all of which you will see better in pictures than I can explain, so on with the show (unless you want to read about my six earliest spring tasks in more detail ins

Garden cleanup, cheesemaking, and more, with alana chernila -
21.07.2023 / 22:50

Garden cleanup, cheesemaking, and more, with alana chernila

“If you know the basic science and a few techniques with home dairy,” says Alana, author of “The Homemade Pantry: 101 Foods You Can Stop Buying and Start Making” (Amazon affiliate link), “the whole world opens up and you can make a zillion different things.”That first book has been lavished with praise from food stars including Mollie Katzen, and Alana just delivered the manuscript for “The Homemade Kitchen,” due out in fall 2015. She’s a keen gardener whose grow-your-own passion and cookbook writing both began in 2008 with a job selling vegetables in our local farmer’s m

Dreaded norway maples, good groundcovers (including sedges): shade-garden q&a with ken druse - - county Garden
21.07.2023 / 22:35

Dreaded norway maples, good groundcovers (including sedges): shade-garden q&a with ken druse

This is the 12th of our monthly Urgent Garden Question Q&A shows, and we thank you for your support—and for your questions most of all. You can keep them coming any time in comments or by email, using the contact form, or at Facebook.Read along as you listen to the Jan. 1, 2018 edition of my public-radio show and podcast using the player below. You can subscribe to all future editions on iTunes or Stitcher (and browse my archive of podcasts here).Plus: Enter to win a copy of Ken’s n

Best phlox for gardeners and butterflies, with mt. cuba’s george coombs - - Usa - Cuba - state Delaware
21.07.2023 / 22:31

Best phlox for gardeners and butterflies, with mt. cuba’s george coombs

George Coombs managed the Trial Gardens at Mt. Cuba Center native plant garden and research facility in Delaware. In past conversations, George–who in 2019 was promoted to Mt. Cuba’s Director of Horticulture–has helped me make our way through the daunting selections of Heuchera, Monarda, and Baptisia. George and the trial garden team spent three years evaluating 94 different sun-loving selections of Phlox for eye and butterfly appeal and mildew resistance, plus 43 shade-garden choices, too.  Read along as you listen to the February 26, 2018 edition of my public-radio show and podcast using the player below. You can subscribe to all future editions on iTunes or Stitcher (and browse my archive of podcasts here).phlox q&a with george coombsQ. Whenever one of your reports arrives I feel very lucky to

The garden as habitat, with doug tallamy - - state Delaware
21.07.2023 / 22:27

The garden as habitat, with doug tallamy

Entomologist Doug Tallamy and his wife have spent 14 years coaxing back to life 10 acres of what had been farmland for nearly four centuries: achieving more diversity by adding layers to its once-flat botanical architecture. Today 54 species of birds nest on their Delaware property, and acorns the couple planted have become 20-foot trees–so many that now editing is required.Tallamy, professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware-Newark, has been called the “guru of the habitat gardening movement.” He is co-author with Rick Darke of a recent book, “The Livin

Pollinator-friendly gardening, with kelly gill (win a how-to guide) - - Usa - Iran - state New Jersey - state Iowa
21.07.2023 / 22:25

Pollinator-friendly gardening, with kelly gill (win a how-to guide)

Kelly is a Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, an international nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. In her dual role, she is also a partner biologist, based in New Jersey, with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.Kelly, who took her Masters in Entomology at Iowa State, provides technical support for planning, installing, and managing pollinator habitat across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States. She also conducts research aimed at the development of best practices for conserving beneficial insects in agricultural landscapes.Our Q&A follows, from the latest edition of my weekly public-radio program (details on how t

Facing a changing world (plus the power of houseplants): garden trends report, with katie dubow - - state Pennsylvania
21.07.2023 / 22:25

Facing a changing world (plus the power of houseplants): garden trends report, with katie dubow

Katie Dubow is creative director of the Kennett Square, Pennsylvania-based company, a women-owned and run public-relations firm specializing in the home and garden industry, celebrating its 30th year in business. She’s author of the agency’s annual trends report, and we discussed the 2020 forecasts—most of them related to sustainability, both in what the report calls “cities of the future” with evolving “circular economies,” and in terms of a more regenerative approach to agriculture, horticulture and especially the crisis in soil management. Then we talked about some obstacles gardening is having gaining traction with the next generations (unless you’re talking houseplants!), and why that, too, concerns us both.Read along as you listen to the October 28, 2019 edition of my public-radio show and podcast using the player below. You can subscribe to all future editions on iTunes or Spotify or Stitcher (and browse my archive of podcasts here).garden trends report 2020, with katie dubowMargaret Roach: I’m not kidding when I say I look forward to it because it makes me think—that this report each year kind of makes me think. We should probably say right away

Recipes to help keep up with the csa share or garden’s bounty, with ali stafford -
21.07.2023 / 22:24

Recipes to help keep up with the csa share or garden’s bounty, with ali stafford

In this increasingly bountiful produce season, whether from the CSA, farmers’ market, or backyard, I’ve been turning to inspiration to my friend Alexandra Stafford’s website, Alexandra’s Kitchen, and to her Instagram feed, too. In a Q&A on my public-radio show and podcast, Ali’s shared how to store vegetables to make them last longest (hint: cut green off those roots at once, for instance) to recipes for pasta carbonara that uses a ton of them, or grilled-veggie tacos (photo, top of page), plus various sauces, quick pickles and pestos, too.Plus: Enter to win a copy of Ali’s cookbook “Bread Toast Crumbs” by using the comment form at the very bottom of the page. Read along as you listen to the June 25, 2018 edition of the podcast using the player below. You can subscribe to all future editions on iTunes or

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