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state Oregon
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50 Best Seed Merchants and Catalogues -
01.08.2023 / 15:05

50 Best Seed Merchants and Catalogues

Since I put this list together 7 years ago but I have now started to favour Kings Seeds (Suffolk Herbs) for my vegetables. I also get many more seeds from clubs and organisations rather than merchants.

Diverse Use of Hostas -
01.08.2023 / 14:33

Diverse Use of Hostas

Hostas can be used for in a variety of situations due to their diversity as a species. As basically known as foliage plants they prosper in the shade but have other uses.

How To Can Tomatillos -
27.07.2023 / 16:33

How To Can Tomatillos

Canning tomatillos is actually quite easy and fun to do. Plus it’s a convenient way to keep them on hand whenever you need them in your recipes.

Is It A Decoration? Is It Food? The Many Uses and Types of Fall and Winter Squash -
24.07.2023 / 12:17

Is It A Decoration? Is It Food? The Many Uses and Types of Fall and Winter Squash

I don’t know about you, but I love a product that can be used in a variety of ways and has staying power, especially in the home and kitchen. I recently discovered fall/winter squash and the varieties and versatility that they provide. I knew about the typical winter squash that you see in the grocery store like Acorn, Butternut, Spaghetti, Pumpkins, and decorative gourds, but have been introduced to other varieties like Honey Nut, Kabocha, Carnival, Turban, Banana, Red Kuri, Sweet Dumpling, and Buttercup.

Celebrate the Trees That Make Your World Better - - Usa - state South Carolina
24.07.2023 / 12:05

Celebrate the Trees That Make Your World Better

Arbor Day is an opportunity to celebrate the trees that make your world better! While National Arbor Day is the last Friday in April, the first Friday in December (December 3, 2021) is South Carolina’s Arbor Day. The difference in dates is that trees in South Carolina are better able to get established when planted in the winter. According to the SC Forestry Commission, our planting season begins in December and ends in mid-March. To learn more about best practices for planting trees, see HGIC 1001, Planting Trees Correctly and HGIC, Plant a Tree.

Celebrating, and storing, the humble potato - - China - India
21.07.2023 / 22:59

Celebrating, and storing, the humble potato

Yes, the potato has gone truly global; the intricate story of its journey through the centuries is probably best told by the International Potato Center.China, and now India, are the biggest producers of potatoes today–once the claim of Europe, North America and the former Soviet Union–though I am hard-pressed to think of a Chinese dish featuring them.storing potatoesI COULDN’T SAY IT BETTER THAN the Farm Security Administration did to farmers and would-be farmers in the 1942 slides I b

To celebrate spring, a giveaway of my first book -
21.07.2023 / 22:59

To celebrate spring, a giveaway of my first book

All you have to do to have a chance in the truly random drawing (I’ll use the tool at random [dot] org to pick a winner) is comment below, and be a subscriber to my email newsletter.It’s easy to sign up for the latter if you haven’t already, and free, and here’s what it’s like in case you are worried I’m a spammer.After I draw the winner, I’ll verify that he or she is, in fact, a subscriber…if not, I’ll draw again.I know, that Margaret, she always wants something, right? Well, not really—there are no ads here or anything; I do this a

Fireworks! the bottlebrush buckeye celebrates -
21.07.2023 / 22:59

Fireworks! the bottlebrush buckeye celebrates

AS IF IT KNOWS THAT FIREWORKS ARE CALLED FOR this weekend, the biggest old bottlebrush buckeye here, Aesculus parviflora (above), is in full bloom. Pow! A 15-foot-wide by 12-foot-tall mass of high energy, with each bloom more than a foot tall.

Seed shopping with a friend: a new book excerpt, and invitation to learn, and shop, together - - state Oregon
21.07.2023 / 22:56

Seed shopping with a friend: a new book excerpt, and invitation to learn, and shop, together

IN SOME THINGS lonerism backfires, like when the ladder needs steadying to get at the top of an errantly sprouting espalier, or a truckload of eight cubic yards of mulch is dumped by the far gate. Though ordering seeds is not heavy work, it is best not done alone, either; I have always had a companion for the task. My latest one, of considerable years’ duration, got it in his head to move to Oregon recently, for greener garden pastures, taking with him not just the in-person dimension of our friendship, but also access to the nearby greenhouse that was, of course, a perfect complement to the shopping we did together all that time.“I’ll buy the tomato seeds if you’ll grow them,” the conversation with Andrew would always begin, as if he needed my ten- or fifteen-dollar annual enticement, when of course we never really paid careful mind to who bought what or really kept a running tab of our years-long botanical barter. It hardly mattered; what counted was the chance to look together, to compare notes, to react collaboratively to the possibilities—ooh! aah! ugh!—and eventually to relish the harvest (or to commiserate when something was a flop and there was no harvest, or

A rainbow of peas, with peace seedlings - - state Oregon
21.07.2023 / 22:46

A rainbow of peas, with peace seedlings

The evolving rainbow of peas at Peace Seedlings—with more colors to come—got its start with decades of breeding by Alan Kapuler, Dylana’s father, a longtime public-domain plant breeder and the founder of Peace Seeds.(More on him, and on some of the other combined Kapuler treasures, from marigolds and zinnias to edible Andean tubers like oca and yacon, to a rainbow of beautiful beets, is at the end of this story.)“We’re doing a lot of crosses and selecting ourselves now, too,” says Dylana of the work she and partner Mario DiBenedetto continue in collaboration with Alan and his wife, Linda, in Corvallis, Orego

From the forum: celebrating purslane? -
21.07.2023 / 22:45

From the forum: celebrating purslane?

MEMBER ANN ASKED A GOOD ‘WEED’ QUESTION this week in the Urgent Garden Question Forums, and a thread of great information is developing about a plant you may just pull and toss–but might now reconsider. Purslane (or Portulaca oleracea) turns out to have many endearing qualities, so right over at this link we’re celebrating the delicious creature.

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