Gardenig in county Sussex. Tips & Guides

10 of the Best Garden Trugs - - county Sussex

10 of the Best Garden Trugs

Trugs are a must-have garden accessory, combining practical utility and ornamental value. They can used for collecting cut flowers and plant cuttings, as well as for harvesting your homegrown fruit, veg and culinary herbs. Plus, they can be used to create indoor displays and they make wonderful gardening gifts.

How to Grow and Care for a Monkey Puzzle Tree - - Britain - Argentina - Scotland - Chile - county Garden - county Sussex

How to Grow and Care for a Monkey Puzzle Tree

The monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana) is a large evergreen tree with a distinctive shape – its often horizontal branches are covered in spirals of sharp, triangular leaves. When mature, trees produce large cones at the tips of the branches. 

Don’t miss the February 2024 issue of The English Garden magazine - - Britain - county Sussex

Don’t miss the February 2024 issue of The English Garden magazine

As 2024 gets underway, we’ve taken inspiration from Janus, the god of beginnings, transitions and time, who looks both forwards and back. Our gardens have all featured in our pages in the past, but we revisit them here and take a closer look at how they’ve developed over time, and how they’re changing now their owners have new challenges to contend with.

2-for-1 Gardens – Winter wonders - - state Indiana - county Sussex - county Park

2-for-1 Gardens – Winter wonders

Our 2-for-1 Gardens are filled with interest all year round, even in winter. Join us this month and use your 2-for-1 Gardens entry card to experience the stillness and beauty of deep winter.

Sarah Raven’s November Notes from Perch Hill - - Usa - county Sussex

Sarah Raven’s November Notes from Perch Hill

I can’t deny that some of the winter-hardy plants are far more abundant grown under glass, so if you have a coldframe, greenhouse, polytunnel or even a series of glass or plastic cloches, do use them. We grow a mix of salads and hardy annual herbs in our glasshouse here, but certainly in Sussex this protection is not essential. The most cold-resistant of these greens, such as parsley, mizuna, mustard ‘Red Giant’ and American land cress, may falter under snow or after several successive days of frost, but even without a cover, they won’t die. They seem to hibernate, and then as soon as there’s a bit of sun or a general thaw they come back to life. 

GW holiday: Explore the gardens of Kent and Sussex - - Italy - county Sussex - county Kent

GW holiday: Explore the gardens of Kent and Sussex

Join our tailor-made tour of beautiful gardens in Kent and Sussex, full of early summer colour, and enjoy three nights at the four-star East Sussex National Hotel.

Sarah Raven’s November Notes from Perch Hill - - Usa - county Sussex

Sarah Raven’s November Notes from Perch Hill

I can’t deny that some of the winter-hardy plants are far more abundant grown under glass, so if you have a coldframe, greenhouse, polytunnel or even a series of glass or plastic cloches, do use them. We grow a mix of salads and hardy annual herbs in our glasshouse here, but certainly in Sussex this protection is not essential. The most cold-resistant of these greens, such as parsley, mizuna, mustard ‘Red Giant’ and American land cress, may falter under snow or after several successive days of frost, but even without a cover, they won’t die. They seem to hibernate, and then as soon as there’s a bit of sun or a general thaw they come back to life. 

Gardens to visit in Kent - - Britain - France - county Sussex - county Kent - county Park

Gardens to visit in Kent

It was in The Pickwick Papers that Dickens wrote the often quoted line: “Kent, sir. Everybody knows Kent – apples, cherries, hops, and women.” The county is still referred to as the Garden of England, even though the amount of fruit traditionally farmed there has declined over the decades. Perhaps it’s still used so widely because some of the country’s most celebrated properties and gardens are to be found in Kent.

Gardens to visit in Sussex - - state Virginia - county Sussex

Gardens to visit in Sussex

Chalk cliffs define the coastline of East Sussex, where fossils from the Jurassic period are regularly revealed on the beaches, not least at Beachy Head, site of one of the country’s most famous lighthouses. Inland, the South Downs, rolling chalk hills bounded to the north by a dramatic escarpment, stretch for roughly 70 miles. 

Gardens to visit in Kent - - Britain - France - county Sussex - county Kent - county Park

Gardens to visit in Kent

It was in The Pickwick Papers that Dickens wrote the often quoted line: “Kent, sir. Everybody knows Kent – apples, cherries, hops, and women.” The county is still referred to as the Garden of England, even though the amount of fruit traditionally farmed there has declined over the decades. Perhaps it’s still used so widely because some of the country’s most celebrated properties and gardens are to be found in Kent.

The Lady Garden - - Britain - county Sussex

The Lady Garden

The Body Shop has announced that it is creating its first show garden at RHS Chelsea this year. It’s called The Lady Garden, designed to pay homage to its “founding feminist principles and activist roots”.

The Millennium Seed Bank – arrivals - - Britain - city London - county Sussex

The Millennium Seed Bank – arrivals

It’s nearly two years since I started the Alternative Kitchen Garden Seed Appeal, with the aim of raising enough money to help the Millennium Seed Bank save a species. We still have a way to go to reach the target ;(

Help us find the Nation’s Favourite Gardens - - county Garden - county Sussex

Help us find the Nation’s Favourite Gardens

The fascinating garden at Knepp Castle in Sussex, home to ‘Wilding’ author Isabella Tree, reopens for the scheme this year. Credit: NGS 

Top British Gardens to Visit - - Britain - county Garden - county Sussex - county Kent - county Park

Top British Gardens to Visit

Britain has some of the best gardens in the world. The choice of which to visit is far larger than this selective list but at least it gives you somewhere to start planning this years outings.

Shopping the seed catalogs, with chanticleer’s david mattern - - state Pennsylvania - county Garden - county Sussex

Shopping the seed catalogs, with chanticleer’s david mattern

David Mattern, who oversees the vegetable garden at the splendid public space called Chanticleer in Pennsylvania, is my latest target. You may recall that last fall, David helped us take a critical eye to our vegetable gardens as we took them apart during cleanup, and challenged us also to consider tilling less in the year to come for improved soil health and fewer weeds.David is a graduate of Longwood’s Professional Gardeners Training Program, and after that interned in England at some prestigious spots including West Dean Gardens in West Sussex, with its famed walled vegetable garden.He rejoined me on the January 9, 2017 edition of my public-radio show and podcast to h

‘the great dixter cookbook,’ with aaron bertelsen - - Usa - Britain - Switzerland - New Zealand - state Iowa - county Sussex

‘the great dixter cookbook,’ with aaron bertelsen

“The Great Dixter Cookbook,” just out, is by Aaron Bertelsen, the vegetable gardener and cook at–you guessed it–Great Dixter, on the border of Kent and Sussex in England.Aaron was on book tour in the United States lately, and made time just in the nick before boarding the plane home to talk about the Dixter vegetable garden, and what all he concocted from its long harvest season to serve up the 70ish recipes in “The Great Dixter Cookbook.”Read along as you listen to t

Wisteria Sinensis prolific - - Scotland - city Aberdeen - county Garden - county Sussex

Wisteria Sinensis prolific

Wisteria Sinensis Prolific. This climber is fully hardy, however if you want it to flower in the North East of Scotland, Plant it in a sunny sheltered position.

Summer plum jam - - Britain - state Indiana - county Sussex

Summer plum jam

An abundance of late summer fruits calls for a jam recipe. A simple jam recipe from Selina Lake will make the most of an abundant plum or damson harvest.

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