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state Connecticut
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Can I Grow Acai Berry Trees: Acai Berry Growing Zones - - Usa
07.08.2023 / 23:33

Can I Grow Acai Berry Trees: Acai Berry Growing Zones

Can I grow acai berry trees? Often compared to the blueberry for its similar nutritional benefits, acai products made from this trendy superfood have been finding their way onto grocery store shelves. But due to their short shelf life, fresh berries are difficult to purchase outside acai berry growing zones. Learn all about how to grow acai berries at home.

Dallas Plant Zones | 37 Best Plants for Dallas - - Usa - state Texas
07.08.2023 / 12:01

Dallas Plant Zones | 37 Best Plants for Dallas

Discover in detail about the Dallas Plant Zones that will give you an idea about which plants to grow in which area.

The Hyporheic Zone and Streams -
24.07.2023 / 12:17

The Hyporheic Zone and Streams

You may not have heard of the hyporheic zone (HZ) or be able to see it, but it’s an integral part of our freshwater ecosystems and has a lot to do with keeping our streams healthy! The HZ is a transitional area where groundwater and surface water meet. It’s made up of sediments, large and small, but is porous enough to allow the exchange of nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and water. The main movements through the HZ are upwelling and downwelling. Upwelling occurs when water from groundwater moves upward, while downwelling is the movement of surface water toward the groundwater. But water doesn’t just flow through the HZ briefly back and forth; water and its associated materials have a specific residence time in the HZ. This allows pollutants and nutrients to be removed, protecting water quality. Many of these processes are performed by bacteria. Besides bacteria, small invertebrates live in the HZ. Aquatic species like mites and small crustaceans like isopods and amphipods hang out here. And when things get rough in the stream during drought, flooding, and temperature extremes, it becomes a refuge for many species.

New: weekly radio ‘a way to garden’ podcast! - - Britain - state Connecticut - county Hill - county Hudson
21.07.2023 / 23:13

New: weekly radio ‘a way to garden’ podcast!

FEELING AT A LOSS FOR SOMETHING TO DO, I ADDED TO MY SCHEDULE. A weekly radio podcast, to be specific, with my neighbors down the road apiece at a local NPR affiliate, WHDD, in Sharon, Connecticut.

Radio podcast: cornucopia of recent topics - - Usa
21.07.2023 / 23:10

Radio podcast: cornucopia of recent topics

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE WRITTEN to say you enjoy the radio podcasts I create with Robin Hood Radio (NPRs newest and smallest affiliate, and just down the road from me in Ruralville, USA here). Marshall, Jill and I do have fun with our Monday-morning conversations–but you can listen anytime.

Radio podcast: mulch, mulch and more mulch - - state Connecticut
21.07.2023 / 23:06

Radio podcast: mulch, mulch and more mulch

WOO-HOO! MY FRIENDS AT WHDD in Sharon, Connecticut, aka Robin Hood Radio, just called to say our A Way to Garden podcasts are not just on iTunes but also on an RSS feed. Easy, peasy, to tune in to.

Margaret on 'we dig plants' radio podcast -
21.07.2023 / 23:06

Margaret on 'we dig plants' radio podcast

CO-HOST AND GARDEN DESIGNER CARMEN DEVITO really got me going on the popular weekly “We Dig Plants” show on Heritage Radio Network the other day, when she asked me to think back–now four-plus years–about my journey from the city life of my past to the here-and-now of living in the garden. Apparently I shared such wisdoms as: “With things that you treasure, whether it’s a person, a thing or plant, sometimes you can hold it a little too close and suffocate it.

Doodle by andre: entering the no-mow zone -
21.07.2023 / 23:05

Doodle by andre: entering the no-mow zone

YES, PLEASE; HAVE YOUR WAY WITH MY LAWN, TOO; I hear you, Andre. As much as I basically like to mow, I don’t like it as much as the grass apparently liked to grow this wet, cool year.

Podcast: dealing with snowload on woody plants - - state Connecticut
21.07.2023 / 23:05

Podcast: dealing with snowload on woody plants

IKNOW IT’S TOO LATE FOR HELP with the freakish October storm that flattened the woody plants here last weekend, but I have a hunch those of us in snow country will be needing tips for helping the garden through storms to come. After all, winter hasn’t even started yet (evidence outside my window, where it hasn’t melted yet, to the contrary).

My ‘secret’ to overwintering japanese maples - - Japan
21.07.2023 / 23:02

My ‘secret’ to overwintering japanese maples

Once they have dropped their leaves and gone dormant, after a good hard freeze or so, I get out the hand cart and engage a brave friend. We say our prayers, then wheel them one by one over my hilly garden, down to the unheated barn.I will certainly meet my end someday under one of these big pots, when I am manning the downhill side of this hauling operation.I make sure that they are well-watered during the fall, so that they go into storage well-hydrated—and therefore less prone to dessication while in there.  No water is offered in the coldest months, when the soil and the trees inside the building are mostly frozen, but I start checking around February, once the

Slideshow and podcast: august gratitude list - - state Connecticut
21.07.2023 / 23:02

Slideshow and podcast: august gratitude list

BROWN PATCHES of lawn and garden widen daily, and the “grass” is now a minefield of yellow-jacket nests. Ouch! But the hummingbirds dance around me while I weed, and the tadpoles have suddenly hatched into dozens of tiny frogs (boing, boing, boing!) and an older frog poses on a begonia leaf…and I’m grateful to be here, anyhow, if a little tired and crispy.My Gratitude List, in PodcastLISTEN TO my Dog Days Gratitude List on the latest podcast I do each week with Robin Hood Radio, WHDD in Sharon, Connecticut, the smallest NPR station in the nation.

Radio podcast: talking tomatoes - - state Connecticut
21.07.2023 / 23:01

Radio podcast: talking tomatoes

IT FEELS LIKE TOMATO-HARVEST SEASON here, what with 85 degrees dipping to a chilly 60 at night, but in fact we’re just coming up on tomato-sowing season (I do it April 15 here). Tricks for tomato sowing and growing, including what to do to prevent diseases this year, formed the topic for this week’s A Way to Garden radio podcast on Robin Hood Radio (WHDD-Sharon, Connecticut).

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