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What Is It? Wednesday – Pigweed -
09.08.2023 / 12:07

What Is It? Wednesday – Pigweed

This is a pigweed seedling that came up in a field that was disked recently. Pigweed, also known as Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri), is one of the most aggressive weeds that farmers battle.

What Is It? Wednesday – Leafminers on Muscadine Fruit -
02.08.2023 / 11:13

What Is It? Wednesday – Leafminers on Muscadine Fruit

These muscadines have been fed on by the larvae of a leafminer (a species of fly (Diptera)). Adults lay their eggs on the surface of a fruit, stem, or leaf of a plant, and the larvae tunnel in the tissue of the plant, forming a distinct-looking pattern where they have fed.

Why Russia Pulled Out of its Grain Deal with Ukraine, and What That Means for the Global Food System - - China - Russia
25.07.2023 / 23:35

Why Russia Pulled Out of its Grain Deal with Ukraine, and What That Means for the Global Food System

The Russia-Ukraine grain deal that has been critical to keeping global food prices stable and preventing famine is currently in tatters. On July 17, 2023, Russia said it was pulling out of the year-old deal, which allowed shipments of grains and other foodstuffs to travel past the Russian naval blockade in the Black Sea. And to make matters worse, over the next two days Russia bombed the Ukrainian grain port of Odesa, destroying over 60,000 tons of grain.

What is it? Wednesday -
24.07.2023 / 12:11

What is it? Wednesday

The ability to camouflage oneself and the level of that camouflage is often a matter of life and death for an insect. Adults and larvae employ static strategies such as adapting their shape, pigmentation, and color patterns to disguise themselves. Some insects can modify themselves in response to the environment. Still, others, larvae, in particular, adorn themselves with leaf and flower parts, frass, lichens, dead insects, soil particles, small rocks, and other organic material to disguise themselves or create protective covers in a display known as decorative crypsis.

What Is It? Wednesday – Mantidfly -
24.07.2023 / 11:59

What Is It? Wednesday – Mantidfly

This may look a lot like a paper wasp, but it is actually a mantidfly. If you look carefully, you’ll notice the front pair of legs is different from the two back pairs.

What Is It? Wednesday – Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar -
24.07.2023 / 11:59

What Is It? Wednesday – Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar

This is a caterpillar known as the hickory horned devil. The adult is a beautiful moth known as the regal moth (Citheronia regalis), but it is rarely seen due to its nocturnal habit.

What Is It? Wednesday- Glyphosate Damage on Beets -
24.07.2023 / 11:56

What Is It? Wednesday- Glyphosate Damage on Beets

These beets were injured by glyphosate overspray. Only the last 6 feet of 6 beds were affected.

What Is It? Wednesday – Bee Fly - - state California
24.07.2023 / 11:56

What Is It? Wednesday – Bee Fly

This little critter looks a lot like a bee (it’s yellow, fuzzy, and foraging flowers), but if you look closely, you’ll see it has only one pair of wings (bees have two). This feature distinguishes this as a fly, specifically a bee fly (family Bombyliidae). Though they look similar, these flies grow up very differently from bees. Bee flies are parasitic and develop on the larvae and pupae of other insects, such as wasps, beetles, butterflies and moths, grasshoppers, and other flies.

What Is It? Wednesday? – Imperial Moth Caterpillar -
24.07.2023 / 11:56

What Is It? Wednesday? – Imperial Moth Caterpillar

This is the caterpillar of the imperial moth (Eacles imperialis). The imperial moth is one of the largest moths in the Southeast.

What Is It? Wednesday – Cutleaf Evening Primrose -
24.07.2023 / 11:56

What Is It? Wednesday – Cutleaf Evening Primrose

This is cutleaf evening primrose. This weed germinates and starts appearing in the fall and grows through the winter and spring until the weather gets hot.

What Is It? Wednesday – Autonomous Robotic Laser Weeder - - state California
24.07.2023 / 11:55

What Is It? Wednesday – Autonomous Robotic Laser Weeder

The fully autonomous robotic laser weeder creeps through the field without a human driver, using GPS, Lidar, and multiple sensors. The machine detects weeds in the planted crop. When a weed is detected, a laser zaps the weed, leaving the crop safely behind.

What Is It? Wednesday – Cabbage Webworm -
24.07.2023 / 11:55

What Is It? Wednesday – Cabbage Webworm

There are diamondback moth caterpillars on the right. The caterpillar on the left is a cabbage webworm.

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