Summer in Tingshu’s Back Garden
25.12.2023 - 12:56
/ Fine Gardening editors
We’re back in Massachusetts, visiting with Tingshu Hu again. Yesterday we took a look at summer in her front garden, today she’s sharing views from her beautiful back garden, with photos all taken last June.
Our backyard garden started with a prairifire crabapple tree (Malus ‘Prairifire’, Zone 4 – 8) and a fish pond. The pictures were taken around them.
This picture was taken on June 12, from below the branches of the crabapple tree. The flowering plants include bearded iris (Iris hybrid, Zone 3 – 8), salvia (Salvia nemorosa, Zone 3 – 8), celosia (Celosia argentea, annual) and peonies (Paeonia hybrids, Zone 3 – 8) by the white fence.
Taken on the same day, from the other side of the crabapple tree. Below the tree are shade loving plants including variegated Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’, Zone 3 – 8), blue hosta (Hosta hybrids, Zone 3 – 8) and newly planted coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides, Zone 10 – 11 or as annual), which will grow much bigger through the summer.
Taken on June 18. A different angle from below the tree. Our older Havanese dog Deedee (17 years old) was curious about something in the grass.
Looking from the crabapple tree toward the fish pond, a patch of wild flowers and the chicken yard (the structures at the far end.)
The crabapple tree at the center. The last flower of bearded iris. The peony flowers continued to the end of June.
Looking at the backyard garden from below an apple tree. At the right side is newly planted Ruby Falls weeping redbud (Cercis canadensis ‘Ruby Falls’, Zone 5-9) with purple leaves.
The fish pond. Plants around the fish pond include creeping jenny (Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’, Zone 3 – 9), coral bells (Heuchera hybrids, Zone 4 – 9), blue fescue (Festuca