Tags: Nature
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Snow Damage -
01.08.2023 / 14:56

Snow Damage

Snow in February can be very wet and thus heavy. Powdery dry snow is not so much of a problem for plants although it may be if caused by extra cold snow.

Chionodoxa – Glory of The Snow - - Turkey
01.08.2023 / 14:54

Chionodoxa – Glory of The Snow

Chionodoxa are beautiful, hardy spring flowering bulbs that are easy to grow. They grow 6inches tall from small bulbs and have pretty star-shaped flowers with long narrow leaves. (Also spelled Chinodoxa and common name Glory of the Snow). The blossom has a central line on each of 6 petals.

Wet Snow Garden -
01.08.2023 / 14:51

Wet Snow Garden

Snow on this honeysuckle Lonicera made it resemble a Christmas pudding. I must keep my pudding out of the shadows!

Snowdrop Tips and Locations - - Scotland
01.08.2023 / 14:48

Snowdrop Tips and Locations

Snowdrops are officially called Galanthus. This snowdrop is Galanthus elwessii with larger than normal blooms and a honey scent the other main species are Nivalis and Plicatus. The snowdrop is very hardy, grows in most soils and prefers partial shade.

Snow White Waffle Plant Care and Growing Tips -
31.07.2023 / 06:41

Snow White Waffle Plant Care and Growing Tips

Snow White Waffle Plant is a must have indoors, especially if you have a little space. It is easy to look after and stays colorful all year round!

Snowman Hands Can Prevent Food-borne Illness -
24.07.2023 / 12:33

Snowman Hands Can Prevent Food-borne Illness

Yes, you read that right – snowman hands. When I started teaching food safety practices to children I wondered how to teach them about proper hand washing. We all know how important it is to thoroughly wash our hands before preparing food, after touching raw meat and poultry or any other potentially contaminated surface. We can easily explain to children (and adults!) that singing happy birthday twice, while scrubbing hands, equals the prescribed 10 to 15 seconds that we should do while washing. However, how do you explain how much soap to use to create a good lather?? The answer: snowman hands! Use enough soap that your hands look like a snowman’s hands after rubbing them together! I have found great success with this tip while teaching children (and now my own children) to wash their hands properly. And guess what – it takes a good 10 to 15 seconds of scrubbing soapy hands together to create those snowman hands! Bonus to the singing of happy birthday while washing hands! So next time you are washing your hands, use enough soap to create snowman hands. This will help prevent the spread of food-borne illness (and those nasty cold and flu bugs too!).

Protecting Evergreens from Ice and Snow Damage -
24.07.2023 / 12:27

Protecting Evergreens from Ice and Snow Damage

Evergreen trees and shrubs are prone to unsightly damage from winter storms. They can be splayed open like a blooming onion or flattened like a pancake by the weight of heavy snow or ice loads. Damaged shrubs sometimes resurrect themselves in a matter of days or weeks; other times, they require severe pruning and a long restoration period. Fortunately, diligent gardeners can take a few actions to prevent serious damage.

Wild and Weedy Wordless Wednesday: a Sunny Spring Day -
22.07.2023 / 19:35

Wild and Weedy Wordless Wednesday: a Sunny Spring Day

linking with Cathy of Words and Herbs new Wild and Weedy Wednesday meme

Sharing the wordpress love - - New York
21.07.2023 / 23:14

Sharing the wordpress love

WHEN I AM PASSIONATE ABOUT SOMETHING, it’s hard to shut me up. I love plants, and frogs, so I blog about gardening; I love being a sister (well, most days I do), so I blog about that, too.

Saying the ‘f’ word, with some ‘s’ on the way -
21.07.2023 / 23:09

Saying the ‘f’ word, with some ‘s’ on the way

NOW THEY’RE SAYING NOT JUST THE F WORD BUT THE S WORD, TOO: snow. It finally frosted here last night, but don’t we get a moment to adjust to that before you-know-what begins? Last year the first snowfall came October 28, as I noted then; this year the Almighty NOAA (the national weather guru) says snow the end of this week.

First snow: a slideshow of snapshots -
21.07.2023 / 23:05

First snow: a slideshow of snapshots

THE FIRST REAL SNOW CAME SATURDAY NIGHT, December 5, depositing 4 or 5 inches of heavy stuff on an evening followed by the most brilliant day, the kind where the sun and moon were both in the sky. But all I could see at first when I looked outside: the pots that hadn’t made it into the safety of the shed or barn yet.

Podcast: dealing with snowload on woody plants - - state Connecticut
21.07.2023 / 23:05

Podcast: dealing with snowload on woody plants

IKNOW IT’S TOO LATE FOR HELP with the freakish October storm that flattened the woody plants here last weekend, but I have a hunch those of us in snow country will be needing tips for helping the garden through storms to come. After all, winter hasn’t even started yet (evidence outside my window, where it hasn’t melted yet, to the contrary).

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