Kristine Lofgren
Kristine Lofgren
The website is an aggregator of news from open sources. The source is indicated at the beginning and at the end of the announcement. You can send a complaint on the news if you find it unreliable.
How to Plant and Grow ‘Sugar Daddy’ Peas - - state Idaho - county Valley
28.01.2024 / 23:56

How to Plant and Grow ‘Sugar Daddy’ Peas

How to Plant and Grow ‘Sugar Daddy’ Peas Pisum sativum ‘Sugar Daddy’

How to Plant and Grow ‘Winter Density’ Lettuce - - France
27.01.2024 / 17:05

How to Plant and Grow ‘Winter Density’ Lettuce

How to Plant and Grow ‘Winter Density’ Lettuce Lactuca sativa ‘Winter Density’

Is your landscape ‘undergrown’? with nancy lawson - - Usa - state Maryland
27.01.2024 / 12:33

Is your landscape ‘undergrown’? with nancy lawson

AS SHE OFTEN DOES, naturalist and nature writer Nancy Lawson—perhaps known better to some of you as the Humane Gardener after the title of her first book—caught my attention the other day.

Hellebores: How to handle and divide them -
25.01.2024 / 19:19

Hellebores: How to handle and divide them

Since 2015 she’s run the NT’s Heritage Horticultural Program, delivering practical workshops to hundreds of garden staff members. Here, she explains how to handle your hellebores so that you can enjoy a quality display of flowers for years to come.

How to grow London Pride Plant (Saxifraga × urbium) - - Spain - Ireland
25.01.2024 / 15:09

How to grow London Pride Plant (Saxifraga × urbium)

London pride (Saxifraga x urbium) is a low-growing evergreen perennial, a hybrid between Spanish Saxifraga umbrosa and Irish Saxifraga spathularis. Once a great garden favourite, London pride plant is hardy and looks good all year round, forming spreading clumps of leafy rosettes made up of spoon-shaped, fleshy, mid-green leaves. In summer masses of small, pink-flushed white flowers are borne on slender stems of around 30cm in height, lasting for up to three months. London Pride thrives in most soils and situations and is especially useful for shady sites. It’s an undemanding and versatile perennial that has fallen from fashion but is a worthwhile garden plant, being easy to grow, yet not invasive. Called London pride because it flourished on bombed sites in the city during the Second World War, it’s even the subject of a song by playwright and composer Noel Coward, whose song titled ‘London Pride’ was popular at the time.

How & When To Plant Ginger Root -
23.01.2024 / 17:20

How & When To Plant Ginger Root

Planting ginger is easy, but you have to do it properly and at the right time if you want to get a decent crop.

How to Grow and Care for Ironweed (Vernonia) - - Britain
20.01.2024 / 17:33

How to Grow and Care for Ironweed (Vernonia)

How to Grow and Care for Ironweed (Vernonia) Vernonia spp.

An expert’s guide to the best places to buy seeds and bulbs - - Britain - Japan - Ireland
20.01.2024 / 05:11

An expert’s guide to the best places to buy seeds and bulbs

Some people get their kicks from designer labels, others from rummaging through flea shops, or collecting obscure Japanese comics, vintage tractors, handbags, dolls, beer-mats, Star Wars merchandise or whatever else. Me, I get mine from ordering seeds.

How to Plant Blueberry bushes - - Usa - state Michigan - state North Carolina - state Maine - state New Jersey
19.01.2024 / 23:45

How to Plant Blueberry bushes

The Blueberry is a native American fruit harvested from wild plants since the country was settled. About 1910 the late Dr. F. V. Coville of the United States Department of Agriculture began the domestication of the High-bush Blueberry. A breeding program based on selected wild types has produced through the years a number of varieties vastly superior to their wild ancestors. Considerable research on cultural problems has developed a body of knowledge on which a highly profitable and extensive commercial industry is growing rapidly.

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