Kristine Lofgren
Kristine Lofgren
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Why Your Fuchsia Is Dropping Buds and How to Fix It -
25.06.2023 / 06:13

Why Your Fuchsia Is Dropping Buds and How to Fix It

It’s finally happening! After a boring, bland winter, your fuchsia plants are starting to bud out. But then the unthinkable takes place – the buds start to sprinkle down like raindrops.What’s happening?!Bud drop can occur at th

When and How to Prune Fuchsia Plants -
23.06.2023 / 08:49

When and How to Prune Fuchsia Plants

Fuchsias respond super well to pruning, and unlike roses or lilacs, you don’t run the risk of ruining this year’s display if you mess things up a bit. Phew! Isn’t it nice to work with a plant that is totally low pressure?Having said that, you don’t just w

When and How to Fertilize Camellias -
22.06.2023 / 21:20

When and How to Fertilize Camellias

The first time I walked past a camellia bush, I literally did a double take.I turned to the friend I was walk

Are Fuchsia Berries, Leaves, and Flowers Edible? - - Usa - New Zealand - Bolivia
22.06.2023 / 10:38

Are Fuchsia Berries, Leaves, and Flowers Edible?

Finding flowers in your food isn’t as surprising as it used to be. Marigolds and pansies are a pretty common sight in salads, and candied rose petals and violets decorate all kinds of desserts.But I have yet to order a dish at a restaurant and find fuchsia flowers –

When and How to Prune Plum Trees -
18.06.2023 / 22:19

When and How to Prune Plum Trees

If you’re new to fruit tree growing and pruning, you absolutely can’t go wrong with plums.Some trees will stop producing

How to Identify and Treat 7 Common Lilac Diseases -
17.06.2023 / 16:31

How to Identify and Treat 7 Common Lilac Diseases

We all know what makes lilacs fabulous – it’s those spring days when you’re walking outside and you suddenly get a whiff of a heavily floral fragrance.That’s when you look around and, yep, your lila

69 Incredible Edible Flowers and How to Use Them -
16.06.2023 / 04:53

69 Incredible Edible Flowers and How to Use Them

Most of us are chowing down on flowers all the time without realizing it. Broccoli, cauliflower, and artichokes are all flowers, or flower buds.Clearly, the part of the plant that we often t

How to Identify and Control Common Swiss Chard Pests - - Switzerland
12.06.2023 / 00:59

How to Identify and Control Common Swiss Chard Pests

Swiss chard is exceptionally beautiful on top of being delicious, which makes it doubly frustrating when the leaves turn up with unsightly holes or yellowing leaves.When pests attack, you need to take s

Tips for Growing Rembrandt Tulips - - Netherlands
06.06.2023 / 21:33

Tips for Growing Rembrandt Tulips

Rembrandt tulips are literally the stuff of legend.They represent some of the most expensi

How to Identify and Treat Downy Mildew on Roses - - Ireland
06.06.2023 / 20:46

How to Identify and Treat Downy Mildew on Roses

Roses are some of the most popular ornamentals for a good reason: They’re stunning. When they’re healthy, that is.But if you grow roses long enough, you’ll ine

All About Orchid Roots and How to Deal With Them -
06.06.2023 / 20:07

All About Orchid Roots and How to Deal With Them

Normally, when roots start coming out of the pot, you know it’s time to upgrade to a bigger container.It’s a sign that your plant has outgrown its c

When and How to Transplant Clematis -
06.06.2023 / 20:07

When and How to Transplant Clematis

Clematis plants have been on a bit of a rollercoaster when it comes to their reputation. And these vines don’t love being transplanted.In the Victorian era, they were a

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