bird sh-t
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Majestic Hemlocks - - Usa - Georgia - Canada - state Virginia - state Alabama - state North Carolina - state South Carolina - state Tennessee
24.07.2023 / 12:29

Majestic Hemlocks

Ten species of hemlock tree exist worldwide, with four of those species native to North America (NA). The eastern United States is home to two of the native NA species, Canadian or eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana).

Japanese Beetles - - Canada - Japan - state South Carolina
24.07.2023 / 12:14

Japanese Beetles

A lot of attention recently has been on periodical cicadas, which are coming out of the ground after 17 years across parts of the Southeast and much of the Mid-Atlantic region. However, another insect is about to come out of the ground in South Carolina too, and this one is not just a novelty – it can completely defoliate many plants in your yard. That’s right, folks, it’s almost Japanese beetle season!

Be On the Lookout for the Box Tree Moth - - Canada - state South Carolina
24.07.2023 / 12:10

Be On the Lookout for the Box Tree Moth

The box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis, is a non-native moth that has recently been found in a nursery in South Carolina. Native to eastern Asia, the box tree moth has been present in Canada since November 2018. From August 2020 through May 2021, infested boxwood (Buxus sp.) plants were inadvertently shipped from a grower in Canada to several nurseries in the U.S.; a retail nursery in South Carolina received infested plants in May 2021. As of June 1, 2021, the South Carolina detection is being treated as a regulatory incident, and this pest is not thought to have escaped into the landscape. Clemson’s Department of Plant Industry is investigating plant shipments into and out of the South Carolina nursery to determine if infested material may have been inadvertently sold to homeowners and will be monitoring in and around the nursery to ensure this moth has not escaped. If populations are found, a survey and eradication effort will follow.

Tour aftermath: 375 visitors, 1 million questions - - Canada - city Seattle - Scotland - state Washington - state Pennsylvania - state Virginia - state Michigan - state Connecticut - state Iowa - county Island - county Ontario
21.07.2023 / 23:13

Tour aftermath: 375 visitors, 1 million questions

WHO VISITED: We met Twitter friends like @GardenGuyKenn (all the way from Michigan) and other blog-commenters like Bobster (all the way from Rhode Island) and Leslie (from Connecticut) and Ailsa and Patti, from Ottawa, Ontario.We met Joyce from Iowa and Michelle from Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania (31 miles from Wilkes-Barre, apparently) and Sandra from Clarks Summit (also Pennsylvania, 8 miles from Scranton) and Julie from Reston, Virginia, and Stephanie from Bainbridge Island, Washington, and Stephanie from Seattle (both Stephanies, both from prime garden country…a coincidence?). Someone signed in as being from Scotland, but can that be so? And all of you, thank you, whether from a mile down the road or a country or ocean away…or whether you just visited our virtual tour yesterday.Some of t

Beloved conifer: my not-so-dwarf-now white pines - - Georgia - Canada - Japan - state Illinois - state Ohio - state Connecticut - county Island
21.07.2023 / 23:12

Beloved conifer: my not-so-dwarf-now white pines

First, the disclaimer. I know I said the plant is specifically Pinus strobus ‘Nana,’ and that’s how mine came to me, but here’s the wrinkle: ‘Nana’ is kind of a grab-bag name for many relatively compact- or mounded-growing Eastern white pines, a long-needled species native to Eastern North America, from Canada to Georgia and out to Ohio and Illinois.Today, you can shop for named varieties that are really compact, with distinctive and somewhat more predictable shapes, like‘Coney Island’ or ‘Blue Shag’ (to name two cultivars selected by the late Sydney Waxman at the University of Connecticut, who had a particular passion for this species).I could have pinched the tips of the new growth, or candles, by half each year to keep

See you there? my 2011 events so far - - state Connecticut - state New Hampshire - state Massachusets - state Maine - state New Jersey - state New York - county Hill - county Hudson - county Valley
21.07.2023 / 23:12

See you there? my 2011 events so far

I’ll be roaming the Northeast in the early going, in places as close to home as the Berkshires of Massachusetts and the Hudson Valley of New York, but also across Massachusetts and as far as New Hampshire, Maine, New Jersey and coastal Connecticut. Events here in the garden will begin again in April; stay tuned for a fuller schedule of those, with just the first couple mentioned below.What’s planned already:Saturday, February 19, 2 PM: Lecture to benefit Berkshire Botanical Garden, Monument Mountain Regional High School, Great Barrington, MA.Thursday, March 3, 7 PM: R.J. Ju

Whither goest my winterberries? - - Canada - state Missouri - state Florida - state Wisconsin
21.07.2023 / 23:12

Whither goest my winterberries?

(Note on Gallery: Clicking on a thumbnail gives you a large, higher-quality image.)Winterberry hollies are native to swampy areas from Canada south to Florida, from Wisconsin and Missouri east.  Despite their heritage in wetlands, I grow my plants in normal to dry soil, at the edges of my hilly outer fields. I just don’t have wet lowland to offer on my windy hillside.Though they’ll fruit much better in a moist year than a dry one (as with all fruiting plant

Blue jays part 2: why are they chipping paint off my house? - - Canada
21.07.2023 / 22:58

Blue jays part 2: why are they chipping paint off my house?

I sat in wait, determined to find out. The answer was a bit of a surprise:It was a blue jay. And a few feet away, watching from a branch as the first bird chipped paint off a column on the porch, three companions cheered her on, as if awaiting their turns at bat.But why? Maybe Google will know.Though the original articles it refers to—from “Bird Watcher’s Digest” and Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s former me

Birdnote q&a: the blue jay’s loudmouth lineage - - Canada
21.07.2023 / 22:52

Birdnote q&a: the blue jay’s loudmouth lineage

“They’re related to crows,” I said on the phone one morning to a friend, who was noting both the large numbers of Cyanocitta cristata this winter—and how much loud-mouth behavior that’s amounting to at his feeders.“Really?” he said, and then I thought what I often do when a “fact

Q&a and a giveaway: you grow girl’s gayla trail - - Canada - India - city New York - county Garden
21.07.2023 / 22:46

Q&a and a giveaway: you grow girl’s gayla trail

In a series of emails and Skype calls since I began A Way to Garden in 2008, Gayla and I have found so much shared turf:We two longtime organic gardeners can get riled up—over topics ranging from the environment, to chemical companies and the “business” of gardening in general, to dyed mulch and more (her most recent rant on offcolor mulch is way down in this post). We both overdo it—on plants, work, and a major inclination to cart home lots of rusty buckets and other “vintage” metal stuff from tag sales. We both live in the garden offseason crammed into spaces where in many rooms, the plants get a majority of the square footage. (And why not?) In addition to the usual tools, you’ll find us both with a camera in the garden, though Gayla is a professional ph

Giveaway: canning tomatoes, in a great apron - - Canada - New York - state New York - county Hudson - county Valley - county Ontario
21.07.2023 / 22:41

Giveaway: canning tomatoes, in a great apron

I got to know Franca this year when she opened an actual shop for Boxwood Linen in the next town, Hillsdale, New York, at the historic Hillsdale General Store, which was recently renovated. Franca grew up on a farm in Ontario, the daughter of parents born in Scanno, Abruzzo, so she is no stranger to the ways of the garden and kitchen.“We had a cellar, a cantina, at the old farm in Canada,” Franca recalls, “where we’d store not just canned goods but cheese and prosciutto and sausage—but no more!”Now Aida, Franca’s mother (above), visits her daughter’s Hudson Valley, New York-based home from Toronto each late-summer-into-fall, when the garden is offering up its best and there’s work to be done. Together, Franca and Aida continue the old traditions, but in a new location. They do hot-packed tomatoes two ways: chunky, and also as a puree. Aida used to use a motorized mach

Earthworm 101, with great lakes worm watch - - Canada - New York - state Minnesota - state Vermont
21.07.2023 / 22:36

Earthworm 101, with great lakes worm watch

First, some background: Great Lakes Worm Watch is a citizen-science outreach organization, working to map the state of the earthworms—and the habitats they’re living in.“We want to know where earthworms are across the landscape,” says Ryan—and that means even beyond the Great Lakes area, where the project began.  (There is a Canada Worm Watch, too, for those across the border; researchers at the University of Vermont, at the Cary Institute in Millbrook, New York, and elsewhere are likewise studying earthworm invasion.)Individuals, schools or garden groups can sign on help collect data on what worms are fou

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