Kristine Lofgren

How to Plant and Grow Outdoor Weeping Fig Trees -

How to Plant and Grow Outdoor Weeping Fig Trees

Elegant, evergreen, and fast-growing, weeping figs have become incredibly popular in warm regions. But growing these tropical treasures requires a bit of finesse.They can falter in the wrong location, or even worse, b

How to Grow and Care for False Aralia - - Japan

How to Grow and Care for False Aralia

There are some houseplants out there that take a bit of extra work to keep happy, but they’re so beautiful that they’re worth it. False aralia is one of those plants.With its elegant (it’s right there in the botanical name!)

How to Plant and Grow Galangal - - France - Philippines - Vietnam - Thailand - Malaysia - Indonesia

How to Plant and Grow Galangal

If you like Southeast Asian cuisine, then you need to become good friends with galangal. This delicious rhizome is indispensable in Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Malaysian cuisine.Sure, you can buy it at just about any stor

How to Grow Cascade Bonsai - - Japan

How to Grow Cascade Bonsai

A bonsai makes a dramatic artistic statement no matter what shape the artist chooses, but there is something so striking about the cascade style.That elegant arch and gracefully sweeping

Differences Between English and German Chamomile | Gardener's Path - - Britain -  Oregon - Germany

Differences Between English and German Chamomile | Gardener's Path

Just about everyone has heard of chamomile, whether they’ve seen the cheerful little plants growing in the garden, or have relaxed with a piping-hot cup of chamomile tea.But not everyone knows that there are two species that sh

How to Identify and Correct Iron Deficiency in Roses -

How to Identify and Correct Iron Deficiency in Roses

Like all living things, plants need nutrients to survive.Most gardeners have heard of the plant macronutrie

How to Identify and Manage Bud Mites on Camellia Plants -

How to Identify and Manage Bud Mites on Camellia Plants

Gardeners grow many different types of plants often for the sole purpose of enjoying their pretty flowers.I think that’s especially true of camellias because t

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors -

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors

Whether you’re a confirmed java lover or more of a tea person, coffee plants are excellent to have around.We link to vendors to help you find relevant products. If

How to Grow Gooseberries - - Usa - Britain

How to Grow Gooseberries

When people think of berries, I find most tend to imagine the seductive strawberry or the bountiful blueberry, but the gooseberry rarely even gets an honorable mention.While they get more love in the UK than in the US, even

7 Reasons for Stunted Pothos Plants - - Japan - Philippines - Vietnam

7 Reasons for Stunted Pothos Plants

You always hear about how easy it is to grow and how it’s nearly impossible to fail to make these plants thrive. So it can feel like you have the blackest of thumbs if your pothos is sad and stunted.You aren’t a failure doomed to a lifetime of pathetic housep

Why Are My Hosta Leaves Turning Yellow? 9 Causes and Solutions -

Why Are My Hosta Leaves Turning Yellow? 9 Causes and Solutions

There are some gorgeous hostas out there with golden leaves – I’m looking at you, ‘Fort Knox’! But yellow leaves aren’t a good thing if the foliage should actually be green.The good news is that there are lots of ways to fix the issu

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