Editorial Team

19 Trees that Start with R - balconygardenweb.com - Usa - state Missouri

19 Trees that Start with R

We like it when anything and everything around us reminds us to rush to the garden and love up the flora in our space—even letters of the alphabet! Today, we’re focusing on trees that start with the letter R.

9 Common Balcony Gardening Problems and Tips to Solve Them - balconygardenweb.com

9 Common Balcony Gardening Problems and Tips to Solve Them

Most of the problems balcony gardeners face are universal, so we’ve compiled basic and common problems with their answers, hoping that these tips and answers will help you create a wonderful balcony garden.

5 Plants that Mosquitoes Really Hate - balconygardenweb.com

5 Plants that Mosquitoes Really Hate

We’ve all been here—when we casually step out to admire a bloom-filled garden in shorts and cuppa in hand, only to be ravaged by bloodthirsty mosquitoes! But this fear ends now! We give you plants that mosquitoes really hate—grow them and naturally repel these dreadful twilight monsters!

Blue Lotus Flower Meaning and Care - balconygardenweb.com - Egypt

Blue Lotus Flower Meaning and Care

Blooming along the Nile, this sacred flower was a potent symbol among ancient Egyptian royalty and deities. Even found in the famed tomb of King Tutankhamun, it is treasured for its psychoactive blue blooms. Let’s uncover the meaning of the intriguing blue lotus flower!

21 DIY Crochet Gardening Apron Patterns - balconygardenweb.com

21 DIY Crochet Gardening Apron Patterns

Gardening doesn’t have to look dusty with these beautiful DIY ideas! Ditch the dull gear and create colorful crochet apron patterns that will keep you stylish as you perform your chores in the backyard!

4 Things To Do With Christmas Cactus in August For More Flowers - balconygardenweb.com - Brazil

4 Things To Do With Christmas Cactus in August For More Flowers

It’s August already, and the holiday season is just around the corner! If you want your Christmas cactus to bloom extra pretty during the festive season, now’s the time to act. As summer peaks, this is the prime time to coax your cactus into producing more flowers. Here’s what you do!

15 Most Common Weeds Found in the USA - balconygardenweb.com - Usa - Canada

15 Most Common Weeds Found in the USA

It is indeed painful to find unwanted plants taking over your carefully curated vegetation. While not all weeds are garden enemies, the ones on this list surely are! Learn to recognize the most common and persistent weeds found in the states, and save your garden from invasion now.

12 Best Fragrant Orchids - balconygardenweb.com

12 Best Fragrant Orchids

 With over 30,000 species under their belt, it’s no surprise that these special plants emit a range of scents, from spicy to fruity, citrusy to floral, or even nutty and creamy. And some imitate the scents of other blooms like roses and hyacinths! So, we compiled a selection of the best and most fragrant orchids for your home.

19 Best Coneflower Landscaping Ideas - balconygardenweb.com - Russia

19 Best Coneflower Landscaping Ideas

Coneflowers or Echinacea are classic daisy-like perennials that lure in the prettiest butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds to their honey-scented, nectar-filled blooms! Perfect for landscaping, coneflowers practically grow themselves and appear in stunning hues!

Can Plants Get Cancer? How to Save Them - balconygardenweb.com

Can Plants Get Cancer? How to Save Them

The word “cancer” really puts the darkest thoughts in our minds! Amongst humans and animals, it is a truly devastating condition marked by invasive cell growth and quite a grim prognosis. But can plants get cancer, and do they suffer alike? Let’s investigate.

Everyone Should Know Hyssop Benefits and Uses in Garden - balconygardenweb.com - county Garden

Everyone Should Know Hyssop Benefits and Uses in Garden

This small woody shrub belonging to the mint family is grown for its fragrant, edible, and medicinal leaves and flowers. Growing hyssop has a host of health benefits and is also useful in maintaining a thriving, pest-free garden. Let’s dig in!

21 Gardening Ideas For When You're Broke - balconygardenweb.com

21 Gardening Ideas For When You're Broke

Gardening can sometimes be quite heavy on the pockets! So, if you love growing plants but are not well financially, don’t sweat it! Here’s how to save money without compromising on leafy friends. Check out these cheap and affordable garden and backyard ideas if you’re on a budget.

10 Indoor Plants That Change Color - balconygardenweb.com

10 Indoor Plants That Change Color

Did you know some house plants have foliage that morphs hues, while others have flowers that change color? Let’s explore these plants so you may select your favorite picks to liven up your home!

20 Landscaping Ideas with Hydrangeas and Hostas - balconygardenweb.com

20 Landscaping Ideas with Hydrangeas and Hostas

When it comes to landscaping, hydrangeas and hostas are extraordinary partners! Both promise year-round beauty, and their shade-loving nature uses up every inch of the garden. So, are you ready to turn your dim spaces into an explosion of colors? Read on!

12 Fatal Flowers That Can Even Kill a Human - balconygardenweb.com - Greece

12 Fatal Flowers That Can Even Kill a Human

These assassins of the plant kingdom are so toxic that a nibble can be the last thing you taste! This article will help you identify and steer clear of fatal flowers that can even kill a human.

What to Do with Overgrown Pothos: 8 Best Ideas - balconygardenweb.com

What to Do with Overgrown Pothos: 8 Best Ideas

If left untouched, this lovable houseplant can turn into a gentle giant! But you don’t always have to get your shears out, as there are smarter ways to handle its size issues. Read on to discover secret hacks to shape your overgrown pothos into a thing of beauty!

When To Divide Hostas: Best Time And Signs - balconygardenweb.com

When To Divide Hostas: Best Time And Signs

Hosta is a gift that keeps on giving. This shade-loving perennial is a great filler plant and is adept at decorating dingy spaces that are otherwise colonized by weeds. However, if not divided at the right time, hostas can quickly overcrowd, weaken, and eventually perish.

5 Watering Tips For a Sweet and Juicy Watermelon Harvest - balconygardenweb.com

5 Watering Tips For a Sweet and Juicy Watermelon Harvest

Nearly the entire fruit is made up of—you guessed it—water! But too much can cause it to wilt, and too little will kill the plant. So, let’s explore these precise watering tips and techniques to enjoy a delicious and juicy watermelon harvest right in your backyard!

11 Best Pest Resistant Flowers - balconygardenweb.com - Mexico

11 Best Pest Resistant Flowers

If you detest using chemicals to repel insects and other unwanted visitors in your garden, try these pest-resistant flowers. They not only remain pest-free but also save other plants from infestation. These beautiful blooms resist pesky bugs through their fragrance, colors, and essential compounds. Let’s explore!

12 Outdoor Plants that Improve Air Quality and Reduce Allergens - balconygardenweb.com - Britain

12 Outdoor Plants that Improve Air Quality and Reduce Allergens

More greenery means more oxygen! But did you know some plants even filter out contaminants and allergens? They create a space that is easy on the eyes, lungs, and mind. We share the best outdoor plants that improve the quality of the air you breathe!

6 Herbs and Vegetables Anyone Can Grow in Kitchen - balconygardenweb.com

6 Herbs and Vegetables Anyone Can Grow in Kitchen

Herbs and vegetables often need plenty of sunlight and space, which is seldom the case in urban homes and apartments. But we have whipped up a selection of edible plants anyone can grow easily, even in low-lit, compact spaces inside your home. Check it out!

11 Most Fragrant Succulents - balconygardenweb.com - city Sansevieria

11 Most Fragrant Succulents

Resilient, easy to grow, and bizarrely beautiful to look at, succulents are indeed a collector’s delight. But what makes them more delightful is that some exude surprisingly pleasant scents via their rare blooms or from their foliage itself. Check out our list of the most fragrant succulents!

20 Best Self Seeding Flowers - balconygardenweb.com - state California

20 Best Self Seeding Flowers

All of these varieties are excellent at self-seeding, meaning they drop seeds in your garden before they die. The seeds will germinate on their own the following year, providing beautiful blooms again the same or next year without you having to do much.

Make this Ultimate Coffee Tea to Feed Your Plants - balconygardenweb.com

Make this Ultimate Coffee Tea to Feed Your Plants

Coffee wakes you up in the morning and might do the same for your plants! Well, not in the same way, but this quick homemade fertilizer does wonders and is the best way to put coffee dregs to good use!

Use This Trick On Your Withered Orchid to Make It Bloom - balconygardenweb.com

Use This Trick On Your Withered Orchid to Make It Bloom

Homemade tonics do wonders for plant health. While there are many methods for caring for orchids, some gardeners use kitchen hacks like garlic water. This leverages garlic’s antibacterial and antifungal properties to promote healthy growth and blooms.

8 Things You Should Do When Growing Plants In Low Light - balconygardenweb.com

8 Things You Should Do When Growing Plants In Low Light

You can give your plant the best soil, container, fertilizer, and water to a tee, but without enough daylight, it will stubbornly wilt and perish, even if it’s a tolerant pothos or spider plant. You obviously can’t force the sun to shine on demand! So, here are the things you should do when growing plants in low light.

20 Best Plants that Grow From Softwood Cuttings - balconygardenweb.com

20 Best Plants that Grow From Softwood Cuttings

It’s often challenging to get some seeds even to sprout, if not quickly. But with our list of plants that grow from softwood cuttings, you’ll have clones packing up your garden in no time!

10 Most Painful Plants to Touch in the World - balconygardenweb.com

10 Most Painful Plants to Touch in the World

Most of us consider plants to be docile living creatures capable of no harm, but they must also protect themselves from threats while rooted in one place. This list of the most painful plants to touch will reveal their secret weapons of defense.

This Jade Plant Lookalike is Much Easier to Grow - balconygardenweb.com - South Africa

This Jade Plant Lookalike is Much Easier to Grow

We love the jade plant for its succulent waxy leaves, longevity, and easy-to-grow nature. But the similar-looking dwarf or baby jade gives it stiff competition! Let’s explore this jade plant lookalike that is just as easy to grow and see which one is perfect for you!

5 Signs That Show Your Plants Need Calcium! - balconygardenweb.com

5 Signs That Show Your Plants Need Calcium!

Humans, animals, and plants–we all need calcium for healthy growth. There are tell-tale signs that pinpoint the lack of this essential mineral. It could be a deficit in the soil or the plant’s inability to absorb calcium, both leading to a series of physical malfunctions. Whatever it is, it’s very important to identify and recognize the signs that your plants need calcium and that’s what is shared below!

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Potted Plants - balconygardenweb.com

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Potted Plants

Squirrels and chipmunks won’t just irritate you by knocking over plants and pots; these adorable mini monsters cause immense damage by digging up bulbs and burying nuts and seeds in pots. But we have just the right tricks to help you keep squirrels out of potted plants without harming them!

22 Rarest and Most Endangered Flowers - balconygardenweb.com - Mexico - Cuba - state Florida

22 Rarest and Most Endangered Flowers

These incredible blooms, including the world’s largest flower, are teetering on the verge of extinction largely due to human activity. Since we’ve excelled at putting them in this perilous plight, perhaps it’s now time to show off our planting skills in saving the most endangered flowers on the planet!

18 DIY Pollinator Pot Ideas to Attract Butterflies and Bees - balconygardenweb.com

18 DIY Pollinator Pot Ideas to Attract Butterflies and Bees

Pollinators are drawn to bright flowers like yellow, purple, red, blue, orange, and even pink. They also love blooms that have a sweet scent and easily accessible nectar.

Squeeze Lemon Juice in Your Peace Lily For This - balconygardenweb.com

Squeeze Lemon Juice in Your Peace Lily For This

Go beyond fertilizers and other expensive ways to help your plant thrive. With this trick, you can use an ingredient straight out of your kitchen–lemon juice, to get amazing benefits for your Peace Lily.

14 Fruits With Beautiful Foliage - balconygardenweb.com

14 Fruits With Beautiful Foliage

Fruits often take center stage thanks to how quickly they appease our taste buds. But what about food for our eyes? It’s simple: grow these fruits with beautiful foliage, and you’ll get two things: a delicious homegrown harvest and a display of decorative leaves.

15 Best Fruits that Grow from Cuttings - balconygardenweb.com

15 Best Fruits that Grow from Cuttings

Want your backyard to be a personalized fruit market? Then, prune your favorite established fruit plant, gather its cuttings, and start multiplying.

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