Ashley Chalmers

How I Revamped My Patio for Summer Under $300 -

How I Revamped My Patio for Summer Under $300

Recently, I realized our outdoor area leaves much to be desired. We live in a city, which means we’re lucky to have any outdoor space at all, but as far as urban balconies go, it’s pretty bare bones in the character department. 

How to Instantly Upgrade Your Bathroom Floor With Peel-and-Stick Titles -

How to Instantly Upgrade Your Bathroom Floor With Peel-and-Stick Titles

Most contractors will tell you that re-tiling a bathroom floor is a costly endeavor. Fortunately, you can save your money and opt for peel-and-stick floor tiles instead—these are our secret to an instant bathroom refresh.

5 Ways to Create More Storage Space in Your Home, Pros Share -

5 Ways to Create More Storage Space in Your Home, Pros Share

In an ideal world, storage space would be unlimited. Or, better yet, in a truly perfect world, extra space would appear the moment you realize you need more of it.

6 Easy Changes That Will Make Your Home Way More Stylish -

6 Easy Changes That Will Make Your Home Way More Stylish

After a successful season of spring cleaning, it’s not uncommon to look around and realize your home could use some upgrades.

Is Subway Tile Out of Style? Designers Share Their Thoughts - - city New York

Is Subway Tile Out of Style? Designers Share Their Thoughts

After seeing the once-beloved all-gray and minimalism trends take a backseat in recent years, it was no surprise another firm favorite might be slipping away, too.

5 Spots in Your Bathroom That Are Dirtier Than You Think -

5 Spots in Your Bathroom That Are Dirtier Than You Think

How you clean your house is as personal as how you decorate it, but there’s one thing everyone can agree on. For a healthy, happy home, regular bathroom cleanings are a true must.

10 Chores You Should Tackle Weekly in Your Home, According to Experts -

10 Chores You Should Tackle Weekly in Your Home, According to Experts

While doing a deep clean or a massive decluttering can be both satisfying and rewarding, most will agree that it’s generally better to tackle your chores on a regular basis. But if you’re trying to create a weekly schedule, where to begin?

How to Start a Garden for Free, According to Longtime Gardeners -

How to Start a Garden for Free, According to Longtime Gardeners

As much as we love a beautiful garden full of lush greenery, it’s hard to deny that starting a garden and buying plants can start adding up in price.

5 Mistakes You're Definitely Making When Watering Your Lawn, From a Pro -

5 Mistakes You're Definitely Making When Watering Your Lawn, From a Pro

Once you’ve planted your grass and watched it grow into a beautiful lawn (such a proud moment) the next step is figuring out the best way to maintain your lawn. Watering is a key component of this, which means lawn watering mistakes are also one of the most common headaches.

Should You Try Chaos Gardening? An Expert Shares Their Take -

Should You Try Chaos Gardening? An Expert Shares Their Take

We’re always excited to learn about trendy gardening styles and techniques, and recently, one piqued my interest. With a name like “chaos gardening,” how can you not be instantly curious?

How to Prevent Mulch from Washing Away, According to a Pro -

How to Prevent Mulch from Washing Away, According to a Pro

If you’ve ever laid mulch only to watch it wash away mere days later, then you know the deep frustration it causes.

How to Pull Off a "Sunday Reset," According to a Cleaning Expert -

How to Pull Off a "Sunday Reset," According to a Cleaning Expert

If you’ve spotted the "Sunday reset" trend on TikTok, you might wonder if this is the tried-and-true way to jumpstart your week. After all, it could be challenging to think about resetting your home all in one day—especially on a day made for rest and relaxation.

I Tried "Chaos Cleaning" My Kitchen Sink, and I Won't Do It Again -

I Tried "Chaos Cleaning" My Kitchen Sink, and I Won't Do It Again

In the world of cleaning TikTok, it seems like every new hack looks easier and more efficient than the last. This is especially true of the latest trend of mixing together multiple cleaning ingredients to power wash one dedicated space.

7 Tips for a Healthy Lawn This Spring, According to Experts -

7 Tips for a Healthy Lawn This Spring, According to Experts

With the harsh days of winter behind us, you might be looking out at your yard and realizing your lawn needs some major TLC. You’re certainly not alone—now is the perfect time to shift your focus on bringing your yard back to life.

5 Ways to Repurpose Old Clothes That Will Really Surprise You -

5 Ways to Repurpose Old Clothes That Will Really Surprise You

As we continue to declutter our closets, wardrobes, and dressers in favor of swapping out our winter wear, you've likely come across your fair share of garments you no longer need.

I Tried "Fluffing" Roses Like a Florist, and I Never Will Again -

I Tried "Fluffing" Roses Like a Florist, and I Never Will Again

When it comes to buying flowers, I love a frillier bloom. Give me a bouquet of peonies, ranunculus, and fringed tulips over almost anything else and I’m happy.

6 Outdoor Decorating Trends Designers Say Will Be Everywhere in 2024 -

6 Outdoor Decorating Trends Designers Say Will Be Everywhere in 2024

While we’re all used to swapping around our inside decor throughout the year, our outdoor spaces get understandably neglected during the colder months. The upside of this is that it’s often much easier to pull in new trends to enjoy once patio season returns.

3 Trends an Interior Designer Actually Followed in 2024 -

3 Trends an Interior Designer Actually Followed in 2024

As much as we adore forecasting upcoming trends here at The Spruce, we love seeing those trends executed in real life even more.

6 Tomato Care Tips Gardeners Wish They Knew Sooner - - Usa

6 Tomato Care Tips Gardeners Wish They Knew Sooner

The amount of gardening info at our fingertips these days is as exciting as it is overwhelming, and this is especially true if you’re still in the early years of planting veggies.

6 Household Items It's Probably Time to Throw Away, According to Pros -

6 Household Items It's Probably Time to Throw Away, According to Pros

As we all know, decluttering is an integral part of cleaning, so much so that it’s usually the first step. While there are plenty of ways you can tackle this job (and there are a few rules to follow), the basics are the same: get rid of anything you don’t need, use, or want. 

I Tried 3 DIY Bathroom Cleaners and This One Won Out -

I Tried 3 DIY Bathroom Cleaners and This One Won Out

Like many of us, I’m on a quest to be more environmentally friendly. It’s something that can be tricky with a busy family of four, but the best hacks I’ve found are the ones that seamlessly replace one item with something naturally less wasteful. It’s one reason I’m an official convert to wool dryer balls, after all. 

An Expert Shares Her Best Tips for Spring Cleaning -

An Expert Shares Her Best Tips for Spring Cleaning

While we always welcome the chance to deep clean and declutter our homes each spring, we also could use a refresher on how best to approach a huge, home overhaul.

Organizing Pro Ryan Eisland Shares Her #1 Tip—It's Small But Mighty -

Organizing Pro Ryan Eisland Shares Her #1 Tip—It's Small But Mighty

Now that we’re firmly planted in March, it feels safe to say it out loud: spring is practically here. Along with bluer skies and brighter days, it also brings the perfect time of year for cleaning and organizing.

I Tried TikTok's "Core 4" Cleaning Method and It Saved My Desk -

I Tried TikTok's "Core 4" Cleaning Method and It Saved My Desk

When it comes to my workspace, I am a firm believer that a tidy desk equals a tidy mind. Unfortunately, the spare room meant to be my home office has become, without a doubt, the most chaotic room in any home I’ve ever lived in.

7 Spring Gardening Tasks You Can Get Started on Now - - Usa

7 Spring Gardening Tasks You Can Get Started on Now

If you’re itching to get outside and start preparing your backyard and gardens for warmer weather, then we have good news. There are a few tasks you can do now to make it even easier when the weather finally turns.

I Tried the 90/90 Decluttering Rule in My Home, and It Worked -

I Tried the 90/90 Decluttering Rule in My Home, and It Worked

If I've learned one thing over the years, it’s that I am at my most effective and my most efficient when I operate under strict guidelines. This is never more true than when I’m attempting to declutter.

HomeGoods Experts Share Their Favorite 2024 Trends -

HomeGoods Experts Share Their Favorite 2024 Trends

HomeGoods is one of the best places to go when you’re in the market for a home refresh. With aisles upon aisles of on-trend home accessories, it's a serious treasure trove. From coastal grandma to Barbiecore, you can probably find whatever you need—you just need to know what look you’re going for.

How These Black Designers Celebrate Their Culture Through Design - - Usa

How These Black Designers Celebrate Their Culture Through Design

As February is Black History Month, it's an excellent time to celebrate the incredible Black designers who contribute to the design world all year long.

5 Items Designers Love to Pull Off a Low-Cost Refresh -

5 Items Designers Love to Pull Off a Low-Cost Refresh

On the one hand, the start of a new year is an excellent time to update your home. With fresh eyes and your goals for the months ahead in mind, you can assess your living space and see how you can make it better. On the other hand, though, upgrading your home can quickly become expensive—especially after the excess of the holidays.

11 Patterns Designers Want to See Everywhere in 2024 - - San Francisco

11 Patterns Designers Want to See Everywhere in 2024

While we’ve been tracking the 2024 colors of the year for quite some time now, it’s recently come to our attention that there’s another design category worth keeping an eye on for the year ahead: pattern.

I Tried the SIMPLE Organizing Method—Here's How It Works -

I Tried the SIMPLE Organizing Method—Here's How It Works

I’ll admit—I’m not usually a 'New Year, New Me' kind of person. I do my best reinventions in September, around the start of the school year, and I prefer to go all in on spring cleaning right as the weather turns in late March. 

We Asked a Pro Painter for Their Best Paint Tips -

We Asked a Pro Painter for Their Best Paint Tips

While painting a room isn’t necessarily a difficult DIY job, it’s not always easy—how many coats does one wall need again?

7 Daily Rituals to Help Beat the Winter Blues at Home - - city London

7 Daily Rituals to Help Beat the Winter Blues at Home

This time of year, it’s easy to succumb to the winter blues—which is especially true if you live somewhere that gets dark early.

9 Handy Tricks for Organizing Messy Kitchen Cabinets -

9 Handy Tricks for Organizing Messy Kitchen Cabinets

After all the fun and festivities of the holidays, your kitchen cabinets are likely due for a major refresh. If you have pots and pans tumbling out every time you open them, chances are, they need some serious organization.

3 Mistakes You're Probably Making in Your Laundry Loads -

3 Mistakes You're Probably Making in Your Laundry Loads

In theory, laundry should be one of the easiest household chores—after you’ve decoded all those laundry care symbols on the labels, of course. Then it’s just sort, wash with your detergent of choice, and dry accordingly.

How to Declutter Your Home Even If You Don't Have Time -

How to Declutter Your Home Even If You Don't Have Time

In theory, the start of a new year is a fabulous time to tackle a major declutter. But in practice, it can be a bit more complicated.

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