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19.01.2024 - 23:45 / backyardgardener.com / Frederick Leeth
Standard Potting Mix
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High rate-Late spring and summer potting of general nursery stock, until August 15.
Low rate-Potting of Ericaceous plants or general nursery stock after August 15.
For Seedlings and Small Container Stock (21/4″, 3″, 4″) Add 3 bushels of screened, pasteurized soil to a standard potting mix to make it 15% soil and use low rate of osmocote 18-6-12.
Grow Delphiniums from Seed
Container Gardening
Garden Loam Potting Soil
John Innes Potting Compost
Orchid Potting Mix
Cacti Potting Mix
Seed Starting Potting mix
Alpines Potting Mix
Shade Potting Mix
Cutting Potting mix
A. Knutson Potting mixes
Cornell Peat-lite Mix
Cornell Foliage Plant Mix
Cornell Epiphytic Mix
Standard Potting Mix
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Do you have small space to plant or little time to garden? Then look no further than a shrub rose. A potted Star® Landscape Shrub Rose blooms from spring well into fall frost with little care for year-round color and non-stop blooming
Cornell Epiphytic Soil Mixture Recipe
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Yes I know it’s unusual for me to blog mid week, but there is a lot to do in the greenhouses and out in the garden.
From Hobby Greenhouses in Alberta
Cuttings: I use composted manure mixed with sawdust to root cuttings in — it works great; don’t need rooting hormones.
George Schenk’s recipe for the ideal soil for growing plants in shade.
Pumice is also used as the top dressing and to provide extra bottom drainage. Provide encapsulated slow-release fertilizer with minor trace elements once a year and repot yearly.
Cuttings: I use composted manure mixed with sawdust to root cuttings in — it works great; don’t need rooting hormones.
Articles Grow Delphiniums from Seed Container Gardening